chap-auth-services.xml revision 67d4b8e0d7b2401ae02cde1c197df565239df882
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<chapter xml:id='chap-auth-services'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Defining Authentication Services</title>
<para>An <firstterm>authentication</firstterm> service confirms the identity
of a user or a client application.</para>
<para>This chapter describes how to configure authentication in OpenAM.</para>
<section xml:id="what-is-authn">
<title>About Authentication in OpenAM</title>
<para>Access management is about controlling access to resources. OpenAM
plays a role similar to border control at an international airport. Instead
of having each and every airline company deal with access to each
destination, all airlines redirects passengers to border control. Border
control then determines who each passenger is according to passport
credentials. Border control also checks whether the identified passenger
is authorized to fly to the destination corresponding to the ticket, perhaps
based on visa credentials. Then, at the departure gate, an agent enforces
the authorization from border control, allowing the passenger to board the
plane as long as the passenger has not gotten lost, or tried to board the
wrong plane, or swapped tickets with someone else. Thus, border control
handles access management at the airport.</para>
<para>OpenAM is most frequently used to protect web-accessible resources.
Users browse to a protected web application page. An agent installed on the
server with the web application redirects the user to OpenAM for access management.
OpenAM determines who the user is, and whether the user has the right to
access the protected page. OpenAM then redirects the user back to the
protected page, with authorization credentials that can be verified by the agent.
The agent allows OpenAM authorized users access the page.</para>
<para>Notice that OpenAM basically needs to determine two things for
access management: the identity of the user, and whether the user has access rights
to the protected page. <firstterm>Authentication</firstterm> is how OpenAM identifies
the user. This chapter covers how to set up the
authentication process. <firstterm>Authorization</firstterm> is how OpenAM determines
whether a user has access to a protected resource. Authorization is covered later.</para>
<para>For authentication, OpenAM uses credentials from the user or
client application. It then uses defined mechanisms to
validate credentials and complete the authentication. The authentication
methods can vary. For example, passengers travelling on international flights authenticate
with passports and visas. In contrast, passengers travelling on domestic flights might
authenticate with an identity card or a driver's license. Customers withdrawing
cash from an ATM authenticate with a card and a PIN. </para>
<para>OpenAM allows you to configure authentication processes and then customize
how they are applied. OpenAM uses <firstterm>authentication
modules</firstterm> to handle different ways of authenticating. Basically,
each authentication module handles one way of obtaining and verifying
credentials. You can chain different authentication modules together.
In OpenAM, this is called <firstterm>authentication chaining</firstterm>.
Each authentication module can be configured to specify the continuation and
failure semantics with one of the following four flags:
required, optional, requisite, or sufficient.<footnote>
<para>The four flags, required, optional, requisite, and sufficient, come from
the standards created for the Java Authentication and Authorization Service
<para>When a <firstterm>required</firstterm> module fails, the rest of
the chain is processed, but the authentication fails.</para>
<para>A required module might be used for login with email and password,
but then fall through to another module to handle new users who have not
yet signed up.</para>
<para>When an <firstterm>optional</firstterm> module fails,
authentication continues.</para>
<para>An optional module might be used to permit a higher level of access
if the user can present a X.509 certificate for example.</para>
<para>When a <firstterm>requisite</firstterm> module fails, authentication
fails and authentication processing stops.</para>
<para>A requisite module might be used with exclusive SSO.</para>
<para>When a <firstterm>sufficient</firstterm> succeeds, authentication
is successful and later modules in the chain are skipped.</para>
<para>You could set Windows Desktop SSO as sufficient, so authenticated
Windows users are let through, whereas web users have to traverse another
authentication module such as one requiring an email address and a
<para>With OpenAM, you can further set <firstterm>authentication
levels</firstterm> per module, with higher levels being used typically
to allow access to more restricted resources. The OpenAM SPIs also let you
develop your own authentication modules, and post-authentication plugins.
Client applications can specify the authentication level, module, user, and
authentication service to use among those you have configured. As described
later in this guide, you can use <firstterm>realms</firstterm> to organize
which authentication process applies for different applications or different
domains, perhaps managed by different people.</para>
<para>When a user successfully authenticates, OpenAM creates a session, which
allows OpenAM to manage that user's access to resources. In some deployments
you need to limit how many active sessions a user can have at a given time.
For example, you might want to prevent a user from using more than two devices
at once. See <xref linkend="configure-session-quotas" /> for
<para>OpenAM leaves the authentication process flexible so that you can adapt
how it works to your situation. Although at first the number of choices
can seem daunting, now that you understand the basic process, you begin to
see how choosing authentication modules and arranging them in authentication
chains lets you use OpenAM to protect access to a wide range of applications
used in your organization.</para>
<section xml:id="configure-authn-modules">
<title>Configuring Authentication Modules</title>
<para>The OpenAM console provides two places where the OpenAM administrator
can configure authentication modules.</para>
<para>Under Configuration &gt; Authentication, you configure available
modules for use throughout OpenAM. What you set up here is inherited
for use elsewhere.</para>
<para>Under Access Control &gt; <replaceable>Realm Name</replaceable> &gt;
Authentication, you configure modules for your realm. What you set up
at this level inherits from the global configuration, but you can override
what is inherited. You can also add your own modules if necessary.</para>
<para>The configuration of individual modules depend on its function.
The configuration of an Active Directory over LDAP user authentication module
requires connection information and details about where to search for users.
In contrast, the configuration of the HOTP module for OTP authentication
requires data about the password length and the mail server or SMS gateway for
to send the password during authentication.</para>
<section xml:id="ad-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the Active Directory Authentication Module</title>
<para>OpenAM connects to Active Directory over Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP). OpenAM provides separate Active Directory and LDAP
modules to support the use of both Active Directory and
another directory service in an authentication chain.</para>
<secondary>Active Directory</secondary>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Primary Active Directory Server</term>
<term>Secondary Active Directory Server</term>
<para>The default port for LDAP is 389. If you are connecting to
Active Directory over SSL, the default port for LDAP/SSL is 636.</para>
<para>To allow users to change passwords through OpenAM, Active Directory
requires that you connect over SSL.</para>
<para>If you want to use SSL or TLS for security, then scroll down to
enable SSL/TLS Access to Active Directory Server. Make sure that OpenAM
can trust the Active Directory certificate when using this option.</para>
<para>OpenAM first attempts to contact primary servers. If no primary
server is available, then OpenAM attempts to contact secondaries.</para>
<para>When authenticating users from a directory server that is remote
from OpenAM, set both the primary and secondary server values.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attributes: primary is
<literal>iplanet-am-auth-ldap-server</literal>; secondary is
<term>DN to Start User Search</term>
<para>LDAP data is organized hierarchically, a bit like a file system
on Windows or UNIX. More specific DNs likely result in better performance.
When configuring the module for a particular part of the organization,
you can perhaps start searches from a specific organizational unit such as
<para>If multiple entries exist with identical search attribute values,
make this value specific enough to return only one entry.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Bind User DN, Bind User Password</term>
<para>If OpenAM stores attributes in Active Directory, for example to
manage account lockout, or if Active Directory requires that OpenAM
authenticate in order to read users' attributes, then OpenAM needs the
DN and password to authenticate to Active Directory.</para>
<para>The default is <literal>amldapuser</literal>. If the administrator
authentication chain (default: <literal>ldapService</literal>) has been
configured to include only the Active Directory module, then make sure
that the password is correct before you logout. If it is incorrect, you
will be locked out. If you do get locked out, you can login with the
super user DN, which by default is
where <replaceable>OpenAM-deploy-base</replaceable> was set during
OpenAM configuration.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attributes:
<literal>iplanet-am-auth-ldap-bind-dn</literal> and
<term>Attributes Used to Retrieve User Profile</term>
<term>Attributes Used to Search for a User to be Authenticated</term>
<term>User Search Filter</term>
<term>Search Scope</term>
<para>LDAP searches for user entries return entries with attribute
values matching the filter you provide. For example if you search under
<literal>CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com</literal> with a filter
<literal>"("</literal>, then the directory
returns the entry that has <literal></literal>.
In this example the attribute used to search for a user is
<literal>mail</literal>. Multiple attribute values mean the user can
authenticate with any one of the values. For example, if you have
both <literal>uid</literal> and <literal>mail</literal>, then Barbara
Jensen can authenticate with either <literal>bjensen</literal> or
<para>The User Search Filter text box provides a more complex filter. For example,
if you search on <literal>mail</literal> and add User Search Filter
<literal>(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)</literal>, then OpenAM uses the resulting
search filter <literal>(&amp;(mail=<replaceable>address</replaceable>)
(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))</literal>, where <replaceable>address</replaceable>
is the mail address provided by the user.</para>
<para>This controls how and the level of the directory that will be searched.
You can set the search to run at a high level or against a specific area.</para>
<para>OBJECT will search only for the entry specified as the DN to Start User
<para>ONELEVEL will search only the entries that are directly children of that
<para>SUBTREE will search the entry specified and every entry under it.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attributes:
<literal>iplanet-am-auth-ldap-search-filter</literal>, and
<term>SSL/TLS Access to Active Directory Server</term>
<para>If you enable SSL/TLS, OpenAM must be able to trust Active Directory
certificates, either because the Active Directory certificates were
signed by a CA whose certificate is already included in the trust store
used by the container where OpenAM runs, or because you imported the
certificates into the trust store.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Return User DN to DataStore</term>
<para>When enabled, and OpenAM uses Active Directory as the user store,
the module returns the DN rather than the User ID, so the bind for
authentication can be completed without a search to retrieve
the DN.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>User Creation Attributes</term>
<para>This list lets you map (external) attribute names from Active
Directory to (internal) attribute names used by OpenAM.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Connection Heartbeat Interval</term>
<para>Specifies how often OpenAM should send a heartbeat request to the
directory server to ensure that the connection does not remain idle. Some
network administrators configure firewalls and load balancers to drop
connections that are idle for too long. You can turn this off by setting
the value to 0 or to a negative number. To set the units for the interval
use LDAP Connection Heartbeat Time Unit.</para>
<para>Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Connection Heartbeat Time Unit</term>
<para>Specifies the time unit corresponding to LDAP Connection Heartbeat
<para>Default: minute</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="adaptive-auth-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the Adaptive Risk Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Adaptive Risk module is designed to assess risk during
authentication so that OpenAM can determine whether to require the
user to complete further authentication steps. After configuring the
Adaptive Risk module, insert it in your authentication chain with criteria
set to sufficient as shown in the following example.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-adaptive-auth-module">
<alt>Including the Adaptive Risk module in an authentication chain</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/adaptive-auth-module.png" format="PNG" />
<textobject><para>With the Adaptive Risk module as sufficient, OpenAM
continues to the next module in the chain should the Adaptive Risk module
return failure.</para></textobject>
<para>In the example authentication chain shown, OpenAM has users
authenticate first using the LDAP module providing a user ID and password
combination. Upon success, OpenAM calls the Adaptive Risk module. The
Adaptive Risk module assesses the risk based on your configured parameters.
If the Adaptive Risk module calculates a total score below the threshold you
set, the module returns success, and OpenAM finishes authentication
processing without requiring further credentials. Otherwise the Adaptive
Risk module evaluates the score to be above the risk threshold, and returns
failure. OpenAM then calls the HOTP module, requiring the user to
authenticate with a one-time password delivered to her by email or by SMS
to her mobile phone.</para>
<para>When you configure the Adaptive Risk module to save cookies and
profile attributes after successful authentication, OpenAM performs the
save as post-authentication processing, only after the entire authentication
chain returns success. You must set up OpenAM to save the data as part of
post-authentication processing by editing the authentication chain to add
to the list of post authentication plugins.</para>
<secondary>Adaptive risk</secondary>
When the Adaptive Risk module relies on the client IP address,
and OpenAM lies behind a load balancer or proxy layer,
configure the load balancer or proxy to send the address
by using the <literal>X-Forwarded-For</literal> header,
and configure OpenAM to consume and forward the header as necessary.
For details, see the <citetitle>Installation Guide</citetitle> section,
><citetitle>Handling HTTP Request Headers</citetitle></link>.
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Risk Threshold</term>
<para>Risk threshold score. If the sum of the Scores is greater than the
threshold, the Adaptive Risk module returns failure. Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<title>Failed Authentications</title>
<term>Failed Authentication Check</term>
<para>When enabled, check the user profile for authentication failures
since the last successful login. This check therefore requires
OpenAM to have access to the user profile, and Account Lockout to be
enabled (otherwise OpenAM does not record authentication
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>Value to add to the total score if the user fails the Failed
Authentication Check. Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Invert Result</term>
<para>When selected, add the Score to the total score if the user
passes the Failed Authentication Check.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<title>IP Address Range</title>
<term>IP Range Check</term>
<para>When enabled, check whether the client IP address is within one
of the specified IP Ranges.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>IP Range</term>
<para>For IPv4, specifies a list of IP ranges either in CIDR-style notation
or as a range from one address to another
meaning from <replaceable>x.x.x.x</replaceable> to
<para>For IPv6, specifies a list of IP ranges either in CIDR-style notation
or as a range from one address to another
meaning from <replaceable>X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X</replaceable> to
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>Value to add to the total score if the user fails the IP Range
Check. Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Invert Result</term>
<para>When selected, add the Score to the total score if the user
passes the IP Range Check.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<title>IP Address History</title>
<term>IP History Check</term>
<para>When enabled, check whether the client IP address matches one of
the known values stored on the profile attribute you specify. This check
therefore requires that OpenAM have access to the user profile.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>History Size</term>
<para>Specifies how many IP address values to retain on the profile
attribute you specify. Default: 5</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Profile Attribute Name</term>
<para>Name of the user profile attribute on which to store known IP
addresses. Default: <literal>iphistory</literal></para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Save Successful IP Address</term>
<para>When enabled, save new client IP addresses to the known IP address
list following successful authentication.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>Value to add to the total score if the user fails the IP History
Check. Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Invert Result</term>
<para>When selected, add the Score to the total score if the user
passes the IP History Check.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<title>Known Cookie</title>
<term>Cookie Value Check</term>
<para>When enabled, check whether the client browser request has the
specified cookie and optional cookie value.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Cookie Name</term>
<para>Specifies the name of the cookie for which OpenAM checks when
you enable the Cookie Value Check.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Cookie Value</term>
<para>Specifies the value of the cookie for which OpenAM checks. If
no value is specified, OpenAM does not check the cookie value.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Save Cookie Value on Successful Login</term>
<para>When enabled, save the cookie as specified in the client's browser
following successful authentication. If no Cookie Value is specified,
the value is set to 1.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>Value to add to the total score if user passes the Cookie Value
Check. Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Invert Result</term>
<para>When selected, add the Score to the total score if the user
passes the Cookie Value Check.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<title>Device Cookie</title>
<term>Device Registration Cookie Check</term>
<para>When enabled, check whether the client browser request has the
specified cookie with the correct device registration identifier as
the value.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Cookie Name</term>
<para>Specifies the name of the cookie for the Device Registration Cookie
Check. Default: Device</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Save Device Registration on Successful Login</term>
<para>When enabled, save the specified cookie with a hashed device
identifier value in the client's browser following successful
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>Value to add to the total score if the user fails the Device
Registration Cookie Check. Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Invert Result</term>
<para>When selected, add the Score to the total score if the user
passes the Device Registration Cookie Check.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<title>Time Since Last Login</title>
<term>Time Since Last Login Check</term>
<para>When enabled, check whether the client browser request has the
specified cookie that holds the encrypted last login time, and check
that the last login time is more recent than a maximum number of days you
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Cookie Name</term>
<para>Specifies the name of the cookie holding the encrypted last login
time value.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Max Time since Last Login</term>
<para>Specifies a threshold age of the last login time in days. If the
client's last login time is more recent than the number of days specified,
then the client successfully passes the check.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Save time of Successful Login</term>
<para>When enabled, save the specified cookie with the current time
encrypted as the last login value in the client's browser following
successful authentication.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>Value to add to the total score if the user fails the Time Since
Last Login Check. Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Invert Result</term>
<para>When selected, add the Score to the total score if the user
passes the Time Since Last Login Check.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<title>Profile Attribute</title>
<term>Profile Risk Attribute check</term>
<para>When enabled, check whether the user profile contains the specified
attribute and value.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Attribute Name</term>
<para>Specifies the attribute to check on the user profile for the
specified value.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Attribute Value</term>
<para>Specifies the value to match on the profile attribute. If the
attribute is multi-valued, a single match is sufficient to pass the
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>Value to add to the total score if the user fails the Profile Risk
Attribute Check. Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Invert Result</term>
<para>When selected, add the Score to the total score if the user
passes the Profile Risk Attribute Check.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<title>Geo Location</title>
<term>Geolocation Country Code Check</term>
<para>When enabled, check whether the client IP address location matches
a country specified in the Valid Country Codes list. The </para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Geolocation Database location</term>
<para>Path to GeoIP data file used to convert IP addresses to
country locations. The geolocation database is not packaged with OpenAM.
You can downloaded the GeoIP Country database from <link
xlink:href="">MaxMind</link>. Use the binary
.dat file format, rather than .csv. You can use the GeoLite Country database
for testing.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Valid Country Codes</term>
<para>Specifies the list of country codes to match. Use
<literal>|</literal> to separate multiple values.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>Value to add to the total score if the user fails the Geolocation
Country Code Check. Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Invert Result</term>
<para>When selected, add the Score to the total score if the user
passes the Geolocation Country Code Check.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<title>Request Header</title>
<term>Request Header Check</term>
<para>When enabled, check whether the client browser request has the
specified header with the correct value.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Request Header Name</term>
<para>Specifies the name of the request header for the Request Header
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Request Header Value</term>
<para>Specifies the value of the request header for the Request Header
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>Value to add to the total score if the user fails the Request
Header Check. Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Invert Result</term>
<para>When selected, add the Score to the total score if the user
passes the Request Header Check.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="anon-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the Anonymous Authentication Module</title>
<para>This module lets you configure and track anonymous users, who can log in
to your application or web site without login credentials.
Typically, you would provide such users with very limited access,
for example, an anonymous user may have access to public downloads on your site.
When the user attempts to access resources that require more protection,
the module can force further authentication for those resources.</para>
<para>You can configure the Anonymous Authentication Module
by specifying the <command>ssoadm</command> service name and Anonymous
Authentication realm attributes: Valid Anonymous Users, Default User Name,
Case Sensitive User IDs, and Authentication Level.
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Valid Anonymous Users</term>
<para>Specifies the list of valid anonymous user IDs that can log in without
submitting a password.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>When user accesses the default module instance login URL, then the
module prompts the user to enter a valid anonymous user name.</para>
<para>The default module instance login URL is defined as follows:</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">protocol://hostname:port/deploy_URI/UI/Login?module=Anonymous&amp;org=org_name</literallayout>
<para>Next, OpenAM checks that the user ID is a valid anonymous user name.
If the valid anonymous user ID exists in the list, the user is granted access to
the application and the session is assigned to the user.
The valid user can bypass the Login page at the following URL:</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">protocol://hostname:port/deploy_URI/UI/Login?module=Anonymous&amp;org=org_name&amp;
IDToken1=&lt;valid anonymous username&gt;</literallayout>
<para>If the valid anonymous user ID does not exist in the list,
the user will be authenticated as the Default Anonymous User Name (see below).</para>
<term>Default Anonymous User Name</term>
<para>Specifies the user ID assigned by the module if the Valid
Anonymous Users list is empty. The default value is <literal>anonymous</literal>.
Note that the anonymous user must be defined in the realm.</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">protocol://hostname:port/deploy_URI/UI/Login?module=Anonymous&amp;org=orgName
&amp;IDToken1=&lt;Default Anonymous User Name&gt;</literallayout>
<para>For example, the user can bypass the Login page by accessing the URL
as the default anonymous user using the value of <literal>anonymous</literal>:</para>
<literallayout class="monospaced">;
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Case Sensitive User IDs</term>
<para>Determines whether case matters for anonymous user IDs.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 (default) to any
positive integer and is set for each authentication method.
The higher number corresponds to a higher level of authentication.
If you configured your authentication levels from a 0 to 5 scale, then an
authentication level of 5 will require the highest level of authentication.</para>
<para>After a user has authenticated, OpenAM stores the authentication level in
the session token.
When the user attempts to access a protected resource, the token is
presented to the application.
The application uses the token's value to determine if the user has the
correct authentication level required to access the resource.
If the user does not have the required authentication level,
the application can prompt the user to authenticate with a higher
authentication level. </para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<note><para>You can configure the Anonymous Authentication Module using the
OpenAM Console by clicking <literal>Configuration</literal> &gt;
<literal>Authentication</literal> &gt; <literal>Anonymous</literal>.</para></note>
<section xml:id="cert-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the Certificate Authentication Module</title>
<para>X.509 digital certificates can enable secure authentication without
the need for user names and passwords or other credentials. Certificate
authentication can be handy to manage authentication by applications.
If all certificates are signed by a recognized Certificate Authority (CA),
then you might get away without additional configuration. If you need to
look up public keys of OpenAM clients, this module can also look up public
keys in an LDAP directory server.</para>
<para>When you store certificates and certificate revocation lists (CRL)
in an LDAP directory service, you must configure both how to access the
directory service and also how to look up the certificates and CRLs,
based on the fields in the certificates that OpenAM clients present to
<para>Access to the LDAP server and how to search for users is similar
to LDAP module configuration as in <xref linkend="ldap-module-conf-hints" />.
The primary difference is that, unlike for LDAP configuration, OpenAM
retrieves the user identifier from a field in the certificate that the
client application presents, then uses that identifier to search for the
LDAP directory entry that holds the certificate, which should match the
certificate presented. For example, if the Subject field of a typical
certificate has a DN <literal>C=FR, O=Example Corp, CN=Barbara
Jensen</literal>, and Barbara Jensen's entry in the directory has
<literal>cn=Barbara Jensen</literal>, then you can use <literal>CN=Barbara
Jensen</literal> from the Subject DN to search for the entry with
<literal>cn=Barbara Jensen</literal> in the directory.</para>
<secondary>X509 certificate based</secondary>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Match Certificate in LDAP</term>
<para>When enabled, OpenAM searches for a match for the user's
certificate in the LDAP directory. If a match is found and not revoked
according to a CRL or OCSP validation, then authentication succeeds.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Subject DN Attribute Used to Search LDAP for Certificates</term>
<para>Indicates which attribute and value in the certificate Subject DN
is used to find the LDAP entry holding the certificate.</para>
<para>Default: CN</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Match Certificate to CRL</term>
<para>When enabled, OpenAM checks whether the certificate has been
revoked according to a CRL in the LDAP directory.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Issuer DN Attribute Used to Search LDAP for CRLs</term>
<para>Indicates which attribute and value in the certificate Issuer DN
is used to find the CRL in the LDAP directory.</para>
<para>Default: CN</para>
<para>If only one attribute is specified, the LDAP search filter used to
find the CRL based on the Subject DN of the CA certificate is
<para>For example, if the subject DN of the issuer certificate is
<literal>C=US, CN=Some CA, serialNumber=123456</literal>, and the
attribute specified is <literal>CN</literal>, then the LDAP search filter
used to find the CRL is <literal>(CN=Some CA)</literal>.</para>
<para>In order to distinguish among different CRLs for the same CA issuer,
specify multiple attributes separated by commas (<literal>,</literal>) in
the same order they occur in the subject DN. When multiple attribute names
are provided in a comma-separated list, the LDAP search filter used is
<para>For example, if the subject DN of the issuer certificate is
<literal>C=US, CN=Some CA, serialNumber=123456</literal>, and the
attributes specified are <literal>CN,serialNumber</literal>, then
the LDAP search filter used to find the CRL is
<literal>(cn=CN=Some CA,serialNumber=123456)</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>HTTP Parameters for CRL Update</term>
<para>Your certificate authority should provide the URL to use here,
from which OpenAM can get CRL updates.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Match CA Certificate to CRL</term>
<para>When enabled, OpenAM checks the CRL against the CA certificate to
ensure it has not been compromised.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Cache CRLs in Memory</term>
<para>When enabled, CRLs will be cached.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Update CA CRLs from CRLDistributionPoint</term>
<para>When enabled, OpenAM updates CRLs from the LDAP directory store.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>OCSP Validation</term>
<para>Enable this to use Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
instead of CRLs to check certificates' revocation status.</para>
<para>If you enable this, you also must configure OSCP for OpenAM
under Configuration &gt; Server and Sites &gt; Default Server Settings,
or Configuration &gt; Server and Sites &gt; <replaceable>Server
Name</replaceable> &gt; Security.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Server Where Certificates are Stored</term>
<para>Identifies the LDAP server with certificates. Remember to specify URLs
with appropriate port numbers (389 for unencrypted LDAP, 636 for LDAP over SSL).
When configuring a secure connection, scroll down to enable Use SSL/TLS for LDAP
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Search Start or Base DN</term>
<para>Valid base DN for the LDAP search, such as
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Server Authentication User, LDAP Server Authentication Password</term>
<para>If OpenAM stores attributes in the LDAP directory, for example to
manage account lockout, or if the LDAP directory requires that OpenAM
authenticate in order to read users' attributes, then OpenAM needs the
DN and password to authenticate to the LDAP directory.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attributes:
<literal>iplanet-am-auth-cert-principal-user</literal>, and
<literal> iplanet-am-auth-cert-principal-passwd</literal></para>
<term>Use SSL/TLS for LDAP Access</term>
<para>If you use SSL/TLS for LDAP access, OpenAM must be able to trust the
LDAP server certificate.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile</term>
<para>If the user profile is in a different entry from the user
certificate, then this can be different from subject DN attribute
used to find the entry with the certificate. When you select other,
provide an attribute name in the Other Certificate Field Used to Access
User Profile text box.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Other Certificate Field Used to Access User Profile</term>
<para>This field is only used if the Certificate Field Used to Access
User Profile attribute is set to other. This field allows a custom
certificate field to be used as the basis of the user search.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>SubjectAltNameExt Value Type to Access User Profile</term>
<para>Use this if you want to look up the user profile from an RFC 822
style name, or a User Principal Name as used in Active Directory.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<literal> iplanet-am-auth-cert-user-profile-mapper-ext</literal></para>
<term>Trusted Remote Hosts</term>
<para>Hosts trusted to send certificates to OpenAM, such as load balancers
doing SSL termination, or OpenAM distributed authentication UI
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>HTTP Header Name for Client Certificate</term>
<para>If you configure trusted hosts, specify the HTTP header name for
the client certificate inserted by the trusted host.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="core-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the Core Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Core module is a meta-module.</para>
<para>The Core module lets you set up the list of modules available,
and specify what types of client applications can authenticate with which
modules. It also lets you configure connection pools for access to
directory servers, and whether to retain objects used during authentication
for use during logout. Furthermore, the Core module lets you set defaults
used when configuring authentication in a particular realm.</para>
<para>The Core Authentication module is divided into seven sections:</para>
<para><xref linkend="auth-core-global" /></para>
<para><xref linkend="auth-core-realm-attributes" /></para>
<para><xref linkend="auth-core-persistent-cookie" /></para>
<para><xref linkend="auth-core-account-lockout" /></para>
<para><xref linkend="auth-core-general" /></para>
<para><xref linkend="auth-core-security" /></para>
<para><xref linkend="auth-core-post-auth" /></para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<section xml:id="auth-core-global">
<title>Core - Global Attributes</title>
<para>The Global Attributes includes the list of available modules, LDAP connection
settings, authentication process options, and an option to make the XUI the
default interface. The Global Attributes are defined in the
<link xlink:href="reference#authentication-configuration" xlink:show="new"
<citetitle>Authentication Configuration</citetitle></link> section of the
OpenAM Reference Guide.</para>
<!-- This was the only way I could keep the other variablelist's from errors -->
<!-- New "XUI Interface" option added to that section of the Reference Guide -->
<section xml:id="auth-core-realm-attributes">
<title>Core - Realm Attributes</title>
<para>This section of the Core Authentication module is on the Realm Attributes section
page before options for Persistent Cookies.</para>
<term><emphasis>User Profile</emphasis></term>
<term>User Profile</term>
<para>Whether a user profile needs to exist in the user data store,
or should be created on successful authentication.</para>
<para>Specifies that on successful authentication the Authentication
Service creates a user profile if one does not already exist.
OpenAM then issues the SSOToken. OpenAM creates the user profile
in the user data store configured for the realm.</para>
<term>Dynamic with User Alias</term>
<para>Specifies that on successful authentication the Authentication
Service creates a user profile that contains the User Alias List
attribute which defines one or more aliases that for mapping a
user's multiple profiles.</para>
<para>Specifies that a user profile is not required for the
Authentication Service to issue an SSOToken after a successful
<para>Specifies that on successful authentication the user must have
a user profile in the user data store configured for the realm in
order for the Authentication Service to issue an SSOToken.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>User Profile Dynamic Creation Default Roles</term>
<para>Specifies the Distinguished Name (DN) of a role to be assigned to
a new user whose profile is created when either of the Dynamic options
is selected under the User Profile attribute. There are no default
values. The role specified must be within the realm for which the
authentication process is configured.</para>
<para>This role can be either an OpenAM or Sun DSEE role, but it cannot
be a filtered role. If you wish to automatically assign specific services
to the user, you have to configure the Required Services attribute in
the User Profile.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Alias Search Attribute Name</term>
<para>After a user is successfully authenticated, the user's profile is
retrieved. OpenAM first searches for the user based on the data store settings.
If that fails to find the user, OpenAM will use the attributes listed here to
lookup the user profile. This setting accepts any data store specific attribute
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="auth-core-persistent-cookie">
<title>Core - Persistent Cookie (Legacy)</title>
<para>This section of the Core Authentication module covers the Persistent Cookie options.</para>
<note><para>Two methods are available in OpenAM to configure persistent cookies. The options described
here and in <xref linkend="authn-from-browser" /> specify one method. There is also a new module,
described in <xref linkend="persistent-cookie" />. If you want to set up persistent cookies, you are
encouraged to use the new module. The options described here have no effect on that module.</para></note>
<term>Persistent Cookie Mode</term>
<para>Determines whether users can return to their authenticated session
after restarting the browser. When enabled, the persistent cookie can be
used to reauthenticate until the persistent cookie expires (as specified
by the value of the Persistent Cookie Maximum Time attribute), or until
the user explicitly logs out. By default, the Authentication Service uses
only memory cookies (expires when the browser is closed).</para>
<para>The client must explicitly request a persistent cookie by adding
<literal>iPSPCookie=yes</literal> as a parameter to the login URL. OpenAM
sets a <literal>DProPCookie</literal> as described in
<xref linkend="authn-from-browser" />.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Persistent Cookie Maximum Time</term>
<para>Specifies the interval after which a persistent cookie expires.
The interval begins when the user's session is successfully authenticated.
The maximum value is 2147483647 (in seconds, so a bit more than 68 years).
The field accepts any integer value less than the maximum.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Persistent Cookie Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="auth-core-account-lockout">
<title>Core - Account Lockout</title>
<para>This section of the Core Authentication module
includes details on how account lockouts can be configured.</para>
<term>Login Failure Lockout Mode</term>
<para>Selecting this attribute enables a physical lockout. Physical
lockout will inactivate an LDAP attribute (defined in the Lockout
Attribute Name property) in the user's profile. This attribute works in
conjunction with several other lockout and notification attributes.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Login Failure Lockout Count</term>
<para>Defines the number of attempts that a user has to authenticate,
within the time interval defined in Login Failure Lockout Interval,
before being locked out.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Login Failure Lockout Interval</term>
<para>Defines the time in minutes during which failed login attempts are
counted. If one failed login attempt is followed by a second failed
attempt, within this defined lockout interval time, the lockout count
starts, and the user is locked out if the number of attempts reaches
the number defined in Login Failure Lockout Count. If an attempt within
the defined lockout interval time proves successful before the number of
attempts reaches the number defined in Login Failure Lockout Count, the
lockout count is reset.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Email Address to Send Lockout Notification</term>
<para>Specify one (or more) email address(es) to which notification is
sent if a user lockout occurs.</para>
<para>Separate multiple addresses with spaces, and append
to addresses for recipients in non-English locales.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Warn User After N Failures</term>
<para>The number of authentication failures after which OpenAM displays
a warning message that the user will be locked out.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<literal> iplanet-am-auth-lockout-warn-user</literal></para>
<term>Login Failure Lockout Duration</term>
<para>Defines how many minutes a user must wait after a lockout before
attempting to authenticate again. Entering a value greater than 0 enables
memory lockout and disables physical lockout. Memory lockout means
the user's account is locked in memory for the number of minutes
specified. The account is unlocked after the time period has passed.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Lockout Duration Multiplier</term>
<para>Defines a value with which to multiply the value of the Login
Failure Lockout Duration attribute for each successive lockout. For
example, if Login Failure Lockout Duration is set to 3 minutes, and the
Lockout Duration Multiplier is set to 2, the user is locked out of the
account for 6 minutes. Once the 6 minutes has elapsed, if the user again
provides the wrong credentials, the lockout duration is then 12 minutes.
With the Lockout Duration Multiplier, the lockout duration is
incrementally increased based on the number of times the user has been
locked out.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Lockout Attribute Name</term>
<para>Defines the LDAP attribute used for physical lockout. The default
value is <literal>inetuserstatus</literal>, although the field in the
OpenAM console is empty. The Lockout Attribute Value field must also
contain an appropriate value.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Lockout Attribute Value</term>
<para>Specifies the action to take on the attribute defined in Lockout
Attribute Name. The default value is <literal>inactive</literal>,
although the field in the OpenAM console is empty. The Lockout Attribute
Name field must also contain an appropriate value.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Invalid Attempts Data Attribute Name</term>
<para>Specifies the LDAP attribute used to hold the number of failed
authentication attempts towards Login Failure Lockout Count.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Store Invalid Attempts in Data Store</term>
<para>Enables the storage of information regarding failed authentication
attempts as the value of the Invalid Attempts Data Attribute Name in
the user data store. In order to store data in this attribute, the
OpenAM schema has to be loaded. Information stored includes number of
invalid attempts, time of last failed attempt, lockout time and lockout
duration. Storing this information in the identity repository allows it
to be shared among multiple instances of OpenAM.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="auth-core-general">
<title>Core - General</title>
<para>This section of the Core Authentication module includes general options.</para>
<term>Default Authentication Locale</term>
<para>Specifies the default language subtype to be used by the
Authentication Service. The default value is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Identity Types</term>
<para>Lists the type or types of identities used during a profile lookup. You can
choose more than one to search on multiple types if you would like OpenAM to
conduct a second lookup if the first lookup fails. Default: Agent and User</para>
<para>Searches for identities under your agents.</para>
<para>Searches for identities according to your established agent group.</para>
<para>Searches for identities only under your agents.</para>
<para>Searches for identities according to your established groups.</para>
<para>Searches for identities according to your users.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Pluggable User Status Event Classes</term>
<para>Specifies one or more Java classes used to provide a callback
mechanism for user status changes during the authentication process.
The Java class must implement the
OpenAM interface. OpenAM supports account lockout and password changes.
OpenAM supports password changes through the LDAP authentication module,
and so the feature is only available for the LDAP module.</para>
<para>A .jar containing the user status event class belongs in
the <filename>WEB-INF/lib</filename> directory of the deployed OpenAM
instance. If you do not build a .jar, add the class files under
<filename>WEB-INF/classes</filename>. <!--For deployment, add the .jar or
classes into a custom OpenAM .war file.--></para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Default Authentication Level</term>
<para>Specifies the default authentication level for authentication modules.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="auth-core-security">
<title>Core - Security</title>
<para>This section of the Core Authentication module
includes basic security options.</para>
<term>Module Based Authentication</term>
<para>Enables users to authenticate using module-based authentication.
Otherwise, all attempts at authentication using the
<literal>module=<replaceable>module-name</replaceable></literal> login
parameter result in failure. It is recommended that this be turned off in
a production environment.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Zero Page Login</term>
<para>Enables the administrator to allow users to authenticate to a single
authentication screen using GET request parameters. Enable this with
caution as it can allow credentials to be cached.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="auth-core-post-auth">
<title>Core - Post Authentication Processing</title>
<para>This section of the Core Authentication module
specifies options for post authentication processing.</para>
<term>Default Success Login URL</term>
<para>Accepts a list of values that specifies where users are directed
after successful authentication. The format of this attribute is
although the only value you can specify at this time is a URL
which assumes the type HTML. The default value is
<literal>/openam/console</literal>. Values that do not specify HTTP have
that appended to the deployment URI.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Default Failure Login URL</term>
<para>Accepts a list of values that specifies where users are directed
after authentication has failed. The format of this attribute is
although the only value you can specify at this time is a URL
which assumes the type HTML. Values that do not specify HTTP have
that appended to the deployment URI.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Post Processing Classes</term>
<para>Specifies one or more Java classes used to customize post
authentication processes for successful or unsuccessful logins.
The Java class must implement the
OpenAM interface.</para>
<para>A .jar containing the post processing class belongs in
the <filename>WEB-INF/lib</filename> directory of the deployed OpenAM
instance. If you do not build a .jar, add the class files under
<filename>WEB-INF/classes</filename>. For deployment, add the .jar or
classes into a custom OpenAM .war file.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Generate UserID Mode</term>
<para>When enabled, the Membership module generates a list of alternate
user identifiers if the one entered by a user during the
self-registration process is not valid or already exists. The user
identifiers are generated by the class specified in the Pluggable User
Name Generator Class property.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Pluggable User Name Generator Class</term>
<para>Specifies the name of the class used to generate alternate user
identifiers when Generate UserID Mode is enabled. The default value is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>User Attribute Mapping to Session Attribute</term>
<para>Enables the authenticating user's identity attributes (stored in
the identity repository) to be set as session properties in the user's
SSOToken. The value takes the format
If <replaceable>Session-Attribute-Name</replaceable> is not specified,
the value of <replaceable>User-Profile-Attribute</replaceable> is used.
All session attributes contain the <literal>am.protected</literal> prefix
to ensure that they cannot be edited by the Client SDK.</para>
<para>For example, if you define the user profile attribute as mail and
the user's email address (available in the user session) as
<literal>user.mail</literal>, the entry for this attribute would be
<literal>mail|user.mail</literal>. After a successful authentication,
the <literal>SSOToken.getProperty(String)</literal> method is used to
retrieve the user profile attribute set in the session. The user's email
address is retrieved from the user's session using the
<literal>SSOToken.getProperty("am.protected.user.mail")</literal> method
<para>Properties that are set in the user session using User Attribute
Mapping to Session Attributes can not be modified (for example,
<literal>SSOToken.setProperty(String, String)</literal>). This results in
an <literal>SSOException</literal>. Multi-value attributes, such as
<literal>memberOf</literal>, are listed as a single session variable
with a <literal>|</literal> separator.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="datastore-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the Data Store Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Data Store authentication module allows a login using the Identity
Repository of the realm to authenticate users. Using the Data Store module
removes the requirement to write an authentication plug-in module, load,
and then configure the authentication module if you need to authenticate
against the same data store repository. Additionally, you do not need to
write a custom authentication module where flat-file authentication is
needed for the corresponding repository in that realm.</para>
<para>Yet, the Data Store module is generic. It does not implement data
store-specific capabilities such as the password policy and password reset
features provided by LDAP modules. Therefore the Data Store module returns
failure when such capabilities are invoked.</para>
<secondary>Data Store</secondary>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="device-print-auth-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the Device Print Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Device Print module is a device fingerprinter. It collects information about client
device locations, fonts, plugins, and more through their browsers. This module does not
stand on its own, as it uses authentication information from a service to validate a username.
The Device Print module then validates other characteristics of the user's system.</para>
<para>If no device print profile is stored for a user, then the user is prompted to fill in an
HMAC One-Time Password (HOTP),
sent by email or text. The user can then save that device print profile. On subsequent requests
the user's device profile is recalled. Each of the device print attributes from the client
are compared against each of the stored attributes. If the differences exceed a configured
number of penalty points, the user is asked for another HOTP.</para>
<!-- change here addresses OPENAM-3058, OPENAM-3069 -->
<para>If you know the HOTP module, some of the attributes in this section may seem familiar. That
is intentional, as the Device Print module includes all HOTP attributes, though not in the same
<note><para>The following example
assumes that the Device Print module comes after LDAP authentication. Alternatively, you could
set it up after another directory service module such as Active Directory, Data Store, RADIUS, or
Windows NT.</para></note>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-device-print-module">
<alt>Including the Device Print module in an authentication chain</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/device-print-module.png" format="PNG" />
<textobject><para>The Device Print module must come after another module that validates the associated
username. Appropriate modules include Active Directory, Data Store, LDAP, RADIUS, and Windows NT.
When you use the Device Print authentication module in an OpenAM site,
where requests are load balanced across multiple servers,
then you must also edit the advanced OpenAM server property,
to include the <literal>User-Agent</literal> header.
This ensures that OpenAM correctly identifies the user agent
to the Device Print authentication module
when requests are forwarded between OpenAM servers in the site.
For more information on the advanced server property,
see the <citetitle>Reference</citetitle> section,
><citetitle>Servers > Advanced</citetitle></link>.
<para>A device fingerprint is based on the unique characteristics of a user like yourself and your
associated device. You can configure the characteristics that should be part of the fingerprint.
These characteristics can include:</para>
<para>User agents, associated with the configuration of a web browser.</para>
<para>Installed fonts.</para>
<para>The plugins installed for the web browser.</para>
<para>The resolution and color depth associated with a display</para>
<para>The timezone or even the geolocation of a device.</para>
<para>You can specify <literal>penalty points</literal> when characteristics of the fingerprint have
changed. If the total <literal>penalty points</literal> exceeds some configured score, the user may
be asked to verify their identity using HOTP.</para>
<para>The default value for each <literal>*-penalty-points</literal>
attribute is 35, with a <literal>*-max-tolerated-penalty-points</literal> of 50.
In other words, if more than one characteristic of the device fingerprint has changed, the
module assumes that the user is trying to connect from a different system.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Profile expiration days</term>
<para>The list of device attributes is collected in a profile, which automatically expires
in a given number of days. Default: 30.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Maximum stored profile quantity</term>
<para>The number of device profiles may be limited by user. Default: 5.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Automatically store new profiles</term>
<para>When enabled, new device profiles are automatically stored, once the HOTP is verified.
Otherwise, the user is prompted for confirmation.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>User agent penalty points</term>
<para>Specifies the number of penalty points added when there is a difference between the current
and stored user agent. The module adds a fixed number of points if the web browser or
related fields are changed. Version differences are ignored if the
<literal>User-Agent version ignore</literal> attribute is active. Default: 35.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Installed fonts penalty points</term>
<para>Frequently, when a user installs a new software component, additional fonts are installed.
The Device Print module adds a fixed number of penalty points if there is a change in the
installed fonts since the last login beyond some maximum tolerated level, and the
<literal>Installed fonts required</literal> attribute is enabled. Default: 35.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Installed plugins penalty points</term>
<para>Most devices have a number of plugins installed on their browsers, such as Java, Flash, and
document readers. If the plugins feature is enabled, and there is a change beyond a maximum
tolerated level, a fixed number of penalty points is added. Default: 35.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Screen color depth penalty points</term>
<para>Most client devices are connected to a color monitor, or at least have settings related to
such a device. If the <literal>Screen parameters</literal> feature is enabled, and a change in
color depth is detected, a fixed number of penalty points is added. Default: 35.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Screen resolution penalty points</term>
<para>Differences in screen resolution sometimes indicate that the user has changed monitors, or
perhaps is adjusting to changing eyesight. Whenever a different screen resolution is detected,
a fixed number of penalty points is added. Default: 35.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Timezone penalty points</term>
<para>Whenever a connection is made from a different timezone, the Device Print module normally
adds a fixed number of penalty points. Organizations where most users travel may want to set
this attribute to a lower value. Default: 35.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Allowed location range</term>
<para>If geolocation is enabled, each profile should include a geographic location. The allowed
location range specifies a maximum distance, in miles. If a user has travelled beyond that distance,
the <literal>Location penalty points</literal> is added to the total. Default: 100.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>User-Agent version ignore</term>
<para>Upgrades change the version associated with a user agent. Unless this option is enabled, every
change in the version of a browser or related fields is detected as a difference with the stored
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Max number of tolerated different installed fonts</term>
<para>If the <literal>Installed fonts required</literal> attribute is enabled, a comparison is made
in installed fonts between the existing and stored profiles.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Max tolerated percentage difference between installed fonts</term>
<para>If the <literal>Installed fonts required</literal> attribute is enabled, a comparison is made
in installed fonts between the existing and stored profiles. Any differences in number of fonts
is noted in percent.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Max number of tolerated different installed plugins</term>
<para>If the <literal>Installed plugins required</literal> attribute is enabled, a comparison is made
between the installed plugins defined in the existing and stored profiles.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Max tolerated percentage difference between installed plugins</term>
<para>If the <literal>Installed plugins required</literal> attribute is enabled, a comparison is
made between the installed plugins defined in the existing and stored profiles. Any differences
in number of plugins is noted in percent.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>User agent required</term>
<para>The user agent, as defined by <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:href="">RFC 4226 Section 14.43</link>
provides information about the browser, and frequently on the operating system. Default:
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Installed plugins required</term>
<para>Plugins are components that add a specific feature to an existing application. In this
context, examples of browser plugins are flash, java, and shockwave.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Installed fonts required</term>
<para>Fonts are frequently added to an operating system when new applications are installed. If
enabled, installed font information is stored as part of the profile, and checked upon
reconnection for comparison.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<!-- see OPENAM-2492; this should be changed (IMO) to "Geolocation required" -->
<term>Geolocation required</term>
<para>The geographic location of a device can be tracked. Can be used to limit access from this device to a
specified range.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Screen parameters required</term>
<para>Display parameters can be used to help differentiate a profile. If enabled, the Device Print module uses
screen color depth and resolution.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Time zone required</term>
<para>The time zone of the current and stored profiles can be collected and compared.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Location penalty points</term>
<para>If geo-location has been enabled, and the current location does not match the value stored in
the profile this many points are added as a penalty. Default: 35.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Maximum tolerated penalty points</term>
<para>A limit, in number of points, between the current and stored Device Print profiles. If the
total is below that value, the Device Print module sees a match. Default: 50.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>SMS Gateway Implementation Class</term>
<para>Change this if you must customize the SMS gateway implementation.
The default class sends an SMS or email, depending on the
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mail Server Host Name</term>
<para>Host name of the mail server supporting Simple Message Transfer
Protocol for electronic mail.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mail Server Host Port</term>
<para>The default outgoing mail server port is 25, 465
(when connecting over SSL).</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mail Server Authentication Username</term>
<para>User name for OpenAM to connect to the mail server.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mail Server Authentication Password</term>
<para>Password for OpenAM to connect to the mail server.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mail Server Secure Connection</term>
<para>If OpenAM connects to the mail server securely, OpenAM must be able
to trust the server certificate.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Email From Address</term>
<para>The <literal>From:</literal> address when sending a one-time
password by mail.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>One Time Password Validity Length (in minutes)</term>
<para>One-time passwords are valid for 5 minutes after they are generated
by default.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>One Time Password Length (in digits)</term>
<para>Set the length of the one-time password to 6 or 8 digits.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>One Time Password Delivery</term>
<para>Send the one-time password by SMS, by mail, or both.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mobile Phone Number Attribute Names</term>
<para>Provides the attribute name used for the text message. The
default value is <literal>telephoneNumber</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mobile Carrier Attribute Name</term>
<para>Provides the name of the carrier that will send the text
<para>Every carrier has their own attribute name ending, for example Verizon
uses or Contact your mobile carrier to find out what their
attribute name is. If you will be sending international texts, ask your carrier
if a country code is a required.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Email Attribute Name</term>
<para>Provides the attribute name used to email the OTP. The
default value is <literal>mail</literal> (email).</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Auto Send OTP Code</term>
<para>Setup the HOTP module to automatically generate an email
or text message when users begin the login process. </para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="federation-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the Federation Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Federation authentication module is used by a service provider
to create a user session after validating single sign-on protocol messages.
This authentication module is used by the SAML, SAMLv2, ID-FF, and
WS-Federation protocols.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="hotp-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the HOTP Authentication Module</title>
<para>The HMAC One-Time Password authentication module works together with
the Data Store module to retrieve a user's mail address or telephone number
to send a one-time password to complete authentication.</para>
<para>To use HOTP you set up an authentication chain with the Data Store
module as the <literal>requisite</literal> first module, and the HOTP module
as the second <literal>requisite</literal> module. When authentication
succeeds against the Data Store module, OpenAM passes the Email Address
and Telephone Number attributes from the user profile to the HOTP module.
For the HOTP module to use either attribute, the Email Address must contain
a valid email address, or the Telephone Number must contain a valid
SMS telephone number.</para>
<para>You can set the HOTP module to automatically generate a password when
users begin logging into the system. You can also setup a mobile phone,
mobile carrier, and email attributes for tighter controls over where
the messages are generated and what provider the messages go through to reach
the user.</para>
<secondary>HMAC One-Time Password (HOTP)</secondary>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>SMS Gateway Implementation Class</term>
<para>Change this if you must customize the SMS gateway implementation.
The default class sends an SMS or email, depending on the
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mail Server Host Name</term>
<para>Host name of the mail server supporting Simple Message Transfer
Protocol for electronic mail.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mail Server Host Port</term>
<para>The default outgoing mail server port is 25, 465 (when connecting over SSL).</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mail Server Authentication Username</term>
<para>User name for OpenAM to connect to the mail server.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mail Server Authentication Password</term>
<para>Password for OpenAM to connect to the mail server.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mail Server Secure Connection</term>
<para>If OpenAM connects to the mail server securely, OpenAM must be able
to trust the server certificate.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Email From Address</term>
<para>The <literal>From:</literal> address when sending a one-time
password by mail.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>One Time Password Validity Length (in minutes)</term>
<para>One-time passwords are valid for 5 minutes after they are generated
by default.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>One Time Password Length (in digits)</term>
<para>Set the length of the one-time password to 6 or 8 digits.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>One Time Password Delivery</term>
<para>Send the one-time password by SMS, by mail, or both.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mobile Phone Number Attribute Names</term>
<para>Provides the attribute name used for the text message. The
default value is <literal>telephoneNumber</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mobile Carrier Attribute Name</term>
<para>Provides the name of the carrier that will send the text
<para>Every carrier has their own attribute name ending, for example Verizon
uses or Contact your mobile carrier to find out what their
attribute name is. If you will be sending international texts, ask your carrier
if a country code is a required.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Email Attribute Name</term>
<para>Provides the attribute name used to email the OTP. The
default value is <literal>mail</literal> (email).</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Auto Send OTP Code</term>
<para>Setup the HOTP module to automatically generate an email
or text message when users begin the login process. </para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="http-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the HTTP Basic Authentication Module</title>
<para>HTTP basic authentication takes a user name and password from HTTP
authentication and tries authentication against the backend module in OpenAM,
depending on what you configure as the Backend Module Name.</para>
<secondary>HTTP Basic</secondary>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Backend Module Name</term>
<para>Specifies the module that checks the user credentials. The credentials are
then supplied to either a Data Store or other identity repository module for authentication.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="jdbc-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the JDBC Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) module lets OpenAM connect to
a database such as MySQL or Oracle DB to authenticate users.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Connection Type</term>
<para>Choose Connection pool is retrieved via JNDI to connect using the
Java Naming and Directory Interface connection pool supported by the web
container in which OpenAM runs. Choose Non-persistent JDBC connection to
connect directly through the JDBC driver.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Connection Pool JNDI Name</term>
<para>When using Connection pool is retrieved via JNDI, this specifies
the pool. How you configure connection pooling depends on the web
container where you run OpenAM. Refer to the documentation for your
web container for instructions on setting up connection pooling.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>JDBC Driver</term>
<para>When using Non-persistent JDBC connection, this specifies the JDBC
driver provided by the database.</para>
<para>The .jar containing the JDBC driver belongs in the
<filename>WEB-INF/lib</filename> directory of the deployed OpenAM
instance, and so you should add it to a custom OpenAM .war file that you
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>JDBC URL</term>
<para>When using Non-persistent JDBC connection, this specifies the URL
to connect to the database.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Database Username</term>
<para>Specify the user name to open the database connection.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Database Password</term>
<para>Specify the password for the user opening the database connection.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Password Column Name</term>
<para>Specify the database column name where passwords are stored.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Prepared Statement</term>
<para>Specify the SQL query to return the password corresponding to the
user to authenticate.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Class to Transform Password Syntax</term>
<para>Specify the class that transforms the password retrieved to the
same format as provided by the user.</para>
<para>The default class expects the password in clear text. Custom
classes must implement the
<literal>JDBCPasswordSyntaxTransform</literal> interface.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="ldap-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the LDAP Authentication Module</title>
<para>OpenAM connects to directory servers using Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP). To build an easy-to-manage, high performance, pure
Java, open source directory service, try
<link xlink:href="">OpenDJ</link> directory services.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Primary LDAP Server</term>
<term>Secondary LDAP Server</term>
<para>Directory servers generally use built-in data replication for high
availability. Thus a directory service likely consists of a pool of
replicas to which OpenAM can connect to retrieve and update directory
data. You set up primary and secondary servers in case a replica is down
due to maintenance or to a problem with a particular server.</para>
<para>Set one primary and optionally one secondary directory server for
each OpenAM server. For the current OpenAM server, specify each directory
server as a
combination. For other OpenAM servers in the deployment, you can specify
each directory server as
where <replaceable>server-name</replaceable> is the FQDN portion of the
OpenAM server from the list under Configuration &gt; Servers and
Sites, and <replaceable>host</replaceable>:<replaceable>port</replaceable>
identifies the directory server.</para>
<para>For example, if the <replaceable>server-name</replaceable>
that is listed is <literal></literal>
and the directory server is accessible at <literal></literal>,
you would enter <literal>|</literal>.</para>
<!-- Possible future change per OPENAM-1361 -->
<para>When authenticating users from a directory service that is remote
from OpenAM, set both the primary and secondary server values.</para>
<para>If you want to use SSL or TLS for security, then scroll down to
enable SSL/TLS Access to LDAP Server. Make sure that OpenAM
can trust the servers' certificates when using this option.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attributes:
primary is <literal>iplanet-am-auth-ldap-server</literal>,
secondary is <literal>iplanet-am-auth-ldap-server2</literal>, and
<term>DN to Start User Search</term>
<para>LDAP data is organized hierarchically, a bit like a file system
on Windows or UNIX. More specific DNs likely result in better search
performance. When configuring the module for a particular part of the
organization, you can perhaps start searches from a specific
organizational unit such as
<para>If multiple entries exist with identical search attribute values,
make this value specific enough to return only one entry.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<literal> iplanet-am-auth-ldap-base-dn</literal></para>
<term>Bind User DN, Bind User Password</term>
<para>If OpenAM stores attributes in the directory, for example to
manage account lockout, or if the directory requires that OpenAM
authenticate in order to read users' attributes, then OpenAM needs the
DN and password to authenticate to the directory.</para>
<para>The default is <literal>cn=Directory Manager</literal>. Make sure
that password is correct before you logout. If it is incorrect, you will
be locked out. If this should occur, you can login with the super user DN,
which by default is
where <replaceable>OpenAM-deploy-base</replaceable> you set during
OpenAM configuration.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attributes:
<term>Attributes Used to Retrieve User Profile</term>
<term>Attributes Used to Search for a User to be Authenticated</term>
<term>User Search Filter</term>
<term>Search Scope</term>
<para>LDAP searches for user entries return entries with attribute
values matching the filter you provide. For example if you search under
<literal>ou=people,dc=example,dc=com</literal> with a filter
<literal>"("</literal>, then the directory
returns the entry that has <literal></literal>.
In this example the attribute used to search for a user is
<literal>mail</literal>. Multiple attribute values mean the user can
authenticate with any one of the values. For example, if you have
both <literal>uid</literal> and <literal>mail</literal>, then Barbara
Jensen can authenticate with either <literal>bjensen</literal> or
<para>Should you require a more complex filter for performance, you
add that to the User Search Filter text box. For example, if you search
on <literal>mail</literal> and add User Search Filter
<literal>(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)</literal>, then OpenAM uses the
resulting search filter
where <replaceable>address</replaceable> is the mail address provided
by the user.</para>
<para>Scope OBJECT means search only the entry specified as the DN to
Start User Search, whereas ONELEVEL means search only the entries
that are directly children of that object. SUBTREE means search the
entry specified and every entry under it.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attributes:
<literal>iplanet-am-auth-ldap-search-filter</literal>, and
<term>SSL/TLS Access to LDAP Server</term>
<para>If you enable SSL/TLS, OpenAM must be able to trust LDAP certificates, either because the certificates were
signed by a CA whose certificate is already included in the trust store
used by the container where OpenAM runs, or because you imported the
certificates into the trust store.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Return User DN to Authenticate</term>
<para>When enabled, and OpenAM uses the directory service as the user
store, the module returns the DN rather than the rather than the User ID,
so the bind for authentication can be completed without a search to
retrieve the DN.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>User Creation Attributes</term>
This list lets you map (external) attribute names
from the LDAP directory server
to (internal) attribute names used by OpenAM.
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Minimum Password Length</term>
<para>Specify the minimum acceptable password length.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Behera Password Policy Support</term>
<para>When enabled, support interoperability with servers that implement
the Internet-Draft, <link
>Password Policy for LDAP Directories</link>.</para>
<para>Support for this Internet-Draft is limited to the LDAP
authentication module. Other components of OpenAM, such as the password
change functionality in the <literal>/idm/EndUser</literal> page, do
not support the Internet-Draft. In general, outside of the LDAP
authentication module, OpenAM binds to the directory server as an
administrator, such as Directory Manager. When OpenAM binds to the
directory server as an administrator rather than as an end user, many
features of the Internet-Draft password policies do not apply.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Trust All Server Certificates</term>
<para>When enabled, blindly trust server certificates, including
self-signed test certificates.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Connection Heartbeat Interval</term>
<para>Specifies how often OpenAM should send a heartbeat request to the
directory server to ensure that the connection does not remain idle. Some
network administrators configure firewalls and load balancers to drop
connections that are idle for too long. You can turn this off by setting
the value to 0 or to a negative number. To set the units for the interval
use LDAP Connection Heartbeat Time Unit.</para>
<para>Default: 1</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Connection Heartbeat Time Unit</term>
<para>Specifies the time unit corresponding to LDAP Connection Heartbeat
<para>Default: minute</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="membership-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the Membership Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Membership module permits self-registration for new users. You
can then have OpenAM create new user profiles in the identity
<secondary>Membership (&amp; self-registration)</secondary>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Minimum Password Length</term>
<para>Specify the minimum acceptable number of characters in the password
provided during self-registration.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Default User Roles</term>
<para>Specifies the Distinguished Name (DN) of a role to be assigned to
a new user whose profile is created. There are no default values. The
role specified must be within the realm for which the authentication
process is configured.</para>
<para>This role can be either an OpenAM or Sun DSEE role, but it cannot
be a filtered role. If you wish to automatically assign specific services
to the user, you have to configure the Required Services attribute in
the User Profile.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>User Status After Registration</term>
<para>If you choose Inactive, then the new user has no access to services
until an administrator activates the account.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="msisdn-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the MSISDN Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Mobile Station Integrated Services Digital Network (MSISDN)
authentication module enables non-interactive authentication using a mobile
subscriber ISDN associated with a terminal such as a mobile phone.
The module checks the subscriber ISDN against the value found on a user's
entry in an LDAP directory service.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Trusted Gateway IP Address</term>
<para>Specifies a list of IP addresses of trusted clients that can access
MSIDSN modules. Either restrict the clients allowed to access the MSISDN
module by adding each IPv4 or IPv6 address here, or leave the list empty to allow
all clients to access the module. If you specify the value
<literal>none</literal>, no clients are allowed access.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>MSISDN Number Search Parameter Name</term>
<para>Specifies a list of parameter names that identify which parameters
to search in the request header or cookie header for the MSISDN number.
For example, if you define x-Cookie-Param, AM_NUMBER, and COOKIE-ID,
the MSISDN authentication service checks those parameters for the
MSISDN number.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Server and Port</term>
<para>If you want to use SSL or TLS for security, then scroll down to
enable SSL/TLS Access to LDAP. Make sure that OpenAM can trust the
servers' certificates when using this option.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Start Search DN</term>
<para>Specify the DN of the entry where the search for the user's MSISDN
number should start.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Attribute To Use To Search LDAP</term>
<para>Specify the name of the attribute in the user's profile that
contains the MSISDN number to search for the user. The default is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Server Authentication User</term>
<para>If OpenAM must authenticate to the directory server in order to
search, then specify the bind DN. The default is
<literal>cn=amldapuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=example,dc=com</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Server Authentication Password</term>
<para>Specify the password corresponding to the bind DN.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>SSL/TLS for LDAP Access</term>
<para>If you choose to enable SSL or TLS, then make sure that
OpenAM can trust the servers' certificates.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>MSISDN Header Search Attribute</term>
<para>Specify the headers to use for searching the request for the
MSISDN number.</para>
<para>Cookie Header tells OpenAM to search the cookie.</para>
<para>Request Header tells OpenAM to search the request header.</para>
<para>Request Parameter tells OpenAM to search the request parameters.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>LDAP Attribute Used to Retrieve User Profile</term>
<para>Specify the LDAP attribute that is used during a search to return
the user profile for MSISDN authentication service. The default is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Return User DN to DataStore</term>
<para>Enable this option only when the OpenAM directory is the same as
the directory configured for MSISDN searches. When enabled, this option
allows the authentication module to return the DN instead of the User ID.
OpenAM thus does not need to perform an additional search with the user
ID to find the user's entry.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="OATH-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the OATH Module</title>
<para>The Open Authentication (OATH) module provides a more secure method for users to
access their accounts with the help of a device, such as their mobile phone or
Yubikey. Users can log into OpenAM and update their information more securely from
a one-time password (OTP) displayed on their device. The OATH module includes the
<link xlink:show="new" xlink:href=""
>OATH standard protocols</link> (<link xlink:show="new"
xlink:href="">RFC 4226</link> and
<link xlink:show="new" xlink:href="">
RFC 6238</link>). The OATH module has several enhancements to the
HMAC One-Time Password (HOTP) Authentication Module, but does not replace the original
module for those already using HOTP prior to the 10.1.0 release. The OATH module includes
HOTP authentication and Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) authentication. Both types
of authentication require an OATH compliant device that can provide the OTP.</para>
<secondary>Open Authentication (OATH)</secondary>
<para> HOTP authentication generates the OTP every time the user requests a new OTP
on their device. The device tracks the number of times the user requests a new OTP, called
the counter. The OTP displays for a period of time you designate in the setup, so the
user may be further in the counter on their device than on their account. OpenAM will resynchronize
the counter when the user finally logs in. To accommodate this, you set the number of
passwords a user can generate before their device cannot be resynchronized. For example, if
you set the number of HOTP Window Size to 50 and someone presses the button 30 on the
user's device to generate a new OTP, the counter in OpenAM will review the OTPs until
it reaches the OTP entered by the user. If someone presses the button 51 times,
you will need to reset the counter to match the number on the device's counter before the
user can login to OpenAM. HOTP authentication does not check earlier passwords, so if the
user attempts to reset the counter on their device, they will not be able to login until
you reset the counter in OpenAM to match their device.</para>
<para>TOTP authentication constantly generates a new OTP based on a time interval you specify.
The device tracks the last two passwords generated and the current password. The Last Login Time
monitors the time when a user logs in to make sure that user is not logged in several times
within the present time period. Once a user log into OpenAM, they must wait for the time it
takes TOTP to generate the next two passwords and display them. This prevents others from
being able to access the users account using the OTP they entered. The user's account can be
accessed again after the generation of the third new OTP is generated and displayed on their
device. For this reason, the TOTP Time-Step Interval should not be so long as to
lock users out, with a recommended time of 30 seconds.</para>
<para>An authentication chain can be created to generate an OTP from
either HOTP or TOTP.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>One Time Password Length (in digits)</term>
<para>Set the length of the OTP between 6 and 9 digits long. The default value is 6 digits.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Minimum Secret Key Length</term>
<para>The minimal number of characters required to set the Secret Key.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Secret Key Attribute Name</term>
<para>The name of the attribute where the key will be stored in the user profile.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>OATH Algorithm to Use</term>
<para>Select whether to use HOTP or TOTP. You can create an authentication chain to
allow for a greater variety of devices. The default value is HOTP.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>HOTP Window Size</term>
<para>The number of requests that the system and the device can be off to resynchronize
the password. If a user passes this number of requests before logging
into the system, the password will not work. The default value is 100.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Counter Attribute Name</term>
<para>The name of the HOTP attribute where the counter will be stored in the user profile.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Add Checksum Digit</term>
<para>Adds a checksum digit at the end of the HOTP password to verify it was entered correctly.
The default value is No.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Truncation Offset</term>
<para>Advanced feature that is device specific. Any value below 0 or above 15 will turn off
the functionality. The default value is -1. If not required by the device, leave at the default
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>TOTP Time Step Interval</term>
<para>Defines how long the password will appear on the user's device (in seconds).
We recommend keeping this number low, for example 30 seconds, because once a user
logs out, they will not be able to login again until two full time cycles have passed.
The default value is 30 seconds.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>TOTP Time Steps</term>
<para>The number of requests that the system and the device can be off to resynchronize
the password. If a user passes this number of requests before logging into the system,
the password will not work. The default value is 2.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Last Login Time Attribute</term>
<para>The name of the attribute where both HOTP and TOTP authentication will store information
on when a person last logged in.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>If you plan to use Yubikey for your OATH module, you will need to take some
time to set it up. Go to the <link xlink:show="new"
YubiKey website</link> to configure your YubiKey device. If you do not have a
YubiKey device, you can purchase them from this page as well.</para>
<para>Select the appropriate instructions, keeping in mind that the cross-platform
personalization tool is recommended unless you have specific need for one of the
other types. You have the greatest selection of platforms for this choice. Each
device will need to be setup before use.</para>
<section xml:id="oauth2-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the OAuth 2.0 Authentication Module</title>
<para>The OAuth 2.0 authentication module lets OpenAM authenticate clients
of OAuth resource servers. References in this section are to RFC 6749, <link
xlink:href="" xlink:show="new">The OAuth
2.0 Authorization Framework</link>.</para>
If the module is configured to create an account if none exists,
then you must provide valid SMTP settings.
As part of account creation, the OAuth 2.0 client authentication module
sends the resource owner an email with an account activation code.
To send email, OpenAM uses the SMTP settings from the configuration
for the OAuth 2.0 authentication module.
<secondary>OAuth 2.0</secondary>
<primary>OAuth 2.0</primary>
<para>The default settings are for Facebook.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Client ID</term>
<para>OAuth <literal>client_id</literal> as described in
<link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new">section 2.2 of RFC 6749</link>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Client Secret</term>
<para>OAuth <literal>client_secret</literal> as described in
<link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new">section 2.3 of RFC 6749</link>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Endpoint URL</term>
<para>URL to the end point handling OAuth authentication as described in
<link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new">section 3.1 of RFC 6749</link>. The default value is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Access Token Endpoint URL</term>
<para>URL to the end point handling access tokens as described in
<link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new">section 3.2 of RFC 6749</link>. The default value is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>User Profile Service URL</term>
<para>User profile URL that returns profile information in JSON
format. The default value is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>Comma separated list of user profile attributes that the application
requires. The default value is <literal>email,read_stream</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Proxy URL</term>
<para>URL to the <filename>/oauth2c/OAuthProxy.jsp</filename> file,
part of OpenAM.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Account Mapper</term>
<para>Class implementing account mapping. The default value is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Account Mapper Configuration</term>
<para>Map of OAuth Provider user account attributes used to find the
local profile of the authenticated user, with values in the form
Default values <literal>email=mail</literal> and <literal> id=facebook-id</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Attribute Mapper</term>
<para>Class implementing attribute mapping. Default:
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Attribute Mapper Configuration</term>
<para>Map of OAuth Provider user account attributes to local user profile
attributes, with values in the form
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Save attributes in the session</term>
<para>When enabled, add the mapped attributes to the session saved. The
default mode is <literal>Enabled</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Email attribute in OAuth2 Response</term>
<para>Specifies the attribute identifying email address in the response
from the profile service in the OAuth provider. This setting is used to
send an email address with an activation code for accounts created
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Create account if it does not exist</term>
<para>When enabled, if the user profile does not exist, optionally
retrieve a password and activation code from the user, and then create
the profile. The default mode is <literal>Enabled</literal>.</para>
<para>When the OAuth 2.0 client is configured to create new accounts,
the SMTP settings must also be valid. As part of account creation,
the OAuth 2.0 client authentication module sends the resource owner
an email with an account activation code. To send the mail, OpenAM
uses the SMTP settings you provide here in the OAuth 2.0 client
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Prompt for password setting and activation code</term>
<para>When enabled, the user sets a password, receives an activation code
by email. The user must correctly set both in order for the account to
be created. The default mode is <literal>Enabled</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Map to anonymous user</term>
<para>When enabled, map the OAuth authenticated user to the anonymous
user you specify. No account is created, even if Create account if it
does not exist is enabled.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Anonymous User</term>
<para>Specifies an anonymous user that exists in the current realm. The
default is <literal>anonymous</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>OAuth 2.0 Provider logout service</term>
<para>Specifies the optional URL of the OAuth Provider.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Logout options</term>
<para>Specifies whether not to log the user out without prompting from
the OAuth Provider on logout, to log the user out without prompting, or
to prompt the user regarding whether to logout from the OAuth
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mail Server Gateway implementation class</term>
<para>Class to interact with the mail server. Default:
<literal>org.forgerock. openam.authentication.modules.oauth2.DefaultEmailGatewayImpl</literal></para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>SMTP host</term>
<para>Host name of the mail server. The default is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>SMTP port</term>
<para>SMTP port number for the mail server. The default value is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>SMTP User Name</term>
<para>If the mail server requires authentication to send mail, specifies
the user name.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>SMTP User Password</term>
<para>If the mail server requires authentication to send mail, specifies
the password.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>SMTP SSL Enabled</term>
<para>When enabled, connect to the mail server over SSL. OpenAM must be
able to trust the SMTP server certificate.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>SMTP From address</term>
<para>Specifies the message sender address, such as
<literal></literal>. The default value is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>The following tables show endpoint URLs for OpenAM when <link
xlink:role="">configured as an
OAuth 2.0 provider</link>, and also URLs for large OAuth 2.0 providers.
The default endpoints are for Facebook as the OAuth 2.0 provider.</para>
<para>In addition to the endpoint URLs you can set other fields, like scope
and attribute mapping, depending on the provider you use.</para>
<table xml:id="oauth2-openam" pgwide="1">
<title>Endpoint URLs for OpenAM</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>OpenAM Field</entry>
<entry>Authentication Endpoint URL</entry>
<para><literal>/oauth2/authorize</literal> under the deployment
URL.<footnote xml:id="oauth2-realms-footnote">
<para>This OpenAM endpoint can take additional parameters. In
particular you must specify the realm if the OpenAM OAuth 2.0
provider is configured for a subrealm rather than / (Top-Level
<para>For example, if the OAuth 2.0 provider is configured for the
realm <literal>/customers</literal>, then the authentication endpoint
URL is as follows:
<para>The <literal>/oauth2/authorize</literal> endpoint can also take
<literal>module</literal> and <literal>service</literal> parameters.
Use either as described in <link
>Authenticating To OpenAM</citetitle></link>, where
<literal>module</literal> specifies the authentication module
instance to use or <literal>service</literal> specifies the
authentication chain to use when authenticating the resource
<para>Example: <literal
<entry>Access Token Endpoint URL</entry>
<para><literal>/oauth2/access_token</literal> under the deployment
URL.<footnoteref linkend="oauth2-realms-footnote" /></para>
<para>Example: <literal
<entry>User Profile Service URL</entry>
<para><literal>/oauth2/tokeninfo</literal> under the deployment URL.</para>
<para>Example: <literal
<table xml:id="oauth2-facebook" pgwide="1">
<title>Endpoint URLs for Facebook</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>OpenAM Field</entry>
<entry>Authentication Endpoint URL</entry>
<entry>Access Token Endpoint URL</entry>
<entry>User Profile Service URL</entry>
<entry>OAuth 2.0 Provider logout service</entry>
<table xml:id="oauth2-google" pgwide="1">
<title>Endpoint URLs for Google</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>OpenAM Field</entry>
<entry>Authentication Endpoint URL</entry>
<entry>Access Token Endpoint URL</entry>
<entry>User Profile Service URL</entry>
<entry>OAuth 2.0 Provider logout service</entry>
<table xml:id="oauth2-msn" pgwide="1">
<title>Endpoint URLs for MSN</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>OpenAM Field</entry>
<entry>Authentication Endpoint URL</entry>
<entry>Access Token Endpoint URL</entry>
<entry>User Profile Service URL</entry>
<entry>OAuth 2.0 Provider logout service</entry>
<!-- Waiting for User Profile Service URL info from Twitter
<table xml:id="oauth2-twitter" pgwide="1">
<title>Endpoint URLs for Twitter</title>
<tgroup cols="2">
<entry>OpenAM Field</entry>
<entry>Authentication Endpoint URL</entry>
<entry>Access Token Endpoint URL</entry>
<entry>User Profile Service URL</entry>
<entry>STILL NEED</entry>
<entry>OAuth 2.0 Provider logout service</entry>
<section xml:id="oidc-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints for the OpenID Connect Module</title>
The OpenID Connect ID module lets OpenAM rely on
an <link xlink:show="new" xlink:href=""
>OpenID Connect 1.0</link> provider's ID Token to authenticate an end user.
The module expects an OpenID Connect ID Token in an HTTP request header.
It validates the ID Token, and if successful,
looks up the OpenAM user profile corresponding to the end user
for whom the ID Token was issued.
Assuming the ID Token is valid and the profile is found,
the module authenticates the OpenAM user.
You configure the OpenID Connect module
to specify how OpenAM gets the information needed to validate the ID Token,
which request header contains the ID Token,
the issuer identifier for the provider who issued the ID Token,
and how to map the ID Token claims to an OpenAM user profile.
<para>The default settings are for Google's provider.</para>
<secondary>OpenID Connect 1.0</secondary>
<primary>OpenID Connect 1.0</primary>
<command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Configuration type</term>
In order to validate the ID Token from the OpenID Connect provider,
the module needs either a URL to get the public keys for the provider,
or the symmetric key for an ID Token signed with a HMAC-based algorithm.
By default, the configuration type is
This means the module should retrieve the keys based on
information in the OpenID Connect Provider Configuration Document.
You can instead configure the authentication module
to validate the ID Token signature
with the client secret key you provide,
or to validate the ID token with the keys retrieved
from the URL to the OpenID Connect provider's JSON Web Key Set.
<term><literal>.well-known/openid-configuration_url</literal> (Default)</term>
Retrieve the provider keys based on the information provided
in the OpenID Connect Provider Configuration Document.
Specify the URL to the document as the discovery URL.
Use the client secret that you specify as the key to validate
the ID Token signature according to the HMAC,
using the client secret to the decrypt the hash
and then checking that the hash matches the hash of the ID Token JWT.
Retrieve the provider's JSON Web Key Set at the URL that you specify.
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Discovery url, jwk url, or client_secret</term>
Edit this field depending on the Configuration type you specified.
Default: <literal></literal>
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Name of header referencing the ID Token</term>
The module looks for the ID Token in this HTTP request header.
Default: <literal>oidc_id_token</literal>
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Name of OpenID Connect ID Token Issuer</term>
This corresponds to the expected issue identifier value
in the <literal>iss</literal> of the ID Token.
Default: <literal></literal>
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Mapping of local LDAP attributes to jwt attributes</term>
This setting maps local user profile attributes
to OpenID Connect ID Token claims,
allowing the module to retrieve the user profile based on the ID Token.
In OpenID Connect, an ID Token is represented as a JSON Web Token (JWT).
>ID Token</link> section of the OpenID Connect Core 1.0 specification
defines a number of claims included in the ID Token for all flows.
Additional claims depend on the scopes
requested of the OpenID Connect provider.
For each item in the map,
the key is the local user profile attribute name
and the value is the ID Token field name.
Default: <literal>mail=email</literal>, <literal>uid=sub</literal>
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Principal mapper class</term>
The principal mapper matches the OpenID Connect end user
with an OpenAM account.
The default principal mapper uses
the mapping of local attributes to ID Token attributes
to find a user profile.
Default: <literal>org.forgerock.openam.authentication.modules.oidc.DefaultPrincipalMapper</literal>
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="persistent-cookie">
<title>Hints for the Persistent Cookie Module</title>
<para>The Persistent Cookie module supports the configuration of cookie lifetimes,
based on requests and a maximum time. It is the preferred method for creating
a persistent cookie. If you choose this method, be aware that it does not
interact with the persistent cookie options associated with the Core
Authentication module.</para>
<para>Note that, by default, the persistent cookie is called <literal>session-jwt</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<para>Before you begin, make sure a public key alias is defined in OpenAM.
The Persistent Cookie module encrypts a JSON Web Token (JWT) using a public key
from the OpenAM keystore. The public key alias must be configured under
Authentication &gt; All Core Settings &gt; Security. If the keystore changes
and the default <literal>test</literal> key is no longer present, the public
key alias must be updated to reflect the change, otherwise the module will
<para>To configure the Persistent Cookie Module globally in the console,
navigate to Configuration &gt; Authentication &gt; Persistent Cookie.
In the window that appears you should see the following attributes:</para>
<term>Idle Timeout</term>
<para>Specify the maximum idle time between requests, in hours. If
that time is exceeded, the cookie is no longer valid.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Max Life</term>
<para>Specify the maximum life of the cookie in hours.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Enforce Client IP</term>
When enabled, enforces that the persistent cookie
can only be used from the same client IP
to which the cookie was issued.
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
When the Persistent Cookie module enforces the client IP address,
and OpenAM lies behind a load balancer or proxy layer,
configure the load balancer or proxy to send the address
by using the <literal>X-Forwarded-For</literal> header,
and configure OpenAM to consume and forward the header as necessary.
For details, see the <citetitle>Installation Guide</citetitle> section,
><citetitle>Handling HTTP Request Headers</citetitle></link>.
<para>The Persistent Cookie module belongs with a second module in an authentication chain. To see how
this works, navigate to Access Control &gt; <replaceable>Realm Name</replaceable> &gt; Authentication &gt; New.
Enter a name for the chain and add modules as shown in the figure. The following example shows how a
Persistent Cookie module is sufficient; if that cookie does not yet exist, authentication in this case
relies on a data store module such as LDAP.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-persistent-cookie-mod">
<alt>Including the Persistent Cookie module in an authentication chain</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/persistent-cookie-mod.png" format="PNG" />
<textobject><para>When placed before an LDAP module, the Persistent Cookie module can authenticate
before referring to an LDAP data store such as OpenDJ.
Scroll down in the properties page for the chain.
Set the Post Authentication Processing Class to
as shown in the following figure:</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-persistent-cookie-class">
<alt>Including the Persistent Cookie attribute in the post processing class</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/persistent-cookie-class.png" format="PNG" />
<textobject><para>The Persistent Cookie in a post processing class</para></textobject>
<para>You should now be able to authenticate automatically, as long as the cookie exists
for the associated domain.</para>
<note><para>Unlike the legacy Core Authentication module, the Persistent Cookie module does not
support the iPSPCookie option described in <xref linkend="authn-from-browser" /></para></note>
<section xml:id="radius-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the RADIUS Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) module lets
OpenAM authenticate users against RADIUS servers.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Primary Radius Servers, Secondary Radius Servers</term>
<para>Specify the IP address or fully qualified domain name of the
primary RADIUS server. The default is <literal></literal>
(localhost loopback).</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<literal>primary is iplanet-am-auth-radius-server1</literal>;
secondary is <literal>iplanet-am-auth-radius-server2</literal></para>
<term>Shared Secret</term>
<para>Specify the shared secret for RADIUS authentication. The shared
secret should be as secure as a well-chosen password.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Port Number</term>
<para>Specify the RADIUS server port. Default is 1645.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<para>Specify how many seconds to wait for the RADIUS server to respond.
The default value is 3 seconds.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Health check interval</term>
<para>Used for failover. Specify how often OpenAM performs a health check
on a previously unavailable RADIUS server by sending an invalid
authentication request. Default: 5 minutes</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="sae-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the SAE Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Secure Attribute Exchange (SAE) module lets OpenAM authenticate
a user who has already authenticated with an entity that can vouch for
the user to OpenAM, so that OpenAM creates a session for the user.
This module is useful in virtual federation, where an existing entity
instructs the local OpenAM instance to use federation protocols to transfer
authentication and attribute information to a partner application.</para>
<secondary>Secure Attribute Exchange (SAE)</secondary>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="scripted-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For Scripted Authentication Modules</title>
This section covers what to configure for scripted authentication modules.
<secondary>Scripted authentication</secondary>
A scripted authentication module runs scripts to authenticate a user.
The configuration for the module can hold two scripts,
one to include in the web page run on the client user-agent,
another to run in OpenAM on the server side.
The client-side script is intended to retrieve data from the user-agent.
This must be in a language the user-agent, such as JavaScript,
even if the server-side script is written in Groovy.
The server-side script is intended to handle authentication.
Scripts are stored not as files, but instead as OpenAM configuration data.
This makes it easy to update a script on one OpenAM server,
and then to allow replication to copy it to other servers.
You can manage the scripts through OpenAM console,
where you can write them in the text boxes provided
or upload them from files.
You can also upload scripts using the <command>ssoadm</command> command.
To perform the command-line equivalent of the Upload button in the console,
use the <command>ssoadm</command> attributes,
or <literal>iplanet-am-auth-scripted-server-script-file</literal>.
The following example shows how to create a scripted authentication module,
sets up a basic configuration with scripts as strings in the configuration,
and then uploads a server-side script file.
<programlisting language="shell">
# Create a scripted authentication module.
ssoadm \
create-auth-instance \
--adminid amadmin \
--password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
--authtype Scripted \
--realm / \
--name ScriptedModule
# Add basic configuration, including minimal client and server-side scripts.
ssoadm \
update-auth-instance \
--adminid amadmin \
--password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
--authtype Scripted \
--realm / \
--name ScriptedModule \
--attributevalues \
iplanet-am-auth-scripted-auth-level=0 \
iplanet-am-auth-scripted-client-script-enabled=false \
iplanet-am-auth-scripted-script-type='JavaScript' \
iplanet-am-auth-scripted-client-script='alert("Hello");' \
# Upload a server-side script from a script file, /tmp/server-side.js.
ssoadm \
update-auth-instance \
--adminid amadmin \
--password-file /tmp/pwd.txt \
--authtype Scripted \
--realm / \
--name ScriptedModule \
--attributevalues \
If you have multiple separate sets of client-side and server-side scripts,
then configure multiple modules, one for each set of scripts.
For details on writing authentication module scripts, see the
<citetitle>Developer Guide</citetitle> chapter,
><citetitle>Scripting Authentication</citetitle></link>.
<command>ssoadm</command> service name:
Use the following settings at the realm level
when configuring an individual scripted authentication module,
in OpenAM Console under Access Control >
<replaceable>Realm Name</replaceable> > Authentication > Module Instances.
<term>Server-Side Script Language</term>
The language of the server-side script.
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Client Side Script Enabled</term>
When selected, include the client-side script in the login page
to be executed on the user-agent prior to the server-side script.
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Client Side Script</term>
The script to include in the login page.
This script is run on the user-agent prior to the server-side script.
This script must be written in a language the user-agent can interpret,
such as JavaScript,
even if the server-side script is written in Groovy.
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
When uploading the script from a file, use the
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Server Side Script</term>
The script to run in OpenAM after the client-side script has completed.
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
When uploading the script from a file, use the
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the scripted authentication module.
The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
Use the following global configuration settings
for all scripted authentication modules,
in OpenAM Console under Configuration > Authentication > Scripted Module.
<term>Server Side Script Timeout</term>
Sets the maximum execution time to run a single server-side script,
in seconds.
Default: 0 (meaning no timeout)
If your server-side scripts send external HTTP requests,
consider setting an appropriate value for this timeout.
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Core thread pool size</term>
Core size for the pool of threads dedicated to running server-side scripts.
Default: 10
This setting is not hot-swappable.
Instead, you must restart OpenAM or the container in which it runs
for the changes to take effect.
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Maximum thread pool size</term>
Maximum size for the pool of threads dedicated to running server-side scripts.
Default: 50
This setting is not hot-swappable.
Instead, you must restart OpenAM or the container in which it runs
for the changes to take effect.
<command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="securid-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the SecurID Authentication Module</title>
<para>The SecurID module lets OpenAM authenticate users with RSA
Authentication Manager software and RSA SecurID authenticators.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>ACE/Server Configuration Path</term>
<para>Specify the directory in which the SecurID ACE/Server
<filename>sdconf.rec</filename> file is located, which by default is
expected under the configuration directory for OpenAM, such as
<filename>$HOME/openam/openam/auth/ace/data</filename>. The directory
must exist before OpenAM can use SecurID authentication.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="desktop-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the Windows Desktop SSO Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Windows Desktop SSO module uses Kerberos authentication. The user
presents a Kerberos token to OpenAM through the Simple and Protected
GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) protocol. The Windows Desktop SSO
authentication module enables desktop single sign on such that a user who
has already authenticated with a Kerberos Key Distribution Center can
authenticate to OpenAM without having to provide the login information
again. Users might need to set up Integrated Windows Authentication in
Internet Explorer to benefit from single sign on when logged on to
a Windows desktop.</para>
<secondary>Windows Desktop SSO</secondary>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Service Principal</term>
<para>Specify the Kerberos principal for authentication in the following
<literallayout class="monospaced">HTTP/<replaceable>host</replaceable>.<replaceable>domain</replaceable>@<replaceable>dc-domain-name</replaceable></literallayout>
<para>Here, <replaceable>host</replaceable> and
<replaceable>domain</replaceable> correspond to the host and domain names
of the OpenAM instance, and <replaceable>dc-domain-name</replaceable>
is the domain name of the Windows Kerberos domain controller server.
The <replaceable>dc-domain-name</replaceable> can differ from the domain
name for OpenAM.</para>
<para>You set up the account on the Windows domain controller, creating
a computer account for OpenAM and associating the new account with a
service provider name.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Keytab File Name</term>
<para>Specify the full path of the keytab file for the Service Principal.
You generate the keytab file using the Windows <command>ktpass</command>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Kerberos Realm</term>
<para>Specify the Kerberos Key Distribution Center realm. For the
Windows Kerberos service this is the domain controller server domain
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Kerberos Server Name</term>
<para>Specify the fully qualified domain name of the Kerberos Key
Distribution Center server, such as that of the domain controller
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Return Principal with Domain Name</term>
<para>When enabled, OpenAM automatically returns the Kerberos principal
with the domain controller's domain name during authentication.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Search for the user in the realm</term>
<para>Validates the user against the configured data stores. If the user from the
Kerberos token is not found, authentication will fail. If an authentication
chain is set, the user will be able to authenticate through another module.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<note><para>Note: For Windows 7 and later, you will need to turn off the "Enable
Integrated Windows Authentication" option in Internet Explorer. In addition, you
will need to add and activate the DisableNTMLPreAuth key to the Windows Registry.
For detailed instructions, see the Microsoft KB article on when <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:href=""><citetitle>You cannot post data
to a non-NTLM-authenticated Web site</citetitle></link></para></note>
<section xml:id="winnt-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the Windows NT Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Windows NT module lets OpenAM authenticate against a Microsoft
Windows NT server.</para>
<para>This module requires that you install a Samba client in a
<filename>bin</filename> directory under the OpenAM configuration directory
such as <filename>$HOME/openam/openam/bin</filename>.</para>
<secondary>Windows NT</secondary>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>Authentication Domain</term>
<para>Specify the Windows domain name to which users belong.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Host</term>
<para>Specify the NetBIOS name of the Windows NT host to which to
authenticate users.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Samba Configuration File Name</term>
<para>Specify the full path to the Samba configuration file.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<section xml:id="wss-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the WSSAuth Authentication Module</title>
<para>The Web Service Security (WSSAuth) module lets OpenAM validate a
user name, password combination received as an authentication token in
a request from a Web Service Client to a Web Service Provider.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
<term>User search attribute</term>
<para>Specify a user attribute to search for a user. Default is
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>User realm</term>
<para>Specify the realm to which users belong. For the OpenAM Security
Token Service, this is <literal>/</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>User password attribute</term>
<para>Specify the password attribute or that of the password equivalent.
The default is <literal>userPassword</literal>.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<term>Authentication Level</term>
<para>Sets the authentication level used to indicate the level of security
associated with the module. The value can range from 0 to any positive integer.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> attribute:
<!-- <section xml:id="yubikey-module-conf-hints">
<title>Hints For the YubiKey Authentication Module</title>
<para>Use the following hints to configure the module.</para>
<para><command>ssoadm</command> service name:
</section> -->
<section xml:id="configure-authn-chains">
<title>Configuring Authentication Chains</title>
<para>Once you have configured authentication modules, and added the modules
to the list of module instances, you can configure authentication chains.
Authentication chains let you handle situations where alternative modules
are needed, or where a single set of credentials is not sufficient.</para>
<procedure xml:id="create-authn-chain">
<title>To Create an Authentication Chain</title>
<para>On the Access Control tab page of the OpenAM console, click the
realm for which to create the authentication chain.</para>
<para>On the Authentication tab page for the realm, scroll to the bottom
of the page, and click the New button in the Authentication Chaining
<para>Give the new authentication chain a name, and add instances of the
modules to use in the chain.</para>
<para>Assign appropriate criteria (optional, required, requisite, sufficient)
as described above in <xref linkend="what-is-authn" />. You can also
configure where OpenAM redirects the user upon successful and failed
authentication, and plug in your post-authentication processing classes
as necessary.</para>
<!-- Fix for OPENAM-1063: Document module-credential sharing properties -->
<step performance="optional">
<para>If you need modules in the chain to share user credentials, then set
options for the module.</para>
<para>Set <literal>iplanet-am-auth-shared-state-enabled=true</literal>
to allow subsequent modules in the authentication chain to use
the credentials, such as user name and password, captured by this
module. (Default: <literal>true</literal>)</para>
<para>Set <literal>iplanet-am-auth-store-shared-state-enabled=true</literal>
to store the captured credentials. Shared state is cleared when the
user successfully authenticates, quits the chain, or logs out.
(Default: <literal>false</literal>)</para>
<para>Set <literal>iplanet-am-auth-shared-state-behavior-pattern=tryFirstPass</literal>
(the default) to try authenticating with the captured password. If
authentication fails, then OpenAM prompts the user for the credentials
<para>Set <literal>iplanet-am-auth-shared-state-behavior-pattern=useFirstPass</literal>
to authenticate with the captured password. If authentication fails,
then the module fails.</para>
<para>For example, consider a chain with two modules sharing credentials
according to the default settings. The first module in the chain has the
option <literal>iplanet-am-auth-shared-state-enabled=true</literal>, and
criteria <literal>REQUIRED</literal>. The second module in the chain has
options <literal>iplanet-am-auth-shared-state-enabled=true</literal>,
and criteria <literal>REQUIRED</literal>. A successful authentication
sequence happens as follows. The user enters her credentials for the first
module, successfully authenticating. The first module shares the
credentials with the second module, successfully authenticating the user
without prompting again for her credentials, unless the credentials for
the first module do not successfully authenticate here to the second
module. Just be sure to separate the options with a space and not a comma.</para>
<para>Save your work.</para>
<procedure xml:id="set-default-authn-chain">
<title>To Select the Default Chain</title>
<para>Before you select the default chain for users, and especially for
administrators, test the authentication chain first. For example,
If you cannot log in, then go back and fix the authentication chain's
configuration before making it the default.</para>
<para>On the Access Control tab page of the OpenAM console, click the
realm for which to set the default authentication chain.</para>
<step performance="optional">
<para>If necessary, on the Authentication tab page for the realm, adjust
the drop-down lists for Organization Authentication Configuration and
Administrator Authentication Configuration to the appropriate
authentication chains.</para>
<para>The Organization Authentication Configuration serves when users
access <literal>/openam/UI/Login</literal>.</para>
<para>The Administrator Authentication Configuration serves when users
access <literal>/openam/console</literal>.</para>
<para>You can set these independently to separate administrative login
from user login. For example, you can change the default user chain, but
leave the default administrator chain as is to avoid locking yourself
out as administrator. By default, <literal>amadmin</literal> can login at
<literal>/openam/UI/Login</literal>. You can change that for your
<para>Save your work.</para>
<section xml:id="authn-post-auth-plugins">
<title>Post Authentication Plugins</title>
<primary>Post authentication plugins</primary>
<para>Post authentication plugins include custom processing at the end of the
authentication process, immediately before the subject is authenticated.
Common uses of post authentication plugins include setting cookies and
session variables. Post authentication plugins are often used in conjunction
with policy agents. The post authentication plugin sets custom session
properties, and then the policy agent injects the custom properties into the
request header to the protected application.</para>
<para>In the OpenAM console, you add post authentication plugins to an
authentication chain. Navigate to Access Control &gt; <replaceable>Realm
Name</replaceable> &gt; Authentication &gt; Authentication Chaining &gt;
<replaceable>Auth Chain Name</replaceable>. Scroll down to the Post Authentication
Processing Class list.</para>
<title>Standard Post Authentication Plugins</title>
<para>OpenAM provides some post authentication plugins as part of the
standard product delivery.</para>
<term>Class name: <literal>org.forgerock.openam.authentication.modules.adaptive.Adaptive</literal></term>
<para>The adaptive authentication plugin serves to save cookies and profile
attributes after successful authentication.</para>
<para>Add it to your authentication chains that use the adaptive
authentication module configured to save cookies and profile
<!-- OPENAM-1861: Document OAuth2 Post Authentication plugin -->
<term>Class name: <literal>org.forgerock.openam.authentication.modules.oauth2.OAuth2PostAuthnPlugin</literal></term>
<para>The OAuth 2.0 post authentication plugin builds a global logout URL
used by <filename>/oauth2c/OAuthLogout.jsp</filename> after successful
OAuth 2.0 client authentication. This logs the resource owner out
with the OAuth 2.0 provider when logging out of OpenAM.</para>
<para>Before using this plugin, configure the OAuth 2.0 authentication
module with the correct OAuth 2.0 Provider logout service URL, and set
the Logout options to Log out or Prompt. This plugin cannot succeed unless
those parameters are correctly set.</para>
<para>Sometimes OAuth 2.0 providers change their endpoints, including
their logout URLs. When using a provider like Facebook, Google, or MSN
make sure you are aware when they change their endpoint locations so that
you can change your client configuration accordingly.</para>
<!-- OPENAM-1860: Document post authentication plugin account expiration -->
<term>Class name: <literal>org.forgerock.openam.authentication.plugins.AccountExpirePlugin</literal></term>
<para>The account expiration post authentication plugin sets an account
expiration date after successful authentication. OpenAM uses this to
prevent expired accounts from being used to authenticate.</para>
<para>The default of 30 days can be changed using the advanced OpenAM
server property,
<para>If necessary, you can also write your own custom post authentication
plugin as described in the <citetitle>Developer's Guide</citetitle> chapter
on <link xlink:href="dev-guide#chap-post-auth"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Creating a Post
Authentication Plugin</citetitle></link>.</para>
<section xml:id="authn-from-browser">
<title>Authenticating To OpenAM</title>
<para>This section explains how to connect to OpenAM for user authentication
by adding parameters to the login URL when testing your configuration.</para>
<para>The base URL to authenticate to OpenAM points to
<literal>/UI/Login</literal> under the deployment URL, such as
<footnote><para>The base URL to logout is similar, for example
</footnote> You can, however, specify parameters in the query string
of the URL to request a specific authentication configuration. For example,
requests that OpenAM use the LDAP authentication module.</para>
<para>OpenAM accepts the following parameters in the query string. With
the exception of <literal>IDToken</literal> parameters, use no more than
one occurrence of each.</para>
<note><para>The way you enter parameters depends on whether you are using the
classic UI or the XUI. For example, if you want to request that OpenAM end the
user's current session and start a new session in the classic UI, you might enter
a URL similar to: <literal></literal>.
Alternatively, for the JavaScript-based XUI, the corresponding URL would be subtly different:
<para>Request that OpenAM end the user's current session and start a
new session.</para>
<para>Request that OpenAM authenticate the user using a module with at
least the specified authentication level that you have configured.</para>
<para>As this parameter determines authentication module selection, do
not use it with <literal>module</literal>, <literal>service</literal>,
or <literal>user</literal>.</para>
<para>If <literal>ForceAuth=true</literal>, request that OpenAM force the
user to authenticate even if she already has a valid session. On
successful authentication, OpenAM updates the session token.</para>
<para>On successful authentication, or successful logout, request that
OpenAM redirect the user to the specified location. Values must be
URL encoded.</para>
<para>On authentication failure, request that OpenAM redirect the user to
the specified location. Values must be URL encoded.</para>
<term>IDToken1, IDToken2, ..., IDTokenN</term>
<para>Pass the specified credentials as <literal>IDToken</literal>
parameters in the URL. The <literal>IDToken</literal> credentials map
to the fields in the login page for the authentication module, such as
<literal>IDToken1</literal> as user ID and <literal>IDToken2</literal>
as password for basic user name, password authentication. The order
depends on the callbacks in login page for the module;
<literal>IDTokenN</literal> represents the N<superscript>th</superscript>
callback of the login page.</para>
<para>Applicable only if you configure persistent cookies based on
<xref linkend="auth-core-persistent-cookie" /></para>
<para>Request that OpenAM return a persistent cookie that remains in the
browser after the browser is closed, allowing the user to login again
without being prompted for credentials. This only works if you have
configured persistent cookie mode for the realm where the user logs
<para>OpenAM sets an <literal>DProPCookie</literal> that persists until
expiry. The following screen shot shows an example.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-persistent-dpropcookie">
<alt>DProPCookie shown in the browser</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/persistent-dpropcookie.png" format="PNG" />
<para>An alternative persistent cookie mechanism extends the lifetime of
the normal <literal>iPlanetDirectoryPro</literal> using the advanced
server settings, <literal>openam.session.persist_am_cookie</literal>
or <literal>openam.session.allow_persist_am_cookie</literal>, and
<para>To set the mechanism globally for the server, browse in the OpenAM
console to Configuration &gt; Servers and Sites &gt; <replaceable>Server
Name</replaceable> &gt; Advanced, and then set
<literal>openam.session.persist_am_cookie</literal> to
<literal>true</literal> and
<literal></literal> to the cookie lifetime
in seconds.</para>
<para>To allow users to use this mechanism on a per-session basis,
browse in the OpenAM console to Configuration &gt; Servers and
Sites &gt; <replaceable>Server Name</replaceable> &gt; Advanced, and then
set <literal>openam.session.allow_persist_am_cookie</literal> to
<literal>true</literal> and
<literal></literal> to the cookie lifetime
in seconds. (If the OpenAM .war deployed does not include the console, set
these properties in the .properties configuration file.) Also configure
the session properties either globally under Configuration &gt; Global
&gt; Session &gt; Dynamic Attributes, or per realm under Access Control
&gt; <replaceable>Realm Name</replaceable> &gt; Services &gt; Session.
Then, to request the cookie, use
<literal>openam.session.persist_am_cookie=Yes</literal> as one of the
query string parameters in the login URL.</para>
<note><para>Neither the XUI nor the Persistent Cookie
module supports the deprecated <literal>iPSPCookie</literal>.</para></note>
<para>Request that OpenAM display the user interface in the specified,
supported locale. Locale can also be set in the user's profile, in
the HTTP header from her browser, configured in OpenAM, and so on.</para>
<para>Request that OpenAM use the authentication module instance as
configured for the realm where the user is authenticating.</para>
<para>As this parameter determines authentication module selection, do
not use it with <literal>authlevel</literal>, <literal>service</literal>,
or <literal>user</literal>.</para>
<para>Request that OpenAM save the cookie to memory so that another
application on the user's system can read it to create an
<para>Example: <literal></literal></para>
<para>Request that OpenAM authenticate the user to the specified realm.</para>
<para>Request that OpenAM authenticate the user with the specified
authentication chain.</para>
<para>As this parameter determines authentication module selection, do
not use it with <literal>authlevel</literal>, <literal>module</literal>,
or <literal>user</literal>.</para>
<para>Request that the user, specified by her OpenAM universal ID,
authenticate according to the chain specified in her profile.</para>
<para>As this parameter determines authentication module selection, do
not use it with <literal>authlevel</literal>, <literal>module</literal>,
or <literal>service</literal>.</para>
<section xml:id="session-upgrade">
<title>Authentication Levels &amp; Session Upgrade</title>
As shown in <xref linkend="configure-authn-modules" />,
authentication modules are configured with an authentication level.
This configuration sets the level of security associated with the module,
Stronger forms of authentication are assigned higher authentication levels.
(Or lower authentication level numbers if the deployment defines
stronger authentication with lower authentication level numbers.)
Upon successful authentication, a user's session includes information
about the authentication level achieved.
Authorization policies can require a particular authentication level
for access to sensitive resources
(or at most or at least a specified authentication level).
When a user who is already authenticated in the realm
tries to access a sensitive resource with a valid session
but that does not have the requisite authentication level,
OpenAM denies access to the resource.
However, OpenAM also returns <firstterm>advices</firstterm>
with the authorization decision.
The advices indicate the need for the required authentication level.
The policy agent or policy enforcement point can then
send the user back to OpenAM for <firstterm>session upgrade</firstterm>.
During session upgrade the user authenticates
with a stronger authentication module.
The stronger module is typically part of the same authentication chain
that handled the original authentication,
though not required for access to less sensitive resources.
Upon successful stronger authentication,
the user session is upgraded to the new authentication level
and modified to include any settings related to the stronger authentication.
If unsuccessful, session upgrade leaves the user session
as it was before the attempt at stronger authentication.
If session upgrade failed because the login page times out,
OpenAM redirects the user's browser to the success URL
from the last successful authentication.
OpenAM policy agents generally handle session upgrade
without additional configuration,
as policy agents are built to handle OpenAM's advices.
If you build your own policy enforcement point (PEP), however,
take advices and session upgrade into consideration.
For RESTful PEPs, see the <citetitle>Developer's Guide</citetitle> sections,
><citetitle>Requesting Policy Decisions</citetitle></link>
><citetitle>Authentication &amp; Logout</citetitle></link>,
for indications on how to handle advices and session upgrade.
<section xml:id="configure-account-lockout">
<title>Configuring Account Lockout</title>
<primary>Account lockout</primary>
<para>OpenAM supports two different approaches to <firstterm>account
lockout</firstterm>, where OpenAM locks an account after repeated
authentication failures. Lockout works with modules for which users
can enter a password incorrectly.</para>
<para>Memory lockout locks the user account, keeping track of the locked
state only in memory, and then unlocking the account after a specified
delay. Memory lockout is also released when OpenAM restarts.</para>
<para>Persistent (physical) lockout sets the user account status to
<literal>inactive</literal> in the user profile. For persistent lockout,
OpenAM tracks failed authentication attempts by writing to the user
<para>Persistent account lockout works independently of account lockout
mechanisms in the underlying directory server that serves as the user
data store.</para>
<para>You configure account lockout by editing settings for the <link
xlink:role="">core authentication
module</link>. Access the settings in OpenAM console under Access Control
&gt; <replaceable>Realm Name</replaceable> &gt; Authentication &gt; All
Core Settings..., and then scroll down to the Account Lockout section.
The inline help explains the settings in detail.</para>
<para>Enable lockout by checking Login Failure Lockout Mode, setting
the number of attempts, and setting the lockout interval and
<para>You can also opt to warn users after several consecutive failures,
or to multiply the lockout duration on each successive lockout.</para>
<para>You can set up email notification upon lockout to an administrator
if OpenAM is configured to send mail. (Configuration &gt; Servers and Sites &gt;
Default Server Settings &gt; General &gt; Mail Server.)</para>
<para>For persistent lockout, OpenAM sets the value of the user's
<literal>inetuserstatus</literal> profile attribute to
<literal>inactive</literal>. You can also specify another attribute to
update on lockout. You can further set a non-default attribute on which
to store the number of failed authentication attempts. When you do store
the number of failed attempts in the data store, other OpenAM servers
accessing the user data store can also see the number.</para>
<para>If you need to unlock a user's account, find the user under Access
Control &gt; <replaceable>Realm Name</replaceable> &gt; Subjects &gt; User,
set the user's User Status to Active, and click Save.</para>
<section xml:id="configure-session-quotas">
<title>Configuring Session Quotas</title>
<primary>Session quotas</primary>
<para>OpenAM lets you limit the number of active sessions for a user by
setting session quotas. You also configure session quota exhaustion actions
so that when a user goes beyond the session quota, OpenAM takes the
appropriate action.</para>
<para>To enforce session quotas across multiple servers in a site, configure
session failover as described in the <citetitle>Installation Guide</citetitle>
chapter, <link xlink:href="install-guide#chap-session-failover"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Setting Up OpenAM
Session Failover</citetitle></link>.</para>
<procedure xml:id="session-quotas-and-exhaustion-actions">
<title>To Configure Session Quotas &amp; Exhaustion Actions</title>
<!-- This is based on Peter Major's work. See his blog entry on the subject: -->
<para>The session quota applies to all sessions opened for the same
user (as represented by the user's universal identifier).</para>
<para>Log in to OpenAM Console as administrator, and then browse to
Configuration &gt; Global &gt; Session.</para>
<para>Set Enable Quota Constraints to <literal>ON</literal>.</para>
<para>Set Resulting behavior if session quota exhausted.</para>
<para>The following settings are available by default.</para>
<para>Deny access, preventing the user from creating an additional
<para>Remove the next session to expire, and create a new session for
the user. The next session to expire is the session with the minimum
time left until expiration.</para>
<para>This is the default setting.</para>
<para>Remove the oldest session, and create a new session for the
<para>Remove all existing sessions, and create a new session for the
<para>If none of these session quota exhaustion actions fit your deployment,
you can implement a custom session quota exhaustion action. See the
<citetitle>Developer's Guide</citetitle> chapter on <link
Session Quota Exhaustion Actions</citetitle></link> for an example.</para>
<para>Set Active User Sessions to the session quota.</para>
<para>The default is 5 sessions.</para>
<para>Save your work.</para>
<step performance="optional">
<para>If you have multiple servers but session failover is not configured,
configure multi-server mode as described below.</para>
<para>If you have only a single OpenAM server, skip this step. OpenAM
enforces the session quota you set for the server.</para>
<para>If you have multiple servers with session failover configured, then
also skip this step. In this case OpenAM uses the session store to enforce
session quotas globally across your deployment. In other words when the
Set Active User Sessions is 5, a user can have a maximum of 5 active
<para>If you have multiple OpenAM servers but session failover is not
configured, configure multi-server mode for session quotas. Browse to
Configuration &gt; Servers and Sites &gt; Default Server Settings or
Configuration &gt; Servers and Sites &gt; <replaceable>Server
Name</replaceable>, and then use the Advanced tab page to set the
following advanced server property.</para>
<literallayout>openam.session.useLocalSessionsInMultiServerMode = true</literallayout>
<para>When you set this property to <literal>true</literal> for your OpenAM
servers, users can potentially reach the session quota for each individual
server before all session quotas are exhausted. In other words if you have
4 OpenAM servers and Set Active User Sessions is 5, then the user can have
a maximum of 20 (5 * 4) sessions.</para>
<section xml:id="configure-valid-goto-url-resources">
<title>Configuring Valid goto URL Resources</title>
<para>By default, OpenAM redirects the user to the URL specified in the
<literal>goto</literal> and <literal>gotoOnFail</literal> query string parameters
supplied to the authentication interface in the login URL.
You can increase security against possible phishing attacks through open redirect
by specifying a list of valid URL resources using the Valid
<literal>goto</literal> URL Resource service.
OpenAM only redirects a user if the <literal>goto</literal> and
<literal>gotoOnFail</literal> URL matches any of the resources specified in
this setting.
If no setting is present, it is assumed that the <literal>goto</literal> or
<literal>gotoOnFail</literal> URL is valid.
When setting valid <literal>goto</literal> URLs,
you can use the "*" wildcard,
where "*" matches all characters except "?".
The following rules apply:
To allow only a single host name to be used
when redirecting the user after authentication,
specify the host name.
For example, if you specify
then you can redirect only to
URLs on <literal></literal>,
not URLs on <literal></literal>.
Start the domain name with <literal>*.</literal>
to allow all host names in the domain to be used
when redirecting the user after authentication.
For example, to allow redirects to URLs on any hosts in the domain
use <literal>http*://*</literal>.
Note that <literal>http*://*</literal>
matches URLs on <literal></literal>,
and also URLs on <literal></literal>.
Also note that the <literal>*</literal> wildcard in the protocol,
<literal>http*://</literal>, matches URLs starting with
either <literal>http://</literal> or <literal>https://</literal>.
To match URLs using secure connections
to <literal></literal> on any port,
but no URLs with query string parameters,
use <literal>*/*</literal>.