chap-cts-oids.xml revision f3540824d43864b53b7eb04a99a3a1e9468ea7c0
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna<!--
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! CCPL HEADER START
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna !
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! To view a copy of this license, visit
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna !
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street,
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna !
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! You can also obtain a copy of the license at
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! src/main/resources/legal-notices/CC-BY-NC-ND.txt.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! and limitations under the License.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna !
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! If applicable, add the following below this CCPL HEADER, with the fields
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna !
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! CCPL HEADER END
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna !
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ! Copyright 2014 ForgeRock AS
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna !
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna-->
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna<chapter xml:id="chap-cts-oids"
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna xmlns=''
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna xmlns:xsi=''
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna xsi:schemaLocation='
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna'
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna xmlns:xlink=''>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <title>Core Token Service (CTS) Object Identifiers</title>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <indexterm>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <primary>Core Token Service</primary>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </indexterm>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <!-- Editing note: due to the length of descriptions, the build for
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Lunasome of these tables wraps to the next line. It's more pronounced in the PDF.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid LunaI don't think it's a big deal, but am not sure. -->
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>The OIDs related to SNMP monitoring of CTS follow guidance described in
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <link xlink:show="new"
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna xlink:href="">RFC 1271</link>.</para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>The OIDs in the following tables include the prefix assigned to
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna ForgeRock, <literal>enterprises.36733</literal>. It also includes the
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna entries associated with OpenAM (1), SNMP (2), and CTS monitoring (3):
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <literal>1.2.3</literal>.</para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna So the root OID for all CTS monitored components is:
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <literal>enterprises.36733.1.2.3</literal>. All individual
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna monitored CTS components are suffixes which are consistent with
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna the image shown here.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <mediaobject xml:id="cts-oid-big-diagram">
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <alt>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna Diagram of CTS OIDs
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </alt>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <imageobject>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <imagedata fileref="images/cts-top-diagram.png" format="PNG" />
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </imageobject>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <textobject>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>A visual diagram of OIDs related to the Core Token Service.</para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </textobject>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </mediaobject>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna A number of CTS OIDs specify some "in period" time. By default, that period
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna is 10 seconds. Four related measures of tokens are included:
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <itemizedlist>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <listitem>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <literal>Cumulative</literal>: Number of tokens since OpenAM started.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </listitem>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <listitem>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <literal>Maximum (in period)</literal>: Average number of tokens, per
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna second, in the given period of time.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </listitem>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <listitem>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <literal>Minimum (in period)</literal>: Minimum number of tokens in the
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna given period of time.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </listitem>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <listitem>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <literal>Maximum (in period)</literal>: Maximum number of tokens in the
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna given period of time.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </listitem>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </itemizedlist>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna Different OIDs are also available, based on token type (Session, SAML 2,
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna OAuth 2.0, and REST), as well as CRUD (and List) functionality.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna For example, if you wanted to find the OID associated with the average
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna number of SAML2 tokens created "in period", read the table associated
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna with <link xlink:href="reference#cts-token-table-oid-saml2"
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna xlink:role="">
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <citetitle>CTS CRUD Operations for SAML2 Tokens</citetitle></link>. The
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna applicable OID is <literal>enterprises.36733.</literal>.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <note>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna In the following tables, "operations" has been shortened to "ops".
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </note>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <section xml:id="oid-token-types">
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <title>CTS Token Type OIDs</title>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>The table below shows how OIDs are split into four different
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna token types. Do not forget the prefix. For example, the complete OID
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna for monitoring SAML2 tokens is
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <literal>enterprises.36733.</literal></para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna The options for the token table are shown in the following table.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna For example, the token table OID for SAML 2 is based on
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna the entries associated with ForgeRock, <literal>enterprises.36733</literal>,
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna OpenAM <literal>1</literal>, SNMP <literal>2</literal>, CTS Monitoring
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <literal>3</literal>, token table <literal>1</literal>, entry
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <literal>1</literal>, and SAML 2 <literal>2</literal>, which is
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <literal>enterprises.36733.</literal>.
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </para>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <table xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-token-types">
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <title>CTS Monitoring OID Categories</title>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <tgroup cols="2">
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <thead>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <row>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <entry>OID, By Token Type</entry>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <entry>Description</entry>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </row>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </thead>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <tbody>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <row>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <entry>enterprises.36733.</entry>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <entry>Session</entry>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </row>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <row>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <entry>enterprises.36733.</entry>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <entry>SAML2</entry>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </row>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <row>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <entry>enterprises.36733.</entry>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <entry>OAuth 2.0</entry>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </row>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <row>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <entry>enterprises.36733.</entry>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna <entry>REST</entry>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </row>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </tbody>
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna
fb3b3a01405c222ae1fdbbe6f5c1d4aa696195bbDavid Luna </tgroup>
<section xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-operation-type">
<title>CTS Monitoring Operation Types</title>
OIDs related to CTS monitoring operations are based on basic CRUD
operations (plus list).
The options for the operation table are shown in the following table.
<table xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-op-type">
<title>CTS Monitoring Operation Types</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
<entry>OID, by Operation</entry>
<section xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-operation-count">
<title>CTS CRUD Operation Entries</title>
The OIDs in this table relate to all CRUD (and list) operations.
The options for the CRUD operations table are shown in the following tables.
Each value from <literal>cumulativeCount</literal> to
<literal>failureMinimum</literal> is associated with CRUD and List
<table xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-ops-entries">
<title>CTS CRUD Operation Entries</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
<entry>OID, by Operation Entry</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count</entry>
<entry>Average (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum (in period)</entry>
<entry>Cumulative failure count</entry>
<entry>Average failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum failures (in period)</entry>
<para>Each of the options in this table can be divided into
CRUD and list related operations. The suffix OID for such
operations is as follows:</para>
<para>1: Create</para>
<para>2: Read</para>
<para>3: Update</para>
<para>4: Delete</para>
<para>5: List</para>
<para>For example, since the OID for
cumulative count is <literal>enterprises.36733.</literal>,
the OID for the cumulative count of delete operations is
<table xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-ops-cumulative" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Operation Table Cumulative Ops</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Cumulative Count Ops OID</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of CREATE ops</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of READ ops</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of UPDATE ops</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of DELETE ops</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of LIST ops</entry>
<table xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-ops-average" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Operation Table Average Ops (In Period)</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Average Number Ops OID</entry>
<entry>Average number of CREATE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Average number of READ ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Average number of UPDATE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Average number of DELETE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Average number of LIST ops (in period)</entry>
<table xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-ops-min" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Operation Table Minimum Ops (In Period)</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Minimum Number Ops OID</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of CREATE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of READ ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of UPDATE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of DELETE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of LIST ops (in period)</entry>
<table xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-ops-max" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Operation Table Maximum Ops (In Period)</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Maximum Number Ops OID</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of CREATE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of READ ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of UPDATE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of DELETE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of LIST ops (in period)</entry>
<table xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-ops-cumu-fail" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Operation Table Cumulative Failure Ops</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Cumulative Failure Ops OID</entry>
<entry>Cumulative Failure of CREATE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Cumulative Failure of READ ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Cumulative Failure of UPDATE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Cumulative Failure of DELETE ops (in period)</entry>
<entry>Cumulative Failure of LIST ops (in period)</entry>
<table xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-ops-avg-fail" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Operation Table Average Failure Ops in Period</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Average Number, Failure Ops OID</entry>
<entry>Average number of CREATE ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Average number of READ ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Average number of UPDATE ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Average number of DELETE ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Average number of LIST ops failures (in period)</entry>
<table xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-ops-min-fail" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Operation Table Minimum Ops Failures in Period</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Minimum Number, Ops Failures OID</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of CREATE ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of READ ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of UPDATE ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of DELETE ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of LIST ops failures (in period)</entry>
<table xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-ops-max-fail" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Operation Table Maximum Ops Failures in Period</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Maximum Number, Ops Failures OID</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of CREATE ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of READ ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of UPDATE ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of DELETE ops failures (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of LIST ops failures (in period)</entry>
<section xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-operation-token-type">
<title>CTS CRUD Operations Per Token Type</title>
<para>OIDs that start with <literal>enterprises.36733.</literal>
are labels for CTS CRUD operations per token type. To review, four token
types are configured for CTS: Session, SAML2, OAuth 2, and REST.</para>
<para>Tokens of each type can be CREATED, READ, UPDATED, DELETED, and LISTED.
Each of these types can be measured cumulatively. They can also be
measured over a period of time (default=10 seconds), as an average, minimum, and
The options for CRUD operations, by token type, are shown in the following
tables. Each entry between <literal>cumulativeCount</literal>,
and <literal>minimum</literal> is associated with the four basic token
types: <literal>Session</literal>, <literal>SAML 2</literal>,
<literal>OAuth2</literal>, and <literal>REST</literal>. Each token type
is used in CRUD and List operations. So the following tables describe 80
different OIDs.
<para>For tokens in this section, the following table specifies the base OIDs
for various values. The token type (Session, SAML2, OAuth 2, REST), followed
by the CRUD / List value, is added on as the OID suffix.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-table-oid-counts" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Operations Per Token Type</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops Per Token Type, Counts</entry>
<entry>CRUD Ops, Token Type, Cumulative</entry>
<entry>CRUD Ops, Token Type, Average (in period)</entry>
<entry>CRUD Ops, Token Type, Minimum (in period)</entry>
<entry>CRUD Ops, Token Type, Maximum (in period)</entry>
<para>The following sections include tables with subset OIDs. They
relate to Session, SAML2, OAuth 2, and REST tokens that are
created, read, updated, and deleted.</para>
<section xml:id="cts-token-table-oid-session">
<title>CTS CRUD Operations For Session Tokens</title>
The four tables in this section relate to CTS CRUD operations
on Session tokens. Each CRUD operation can be measured as before, with
a cumulative count, an average, as well as a minimum and a maximum
<table xml:id="cts-token-session-oid-count-create" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Create Operations, Session Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Created Session Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of created session tokens</entry>
<entry>Average created session tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum created session tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum created session tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>The following table specifies OIDs for session tokens that
are read.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-session-oid-count-read" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Read Operations, Session Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Read Session Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of read session tokens</entry>
<entry>Average read session tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum read session tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum read session tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>The following table specifies OIDs for session tokens that
are updated.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-session-oid-count-update" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Update Operations, Session Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Updated Session Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of updated session tokens</entry>
<entry>Average updated session tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum updated session tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum updated session tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>The following table specifies OIDs for session tokens that
are deleted.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-session-oid-count-delete" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Delete Operations, Session Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Deleted Session Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of deleted session tokens</entry>
<entry>Average deleted session tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum deleted session tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum deleted session tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>The following table specifies OIDs for session tokens that
are listed.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-session-oid-count-list" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD List Operations, Session Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Listed Session Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of listed session tokens</entry>
<entry>Average listed session tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum listed session tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum listed session tokens (in period)</entry>
<section xml:id="cts-token-table-oid-saml2">
<title>CTS CRUD Operations For SAML2 Tokens</title>
The four tables in this section relate to CTS CRUD operations
on SAML2 tokens. Each CRUD operation can be measured as before, with
a cumulative count, an average, as well as a minimum and a maximum
<table xml:id="cts-token-saml2-oid-count-create" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Create Operations, SAML2 Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Created SAML2 Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of created SAML2 tokens</entry>
<entry>Average created SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum created SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum created SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>OIDs are also assigned for SAML2 tokens that
are read.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-saml2-oid-count-read" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Read Operations, SAML2 Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Read SAML2 Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of read SAML2 tokens</entry>
<entry>Average read SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum read SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum read SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>The following table specifies OIDs for SAML2 tokens that
are updated.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-saml2-oid-count-update" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Update Operations, SAML2 Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Updated SAML2 Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of updated SAML2 tokens</entry>
<entry>Average updated SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum updated SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum updated SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>OIDs are also assigned for SAML2 tokens that
are deleted.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-saml2-oid-count-delete" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Delete Operations, SAML2 Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Deleted SAML2 Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of deleted SAML2 tokens</entry>
<entry>Average deleted SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum deleted SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum deleted SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>OIDs are also assigned for SAML2 tokens that
are listed.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-saml2-oid-count-list" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Delete Operations, SAML2 Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Listed SAML2 Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of listed SAML2 tokens</entry>
<entry>Average listed SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum listed SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum listed SAML2 tokens (in period)</entry>
<section xml:id="cts-token-table-oid-oauth2">
<title>CTS CRUD Operations For OAuth 2.0 Tokens</title>
The four tables in this section relate to CTS CRUD operations
on OAuth 2.0 tokens. Each CRUD operation can be measured as before, with
a cumulative count, an average, as well as a minimum and a maximum
<table xml:id="cts-token-oauth2-oid-count-create" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Create Operations, OAuth 2.0 Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Created OAuth 2.0 Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of created OAuth 2.0 tokens</entry>
<entry>Average created OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum created OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum created OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>OIDs are also assigned for OAuth 2.0 tokens that
are read.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-oauth2-oid-count-read" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Read Operations, OAuth 2.0 Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Read OAuth 2.0 Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of read OAuth 2.0 tokens</entry>
<entry>Average read OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum read OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum read OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>The following table specifies OIDs for OAuth 2.0 tokens that
are updated.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-oauth2-oid-count-update" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Update Operations, OAuth 2.0 Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Updated OAuth 2.0 Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of updated OAuth 2.0 tokens</entry>
<entry>Average updated OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum updated OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum updated OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>OIDs are also assigned for OAuth 2.0 tokens that
are deleted.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-oauth2-oid-count-delete" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Delete Operations, OAuth 2.0 Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Deleted OAuth 2.0 Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of deleted OAuth 2.0 tokens</entry>
<entry>Average deleted OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum deleted OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum deleted OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>OIDs are also assigned for OAuth 2.0 tokens that
are listed.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-oauth2-oid-count-list" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD List Operations, OAuth 2.0 Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Listed OAuth 2.0 Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of listed OAuth 2.0 tokens</entry>
<entry>Average listed OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum listed OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum listed OAuth 2.0 tokens (in period)</entry>
<section xml:id="cts-token-table-oid-rest">
<title>CTS CRUD Operations For REST Tokens</title>
The four tables in this section relate to CTS CRUD operations
on REST tokens. Each CRUD operation can be measured as before, with
a cumulative count, an average, as well as a minimum and a maximum
<table xml:id="cts-token-rest-oid-count-create" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Create Operations, REST Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Created REST Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of created REST tokens</entry>
<entry>Average created REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum created REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum created REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>OIDs are also assigned for REST tokens that
are read.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-rest-oid-count-read" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Read Operations, REST Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Read REST Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of read REST tokens</entry>
<entry>Average read REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum read REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum read REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>The following table specifies OIDs for REST tokens that
are updated.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-rest-oid-count-update" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Update Operations, REST Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Updated REST Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of updated REST tokens</entry>
<entry>Average updated REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum updated REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum updated REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>OIDs are also assigned for REST tokens that
are deleted.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-rest-oid-count-delete" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD Delete Operations, REST Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Deleted REST Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of deleted REST tokens</entry>
<entry>Average deleted REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum deleted REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum deleted REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<para>OIDs are also assigned for REST tokens that
are listed.</para>
<table xml:id="cts-token-rest-oid-count-list" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS CRUD List Operations, REST Tokens</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Ops, Listed REST Tokens</entry>
<entry>Cumulative count of listed REST tokens</entry>
<entry>Average listed REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum listed REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum listed REST tokens (in period)</entry>
<section xml:id="cts-monitoring-oid-operation-token-numbers">
<title>CTS Token Operation Status</title>
<para>The CTS token OIDs defined in this section specify the
total number of tokens of each type (Session, SAML 2, OAuth 2.0, REST),
along with their average current lifetimes.</para>
The options for Token Operations are shown in the following tables.
Total and Average Current Lifetimes are associated with
the four basic token types: Session, SAML 2, OAuth 2, and REST.
<table xml:id="cts-token-totals" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS Total Tokens, by Type</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Total Tokens, by Type</entry>
<entry>Total number of Session tokens</entry>
<entry>Total number of SAML2 tokens</entry>
<entry>Total number of OAuth 2.0 tokens</entry>
<entry>Total number of REST tokens</entry>
<table xml:id="cts-token-avg-life" pgwide="1">
<title>CTS Token Average Lifetime, by Type</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Average Token Lifetime, by Type</entry>
<entry>Total number of Session tokens</entry>
<entry>Total number of SAML2 tokens</entry>
<entry>Total number of OAuth 2.0 tokens</entry>
<entry>Total number of REST tokens</entry>
<section xml:id="cts-reaper-oids">
<title>CTS Reaper Run Information</title>
<!-- Based in part on my interpretation of the CTSReaperWatchDog
and CoreTokenConfig classes -->
The CTS Reaper deletes unused or expired tokens. Unless OpenAM is in a
shutdown cycle, the CTS Reaper is designed to run continuously.
By default, the CTS Reaper runs in fixed intervals, unless OpenAM
is in the process of shutting down.
<!-- I could say "By default, the CTS Reaper is run in 60 second periods."
but that should be variable.-->
One OID relates to the CTS Reaper, which specifies the average rate of
deleted tokens per CTS Reaper Run:
<section xml:id="cts-conn-factory-oids">
<title>CTS Connection Factory OIDs</title>
<!-- Based on my reading of the CTSConnectionFactory class -->
Every request for a CTS token is a request to the
<literal>CTSConnectionFactory</literal>. Such requests can either
succeed or fail. The following OIDs provide measures for both
such connections. The CTSConnectionFactory OIDs are also measured
using a rate window system, similar to all the other CTS OIDs,
except the CTS Reaper.
As there are no indexes required to look up the value of
CTSConnectionFactory OIDs, they end in 0. Success or failure of
these OIDs are not specific to any operation or token type.
The following tables list the OIDs related to the CTSConnectionFactory.
<table xml:id="cts-token-factory-success" pgwide="1">
<title>CTSConnectionFactory, Successful Connections</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Successes, CTSConnectionFactory</entry>
<entry>Cumulative number of successful connections</entry>
<entry>Average number of successful connections (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of successful connections (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of successful connections (in period)</entry>
<table xml:id="cts-token-factory-fail" pgwide="1">
<title>CTSConnectionFactory, Failed Connections</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colnum="1" colwidth="3*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colwidth="4*"/>
<entry>Failures, CTSConnectionFactory</entry>
<entry>Cumulative number of failed connections</entry>
<entry>Average number of failed connections (in period)</entry>
<entry>Minimum number of failed connections (in period)</entry>
<entry>Maximum number of failed connections (in period)</entry>