chap-scalability.xml revision f94f67347e3429cfcf6c0939c81b3ddb18ceba07
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<chapter xml:id='chap-scalability'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Scaling OpenAM</title>
<para>This chapter provides basic guidance for the capacity of a standard OpenAM deployment, and what you can
do to scale OpenAM. The default configuration for OpenAM can handle enterprise-level loads. With the right
hardware, you can set up OpenAM to scale for three different parameters: number of simultaneous sessions, transactions
per second (also known as throughput), and number of policies.</para>
<para>The scalability of OpenAM builds on the following chapter from the Administration Guide:
<link xlink:href="admin-guide#chap-tuning" xlink:role="">
<citetitle>Tuning OpenAM</citetitle></link>. It assumes you have followed related recommendations in
<link xlink:show="new"
<citetitle>ForgeRock Wiki</citetitle></link>.</para>
<para>Scalability is an outgrowth of capacity planning. You are using OpenAM presumably to administer authorizations,
entitlements, and so on for one or more websites.</para>
<para> In general, a single system with a dual-core CPU and 3GB of RAM can handle 100,000 "normal"
simultaneous sessions. Of course, that number varies with the number of users, failover requirements, session
loads, and more. You can read about the effect of such parameters in this chapter.</para>
<para>To review, a session is a dialog
between a client and a server. In the context of OpenAM, a session involves communications at the application
layer, normally using the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. Despite the name, sessions are generally not associated with
the Session layer of the OSI model of networking.</para>
<section xml:id="scalability-assumptions-openam-server">
<title>OpenAM Scalability Assumptions</title>
<para>A session lasts as long as an end-user client is connected to a website where authorizations are administered
with the help of OpenAM. In fact, due to caching, it lasts a little longer. That additional time depends on how
polling is configured from the OpenAM server.</para>
<para>The aforementioned 100,000 sessions on a 3GB dual-core system is based on a number of assumptions</para>
<para>The default session lifetime is based on a maximum session time of 120 minutes, and a maximum idle time
of 30 minutes. As noted in the reference guide, that corresponds to the time that a session can remain
active and idle, respectively, before OpenAM requires a user to log in again. While you can change those
parameters in the OpenAM console in the Configuration &gt; Global &gt; Session menu, you should expect
an increase in either parameter to negatively affect session capacity.</para>
<para>The 3GB includes 1GB set aside for the operating system (OS). For some 64-bit operating systems, 1GB may
not be enough for this purpose, even if you have set up that system to run an absolute minimum of
<para>At least 2GB is set aside as a maximum Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap size. Our observations suggest
that load from each individual session may vary between 15kB to 50kB. A 3GB heap size would support 100,000
sessions at an average load of 20kB per session.</para>
<para>The default heap size for a J2EE container such as Tomcat may be as low as 1GB. That may not be
sufficient for many production configurations. To optimize the settings for Tomcat, see the
aforementioned Tuning OpenAM Chapter in the Administrative Guide. As noted in that chapter,
while you may be tempted to increase the heap size for more sessions, "smaller heaps are easier to
<para>With the Java Platform Enterprise Edition web containers required for OpenAM, you can use a tool like
<literal>jconsole</literal> to monitor
the number of active sessions. Several online blogs are available that detail the changes required to the
Tomcat server.xml file. Once properly configured, you should be able to use <literal>jconsole</literal>,
available from most JDK development packages, to measure the number of currently active sessions. For
instructions on how to set up <literal>jconsole</literal> as a Java Management eXtension (JMX) client,
see the chapter on <link xlink:href="admin-guide#chap-monitoring"
<citetitle>Monitoring OpenAM Services in the Administration Guide
<para>If you need to increase the capacity of your OpenAM system, you can do so with multiple systems with
hardware configured in a similar fashion, located behind appropriate load balancers. However, it is
possible to increase throughput by dedicating more CPUs and RAM memory to each OpenAM system.</para>
<para>Scalability depends in part on how the web container such as Tomcat, the web server such as Apache,
and the directory server such as OpenDJ are configured. If you've followed the guidance described in
this chapter and still are not getting the performance that you desire, examine the defaults configured
for both the web container and the web server. Some basic guidance on tuning such services is available
in the aforementioned Tuning OpenAM chapter of the Administration Guide.
<section xml:id="configuration-scalability-openam-server">
<title>OpenAM Scalability Configuration Discussion</title>
<para>Most administrators will want at least two OpenAM systems to support Session Failover (SFO). For the
given 3GB heap size, two OpenAM systems in that configuration should be able to handle over 100,000 sessions.
However, to avoid dropping connections during a SFO situation, the second OpenAM system should not be
counted for the purpose of calculating session capacity. However, you could certainly add more OpenAM
systems to increase the capacity of your network. If you disable caching for those additional servers,
the increase in session capacity should have a more linear relationship with number of servers.</para>
<note>Be aware, when you include multiple OpenAM systems behind a load balancer, your group of OpenAM servers will
be able to handle
more sessions. However, that increase is not additive. In a network with multiple OpenAM servers, a user session may
be cached, reducing overall available memory. As a result, if you double the number of identically configured OpenAM
servers on a network, the total capacity of the network will increase, but by less than 100%.</note>
<!-- would like to find some good conservative number -->
<para>For administrators who are less familiar with Java, basic operations are handled in a Java Virtual Machine
(JVM). As described in the aforementioned Tuning OpenAM chapter of the Administration Guide, you can allocate a
certain amount of memory to the JVM in a heap. Once used, such memory is "recycled" by a device known as a
garbage collector.
<para>The default configuration of a J2EE container such as Tomcat may not be configured with sufficient memory
for heap size or garbage collection. The Installation Guide chapter on
<link xlink:href="install-guide#chap-prepare-install" xlink:role="">
<citetitle>Preparing for Installation</citetitle></link> includes guidance on how to configure Tomcat with
additional memory for heap size and garbage collection.</para>
<section xml:id="hardware-scalability-openam-server">
<title>OpenAM Scalability Hardware Issues</title>
<para>In general, OpenAM-related hardware issues are based on the RAM and the number of CPUs allocated to
each system. If you do need more than 100,000 simultaneous sessions, we recommend that you configure
multiple OpenAM servers, beyond those you might configure for SFO. However, network capacity
issues are possible, especially when different OpenAM servers in a
network are connected over long distances via a WAN such as the Internet.</para>
<!-- Per Gary Williams in the Support Chat room, 2/5/13, "we don't test SFO over WAN". From the reaction,
there may be a request coming for such testing. -->
<section xml:id="session-scalability-openam-server">
<title>OpenAM Server Session Scalability</title>
<para>The Tuning OpenAM chapter of the Administrative guide recommends a 3GB JVM heap size for servers in
production and suggests that is a practical limit for session capacity on a single OpenAM server. In other
words, if you want to increase the session capacity of your system beyond 100,000, you will generally want to
add more servers, beyond what is needed for SFO.</para>
<section xml:id="rules-scalability-openam-server">
<title>OpenAM Rules Scalability</title>
<para>As one might expect, transactions per second (TPS, also known as throughput) varies inversely with the
number of rules applied to a realm. The numbers of rules that are applied may be a small subset of the number
of rules that may be configured. The searches required to identify applicable rules can also affect TPS.</para>
<!-- Based on info collected by Andy Forrest in AME-670 -->
<section xml:id="throughput-scalability-openam-server">
<title>OpenAM Server Throughput Scalability</title>
<para>Tests that we've observed suggests that throughput can be increased with additional hardware. Additional
CPUs and more RAM (included in larger JVM heap sizes) can increase throughput.</para>
<!--based on info from Visa tests described by Allan. -->
<para>This chapter has provided rudimentary guidance on OpenAM scalability. We expect to update this chapter
as our understanding of user experience with different OpenAM configurations improves.</para>