chap-update-install.xml revision 6ce3dabbba7e4e63677d017240c4bbb31d083469
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<chapter xml:id='chap-update-install'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Updating &amp; Installing OpenAM</title>
ForgeRock recommends that you update OpenAM 11.0.0 installations
to this release.
If you are installing OpenAM for the first time,
you can use the same installation instructions as for 11.0.0.
<procedure xml:id="update-from-earlier-release">
<title>To Update From OpenAM 11.0.0</title>
<para>If you have already installed OpenAM, follow these steps.</para>
Download and unzip OpenAM ${serverDocTargetVersion}.
Find a link to the OpenAM download page from
<link xlink:show="new" xlink:href="" />.
If you have made any customizations,
apply them to the ${serverDocTargetVersion} .war file.
Redeploy the .war file to your web container,
using the web container administration console or deployment command.
Start OpenAM, and run the upgrade process for the server.
If you have deployed other components,
such as the Distributed Authentication UI (DAS),
Core Server only (no console),
or the <command>ssoadm</command> command,
also update those components.
<procedure xml:id="install-fresh">
<title>To Install OpenAM</title>
If you have not yet installed OpenAM,
install this release instead of OpenAM 11.0.0.
Download and unzip OpenAM ${serverDocTargetVersion}.
Find a link to the OpenAM download page from
<link xlink:show="new" xlink:href="" />.
Follow the instructions in the
<link xlink:href=""
><citetitle>OpenAM 11.0.0 Installation Guide</citetitle></link>.