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* $Id:,v 1.7 2008/11/18 22:39:42 asyhuang Exp $
package com.sun.identity.console.federation.model;
import com.sun.identity.console.base.model.AMConsoleException;
import com.sun.identity.console.federation.IDFFAuthContexts;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map;
public interface IDFFModel
extends EntityModel {
public static final String ATTR_PROVIDER_ALIAS = "tfAlias";
public static final String ATTR_PROVIDER_TYPE = "tfProviderType";
public static final String ATTR_SERVER_NAME_IDENTIFIER_MAPPING =
// standard meta data
public static final String ATTR_XMLNS = "xmlns";
public static final String ATTR_PROVIDER_ID = "providerID";
public static final String ATTR_PROTOCOL_SUPPORT_ENUMERATION =
public static final String ATTR_SOAP_END_POINT =
public static final String ATTR_SINGLE_SIGN_ON_SERVICE_URL =
public static final String ATTR_SINGLE_LOGOUT_SERVICE_URL =
public static final String ATTR_SINGLE_LOGOUT_SERVICE_RETURN_URL =
// communication profiles
public static final String ATTR_SINGLE_LOGOUT_PROTOCOL_PROFILE =
public static final String ATTR_SINGLE_SIGN_ON_PROTOCOL_PROFILE =
//KeyDescriptor property.
public static final String ATTR_SIGNING_KEY_ALIAS =
public static final String ATTR_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ALIAS =
public static final String ATTR_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE =
public static final String ATTR_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM =
// SP standard meta Assertion Consumer Service URL property.
public static final String ATTR_ASSERTION_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_URL =
public static final String ATTR_AUTHN_REQUESTS_SIGNED =
// BOTH idp AND SP extended metadata
public static final String ATTR_DO_FEDERATION_PAGE_URL =
public static final String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPER_CLASS =
public static final String ATTR_ENABLE_AUTO_FEDERATION =
public static final String ATTR_REGISTERATION_DONE_URL =
public static final String ATTR_COT_LIST =
public static final String ATTR_RESPONSD_WITH =
public static final String ATTR_ENABLE_NAME_ID_ENCRYPTION =
public static final String ATTR_SSO_FAILURE_REDIRECT_URL =
public static final String ATTR_LIST_OF_COTS_PAGE_URL =
public static final String ATTR_DEFAULT_AUTHN_CONTEXT =
public static final String ATTR_SIGNING_CERT_ALIAS =
public static final String ATTR_REALM_NAME =
public static final String ATTR_USER_PROVIDER_CLASS =
public static final String ATTR_NAME_ID_IMPLEMENETATION_CLASS =
public static final String ATTR_FEDERATION_DONE_URL =
public static final String ATTR_AUTH_TYPE =
public static final String ATTR_ENCRYPTION_CERT_ALIAS =
public static final String ATTR_TERMINATION_DONE_URL =
public static final String ATTR_AUTO_FEDERATION_ATTRIBUTE =
public static final String ATTR_ERROR_PAGE_URL =
public static final String ATTR_PROVIDER_STATUS =
public static final String ATTR_PROVIDER_DESCRIPTION =
public static final String ATTR_LOGOUT_DONE_URL =
public static final String ATTR_PROVIDER_HOME_PAGE_URL =
// IDP extend meta attribute ONLY IDP
// idp
public static final String ATTR_ASSERTION_LIMIT =
public static final String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_PLUG_IN =
public static final String ATTR_IDP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP =
public static final String ATTR_ASSERTION_ISSUER =
public static final String ATTR_CLEANUP_INTERVAL =
public static final String ATTR_IDP_AUTHN_CONTEXT_MAPPING =
public static final String ATTR_GERNERATE_BOOT_STRAPPING =
public static final String ATTR_ARTIFACT_TIMEOUT =
public static final String ATTR_ASSERTION_INTERVAL =
// SP extend meta attribute.. ONLY SP
public static final String ATTR_IS_PASSIVE =
public static final String ATTR_SP_ATTRIBUTE_MAP =
public static final String ATTR_SP_AUTHN_CONTEXT_MAPPING =
public static final String ATTR_IDP_PROXY_LIST =
public static final String ATTR_ENABLE_IDP_PROXY =
public static final String ATTR_NAME_ID_POLICY =
public static final String ATTR_FEDERATION_SP_ADAPTER_ENV =
public static final String ATTR_ENABLE_AFFILIATION =
public static final String ATTR_FORCE_AUTHN =
public static final String ATTR_IDP_PROXY_COUNT =
public static final String ATTR_FEDERATION_SP_ADAPTER =
public static final String ATTR_USE_INTRODUCTION_FOR_IDP_PROXY =
public static final String ATTR_SUPPORTED_SSO_PROFILE =
* General Page attributes
/* Attribute Name for Entity Descriptor Description. */
String ATTR_DESCRIPTION = "tfDescription";
/* Attribute Name for Entity Descriptor Valid Until. */
String ATTR_VALID_UNTIL = "tfValidUntil";
/* Attribute Name for Entity Descriptor Cache Duration. */
String ATTR_CACHE_DURATION = "tfCacheDuration";
* Affiliate
/* Attribute name of affiliate ID. */
public static final String ATTR_AFFILIATE_ID =
/* Attribute name of affiliate Owner ID. */
public static final String ATTR_AFFILIATE_OWNER_ID =
/* Attribute name of affiliate's Valid Until. */
public static final String ATTR_AFFILIATE_VALID_UNTIL =
/* Attribute name of affiliate's Cache Duration. */
public static final String ATTR_AFFILIATE_CACHE_DURATION =
/* Attribute name of Signing Key's Key Alias. */
public static final String ATTR_AFFILIATE_SIGNING_CERT_ALIAS =
/* Attribute name of Encryption Key's Key Alias. */
/* Attribute name of Encryption Key's Key Size. */
public static final String ATTR_AFFILIATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE =
/* Attribute name of Encryption Key's Key Method. */
/* Attribute name of Affiliate Members. */
public static final String ATTR_AFFILIATE_MEMBERS =
* Returns provider-affiliate common attribute values.
* @param realm the realm in which the entity resides.
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @return provider-affiliate common attribute values.
* @throws AMConsoleException if attribute values cannot be obtained.
public Map getCommonAttributeValues(String realm, String entityName)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Modifies entity descriptor profile.
* @param realm the realm in which the entity resides.
* @param entityName Name of entity descriptor.
* @param map Map of attribute type to a Map of attribute name to values.
* @throws AMConsoleException if profile cannot be modified.
public void modifyEntityProfile(String realm, String entityName, Map map)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns Map values of IDP Descriptor.
* @param realm Realm of Entity.
* @param entityName name of Entity Descriptor.
public Map getEntityIDPDescriptor(String realm, String entityName)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns Map values of SP Descriptor.
* @param entityName name of Entity Descriptor.
* @param realm Realm of Entity.
public Map getEntitySPDescriptor(String entityName, String realm)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns attributes values of provider.
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param location Location of provider such as Hosted or Remote.
* @return attributes values of provider.
public Map getIDPEntityConfig(
String entityName,
String realm,
String location) throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns attributes values of provider.
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @param location Location of provider such as Hosted or Remote.
* @return attributes values of provider.
public Map getSPEntityConfig(
String realm,
String entityName,
String location) throws AMConsoleException;
* updateEntitySPDescriptor
* Modifies a service provider's standard metadata.
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param attrValues Map of attribute name to set of values.
* @throws AMConsoleException if provider cannot be modified.
public void updateEntitySPDescriptor(
String realm,
String entityName,
Map attrValues,
Map extendedValues,
boolean ishosted) throws AMConsoleException;
* updateEntityIDPDescriptor
* Modifies a identity provider's standard metadata.
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param attrValues Map of attribute name to set of values.
* @throws AMConsoleException if provider cannot be modified.
public void updateEntityIDPDescriptor(
String realm,
String entityName,
Map attrValues,
Map extendedValues,
boolean ishosted) throws AMConsoleException;
* updateIDPEntityConfig
* Modifies a provider's extended metadata.
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @param attrValues Map of attribute name to set of values.
* @throws AMConsoleException if provider cannot be modified.
public void updateIDPEntityConfig(
String realm,
String entityName,
Map attrValues) throws AMConsoleException;
* updateSPEntityConfig
* Modifies a provider's extended metadata.
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param attrValues Map of attribute name to set of values.
* @throws AMConsoleException if provider cannot be modified.
public void updateSPEntityConfig(
String realm,
String entityName,
Map attrValues) throws AMConsoleException;
* createEntityConfig
* create a provider's extended metadata.
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param location if the entity is remote or hosted.
* @throws AMConsoleException if provider cannot be modified.
public void createEntityConfig(
String realm,
String entityName,
String role,
String location) throws AMConsoleException;
* Return a map with all SP extended metadata
* @return a map with all SP extended metadata
public Map getAllSPExtendedMetaMap();
* Return a map with all IDP extended metadata
* @return a map with all IDP extended metadata
public Map getAllIDPExtendedMetaMap();
* Returns the object of Auththentication Contexts in IDP.
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @return attributes values of provider.
public IDFFAuthContexts getIDPAuthenticationContexts(
String realm,
String entityName) throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns the object of Auththentication Contexts in SP.
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @return attributes values of provider.
public IDFFAuthContexts getSPAuthenticationContexts(
String realm,
String entityName) throws AMConsoleException;
* update IDP Authentication Contexts
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @param cxt IDFFAuthContexts object contains IDP
* Authentication Contexts values
public void updateIDPAuthenticationContexts(
String realm,
String entityName,
IDFFAuthContexts cxt) throws AMConsoleException;
* update SP Authentication Contexts
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @param cxt IDFFAuthContexts object contains SP
* Authentication Contexts values
public void updateSPAuthenticationContexts(
String realm,
String entityName,
IDFFAuthContexts cxt) throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns true if entity descriptor is an affiliate.
* @param realm Realm of Entity
* @param entityName Name of entity descriptor.
* @return true if entity descriptor is an affiliate.
public boolean isAffiliate(String realm, String entityName)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns affiliate profile attribute values.
* @param realm the realm in which the entity resides.
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @return affiliate profile attribute values.
* @throws AMConsoleException if attribute values cannot be obtained.
public Map getAffiliateProfileAttributeValues(String realm, String entityName)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Modifies affiliate profile.
* @param realm the realm in which the entity resides.
* @param entityName Name of entity descriptor.
* @param values Map of attribute name/value pairs.
* @param members Set of Affiliate memebers
* @throws AMConsoleException if profile cannot be modified.
public void updateAffiliateProfile(
String realm,
String entityName,
Map values,
Set members) throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns a Set of all the idff entities
* @param realm the realm in which the entity resides.
* @throws AMConsoleException if value cannot be obtained.
public Set getAllEntityDescriptorNames(String realm)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns a Set of all the affiliate entity name
* @param realm the realm in which the entity resides.
* @throws AMConsoleException if value cannot be obtained.
public Set getAllAffiliateEntityDescriptorNames(String realm)
throws AMConsoleException;
* Returns a Set of all the affiliate members
* @param realm the realm in which the entity resides.
* @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor.
* @throws AMConsoleException if values cannot be obtained.
public Set getAllAffiliateMembers(String realm, String entityName)
throws AMConsoleException;