EntitlementConfiguration.java revision fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bb
* Copyright (c) 2009 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
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* $Id: EntitlementConfiguration.java,v 1.7 2010/01/08 23:59:31 veiming Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS
package com.sun.identity.entitlement;
import com.sun.identity.entitlement.util.SearchFilter;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
* Entitlement Configuration
public abstract class EntitlementConfiguration {
public static final String POLICY_EVAL_THREAD_SIZE = "evalThreadSize";
public static final String POLICY_SEARCH_THREAD_SIZE = "searchThreadSize";
public static final String POLICY_CACHE_SIZE = "policyCacheSize";
public static final String INDEX_CACHE_SIZE = "indexCacheSize";
public static final String RESOURCE_COMPARATOR = "resourceComparator";
private Subject adminSubject;
* Returns an instance of entitlement configuration.
* @param adminSubject Admin Subject who has rights to query and modify
* configuration datastore.
* @param realm Realm name.
* @return an instance of entitlement configuration.
public static EntitlementConfiguration getInstance(
Subject adminSubject, String realm) {
final Class clazz;
try {
//RFE: load different configuration plugin
clazz = Class.forName(
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
PrivilegeManager.debug.error("EntitlementConfiguration.<init>", e);
return null;
Class[] parameterTypes = {String.class};
try {
Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor(parameterTypes);
Object[] args = {realm};
EntitlementConfiguration impl = (EntitlementConfiguration)
impl.adminSubject = adminSubject;
return impl;
} catch (InstantiationException ex) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
return null;
* Returns a set of registered applications.
* @return a set of registered applications.
public abstract Set<Application> getApplications();
* Removes application.
* @param name name of application to be removed.
* @throws EntitlementException if application cannot be removed.
public abstract void removeApplication(String name)
throws EntitlementException;
* Stores the application to data store.
* @param application Application object.
* @throws EntitlementException if application cannot be stored.
public abstract void storeApplication(Application application)
throws EntitlementException;
* Returns a set of registered application type.
* @return A set of registered application type.
public abstract Set<ApplicationType> getApplicationTypes();
* Removes application type.
* @param name name of application type to be removed.
* @throws EntitlementException if application type cannot be removed.
public abstract void removeApplicationType(String name)
throws EntitlementException;
* Stores the application type to data store.
* @param applicationType Application type object.
* @throws EntitlementException if application type cannot be stored.
public abstract void storeApplicationType(ApplicationType applicationType)
throws EntitlementException;
* Returns set of attribute values of a given attribute name,
* @param attributeName attribute name.
* @return set of attribute values of a given attribute name,
public abstract Set<String> getConfiguration(String attributeName);
* Returns subject attribute names.
* @param application Application name.
* @return subject attribute names.
* @throws EntitlementException if subject attribute names cannot be
* returned.
public abstract Set<String> getSubjectAttributeNames(String application)
throws EntitlementException;
* Adds subject attribute names.
* @param application Application name.
* @param names Set of subject attribute names.
* @throws EntitlementException if subject attribute names cannot be
* added.
public abstract void addSubjectAttributeNames(String application,
Set<String> names) throws EntitlementException;
* Adds a new action.
* @param appName Application name,
* @param name Action name.
* @param defVal Default value.
* @throws EntitlementException if action cannot be added.
public abstract void addApplicationAction(
String appName,
String name,
Boolean defVal
) throws EntitlementException;
* Returns subject attributes collector names.
* @return subject attributes collector names.
* @throws EntitlementException if subject attributes collector names
* cannot be returned.
public abstract Set<String> getSubjectAttributesCollectorNames()
throws EntitlementException;
* Returns subject attributes collector configuration.
* @param name subject attributes collector name
* @return subject attributes collector configuration.
* @throws EntitlementException if subject attributes collector
* configuration cannot be returned.
public abstract Map<String, Set<String>>
getSubjectAttributesCollectorConfiguration(String name)
throws EntitlementException;
* Sets subject attributes collector configuration.
* @param name subject attributes collector name
* @param attrMap subject attributes collector configuration map.
* @throws EntitlementException if subject attributes collector
* configuration cannot be set.
public abstract void setSubjectAttributesCollectorConfiguration(
String name, Map<String, Set<String>> attrMap)
throws EntitlementException;
* Returns <code>true</code> if OpenSSO policy data is migrated to a
* form that entitlements service can operates on them.
* @return <code>true</code> if OpenSSO policy data is migrated to a
* form that entitlements service can operates on them.
public abstract boolean hasEntitlementDITs();
* Returns <code>true</code> if the system is migrated to support
* entitlement services.
* @return <code>true</code> if the system is migrated to support
* entitlement services.
public abstract boolean migratedToEntitlementService();
* Returns <code>true</code> if the network monitoring for entitlements
* is enabled
* @return <code>true</code> if the network monitoring for entitlements
* is enabled.
public abstract boolean networkMonitorEnabled();
* Allows the network monitoring to be enabled/disabled
* @param enabled Is the network monitoring enabled
public abstract void setNetworkMonitorEnabled(boolean enabled);
protected Subject getAdminSubject() {
return adminSubject;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the system stores privileges in
* XACML format and supports exporting privileges in XACML format
* @return <code>true</code> if the system stores privileges in
* XACML format and supports exporting privileges in XACML format
public abstract boolean xacmlPrivilegeEnabled();
* Returns a set of application names for a given search criteria.
* @param adminSubject Admin Subject
* @param filters Set of search filter.
* @return a set of application names for a given search criteria.
* @throws EntitlementException if search failed.
public abstract Set<String> searchApplicationNames(
Subject adminSubject,
Set<SearchFilter> filters) throws EntitlementException;
public abstract void reindexApplications();
public abstract Set<String> getParentAndPeerRealmNames()
throws EntitlementException;
public abstract String getRealmName(String realm);
public abstract boolean doesRealmExist();
* For the passed in Entitlement environment, update the Map of Policy Configuration values with
* those for the specified sub-realm.
* @param environment The Entitlement environment to update with new Policy Configuration values.
* @param subRealm The Sub Realm used to lookup the Policy Configuration values.
* @return A Map containing the existing Policy Configuration to enable it to be restored.
public abstract Map updatePolicyConfigForSubRealm(Map<String, Set<String>> environment, String subRealm);
* For the passed in Entitlement environment, replace the existing Policy Configuration with the Map of values
* passed in savedPolicyConfig.
* @param environment The Entitlement environment to update with the saved Policy Configuration values.
public abstract void restoreSavedPolicyConfig(Map<String, Set<String>> environment, Map savedPolicyConfig);
* For letting us know whether or not the Agent monitoring is enabled in core.
* @return true if monitoring is enabled, false otherwise
public abstract boolean isMonitoringRunning();
* Informs us of the size of the policy window set in the configurable options.
* @return the value of the window size as configured.
public abstract int getPolicyWindowSize();