Name Date Size

.. 2016-01-12 15:38:36 5

build.xml 2012-07-06 19:58:31 2 KiB

config 2012-07-06 19:58:31 5

oamauth 2016-01-12 15:38:36 3

README.html 2012-07-24 21:01:52 12.7 KiB

source 2016-01-12 15:38:36 3


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
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<title>Oracle OpenAM Integration</title>
<h1><small><span style="font-weight: bold;">OpenAM
Integration with Oracle OpenAM</span></small><br>
This README explains the OpenAM SSO
Integration with Oracle Access Manager (OAM) previously known as Oblix.
be read in the context of OpenAM Integration Document
where the use cases, possible integrations and configurations are
described in detail.<br>
This README explains the custom codes for e.g. Authentication
Modules,&nbsp; compilation instructions and the configuration of the
auth modules for OpenAM context. The OpenAM custom
authentication enables the SSO integration between legacy OAM and
OpenAM especially when the
deployment contains OAM for protecting existing applications.<br>
1. Pre-requisites :<br>
1.;&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp; This zip file contains all
the&nbsp; integration souce code, configuration files and ofcourse this
README file along with regular opensso.war<br>
2. Oracle Access Manager 10g (;&nbsp; - The Oracle
Access Manager must be installed and configured. For more details,
check the<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Oracle Access Manager Documenation. You can download
from Oracle
Web site for evaluation.<br>
3. Oracle Access Manager SDK
10g( - The Oracle Access Manager SDK
must be installed and configured. The SDK is required to compile and
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; build OpenAM Authentication
Modules for Oracle Access Manager. <br>
4. Oracle Web Gate installed and configured.<br>
5. OpenAM C-SDK 2.2<br>
2. Brief Description of Contents:<br>
The opensso/integrations directory contains source and configurations
to compile and build the custom authentication modules and other
Check the OpenAM integration document for your use case and
configure accordingly. This document provides instructions on how to
configure authentication modules<br>
The contains "opensso/integrations/oracle" directory
where the source code and configurations are in place..<br>
Readme.html&nbsp; - This file.<br>
build.xml - This file is a build script for building <br>
config - This directory contains auth module configuration files.<br>
OblixAuthService.xml&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp; This is OAM&nbsp; auth
module configuration file that must be imported into OpenAM<br>
OblixAuthModule.xml&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp; This file is used for auth
call backs for theOAM Auth module it is empty. However, the
file must be used.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -&nbsp; This file is a
properties file that stores i18n keys for OAM authentication
module configuration lables.<br>
lib - This directory is by default empty . However, this lib directory
must contain all the necessary libraries to compile the source
libraries. They are:<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; jobaccess.jar (Oracle
OpenAM SDK jar file)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; openfedlib.jar,
amserver.jar, opensso-sharedlib.jar (OpenAM jar files)<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; servlet .jar file (If
it's Glassfish, it is javaee.jar)<br>
source - This directory contains all the source files<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
com/sun/identity/authentication/oblix/ <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The above java source
files are the custom authentication module classes that would be
plugged into OpenAM for generating OpenAM Session by<br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; using OAM session.<br>
com/sun/identity/saml2/plugins/; - This class is a
SAML2 Plugin Adapter for SAML service providers to do the remote
authentication to<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Oracle OpenAM using OpenAM
Essentially these java files are used for usecase2 in OpenAM
oamauth- This directory contains source files for&nbsp; OAM Auth
Scheme for OpenAM. This is a C-based auth module and
leverages OpenAM C-SDK for validation.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; oam/solaris/authn_api.c-&nbsp; This file
implements OAM custom authentication for OpenAM.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; oam/solaris/include/*.h -&nbsp; All the
header files that are required to compile auth scheme.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; oam/solaris/; -
Sample OpenAM Agent Configuration file. This is required for the auth
scheme to validate OpenAM session.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br>
3: How to build:<br>
1.&nbsp; Make sure all the Oracle Access Manager libraries and OpenAM
present in lib directory as mentioned above.<br>
2.&nbsp; Use&nbsp; "ant" script to build the source files. A compatible
ant must be installed and configured in the PATH.<br>
3.&nbsp; cd $openssozipdir/integrations/oracle and type ant. This
should build all the source files and generates fam_oam_integration.jar
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
$openssozipdir/integrations/oracle/dist directory. <br>
For building OAM authentication scheme, you must customize the
makefile. Also since this is C-based auth module, it is OS dependent.<br>
1.&nbsp; The auth scheme files are located under
2. Download and configure OpenAM C-SDK 2.2 version. The authn_api.c
contains a reference to AMAgent.propeties file , so modify accordingly.<br>
3. Customize makefile for your environment for e.g. gcc compile
location. Also edit the LDFLAGS to point to your OpenAM C-SDK lib
4.&nbsp; make command should result in file.<br>
4. OpenAM Installation and Configuration with OAM AuthModule:<br>
1. Create a temporary directory&nbsp; for e.g. /export/tmp and unwar
the opensso.war using jar -xvf opensso.war. <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; From now on, /export/tmp is called as a war staging
area and is represented with a marco $WAR_DIR <br>
2. Copy
$openssozipdir/integrations/oracle/dist/fam_oam_integration.jar to
3. Copy $openssozipdir/integrations/oracle/config/
to $WAR_DIR/WEB-INF/classes <br>
4. Copy $openssozipdir/integrations/oracle/config/OAMAuthModule.xml
to $WAR_DIR/config/auth/default and also to the directory<br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
5. Re-war opensso.war using jar cvf opensso.war from $WAR_DIR<br>
6. Deploy opensso.war onto OpenAM web container. The deployment is
explanatory. Please check the web container documentation for war<br>
7. Access the deployed opensso directory <br>
8. Accessing deployed application redirects to opensso configurator.
Choose custom configuration. By default OpenAM uses embedded directory<br>
server for configuration, however, you could choose to use existing or
a new directory server instance for configuration. <br>
Note: The OpenAM can be configured to use various
user repository for validating the user existance, however, you could
also choose to ignore profile. <br>
9. After successful configuration, the configuration redirects to a
user login and verify your administrator credentials. <br>
5. OAM Auth module configuration:<br>
Now we have to load the OAM authentication module service
into&nbsp; Open SSO and configure for the SSO integration. The auth
module service<br>
is loaded from a OpenAM command line utility called as "ssoadm". For
the ssoadm utitily is exposed in both console mode and browser based<br>
interfaces. Here we will use use browser based ssoadm for OpenAM
configuration changes.<br>
1. Login into OpenAM using amadmin<br>
2. Now access the following URL<br>
3. Choose create-service option. <br>
4. Copy and paste the xml file from
$openssozipdir/integrations/oracle/config/OblixAuthService.xml and
This will load the auth module service into OpenAM configuration.<br>
5. Register the auth module into the authentication core framework. <br>
Choose register-auth-module option.<br>
Enter "com.sun.identity.authentication.oblix.OAMAuthModule" as the
auth module class name.<br>
6. Now verify that the auth module is registered to the default realm.
http://&lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt;/opensso, click on default realm, and
click on<br>
"authentication" tab, create new AuthModule as "OblixAuth" and choose
7. Click on OblixAuth auth module<br>
8. Most of the Oblix Auth params are self explanatory. This requires
OAM SDK directory and make sure that&nbsp; ObAccessClient.xml
(located under $OAMSDK/<br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; oblix/lib) is configured properly. For details on Oracle
OpenAM SDK, check the Oracle Documentation<br>
6. OAM Auth Module Testing:<br>
The testing of OAM auth module assumes that Oracle Access Manager SDK
is already
installed and configured. <br>
1. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for loading Oblix&nbsp; SDK libraries.They
are located under $OAM_SDK_INSTALL/oblix/lib<br>
2. Restart the OpenAM web container with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set and make
sure that container is loaded with these Oblix&nbsp; SDK shared libs.<br>
3. Now access the Oblix protected application and login with
Oblix configured user to establish ObSessionCookie. The configuration<br>
of&nbsp; oblix policy and authentication schemes are outside scope of
this documentation and please check Oracle Access Manager documentation
for more <br>
information.&nbsp; Also, check the OpenAM integration guide for sample
4. By default OpenAM authentication framework looks for user profile
existance in it's known data repositories. However, you could use
option if your integration does not require a user to be searched from
Oblix's user repository. Check the OpenAM documentation for more info<br>
about ignoreProfile/dynamic profile creation option.<br>
Admin Console -&gt; Configuration -&gt; Global -&gt; Authentication
-&gt; Core -&gt; User Profile required : Change it to dynamic or
ignored option<br>
if the repository of Oracle Access Manager is not same as OpenAM.<br>
5. After successful authentication at Oracle OpenAM, access the
auth module url as follows:<br>
This should provide a valid OpenAM session.<br>
Note: Assumption here is that OAM and OpenAM are in the same
physical domain. <br>
By default OpenAM authentication framework looks for user profile
existance in it's known data repositories. However, you could use
option if your integration does not require a user to be searched from
Oracle Access Manager's user repository. Check the OpenAM documentation<br>
for more info about ignoreProfile option.<br>
7. Installation of&nbsp; OAM AuthScheme into Oracle OpenAM:<br>
This section is for a use case where the OAM session needs to be
generated upon validating OpenAM session.&nbsp; Check the integration
document for<br>
use case descriptions. The OAM Auth Schemes are exposed as C Auth
modules and this auth scheme uses OpenAM C-SDK 2.2 version to validate<br>
OpenAM Session.<br>
The OpenAM Auth Scheme in OAM uses a configuration OpenAM client side
configuration in and this must need to be customized<br>
before configuring the auth module. The build instructions specify the
location of this file.<br>
The compiled and other C-SDK libraries must need to be
copied to $OAM_INSTALL_DIR/access/oblix/lib before configuring the<br>
&nbsp;Auth Scheme. The integration guide shows a sample screen shot how
to configure the Oracle Auth Scheme.<br>