EntitlementException.properties revision 751a89ff3a7a62c4981ea2dad1b06c79a782a609
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# $Id: EntitlementException.properties,v 1.15 2010/01/08 22:20:46 veiming Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted 2015-2016 ForgeRock AS.
1=Unable to create a new instance of privilege.
2=Unable to create a new instance of privilege because implementation class for privilege is missing.
3=Policy name cannot be empty.
4=Entitlement cannot be null.
5=Not supported operation
6=Application Class cannot be instantiated.
7=XML cannot be parsed.
8=WSDL location {0} is not valid.
9=Privilege JSON string is missing.
10=Session is invalid or has expired. This typical happens with your session has idle timeout or invalidated by another party.
11=JSON string is invalid. {0}.
12=Privilege name is missing.
13=Policy name specified in URL does not match policy name specified in JSON.
14=Resource list is empty, must contain at least one entry.
50=Unable to write index entry, {0}.
51=Unable to delete index entry, {0}.
52=Unable to read index entry, {0}.
55=Unable to delete index entry, {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
56=Unable to read index entry, {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
100=Policy Evaluation failed.
101=Unable to create policy manager from realm {0}.
102=Unable to obtain policy object {0}.
103=Unable to obtain subject object {0} in policy {1}.
104=Unable to obtain condition object {0} in policy {1}.
105=Unable to create privilege because application {0} is not found in realm, {1}.
110=Unable to get the application type {0}.
113=Unable to evaluate subject object {0} in policy {1}.
114=Unable to evaluate condition object {0} in policy {1}.
200=Unable to serialize object.
201=Unable to deserialize object.
202=Unable to persist policy {0} in datastore.
203=Policy {0} does not exist.
204=Unable to retrieve policy {0}.
205=Unable to remove policy {0}.
206=Unable to modify policy {0}.
207=Unable to persist policy {0} in datastore because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
208=Unable to modify policy {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
209=Unable to retrieve policy {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
210=Unable to add privilege to datastore.
211=Unable to remove policy {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
215=Unable to search privileges.
216=Unable to search privileges because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
217=Policy already exists
218=Resource Type {0} already exists
219=Resource Type {0} does not exist in realm {1}
220=Unable to get subject attribute names.
221=Unable to add action to application.
222=Unable to add action to application because action {0} already exists.
223=Resource Type {0} is used by at least one application
224=Unable to retrieve resource types under realm {0}.
225=Unable to get subject attribute names because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
226=Unable to add action to application because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
227=Unable to get sub realm names.
228=Application already exists
229=Application name specified in URL does not match application name specified in JSON.
230=Unable to remove application {0}.
231=Unable to modify application {0}.
232=Unable to remove resource type {0}.
233=Unable to modify resource type {0}.
234=Unable to remove resource type {0} because it is referenced in the policy model.
235=Invalid resource type {0}, must be one from the set defined against the containing application.
236=Applications must have at least one resource type.
237=Invalid resource type {0}.
238=No resource type expected as the application has none associated.
240=Unable to remove application type {0}.
241=Unable to modify application type {0}.
242=No Resource Type match found for resources specified in policy named {0}.
245=Unable to remove application type {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
246=Unable to modify application type {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
247=Unable to save application {0} because its resources are not referred from parent.
248=Unable to retrieve application under realm {0}.
249=Resource Type name must be specified.
250=Name for Referral privilege is missing in referral privilege.
251=Application name to resource names mapping is missing in referral privilege.
252=Realms are missing in referral privilege.
260=Unable to add referral privilege because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
261=Unable to add referral privilege.
262=Unable to retrieve referral privilege {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
263=Referral Privilege {0} does not exist.
264=Unable to modify referral privilege {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
265=Unable to modify referral privilege {0}.
266=Unable to remove referral privilege {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
267=Unable to add referral privilege {0} because its resources are not referred from parent.
270=Unable to add referral privilege to datastore.
275=Unable to get referred resource for realm, {0}.
280=Unable to refer a privilege to sub realm, {1} because application, {2} did not exist in parent realm {0}.
285=Unable to get subject attributes collector configuration names because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
286=Unable to get subject attributes collector configuration names.
287=Unable to get subject attributes collector configuration {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
288=Unable to get subject attributes collector configuration {0}.
289=Unable to set subject attributes collector configuration {0} because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
290=Unable to set subject attributes collector configuration {0}.
300=Same rule cannot have both types of wildcards.
301=Invalid port {0}
302=Malformed URL {0}
303=Invalid Resource {0}
# TODO(jtb)
310=Invalid Entitlement Subject classes in Application Privilege.
311=Unable to instantiate class {0}.
320=No application name in delegation privilege.
321={0} application not found in realm.
322=No resources in delegation privilege.
323={0} cannot be delegated.
324={0} cannot be encoded.
325={0} not found.
326=Permission denied.
327=Subjects are required.
328=Incorrect search filter, {0}.
329=Unknown policy class {0}.
330=Unknown Resource Attribute class {0}.
331=Condition class {0} must implement {1}.
332=Class {0} could not be instantiated.
333=Class or null argument constructor not accessible for {0}.
400=Invalid value {1} for property {0}
401=Invalid value {0}
402=Start date, {0} cannot be greater than end date, {1}
403=Unable to create subject.
404=Application cannot be altered because policies exist within the Application. Remove all policies from the \
Application before attempting to update or delete the Application.
405=Invalid value for property {0}
406={0}, {1}, or {2}-{3} pair MUST be defined.
420=Missing resource in REST call.
421=Missing subject identifier in REST call.
422=Missing action in REST call.
424=Resource Names are required.
425=JSON Exception.
426=Notification URL is required in entitlement listener.
427=Entitlement listener for {0} not found.
428=Application name is required in entitlement listener.
429=Unable to retrieve listeners from datastore. Listener data appears to be corrupted.
430=Unable to retrieve listeners from datastore. Admin user does not have privileges to read.
431=Unable to add notification because {0} does not exist.
432=Delegation application not found.
434=Cannot authenticate request.
435=Notification URL is malformed.
436=Notification URL is missing.
437=Requested client IP address must be specified.
438=The resource or environment is not supported currently {0}.
450=Unable to search applications.
451=Unable to search applications because administrator Single Sign On token is absent.
452=Invalid Query Filter
508=Subject evaluation fails.
510=Condition evaluation fails.
317=Invalid application type defined in request.
318=Attempted to create Application in realm {0}, but request originated from {1}.
600=Unable to get subject attributes for {0}.
601=Unable to determine if attribute value for the given subject {0} is present.
602=Unable to get available subject attribute names.
700=Invalid OAuth2 Scope ''{0}'': See RFC 6749 section 3.3 for allowed values.
710=AuthLevel value {0} not an integer
711=Property value ''{0}'' should be defined.
712=requestAuthLevel in request env not an Integer or Set.
713=Authentication module instance can not be retrieved: {0}.
720=Invalid administrator user ID or password from DSConfigMgr.
721=AMIdentitySubject - can not check membership for user {0} and subject {1}
730=Unable to parse SSO token authInstant to Date.
740=At least one of the properties Start Date, Start Time, Start Day should be defined with non null value.
741=Should define value for {1}, since value is defined for {0}
750=Start IP can not be larger than end IP.
760=Script condition is unable to load script {0}.
800={0} property value should be an Integer.
801={0} property value should be a Set of string values.
802=Property value ''{0}'' contains a blank value.
900=Internal error.
901=Realm {0} not found in available realms.
resource.validation.does.not.match.valid.resources={0} did not match any valid resources.
resource.validation.invalid.resource={0} was invalid.