JwtClaimSubjectTest.java revision 4dc8bf8db4b0422db4c958bb68a450f04c56431a
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package com.sun.identity.entitlement;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.CollectionUtils;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import static org.forgerock.json.JsonValue.*;
public class JwtClaimSubjectTest {
private static final String CLAIM = "testClaim";
private static final String VALUE = "testValue";
private static final List<String> ARRAY_VALUE = CollectionUtils.asList("ignoreme", VALUE, "ignoremetoo");
private JwtClaimSubject testSubject;
public void createSubjectCondition() {
testSubject = new JwtClaimSubject();
public void shouldSaveCorrectly() {
// Given
final JwtClaimSubject newSubject = new JwtClaimSubject();
// When
// Then
public void shouldDenyIfJwtPrincipalNotPresent() throws Exception {
// Given
final Subject subject = new Subject();
// When
final SubjectDecision result = testSubject.evaluate(null, null, subject, null, null);
// Then
public void shouldDenyIfClaimIsMissing() throws Exception {
// Given
final Subject subject = getTestSubject("wibble", "badger");
// When
final SubjectDecision result = testSubject.evaluate(null, null, subject, null, null);
// Then
public void shouldDenyIfClaimDoesNotMatch() throws Exception {
// Given
final Subject subject = getTestSubject(CLAIM, "badger");
// When
final SubjectDecision result = testSubject.evaluate(null, null, subject, null, null);
// Then
public void shouldAllowIfClaimDoesMatch() throws Exception {
// Given
final Subject subject = getTestSubject(CLAIM, VALUE);
// When
final SubjectDecision result = testSubject.evaluate(null, null, subject, null, null);
// Then
public void shouldAllowIfArrayClaimDoesMatch() throws Exception {
// Given
final Subject subject = getTestSubject(CLAIM, ARRAY_VALUE);
// When
final SubjectDecision result = testSubject.evaluate(null, null, subject, null, null);
// Then
public void shouldDenyIfArrayClaimDoesNotMatch() throws Exception {
// Given
List<String> claimValueWrong = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"ignoreme", "ignoremetoo"});
final Subject subject = getTestSubject(CLAIM, claimValueWrong);
// When
final SubjectDecision result = testSubject.evaluate(null, null, subject, null, null);
// Then
public void shouldDenyIfArrayClaimIsMissing() throws Exception {
// Given
final Subject subject = getTestSubject("wibble", ARRAY_VALUE);
// When
final SubjectDecision result = testSubject.evaluate(null, null, subject, null, null);
// Then
private Subject getTestSubject(final String claimName, final Object claimValue) {
final JwtPrincipal principal = new JwtPrincipal(json(object(
field("sub", "test"),
field(claimName, claimValue))));
return new Subject(false, CollectionUtils.asSet(principal), Collections.emptySet(), Collections.emptySet());