CtsMonitoringImpl.java revision 8f643b425003d922f5007d0cda90822527256bdc
* Copyright 2013 ForgeRock AS.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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package org.forgerock.openam.monitoring.cts;
import com.google.inject.Key;
import com.google.inject.name.Names;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.sun.management.snmp.SnmpStatusException;
import com.sun.management.snmp.agent.SnmpMib;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.CoreTokenConstants;
import org.forgerock.openam.cts.impl.query.QueryFactory;
import org.forgerock.openam.cts.monitoring.CTSOperationsMonitoringStore;
import org.forgerock.openam.cts.monitoring.CTSReaperMonitoringStore;
import org.forgerock.openam.guice.InjectorHolder;
* This class acts as the implementation of the root node of the monitoring tree structure
* that is exposed by the monitoring service. Elements of the tree under this node are of
* one of two types:
* - Index tables, filled by an Enum which are simple key:value maps where the keys are
* increasing integers. The two index tables are:
* - OperationTable - Contains mappings of the CTS CRUDL Operations
* - TokenTable - Contains mappings of the CTS token types
* - Lookup tables, which take parameters from one or more of the index tables to provide
* the arguments to the functions on which
* Upon instantiation this class fills in the index tables from the enums provided in its
* constructor. As such new endpoint index-combinations can be generated by adding
* a new entry in the Enum.
* Finally, it generates the entries in the lookup tables so they map through to to the
* correct implementation.
* To expose a new monitorable value for the CTS:
* - Create the data structure (if necessary) to store the data (from the CTS point of view) and
* from which to retrieve the data (from the monitoring system's point of view)
* - Alter the .mib endpoint structure to accommodate any new index tables (if necessary) or
* functional tables
* - If the queryable function requires more then the existing index tables to reference
* uniquely, generate the index tables and set them up using this class
* - Generate a new function for the exposed variable on the EntryImplementation of the
* table, which calls your new data structure and/or query mechanism.
* - If we end up with more than the existing two Enums as index types, then
* we may want to move this signature away from forcing Enum types and using EnumSets
* and instead use more generic (but less well ordinated) types.
public class CtsMonitoringImpl<E extends Enum<E>, F extends Enum<F>> extends CtsMonitoring {
private static Debug debug = null; //injected and then passed on
//our two indexes
private EnumSet<E> crudItems;
private EnumSet<F> tokenItems;
private final CTSReaperMonitoringStore reaperMonitoringStore;
* Constructor with the MBeanServer not being set to null. Generates and assigned the
* tables to the implementations, complete with appropriate setup knowledge.
* @param myMib the mib file we are loading the snmp server from
* @param crudItemClass enum representing crud operations
* @param tokenItemClass enum representing tokens
public CtsMonitoringImpl(SnmpMib myMib, Class<E> crudItemClass, Class<F> tokenItemClass) {
this.reaperMonitoringStore = InjectorHolder.getInstance(CTSReaperMonitoringStore.class);
* Sets the Enum to use as a list of CRUDL operations
* @param crudType Class of the Enum to use for CRUD operations
private void setCrudItems(Class<E> crudType) {
this.crudItems = EnumSet.allOf(crudType);
* Sets the Enum to use as a list of tokens
* @param tokenType Class of the Enum to use for tokens
private void setTokenItems(Class<F> tokenType) {
this.tokenItems = EnumSet.allOf(tokenType);
* Performs the majority of the work setting up the tables
* such that they can be queried as pass-throughs to the
* data structures they act as queryable endpoints for.
* @param myMib The mib file which caused generation of this class
private void init(SnmpMib myMib) {
if (debug == null) {
final Key<Debug> key = Key.get(Debug.class, Names.named(CoreTokenConstants.CTS_MONITOR_DEBUG));
debug = InjectorHolder.getInstance(key);
//init our index tables first
final List<OperationEntry> operationEntries = new ArrayList<OperationEntry>();
final List<TokenEntry> tokenEntries = new ArrayList<TokenEntry>();
//init our CRUD operations
for (Enum e : crudItems) {
final OperationEntry entry = new OperationEntry(myMib);
entry.OperationType = e.name();
entry.OperationTableIndex = (long) e.ordinal() + 1; // +1 as OID aren't 0-based
//init our tokens
for (Enum e : tokenItems) {
final TokenEntry entry = new TokenEntry(myMib);
entry.TokenType = e.name();
entry.TokenTableIndex = (long) e.ordinal() + 1;
try {
//add each of our operations to the operation table
for (OperationEntry ce : operationEntries) {
//add each of our tokens to the token table
for (TokenEntry te : tokenEntries) {
//init the underlying tables
createCRUDOperationsPerTokenTypeTable(myMib, CtsCRUDOperationsPerTokenTypeTable,
operationEntries, tokenEntries);
createCRUDOperationsTable(myMib, CtsCRUDOperationsTable, operationEntries);
createTokenOperationsTable(myMib, CtsTokenOperationsTable, tokenEntries);
} catch (SnmpStatusException e) {
if(debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.error("Unable to set up CTS Monitoring tables. CTS monitoring not available.", e);
* Generates the endpoints for the Token Operations table. The endpoints for this table
* take one index - the token type.
* @param myMib Mibfile from which the definition of these tables comes
* @param table The table in to which we will write the endpoints
* @param tokenEntries The entries from which the table will be populated
* @throws SnmpStatusException If anything goes wrong while writing to the table
private void createTokenOperationsTable(SnmpMib myMib, TableCtsTokenOperationsTable table,
List<TokenEntry> tokenEntries) throws SnmpStatusException {
final QueryFactory factory = new QueryFactory();
for (TokenEntry te : tokenEntries) {
final CtsTokenOperationsEntry entry = new CtsTokenOperationsEntryImpl(factory, myMib, debug);
entry.TokenTableIndex = te.TokenTableIndex;
* Generates the endpoints for the CRUD Operations table. The endpoints for this table
* take one index - the operation type.
* @param myMib Mibfile from which the definition of these tables comes
* @param table Tghe table in to which we will write the endpoints
* @param operationEntries The entries from which the table will be populated
* @throws SnmpStatusException If anything goes wrong while writing to the table
private void createCRUDOperationsTable(SnmpMib myMib, TableCtsCRUDOperationsTable table,
List<OperationEntry> operationEntries) throws SnmpStatusException {
for (OperationEntry oe : operationEntries) {
final CtsCRUDOperationsEntry entry = new CtsCRUDOperationsEntryImpl(myMib, debug);
entry.OperationTableIndex = oe.OperationTableIndex;
* Generates the endpoints for the CRUD Operations Per Token Type table. The endpoints
* for this table take two indexes - the operation type and the token type.
* @param myMib Mibfile from which the definition of these tables comes
* @param table Tghe table in to which we will write the endpoints
* @param operationEntries The operation entries from which the table will be populated
* @param tokenEntries The token entries from which the table will be populated
* @throws SnmpStatusException If anything goes wrong while writing to the table
private void createCRUDOperationsPerTokenTypeTable(SnmpMib myMib, TableCtsCRUDOperationsPerTokenTypeTable table,
List<OperationEntry> operationEntries,
List<TokenEntry> tokenEntries) throws SnmpStatusException {
for (OperationEntry oe : operationEntries) {
for (TokenEntry te : tokenEntries) {
final CtsCRUDOperationsPerTokenTypeEntry entry = new CtsCRUDOperationsPerTokenTypeEntryImpl(myMib, debug);
entry.OperationTableIndex = oe.OperationTableIndex;
entry.TokenTableIndex = te.TokenTableIndex;
* Gets the CTS Reapers current rate of deletion from the CTS monitoring store.
* @return The Rate at which the CTS Reaper is deleting sessions.
public Long getRateOfDeletedSessions() {
return (long) reaperMonitoringStore.getRateOfDeletedSessions();