revision 4a2f0f0be43dfd4c1b490cbf3cc48b6ba6084b1c
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster/**
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8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster * compliance with the License.
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8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster * See the License for the specific language governing
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster * permission and limitations under the License.
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8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster * at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
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8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster * your own identifying information:
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]
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8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster * $Id:,v 1.10 2008/08/30 01:23:29 babysunil Exp $
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8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster */
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterpackage com.sun.identity.console.federation.model;
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport com.sun.identity.console.base.model.AMConsoleException;
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport com.sun.identity.console.base.model.AMModel;
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport com.sun.identity.wsfederation.jaxb.wsfederation.FederationElement;
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport java.util.Map;
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport java.util.List;
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterimport java.util.Set;
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Fosterpublic interface WSFedPropertiesModel extends EntityModel {
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster public static final String DUAL = "dual";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster /************************************************************************
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster * WSFED General attributes
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster ************************************************************************/
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for name of entity
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TF_NAME = "tfName";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for display name of entity
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TF_DISPNAME ="displayName";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for label for idp display name
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TFIDPDISP_NAME = "idpdisplayName";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for token issuer name
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TFTOKENISSUER_NAME = "TokenIssuerName";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for token issuer end point
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TFTOKENISSUER_ENDPT = "TokenIssuerEndpoint";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for role of entity
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TF_ENTROLE = "tfEntRole";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for protocol of entity
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TF_ENTPROTOCOL = "tfEntProtocol";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for realm to which entity belongs
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TF_REALM = "tfEntRealm";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster /************************************************************************
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster * WSFED SP attributes
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster ************************************************************************/
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for AutofedEnabled
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TFSPAUTOFED_ENABLED = "autofedEnabled";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for ArtificatResponseSigned
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TFASSERT_SIGNED = "wantAssertionSigned";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for AutofedAttribute
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TFSPAUTOFED_ATTR = "autofedAttribute";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for AssertionEffectiveTime
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TFASSERTEFFECT_TIME = "assertionEffectiveTime";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for AccountMapper
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TFSPACCT_MAPPER = "spAccountMapper";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for description of entity
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TFSPATTR_MAPPER = "spAttributeMapper";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for AuthncontextMapper
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster String TFSPAUTHCONT_MAPPER = "spAuthncontextMapper";
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster
8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611Allan Foster // attribute for AuthncontextClassrefMapping
String TFAUTHCONTCLASS_REFMAPPING = "spAuthncontextClassrefMapping";
// attribute for AuthncontextComparisonType
String TFAUTHCONT_COMPARTYPE = "spAuthncontextComparisonType";
// attribute for AttributeMap
String TFSPATTR_MAP = "attributeMap";
// attribute for DefaultRelayState
String TFRELAY_STATE = "defaultRelayState";
// attribute for assertionTimeSkew
String TFASSERT_TIMESKEW = "assertionTimeSkew";
// attribute for Account Realm Cookie Name
String TFACCT_REALM_COOKIE = "AccountRealmCookieName";
// attribute for Account Realm Selection
String TFACCT_REALM_SELECTION = "AccountRealmSelection";
// attribute for Home Realm Discovery Service
String TFACCT_HOMEREALM_DISC_SERVICE = "HomeRealmDiscoveryService";
// attribute for label for user agent sting
String TFUSR_AGENT_NAME = "useragentkey";
// attribute for label for cookie name
String TFCOKKI_NAME = "cookiname";
* WSFED IDP attributes
// attribute for Signing Certificate Alias
String TFSIGNCERT_ALIAS = "signingCertAlias";
//attribute for types of Claim Types Offered
String TFCLAIM_TYPES = "claimTypeOffered";
//attribute for Claim Types Offered-Display Name
String TFCLAIM_NAME = "claimtypeDisplayName";
//attribute for Claim Types Offered-Description
String TFCLAIM_DESC = "claimtypeDisplayDescr";
//attribute for Claim Types Offered-Uri
String TFCLAIM_URI = "claimtypeDisplayUri";
// attribute for Claim Types Offered-Other
String TFCLAIM_OTHER = "UriNamedClaimTypesOther";
// attribute for AutofedEnabled
String TFAUTOFED_ENABLED = "autofedEnabled";
// attribute for AutofedAttribute
String TFIDPAUTOFED_ATTR = "autofedAttribute";
// attribute for AssertionEffectiveTime
String TFIDPASSERT_TIME = "assertionEffectiveTime";
// attribute for AuthncontextMapper
String TFIDPAUTH_CONTMAPPER = "idpAuthncontextMapper";
// attribute for AccountMapper
String TFIDPACCT_MAPPER = "idpAccountMapper";
// attribute for AttributeMapper
String TFIDPATTR_MAPPER = "idpAttributeMapper";
// attribute for AttributeMap
String TFIDPATTR_MAP = "attributeMap";
String TFNAMEID_FORMAT = "nameIdFormat";
String TFNAMEID_ATTRIBUTE = "nameIdAttribute";
String TFNAME_INCLU_DOMAIN = "nameIncludesDomain";
String TFDOMAIN_ATTRIBUTE = "domainAttribute";
String TFUPN_DOMAIN = "upnDomain";
String COT_LIST = "cotlist";
* Returns a map with service provider attributes and values.
* @param realm to which the entity belongs.
* @param fedid is the entity id.
* @return attribute values of SP based on realm and fedid passed.
* @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retreive the Service Provider
* attrubutes based on the realm and fedid passed.
Map getServiceProviderAttributes(String realm, String fedid)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns a map with identity provider attributes and values.
* @param realm to which the entity belongs.
* @param fedid is the entity id.
* @return attribute values of IDP based on realm and fedid passed.
* @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retreive the Identity Provider
* attrubutes based on the realm and fedid passed.
Map getIdentityProviderAttributes(String realm, String fedid)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns FederationElement Object for the realm and fedid passed.
* @param realm to which the entity belongs.
* @param fedid is the entity id.
* @return FederationElement Object for the realm and fedid passed.
* @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the FederationElement
* Object.
FederationElement getEntityDesc(String realm, String fedid)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns TokenIssuerName for the FederationElement passed.
* @param fedElem the FederationElement Object.
* @return TokenIssuerName for the FederationElement passed.
String getTokenName(FederationElement fedElem);
* Returns TokenIssuerEndPoint for the FederationElement passed.
* @param fedElem is the FederationElement Object.
* @return TokenIssuerEndPoint for the FederationElement passed.
String getTokenEndpoint(FederationElement fedElem);
* Returns display name of claim type.
* @param fedElem is the FederationElement Object.
* @return display name of claim type.
String getClaimType(FederationElement fedElem);
* Saves the extended metadata attribute values for the SP.
* @param realm to which the entity belongs.
* @param fedId is the entity id.
* @param spExtvalues contain the extended attribute values.
* @param location has the information whether remote or hosted.
* @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails.
void setSPExtAttributeValues(
String realm,
String fedId,
Map spExtvalues,
String location
) throws AMConsoleException;
* Saves the extended metadata attribute values for the IDP.
* @param realm to which the entity belongs.
* @param fedId is the entity id.
* @param idpExtValues contain attribute values.
* @param location has the information whether remote or hosted.
* @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails.
void setIDPExtAttributeValues(
String realm,
String fedId,
Map idpExtValues,
String location
) throws AMConsoleException;
* Saves the standard attribute values for the IDP.
* @param entityName is entityid.
* @param idpStdValues contain standard attribute values of idp.
* @param realm to which the entity belongs.
* @param idpExtValues contain extended attribute values.
* @param location the information whether remote or hosted.
* @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails.
void setIDPSTDAttributeValues(
String entityName,
Map idpStdValues,
String realm,
Map idpExtValues,
String location
) throws AMConsoleException;
* Saves the standard attribute values from the General page.
* @param realm to which the entity belongs.
* @param fedId is the entity id.
* @param idpStdValues contain standard attribute values.
* @param role is this entity an sp or idp.
* @param location defines whether it is local or remote.
* @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails.
void setGenAttributeValues(
String realm,
String fedId,
Map idpStdValues,
String role,
String location
) throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns a map of wsfed general attribute values.
* @return Map of wsfed general attribute values.
Map getGenAttributes();
* Returns a map of wsfed general attribute values for dual role.
* @return Map of wsfed general attribute values for dual role.
Map getDualRoleAttributes();
* Returns a map of Wsfed Extended Service Provider attribute values.
* @return Map of Wsfed Extended Service Provider attribute values.
Map getSPEXDataMap();
* Returns a map of Wsfed Extended Identity Provider attribute values.
* @return Map of Wsfed Extended Identity Provider attribute values.
Map getIDPEXDataMap();
* Returns a map of Wsfed Standard Identity Provider attribute values.
* @return Map of Wsfed Standard Identity Provider attribute values.
Map getIDPSTDDataMap();