CTSPersistentStore.java revision 049dd4948334dbda32bbeeed47c2bdf401ba7d09
* Copyright (c) 2012 ForgeRock US Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information:
* "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
package com.sun.identity.sm.ldap;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import com.iplanet.am.util.SystemProperties;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionException;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionID;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.exceptions.EntryAlreadyExistsException;
import com.sun.identity.coretoken.interfaces.AMTokenRepository;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.InternalSession;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.SessionService;
import com.sun.identity.common.GeneralTaskRunnable;
import com.sun.identity.coretoken.interfaces.AMTokenSAML2Repository;
import com.sun.identity.coretoken.interfaces.OAuth2TokenRepository;
import com.sun.identity.session.util.SessionUtils;
import com.sun.identity.shared.Constants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.OAuth2Constants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.configuration.SystemPropertiesManager;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.sun.identity.shared.ldap.*;
import com.sun.identity.shared.ldap.LDAPException;
import com.sun.identity.sm.model.*;
import com.sun.identity.tools.objects.MapFormat;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import static org.forgerock.openam.session.ha.i18n.AmsessionstoreMessages.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.exceptions.NotFoundException;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.exceptions.StoreException;
import org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonValue;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.JsonResourceException;
import org.forgerock.openam.session.model.AMRootEntity;
import org.forgerock.openam.session.model.DBStatistics;
import org.forgerock.openam.utils.TimeDuration;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPModification;
import org.opends.server.types.*;
* Provide Implementation of AMTokenRepository using the internal/external
* Configuration Directory as OpenAM's Session and Token Store.
* <p>
* Having a replicated Directory
* will provide the underlying Session High Availability and Failover
* for OpenAM Session Data.
* </p>
* <p/>
* @author steve
* @author jeff.schenk@forgerock.com
* @author jason.lemay@forgerock.com
public class CTSPersistentStore extends GeneralTaskRunnable
implements AMTokenRepository, AMTokenSAML2Repository, OAuth2TokenRepository {
* Globals public Constants, so not to pollute entire product.
public static final String FR_FAMRECORD = "frFamRecord";
* Globals private Constants, so not to pollute entire product.
private static final String PKEY_NAMING_ATTR = "pKey";
private static final String FORMATTED_EXPIRATION_DATE_NAME = "formattedExpirationDate";
private static final String SAML2_KEY_NAME = "samlKey";
private static final String OAUTH2_KEY_NAME = "oauth2Key";
private static final String OBJECTCLASS = "objectClass";
private static final String ANY_OBJECTCLASS_FILTER = "(" + OBJECTCLASS + Constants.EQUALS + Constants.ASTERISK + ")";
* Search Constructs
private final static String SKEY_FILTER_PRE = "(sKey=";
private final static String SKEY_FILTER_POST = ")";
private final static String EXPDATE_FILTER_PRE = "(expirationDate<=";
private final static String EXPDATE_FILTER_POST = ")";
* Singleton Instance
private static volatile CTSPersistentStore instance = new CTSPersistentStore();
* Shared SM Data Layer Accessor.
private static volatile CTSDataLayer CTSDataLayer;
* Debug Logging
private static Debug DEBUG = SessionService.sessionDebug;
* Service Globals
private static volatile boolean shutdown = false;
private static Thread storeThread;
private static final int SLEEP_INTERVAL = 60 * 1000;
private final static String ID = "CTSPersistentStore";
private final Object LOCK = new Object();
* Grace Period
private static long gracePeriod = 5 * 60; /* 5 mins in secs */
* Configuration Definitions
static public final String SESSION = "session";
static public final String SAML2 = "saml2";
static public final String OAUTH2 = "oauth2";
private static final String FAMRECORDS_NAMING = "ou=famrecords";
private static final String OAUTH2TOKENS_NAMING = "ou="+OAUTH2+"tokens";
private static boolean caseSensitiveUUID =
* Define Global DN and Container Constants
// Our default for SM_CONFIG_ROOT_SUFFIX = dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org
private static final String SM_CONFIG_ROOT_SUFFIX =
// Our default for TOKEN_ROOT_SUFFIX = ou=tokens
private static final String TOKEN_ROOT_SUFFIX =
// Our default for TOKEN_ROOT = ou=tokens,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org
private static final String TOKEN_ROOT = TOKEN_ROOT_SUFFIX +
// Our default for TOKEN_SESSION_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX = ou=openam-session
private static final String TOKEN_SESSION_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX =
// Our default for TOKEN_SAML2_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX = ou=openam-saml2
private static final String TOKEN_SAML2_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX =
// Our default for TOKEN_OAUTH2_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX = ou-openam-oauth2
private static final String TOKEN_OAUTH2_HA_ROOT_SUFFIX =
* Define Session DN Constants
private static final String SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_BASE_DN =
PKEY_NAMING_ATTR + Constants.EQUALS + "{"+PKEY_NAMING_ATTR+"}" + Constants.COMMA +
* Session Expiration Filter.
private final static String TOKEN_EXPIRATION_FILTER_TEMPLATE =
"(&(" + OBJECTCLASS + Constants.EQUALS + CTSPersistentStore.FR_FAMRECORD +
* Define SAML2 DN Constants
private static final String SAML2_HA_BASE_DN =
private static final String TOKEN_SAML2_HA_ELEMENT_DN_TEMPLATE =
PKEY_NAMING_ATTR + Constants.EQUALS + "{"+SAML2_KEY_NAME+"}" + Constants.COMMA +
* Define OAUTH2 DN Constants
private static final String OAUTH2_HA_BASE_DN =
private static final String TOKEN_OAUTH2_HA_ELEMENT_DN_TEMPLATE =
OAuth2Constants.Params.ID + Constants.EQUALS + "{"+OAUTH2_KEY_NAME+"}" + Constants.COMMA + OAUTH2_HA_BASE_DN;
* Define all our Top Level DN for Validation.
* This DIT hierarchy must exist for this component to operate.
* The Squence of these should be in DIT order.
private static final String[] containersToBeValidated = {
* Return Attribute Constructs
private static LinkedHashSet<String> returnAttrs;
private static String[] returnAttrs_ARRAY;
private static LinkedHashSet<String> returnAttrs_OAuth2;
private static String[] returnAttrs_OAuth2_ARRAY;
private static LinkedHashSet<String> returnAttrs_PKEY_ONLY;
private static String[] returnAttrs_PKEY_ONLY_ARRAY;
private static LinkedHashSet<String> returnAttrs_DN_ONLY;
private static String[] returnAttrs_DN_ONLY_ARRAY;
private static LinkedHashSet<String> returnAttrs_ID_ONLY;
private static String[] returnAttrs_ID_ONLY_ARRAY;
* Expired Session Search Limit and Date & Time Formatter.
private static final int DEFAULT_EXPIRED_SESSION_SEARCH_LIMIT = 250;
private static SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = null;
* Deferred Operation Queue.
private static ConcurrentLinkedQueue<AMSessionRepositoryDeferredOperation>
= new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<AMSessionRepositoryDeferredOperation>();
* Time period between two successive runs of repository cleanup thread
* which checks and removes expired records
private static long cleanUpPeriod = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 min in milliseconds
private static long cleanUpValue = 0;
public static final String CLEANUP_RUN_PERIOD =
* Time period between two successive runs of DBHealthChecker thread which
* checks for Database availability.
private static long healthCheckPeriod = 1 * 60 * 1000;
public static final String HEALTH_CHECK_RUN_PERIOD =
* This period is actual one that is used by the thread. The value is set to
* the smallest value of cleanUPPeriod and healthCheckPeriod.
private static long runPeriod = 1 * 60 * 1000; // 1 min in milliseconds
* Static Initialization Stanza
* - Set all Timing Periods.
static {
try {
gracePeriod = Integer.parseInt(SystemProperties.get(
CLEANUP_GRACE_PERIOD, String.valueOf(gracePeriod)));
} catch (Exception e) {
DEBUG.error("Invalid value for " + CLEANUP_GRACE_PERIOD
+ ", using default");
try {
cleanUpPeriod = Integer.parseInt(SystemProperties.get(
CLEANUP_RUN_PERIOD, String.valueOf(cleanUpPeriod)));
} catch (Exception e) {
DEBUG.error("Invalid value for " + CLEANUP_RUN_PERIOD
+ ", using default");
try {
healthCheckPeriod = Integer
} catch (Exception e) {
DEBUG.error("Invalid value for " + HEALTH_CHECK_RUN_PERIOD
+ ", using default");
runPeriod = (cleanUpPeriod <= healthCheckPeriod) ? cleanUpPeriod
: healthCheckPeriod;
cleanUpValue = cleanUpPeriod;
// Create and Initialize all Necessary Attribute Linked Sets.
returnAttrs = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
returnAttrs_ARRAY = returnAttrs.toArray(new String[returnAttrs.size()]);
returnAttrs_PKEY_ONLY = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
returnAttrs_PKEY_ONLY_ARRAY = returnAttrs_PKEY_ONLY.toArray(new String[returnAttrs_PKEY_ONLY.size()]);
returnAttrs_DN_ONLY = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
returnAttrs_DN_ONLY_ARRAY = returnAttrs_DN_ONLY.toArray(new String[returnAttrs_DN_ONLY.size()]);
//create OAuth2 attribute Lined Sets
returnAttrs_OAuth2 = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
returnAttrs_OAuth2_ARRAY = returnAttrs_OAuth2.toArray(new String[returnAttrs_OAuth2.size()]);
returnAttrs_ID_ONLY = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
returnAttrs_ID_ONLY_ARRAY = returnAttrs_ID_ONLY.toArray(new String[returnAttrs_ID_ONLY.size()]);
// Set Up Our Expired Search Limit
try {
Integer.getInteger(SystemPropertiesManager.get(SYS_PROPERTY_EXPIRED_SEARCH_LIMIT, Integer.toString(DEFAULT_EXPIRED_SESSION_SEARCH_LIMIT)));
} catch (Exception e) {
// Set Our Simple Date Formatter, per our data Store.
simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss'Z'");
// Proceed With Initialization of Service.
try {
// Initialize the Initial Singleton Service Instance.
} catch (StoreException se) {
DEBUG.error("CTS Persistent Store Initialization Failed: " + se.getMessage());
DEBUG.error("CTS Persistent Store requests will be Ignored, until this condition is resolved!");
} // End of Static Initialization Stanza.
* Private restricted to preserve Singleton Instantiation.
private CTSPersistentStore() {
* Provide Service Instance Access to our Singleton
* @return CTSPersistentStore Singleton Instance.
public static final CTSPersistentStore getInstance() {
return instance;
* Perform Initialization
private synchronized static void initialize()
throws StoreException {
// Initialize this Service
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Initializing Configuration for the OpenAM Session Repository using Implementation Class: " +
// *******************************
// Set up Shutdown Thread Hook.
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {
// **********************************************************************************************
// Obtain our Directory Connection and ensure we can access our
// Internal Directory Connection or use an External Source as
// per configuration.
// ******************************************
// Start our AM Repository Store Thread.
storeThread = new Thread(instance);
// Finish Initialization
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Successful Configuration Initialization for the OpenAM Session Repository using Implementation Class: " +
* Perform Service Shutdown.
public void shutdown() {
* Internal Service Shutdown Process.
protected static void internalShutdown() {
shutdown = true;
* Service Thread Run Process Loop.
public void run() {
synchronized (LOCK) {
while (!shutdown) {
try {
// Delete any expired Sessions up to now.
// Delete any expired SAML2 Artifacts
// Delete expired OAuth2 tokens
// Process any Deferred Operations
// Wait for next tick or interrupt.
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
DEBUG.warning(DB_THD_INT.get().toString(), ie);
} catch (StoreException se) {
DEBUG.warning(DB_STR_EX.get().toString(), se);
} catch (JsonResourceException e){
DEBUG.error(DB_STR_EX.get().toString(), e);
* Default Service Method, used to satisfy GeneralTaskRunnable extending.
* @param obj
* @return
public boolean addElement(Object obj) {
return false;
* Default Service Method, used to satisfy GeneralTaskRunnable extending.
* @param obj
* @return
public boolean removeElement(Object obj) {
return false;
* Default Service Method, used to satisfy GeneralTaskRunnable extending.
* @return
public boolean isEmpty() {
return true;
* Saves session state to the repository If it is a new session (version ==
* 0) it inserts new record(s) to the repository. For an existing session it
* updates repository record instead while checking that versions in the
* InternalSession and in the record match In case of version mismatch or
* missing record IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
* @param is reference to <code>InternalSession</code> object being saved.
* @throws Exception if anything goes wrong.
public void save(InternalSession is) throws Exception {
if (is == null) {
saveImmediate(is, SESSION);
* Private Helper Method to perform the InternalSession Save Immediately,
* without any queueing of request.
* @param is - InternalSession to Marshal/Serialize.
* @throws Exception
private void saveImmediate(InternalSession is, final String type) throws Exception {
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.saveImmediate: ";
try {
SessionID sid = is.getID();
String key = SessionUtils.getEncryptedStorageKey(sid);
if (key == null) {
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Primary Encrypted Key "
+ " is null, Unable to persist Session.");
byte[] serializedInternalSession = SessionUtils.encode(is);
long expirationTime = is.getExpirationTime() + gracePeriod;
String uuid = caseSensitiveUUID ? is.getUUID() : is.getUUID().toLowerCase();
// Create a FAMRecord Object to wrap our Serialized Internal Session
FAMRecord famRec = new FAMRecord(
type, FAMRecord.WRITE, key, expirationTime, uuid,
is.getState(), sid.toString(), serializedInternalSession);
// Construct the Entry's DN and Persist Record
writeImmediate(famRec, getFormattedString(SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_ELEMENT_DN_TEMPLATE, PKEY_NAMING_ATTR, famRec.getPrimaryKey()));
} catch (Exception e) {
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Failed to Save Session", e);
* Takes an AMRecord and writes this to the store
* @param amRootEntity The record object to store
* @throws com.iplanet.dpro.session.exceptions.StoreException
public void write(AMRootEntity amRootEntity) throws StoreException {
if (amRootEntity == null) {
// Construct our Entity's DN and Write this AM Root Entity Object now.
* Takes an AMRecord and writes this to the store
* @param amRootEntity The record object to store
* @throws com.iplanet.dpro.session.exceptions.StoreException
private void writeImmediate(AMRootEntity amRootEntity, String baseDN)
throws StoreException {
// Perform a create/store by default and if we fail due to the entry already exists, then perform
// an Update/modify of the existing Directory Entry.
try {
// Assume we are Adding the Entry.
storeImmediate(amRootEntity, baseDN);
// Log Action
logAMRootEntity(amRootEntity, "CTSPersistenceStore.storeImmediate: \nBaseDN:[" + baseDN.toString() + "] ");
} catch (EntryAlreadyExistsException entryAlreadyExistsException) {
// Update / Modify existing Entry.
updateImmediate(amRootEntity, baseDN);
// Log Action
logAMRootEntity(amRootEntity, "CTSPersistenceStore.updateImmediate: \nBaseDN:[" + baseDN.toString() + "] ");
* Perform a Store Immediate to the Directory, since our record does not
* exist per our up-stream caller.
* @param record
* @throws StoreException
private void storeImmediate(AMRootEntity record, final String baseDN)
throws StoreException, EntryAlreadyExistsException {
if ((record == null) || (record.getPrimaryKey() == null)) {
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.storeImmediate: ";
// Prepare to Marshal our AMRootEntity Object.
AMRecordDataEntry entry = new AMRecordDataEntry(record);
List<RawAttribute> attrList = entry.getAttrList();
// Ensure our ObjectClass Attributes have been set per our Entity instance Type.
// Initialize the Attribute Set
LDAPAttributeSet ldapAttributeSet = new LDAPAttributeSet();
// Obtain a Connection.
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
try {
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Iterate over and convert RawAttribute List to actual LDAPAttributes.
for (RawAttribute rawAttribute : attrList) {
LDAPAttribute ldapAttribute = new LDAPAttribute(rawAttribute.getAttributeType());
for (ByteString value : rawAttribute.getValues()) {
// Add the new Directory Entry.
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = new LDAPEntry(baseDN, ldapAttributeSet);
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_SVR_CREATE.get(baseDN);
DEBUG.message(messageTag + message.toString());
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_SVR_CRE_FAIL.get(baseDN);
DEBUG.warning(messageTag + message.toString());
throw new EntryAlreadyExistsException(message.toString());
} else if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION) {
// This usually indicates schema has not been applied to the Directory Information Base (DIB) Instance.
final LocalizableMessage message = OBJECTCLASS_VIOLATION.get(baseDN);
DEBUG.warning(messageTag + message.toString());
} else {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_SVR_CRE_FAIL2.get(baseDN, Integer.toString(ldapException.getLDAPResultCode()));
throw new StoreException(messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* Perform an Update Immediate to the Directory, since our record does already
* exist per our up-stream caller.
* @param record
* @throws StoreException
private void updateImmediate(AMRootEntity record, final String baseDN)
throws StoreException {
List<RawModification> modList = createModificationList(record);
// Initialize.
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.updateImmediate: ";
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Convert our RawModification List to a LDAPModificationRequest.
LDAPModificationSet ldapModificationSet = new LDAPModificationSet();
for (RawModification rawModification : modList) {
RawAttribute rawAttribute = rawModification.getAttribute();
LDAPAttributeSet ldapAttributeSet = new LDAPAttributeSet();
for (ByteString byteString : rawAttribute.getValues()) {
LDAPAttribute ldapAttribute = new LDAPAttribute(rawAttribute.getAttributeType());
for (ByteString value : rawAttribute.getValues()) {
} // End of Inner For Each Attribute ValuesIteration.
ldapModificationSet.add(rawModification.getModificationType().intValue(), ldapAttribute);
} // End of Inner For Each Attribute Iteration.
} // End of Inner For Each Modification Iteration.
// Now Perform the Modification of the Object.
ldapConnection.modify(baseDN, ldapModificationSet);
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_SVR_MOD.get(baseDN);
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Not Found No Such Object
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_NOT_P.get(baseDN);
} else if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION) {
// This usually indicates schema has not been applied to the Directory Information Base (DIB) Instance.
final LocalizableMessage message = OBJECTCLASS_VIOLATION.get(baseDN);
} else {
// Other Issue Detected.
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_SVR_MOD_FAIL.get(baseDN, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
throw new StoreException(message.toString());
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* Prepare the RAW LDAP Modifications List for Directory
* consumption.
* @param record
* @return List<RawModification>
* @throws StoreException
private List<RawModification> createModificationList(AMRootEntity record)
throws StoreException {
List<RawModification> mods = new ArrayList<RawModification>();
AMRecordDataEntry entry = new AMRecordDataEntry(record);
List<RawAttribute> attrList = entry.getAttrList();
for (RawAttribute attr : attrList) {
RawModification mod = new LDAPModification(ModificationType.REPLACE, attr);
return mods;
* Deletes a record from the store.
* @param id The id of the record to delete from the store
* @throws com.iplanet.dpro.session.exceptions.StoreException
* @throws com.iplanet.dpro.session.exceptions.NotFoundException
public void delete(String id) throws StoreException, NotFoundException {
* Deletes session record from the repository.
* @param sid session ID.
* @throws Exception if anything goes wrong.
public void delete(SessionID sid) throws Exception {
* Private Helper method for Delete Immediately by Session ID.
* @param sid
* @throws Exception
private void deleteImmediate(SessionID sid) throws Exception {
* Private Helper method for Delete Immediately by Session ID.
* @param id
* @throws StoreException
private void deleteImmediate(String id)
throws StoreException {
if ((id == null) || (id.isEmpty())) {
// Initialize.
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.deleteImmediate: ";
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Delete the Entry, our Entries are flat,
// so we have no children to contend with, if this
// changes however, this deletion will need to
// specify a control to delete child entries.
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Not Found No Such Object, simple Ignore a Not Found,
// as another OpenAM instance could have purged already and replicated
// the change across the OpenDJ Bus.
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() != LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_DEL_FAIL.get(baseDN, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString());
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* Delete all Expired Sessions, within Default Limits.
* @throws Exception
public void deleteExpired() throws Exception {
* Delete all records in the store
* that have an expiry date older than the one specified.
* @param expirationDate The Calendar Entry depicting the time in which all existing Session
* objects should be deleted if less than this time.
* @throws StoreException
public void deleteExpired(Calendar expirationDate) throws StoreException {
* Set up our Duration Object, should be performed
* using AspectJ and a Pointcut.
TimeDuration timeDuration = new TimeDuration();
// Check and formulate the Date String for Query.
if (expirationDate == null) {
expirationDate = Calendar.getInstance();
// Formulate the Date String.
String formattedExpirationDate = getFormattedExpirationDate(expirationDate);
// Initialize.
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.deleteExpired: ";
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
int objectsDeleted = 0;
try {
// Initialize Filter.
String filter = getFormattedString(TOKEN_EXPIRATION_FILTER_TEMPLATE,
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Searching Expired Sessions Older than:["
+ formattedExpirationDate + "]");
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Create our Search Constraints to limit number of expired sessions returned during this tick,
// otherwise we could stall this Service Background thread.
LDAPSearchConstraints ldapSearchConstraints = new LDAPSearchConstraints();
// Perform Search
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = ldapConnection.search(SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_BASE_DN,
LDAPv2.SCOPE_SUB, filter.toString(), returnAttrs_PKEY_ONLY_ARRAY, false, ldapSearchConstraints);
// Anything Found?
if ((searchResults == null) || (!searchResults.hasMoreElements())) {
// Iterate over results and delete each entry.
while (searchResults.hasMoreElements()) {
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = searchResults.next();
if (ldapEntry == null) {
// Process the Entry to perform a delete Against it.
LDAPAttribute primaryKeyAttribute = ldapEntry.getAttribute(AMRecordDataEntry.PRI_KEY);
if ((primaryKeyAttribute == null) || (primaryKeyAttribute.size() <= 0) ||
(primaryKeyAttribute.getStringValueArray() == null)) {
// Obtain the primary Key and perform the Deletion.
String[] values = primaryKeyAttribute.getStringValueArray();
} // End of while loop.
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Determine specific actions per LDAP Return Code.
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
// Not Found No Such Object, Nothing to Delete?
// Possibly the Expired Session has been already deleted
// by a peer OpenAM Instance.
} else if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) {
// Our Size Limit was Exceed, so there are more results, but we have consumed
// our established limit. @see LDAPSearchConstraints setting above.
// Let our Next Pass obtain another chuck to delete.
} else {
// Some other type of Error has occurred...
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_ACC_FAIL.get(SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_BASE_DN, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
throw new StoreException(messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Are we in Shutdown Mode?
if (!shutdown) {
DEBUG.error(DB_ENT_EXP_FAIL.get().toString(), ex);
} else {
DEBUG.error(DB_ENT_EXP_FAIL.get().toString(), ex);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
if (objectsDeleted > 0) {
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Number of Expired Sessions Deleted:[" + objectsDeleted + "], Duration:[" + timeDuration.getDurationToString() + "]");
* Retrieve a persisted Internal Session.
* @param sid session ID
* @return InternalSession
* @throws Exception
public InternalSession retrieve(SessionID sid) throws Exception {
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.retrieve: ";
try {
String key = SessionUtils.getEncryptedStorageKey(sid);
// Read the Session Information from the Store.
// if we have a not found, simply return null,
// this can occur the first time a new session
// is created and we try to obtain the ID from the
// store.
AMRootEntity amRootEntity = this.read(key);
InternalSession is = null;
if ((amRootEntity != null) &&
(amRootEntity.getSerializedInternalSessionBlob() != null)) {
is = (InternalSession) SessionUtils.decode(amRootEntity.getSerializedInternalSessionBlob());
// Log Action
logAMRootEntity(amRootEntity, "CTSPersistenceStore.retrieve:\nFound Session ID:[" + key + "] ");
// Return unMarshaled Internal Session or null.
return is;
} catch (NotFoundException nfe) {
// Not performing any message generation here will limit the verbosity
// as during session recovery, multiple attempts
// are made to check for session existence and during high session creation,
// logs can easily spill and cause a performance degradation.
// Simply return null as upstream will handle that condition.
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Issue other than a Not Found Condition.
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Failed Retrieving Session ID:[" + sid + "]", e);
return null;
* Returns the expiration information of all sessions belonging to a user.
* The returned value will be a Map (sid->expiration_time).
* @param uuid User's universal unique ID.
* @return Map of all Session for the user
* @throws Exception if there is any problem with accessing the session
* repository.
public Map<String, String> getSessionsByUUID(String uuid) throws SessionException {
try {
AMRecord amRecord = (AMRecord) this.read(uuid);
if ((amRecord != null) && (amRecord.getExtraStringAttributes() != null)) {
return amRecord.getExtraStringAttributes();
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SessionException(e);
* Read the Persisted Session Record from the Store.
* @param id The primary key of the record to find
* @return
* @throws NotFoundException
* @throws StoreException
public AMRootEntity read(String id)
throws NotFoundException, StoreException {
if ((id == null) || (id.isEmpty())) {
return null;
// Establish our DN
// Initialize LDAP Objects
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.read: ";
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
searchResults = ldapConnection.search(baseDN,
LDAPv2.SCOPE_BASE, ANY_OBJECTCLASS_FILTER, returnAttrs_ARRAY, false, new LDAPSearchConstraints());
// Anything Found?
if ((searchResults == null) || (!searchResults.hasMoreElements())) {
return null;
// UnMarshal LDAP Entry to a Map.
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = searchResults.next();
LDAPAttributeSet attributes = ldapEntry.getAttributeSet();
Map<String, Set<String>> results =
// UnMarshal
AMRecordDataEntry dataEntry = new AMRecordDataEntry(baseDN.toString(), AMRecord.READ, results);
// Log Action
logAMRootEntity(dataEntry.getAMRecord(), messageTag + "\nBaseDN:[" + baseDN.toString() + "] ");
// Return UnMarshaled Object
return dataEntry.getAMRecord();
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Not Found, No Such Object
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
// This can be due to the session has expired and removed from the store.
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_NOT_P.get(baseDN);
DEBUG.message(messageTag + message.toString());
throw new NotFoundException(messageTag + message.toString());
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_ACC_FAIL.get(baseDN, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString());
throw new StoreException(messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* Read with Security Key.
* @param id The secondary key on which to search the store
* @return
* @throws StoreException
* @throws NotFoundException
public Set<String> readWithSecKey(String id)
throws StoreException, NotFoundException {
if ((id == null) || (id.isEmpty())) {
return null;
StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder();
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.readWithSecKey: ";
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message(messageTag + "Attempting Read of BaseDN:[" + SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_BASE_DN + "]");
// Initialize LDAP Objects
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>();
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Create our Search Constraints with no return limits.
LDAPSearchConstraints ldapSearchConstraints = new LDAPSearchConstraints();
// Perform the Search.
searchResults = ldapConnection.search(SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_BASE_DN,
LDAPv2.SCOPE_ONE, filter.toString(), returnAttrs_ARRAY, false, ldapSearchConstraints);
// Anything Found?
if ((searchResults == null) || (!searchResults.hasMoreElements())) {
return null;
// UnMarshal LDAP Entry to a Map, only pull in a Single Entry.
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = searchResults.next();
LDAPAttributeSet attributes = ldapEntry.getAttributeSet();
Map<String, Set<String>> results =
// UnMarshal
AMRecordDataEntry dataEntry = new AMRecordDataEntry(filter.toString(), AMRecord.READ, results);
// Log Action
logAMRootEntity(dataEntry.getAMRecord(), messageTag + "\nBaseDN:[" + filter.toString() + "] ");
// Return UnMarshaled Object(s)
Set<String> value = results.get(AMRecordDataEntry.DATA);
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
for (String v : value) {
// Show Success
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_R_SEC_KEY_OK.get(id, Integer.toString(result.size()));
DEBUG.message(messageTag + message.toString());
// return result
return result;
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Not Found No Such Object
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
// This can be due to the session has expired and removed from the store.
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_NOT_P.get(filter);
DEBUG.message(messageTag + message.toString());
throw new NotFoundException(messageTag + message.toString());
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_ACC_FAIL.get(filter, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString());
throw new StoreException(messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* Get the number of Session Objects per our secondary key which is the
* DN Owner of the Session Objects.
* @param id
* @return Map<String, Long>
* @throws StoreException
public Map<String, Long> getRecordCount(String id)
throws StoreException {
if ((id == null) || (id.isEmpty())) {
return null;
// Initialize LDAP Objects
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.getRecordCount: ";
try {
StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder();
// Create Search Filter for our Secondary Key.
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Create our Search Constraints with no return limits.
LDAPSearchConstraints ldapSearchConstraints = new LDAPSearchConstraints();
// Perform the Search.
searchResults = ldapConnection.search(SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_BASE_DN,
LDAPv2.SCOPE_ONE, filter.toString(), returnAttrs_ARRAY, false, ldapSearchConstraints);
// Anything Found?
if ((searchResults == null) || (!searchResults.hasMoreElements())) {
return null;
// Process our Results.
Map<String, Long> result = new HashMap<String, Long>();
while (searchResults.hasMoreElements()) {
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = searchResults.next();
if (ldapEntry == null) {
// Process the Entries Attribute Set.
LDAPAttributeSet attributes = ldapEntry.getAttributeSet();
// Convert LDAP attributes to a simple Map.
Map<String, Set<String>> results =
// Get the AuxData.
String key = "";
Long expDate = new Long(0);
Set<String> value = results.get(AMRecordDataEntry.AUX_DATA);
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
for (String v : value) {
key = v;
// Get our Expiration Date.
value = results.get(AMRecordDataEntry.EXP_DATE);
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
for (String v : value) {
expDate = AMRecordDataEntry.toAMDateFormat(v);
result.put(key, expDate);
// Return our Results.
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_GET_REC_CNT_OK.get(id, Integer.toString(result.size()));
DEBUG.message(messageTag + message.toString());
return result;
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_NOT_P.get(SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_BASE_DN);
DEBUG.message(messageTag + message.toString());
return null;
} else {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_ACC_FAIL.get(SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_BASE_DN,
DEBUG.warning(messageTag + message.toString());
throw new StoreException(messageTag + message.toString());
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* Get DB Statistics
* @return
public DBStatistics getDBStatistics() {
DBStatistics stats = DBStatistics.getInstance();
// TODO Build out proper Statistics.
return stats;
* Return Service Run Period.
* @return long current run period.
public long getRunPeriod() {
return runPeriod;
// ***************************************************************************************************
// AMTokenSAML2Repository Implementation Methods.
// These methods are called directly from the CTSPersistentSAML2Store, if that is the configured and
// desired implementation.
// ***************************************************************************************************
* Retrieves existing SAML2 object from persistent Repository.
* @param samlKey primary key
* @return SAML2 object, if failed, return null.
public Object retrieveSAML2Token(String samlKey) throws StoreException {
// Initialize.
final String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.retrieveSAML2Token: ";
// Arguments Valid?
if ( (samlKey == null) || (samlKey.isEmpty()) ) {
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Unable to Retrieve SAML2 Token Object, as Primary SAML2 Key was not provided!");
return null;
// Establish our DN
String baseDN = getFormattedString(TOKEN_SAML2_HA_ELEMENT_DN_TEMPLATE, SAML2_KEY_NAME, AMRecordDataEntry.encodeKey(samlKey));
// Initialize LDAP Objects
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
searchResults = ldapConnection.search(baseDN,
LDAPv2.SCOPE_BASE, ANY_OBJECTCLASS_FILTER, returnAttrs_ARRAY, false, new LDAPSearchConstraints());
// Anything Found?
if ((searchResults == null) || (!searchResults.hasMoreElements())) {
return null;
// UnMarshal LDAP Entry to a Map.
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = searchResults.next();
LDAPAttributeSet attributes = ldapEntry.getAttributeSet();
Map<String, Set<String>> results =
// UnMarshal
AMRecordDataEntry dataEntry = new AMRecordDataEntry(baseDN.toString(), AMRecord.READ, results);
// Log Action
logAMRootEntity(dataEntry.getAMRecord(), messageTag + "\nBaseDN:[" + baseDN.toString() + "] ");
// Return UnMarshaled Object
return dataEntry.getAMRecord();
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Not Found, No Such Object
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
// This can be due to the session has expired and removed from the store.
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_NOT_P.get(baseDN);
DEBUG.message(messageTag + message.toString());
return null;
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_ACC_FAIL.get(baseDN, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString());
return null;
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* Retrives a list of existing SAML2 object from persistent Repository with Secondary Key.
* @param secKey Secondary Key
* @return SAML2 object, if failed, return null.
public List<Object> retrieveSAML2TokenWithSecondaryKey(String secKey) throws StoreException {
// Initialize.
final String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.retrieveSAML2TokenWithSecondaryKey: ";
// Arguments Valid?
if ( (secKey == null) || (secKey.isEmpty()) ) {
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Unable to Retrieve SAML2 Token Object, as Secondary SAML2 Key was not provided!");
return null;
StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder();
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message(messageTag + "Attempting Read of BaseDN:[" + SAML2_HA_BASE_DN + "]");
// Initialize LDAP Objects
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Create our Search Constraints with no return limits.
LDAPSearchConstraints ldapSearchConstraints = new LDAPSearchConstraints();
// Perform the Search.
searchResults = ldapConnection.search(SESSION_FAILOVER_HA_BASE_DN,
LDAPv2.SCOPE_ONE, filter.toString(), returnAttrs_ARRAY, false, ldapSearchConstraints);
// Anything Found?
if ((searchResults == null) || (!searchResults.hasMoreElements())) {
return null;
// UnMarshal LDAP Entry to a Map, only pull in a Single Entry.
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = searchResults.next();
LDAPAttributeSet attributes = ldapEntry.getAttributeSet();
Map<String, Set<String>> attributeMapResults =
// UnMarshal
AMRecordDataEntry dataEntry = new AMRecordDataEntry(filter.toString(), AMRecord.READ, attributeMapResults);
// Log Action
logAMRootEntity(dataEntry.getAMRecord(), messageTag + "\nBaseDN:[" + filter.toString() + "] ");
// return result
List<Object> results = new ArrayList<Object>(1);
return results;
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Not Found No Such Object
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
// This can be due to the session has expired and removed from the store.
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_NOT_P.get(filter);
DEBUG.message(messageTag + message.toString());
return null;
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_ACC_FAIL.get(filter, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString());
throw new StoreException(messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* Saves SAML2 Token and Marshals SAML2 Object into the SAML2 Repository, for subsequent use by the owner.
* @param samlKey primary key
* @param samlObj saml object such as Response, IDPSession
* @param expirationTime expiration time
* @param secKey Secondary Key
public void saveSAML2Token(String samlKey, Object samlObj, long expirationTime, String secKey) {
// Initialize.
final String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.saveSAML2Token: ";
// Arguments Valid?
if ((samlKey == null) || (samlKey.isEmpty())) {
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Unable to Persist SAML2 Token Object, as Primary SAML2 Key was not provided!");
} else if (samlObj == null) {
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Unable to Persist SAML2 Token Object, as Object was not provided or null!");
// Now Marshal our Object and establish a FAMRecord for this Token Instance.
try {
byte[] serializedInternalSession = SessionUtils.encode(samlObj);
// Create a FAMRecord Object to wrap our SAML2 Object.
FAMRecord famRec = new FAMRecord(
SAML2, FAMRecord.WRITE, AMRecordDataEntry.encodeKey(samlKey), expirationTime,
((secKey==null) ? secKey: AMRecordDataEntry.encodeKey(secKey)),
1, null, serializedInternalSession);
// Construct the Entry's DN and Persist Record
writeImmediate(famRec, getFormattedString(TOKEN_SAML2_HA_ELEMENT_DN_TEMPLATE, SAML2_KEY_NAME, famRec.getPrimaryKey()));
} catch (Exception e) {
DEBUG.error("Failed to Save SAML2 Token", e);
* Deletes the SAML2 object by given primary key from the repository
* @param samlKey primary key
public void deleteSAML2Token(String samlKey) throws StoreException {
deleteSAML2Token(samlKey, true);
* Deletes the SAML2 object by given primary key from the repository
* @param samlKey primary key
* @param encodePrimaryKey
private void deleteSAML2Token(String samlKey, boolean encodePrimaryKey) throws StoreException {
final String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.deleteSAML2Token: ";
// Arguments Valid?
if ((samlKey == null) || (samlKey.isEmpty())) {
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Unable to Delete SAML2 Token Object, as Primary SAML2 Key was not provided!");
// Initialize.
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
((encodePrimaryKey)?AMRecordDataEntry.encodeKey(samlKey):samlKey) );
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Delete the Entry, our Entries are flat,
// so we have no children to contend with, if this
// changes however, this deletion will need to
// specify a control to delete child entries.
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Not Found No Such Object, simple Ignore a Not Found,
// as another OpenAM instance could have purged already and replicated
// the change across the OpenDJ Bus.
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() != LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_DEL_FAIL.get(baseDN, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString());
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* Deletes expired SAML2 object from the repository
public void deleteExpiredSAML2Tokens() throws StoreException {
// Initialize.
final String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.deleteExpiredSAML2Tokens: ";
* Set up our Duration Object, should be performed
* using AspectJ and a Pointcut.
TimeDuration timeDuration = new TimeDuration();
// Formulate the Date String.
String formattedExpirationDate = getFormattedExpirationDate(Calendar.getInstance());
// Initialize.
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
int objectsDeleted = 0;
try {
// Initialize Filter.
String filter = getFormattedString(TOKEN_EXPIRATION_FILTER_TEMPLATE, FORMATTED_EXPIRATION_DATE_NAME, formattedExpirationDate);
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Searching Expired Sessions Older than:["
+ formattedExpirationDate + "]");
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Create our Search Constraints to limit number of expired sessions returned during this tick,
// otherwise we could stall this Service Background thread.
LDAPSearchConstraints ldapSearchConstraints = new LDAPSearchConstraints();
// Perform Search
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = ldapConnection.search(SAML2_HA_BASE_DN,
LDAPv2.SCOPE_SUB, filter.toString(), returnAttrs_PKEY_ONLY_ARRAY, false, ldapSearchConstraints);
// Anything Found?
if ((searchResults == null) || (!searchResults.hasMoreElements())) {
// Iterate over results and delete each entry.
while (searchResults.hasMoreElements()) {
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = searchResults.next();
if (ldapEntry == null) {
// Process the Entry to perform a delete Against it.
LDAPAttribute primaryKeyAttribute = ldapEntry.getAttribute(AMRecordDataEntry.PRI_KEY);
if ((primaryKeyAttribute == null) || (primaryKeyAttribute.size() <= 0) ||
(primaryKeyAttribute.getStringValueArray() == null)) {
// Obtain the primary Key and perform the Deletion.
String[] values = primaryKeyAttribute.getStringValueArray();
deleteSAML2Token(values[0],false); // Do not to encode, as our Primary Key is already encoded from Store.
} // End of while loop.
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Determine specific actions per LDAP Return Code.
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
// Not Found No Such Object, Nothing to Delete?
// Possibly the Expired Session has been already deleted
// by a peer OpenAM Instance.
} else if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) {
// Our Size Limit was Exceed, so there are more results, but we have consumed
// our established limit. @see LDAPSearchConstraints setting above.
// Let our Next Pass obtain another chuck to delete.
} else {
// Some other type of Error has occurred...
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_ACC_FAIL.get(SAML2_HA_BASE_DN, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
throw new StoreException(messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Are we in Shutdown Mode?
if (!shutdown) {
DEBUG.error(DB_ENT_EXP_FAIL.get().toString(), ex);
} else {
DEBUG.error(DB_ENT_EXP_FAIL.get().toString(), ex);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
if (objectsDeleted > 0) {
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Number of Expired SAML2 Artifacts Deleted:[" + objectsDeleted + "], Duration:[" + timeDuration.getDurationToString() + "]");
// ***************************************************************************************************
// Private Helper Methods.
// ***************************************************************************************************
* Process any and all deferred AM Session Repository Operations.
private synchronized void processDeferredAMSessionRepositoryOperations() {
int count = 0;
= new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<AMSessionRepositoryDeferredOperation>();
for (AMSessionRepositoryDeferredOperation amSessionRepositoryDeferredOperation :
amSessionRepositoryDeferredOperationConcurrentLinkedQueue) {
// TODO -- Build out Implementation to invoke Session Repository Events.
// TODO -- Add Statistics Gathering for Post to Admin Statistics View.
// Place Entry in Collection to be removed from Queue.
// Remove all entries processed in the Queue.
if (count > 0) {
DEBUG.warning("Performed " + count + " Deferred Operations.");
* Logging Helper Method.
* @param amRootEntity
* @param message
private void logAMRootEntity(AMRootEntity amRootEntity, String message) {
// Set to Message to Error to see messages.
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
((message != null) && (!message.isEmpty()) ? message : "") +
"\nService:[" + amRootEntity.getService() + "]," +
"\n Op:[" + amRootEntity.getOperation() + "]," +
"\n PK:[" + amRootEntity.getPrimaryKey() + "]," +
"\n SK:[" + amRootEntity.getSecondaryKey() + "]," +
"\n State:[" + amRootEntity.getState() + "]," +
"\nExpTime:[" + amRootEntity.getExpDate() + " = "
+ getDate(amRootEntity.getExpDate() * 1000) + "]," +
"\n IS:[" + (
(amRootEntity.getSerializedInternalSessionBlob() != null) ?
amRootEntity.getSerializedInternalSessionBlob().length + " bytes]" : "null]") +
"\n Data:[" + (
(amRootEntity.getData() != null) ?
amRootEntity.getData().length() + " bytes]" : "null]") +
"\nAuxData:[" + (
(amRootEntity.getAuxData() != null) ?
amRootEntity.getAuxData().length() + " bytes]" : "null].")
* Return current Time in Seconds.
* @return long Time in Seconds.
private static long nowInSeconds() {
return Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() / 1000;
* Return specified Milliseconds in a Date Object.
* @param milliseconds
* @return Date
private static Date getDate(long milliseconds) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
return cal.getTime();
* Prepare our BackEnd Persistence Store.
* @throws StoreException - Exception thrown if Error condition exists.
private synchronized static void prepareCTSPersistenceStore() throws StoreException {
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.prepareCTSPersistenceStore: ";
DEBUG.message(messageTag + "Attempting to Prepare BackEnd Persistence Store for Session Services.");
try {
CTSDataLayer = CTSDataLayer.getSharedSMDataLayerAccessor();
if (CTSDataLayer == null) {
throw new StoreException("Unable to obtain BackEnd Persistence Store for Session Services.");
} catch (Exception e) {
DEBUG.error("Exception Occurred during attempt to access shared SM Data Layer!", e);
throw new StoreException(e);
// Now Exercise and Validate the
// LDAP Connection from the Pool and perform a Read of our DIT Container to verify setup.
if (!validateCTSPersistenceStore()) {
String message = "Validation of BackEnd Persistent Store was unsuccessful!\n" +
"Please Verify DIT Structure in OpenAM Configuration Directory.";
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message);
throw new StoreException(messageTag + message);
// Show Informational Message.
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message(messageTag + "Successfully Prepared BackEnd Persistence Store for Session Services.");
* Private Common Helper Method to Obtain an LDAP Connection
* from the SMDataLayer Pool.
* @return LDAPConnection - Obtained Directory Connection from Pool.
* @throws StoreException
private LDAPConnection getDirectoryConnection() throws StoreException {
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = CTSDataLayer.getConnection();
if (ldapConnection == null) {
throw new StoreException("CTSPersistenceStore.prepareCTSPersistenceStore: Unable to Obtain Directory Connection!");
// Return Obtain Connection from Pool.
return ldapConnection;
* Private Helper Method to perform Validation of our LDAP Connection and
* the existence of our DIT hierarchy which this component requires.
* @return boolean - indicates if validation was successful or not.
* @throws StoreException - Exception thrown if Error condition exists.
private static boolean validateCTSPersistenceStore() throws StoreException {
// Iterate over our Token DIT Structure to Verify.
Map<String, Boolean> validationResultMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(containersToBeValidated.length);
for(String ctsTopLevelDN : containersToBeValidated) {
validationResultMap.put(ctsTopLevelDN, instance.doesDNExist(ctsTopLevelDN));
// Now Iterate over the Validation Result Map to supply information, especially if we have
// detected something missing...
int validatedSuccessfully=0;
for(String ctsTopLevelDN : validationResultMap.keySet()) {
if (validationResultMap.get(ctsTopLevelDN).booleanValue()) {
} else {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_NOT_P.get(ctsTopLevelDN);
DEBUG.message("CTSPersistenceStore.validateCTSPersistenceStore: " + message.toString());
} // End of KeySet for each loop...
// Determine if we are good to go or not....
return (containersToBeValidated.length == validatedSuccessfully);
* Private Helper method, Does DN Exist?
* @param dn - To be Check for Existence.
* @return boolean - indicator, "True" if DN has been Found, otherwise "False".
private boolean doesDNExist(final String dn) throws StoreException {
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Perform the Search.
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = ldapConnection.search(dn,
LDAPv2.SCOPE_BASE, ANY_OBJECTCLASS_FILTER, returnAttrs_DN_ONLY_ARRAY, false, new LDAPSearchConstraints());
if ((searchResults == null) || (!searchResults.hasMoreElements())) {
return false;
return true;
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
return false;
DEBUG.error("CTSPersistenceStore.doesDNExist:Exception Occurred, Unable to Perform method," +
" Directory Error Code: " + ldapException.errorCodeToString() +
" Directory Exception: " + ldapException.errorCodeToString(), ldapException);
return false;
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* Private helper method to properly format the Expiration Date
* for a proper LDAP Date Attribute Query.
* @param expirationDate
* @return String - representing the Formatted Date String for Query.
private static String getFormattedExpirationDate(Calendar expirationDate) {
return simpleDateFormat.format(expirationDate.getTime());
* Simple Helper Method to convert a Time represented as a Long in
* Milliseconds to a Calendar object.
* @param expirationDate
* @return Calendar Object set to Expiration Date.
private static Calendar getFormattedExpirationDate(long expirationDate) {
Calendar expirationDateOnCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
return expirationDateOnCalendar;
* Helper method to correctly format a String with a name,value pair.
* This uses the include Open Source @see MapFormat Source.
* @param template
* @param name
* @param value
* @return String of Formatted Template
private static String getFormattedString(String template, String name, String value) {
Map<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
return MapFormat.format(template, map);
// ***************************************************************************************************
// OAuth2TokenRepository Implementation Methods.
// ***************************************************************************************************
* {@inheritDoc}
public JsonValue oauth2Create(JsonValue request) throws JsonResourceException {
if ((request == null) || (request.size() == 0)) {
return null;
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.oauth2Create: ";
TokenDataEntry token = new TokenDataEntry(request);
List<RawAttribute> attrList = token.getAttrList();
String dn = getFormattedString(TOKEN_OAUTH2_HA_ELEMENT_DN_TEMPLATE, OAUTH2_KEY_NAME, token.getDN());
LDAPAttributeSet ldapAttributeSet = new LDAPAttributeSet();
// Obtain a Connection.
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
try {
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Iterate over and convert RawAttribute List to actual LDAPAttributes.
for (RawAttribute rawAttribute : attrList) {
LDAPAttribute ldapAttribute = new LDAPAttribute(rawAttribute.getAttributeType());
for (ByteString value : rawAttribute.getValues()) {
// Add the new Directory Entry.
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = new LDAPEntry(dn, ldapAttributeSet);
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_SVR_CREATE.get(dn);
DEBUG.message(messageTag + message.toString());
request.get("value").put(OAuth2Constants.Params.ID, token.getDN());
return new JsonValue(request.get("values"));
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_SVR_CRE_FAIL.get(dn);
DEBUG.warning(messageTag + message.toString());
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR, message.toString());
} else if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION) {
// This usually indicates schema has not been applied to the Directory Information Base (DIB) Instance.
final LocalizableMessage message = OBJECTCLASS_VIOLATION.get(dn);
DEBUG.warning(messageTag + message.toString());
} else {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_SVR_CRE_FAIL2.get(dn, Integer.toString(ldapException.getLDAPResultCode()));
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR, messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
} catch(StoreException e){
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.UNAVAILABLE, e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public JsonValue oauth2Read(JsonValue request) throws JsonResourceException{
if ((request == null) || (request.size() == 0)) {
return null;
// Establish our DN
String dn = request.get("id").required().asString();
String baseDN = getFormattedString(TOKEN_OAUTH2_HA_ELEMENT_DN_TEMPLATE, OAUTH2_KEY_NAME, dn);
// Initialize LDAP Objects
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.oauth2Read: ";
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
searchResults = ldapConnection.search(baseDN,
LDAPv2.SCOPE_BASE, ANY_OBJECTCLASS_FILTER, returnAttrs_OAuth2_ARRAY, false, new LDAPSearchConstraints());
// Anything Found?
if ((searchResults == null) || (!searchResults.hasMoreElements())) {
return null;
// UnMarshal LDAP Entry to a Map.
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = searchResults.next();
LDAPAttributeSet attributes = ldapEntry.getAttributeSet();
Map<String, Set<String>> results =
// UnMarshal
AMRecordDataEntry dataEntry = new AMRecordDataEntry(baseDN, AMRecord.READ, results);
// Log Action
logAMRootEntity(dataEntry.getAMRecord(), messageTag + "\nBaseDN:[" + baseDN + "] ");
// Return UnMarshaled Object
return new JsonValue(results);
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Not Found, No Such Object
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
// This can be due to the session has expired and removed from the store.
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_NOT_P.get(baseDN);
DEBUG.message(messageTag + message.toString());
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.NOT_FOUND, messageTag + message.toString());
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_ACC_FAIL.get(baseDN, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString());
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR, messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
} catch(StoreException e){
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.UNAVAILABLE, e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* {@inheritDoc}
public JsonValue oauth2Update(JsonValue request) throws JsonResourceException{
return oauth2Create(request);
* {@inheritDoc}
public JsonValue oauth2Delete(JsonValue request) throws JsonResourceException{
if ((request == null) || (request.size() == 0)) {
return null;
String id = request.get("id").required().asString();
String dn = getFormattedString(TOKEN_OAUTH2_HA_ELEMENT_DN_TEMPLATE, OAUTH2_KEY_NAME, id);
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.oauth2Delete: ";
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Delete the Entry, our Entries are flat,
// so we have no children to contend with, if this
// changes however, this deletion will need to
// specify a control to delete child entries.
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Not Found No Such Object, simple Ignore a Not Found,
// as another OpenAM instance could have purged already and replicated
// the change across the OpenDJ Bus.
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() != LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_DEL_FAIL.get(dn, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString());
} catch(StoreException e){
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.UNAVAILABLE, e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
return new JsonValue(null);
* {@inheritDoc}
public JsonValue oauth2Query(JsonValue request) throws JsonResourceException{
if ((request == null) || (request.size() == 0)) {
return null;
Map<String, Object> filters = (Map<String, Object>)request.get("params").required().asMap().get("filter");
Set<Map<String, Set<String>>> tokens = new HashSet<Map<String, Set<String>>>();
StringBuilder filter;
if (filters == null){
filter = null;
} else {
filter = new StringBuilder();
for(String key: filters.keySet()){
StringBuilder baseDN = new StringBuilder();
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.oauth2Query: ";
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
int objectsDeleted = 0;
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Create our Search Constraints to limit number of expired sessions returned during this tick,
// otherwise we could stall this Service Background thread.
LDAPSearchConstraints ldapSearchConstraints = new LDAPSearchConstraints();
// Perform Search
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = ldapConnection.search(baseDN.toString(),
LDAPv2.SCOPE_SUB, filter.toString(), returnAttrs_OAuth2_ARRAY, false, ldapSearchConstraints);
// Anything Found?
if ((searchResults == null) || (!searchResults.hasMoreElements())) {
return new JsonValue(null);
// Iterate over results and delete each entry.
while (searchResults.hasMoreElements()) {
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = searchResults.next();
if (ldapEntry == null) {
Map<String, Set<String>> results =
} // End of while loop.
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Determine specific actions per LDAP Return Code.
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
// Not Found No Such Object, Nothing to Delete?
// Possibly the Expired Session has been already deleted
// by a peer OpenAM Instance.
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR);
} else if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) {
// Our Size Limit was Exceed, so there are more results, but we have consumed
// our established limit. @see LDAPSearchConstraints setting above.
// Let our Next Pass obtain another chuck to delete.
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR);
} else {
// Some other type of Error has occurred...
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_ACC_FAIL.get(OAUTH2_HA_BASE_DN, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR, messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Are we in Shutdown Mode?
if (!shutdown) {
DEBUG.error(DB_ENT_EXP_FAIL.get().toString(), ex);
} else {
DEBUG.error(DB_ENT_EXP_FAIL.get().toString(), ex);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
return new JsonValue(tokens);
public void oauth2DeleteExpired() throws JsonResourceException{
StringBuilder baseDN = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder();
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.oauth2DeleteExpired: ";
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
int objectsDeleted = 0;
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Create our Search Constraints to limit number of expired sessions returned during this tick,
// otherwise we could stall this Service Background thread.
LDAPSearchConstraints ldapSearchConstraints = new LDAPSearchConstraints();
// Perform Search
LDAPSearchResults searchResults = ldapConnection.search(baseDN.toString(),
LDAPv2.SCOPE_SUB, filter.toString(), returnAttrs_ID_ONLY_ARRAY, false, ldapSearchConstraints);
// Anything Found?
if ((searchResults == null) || (!searchResults.hasMoreElements())) {
// Iterate over results and delete each entry.
while (searchResults.hasMoreElements()) {
LDAPEntry ldapEntry = searchResults.next();
if (ldapEntry == null) {
// Process the Entry to perform a delete Against it.
LDAPAttribute primaryKeyAttribute = ldapEntry.getAttribute(OAuth2Constants.Params.ID);
if ((primaryKeyAttribute == null) || (primaryKeyAttribute.size() <= 0) ||
(primaryKeyAttribute.getStringValueArray() == null)) {
// Obtain the primary Key and perform the Deletion.
String[] values = primaryKeyAttribute.getStringValueArray();
} // End of while loop.
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Determine specific actions per LDAP Return Code.
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
// Not Found No Such Object, Nothing to Delete?
// Possibly the Expired Session has been already deleted
// by a peer OpenAM Instance.
} else if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) {
// Our Size Limit was Exceed, so there are more results, but we have consumed
// our established limit. @see LDAPSearchConstraints setting above.
// Let our Next Pass obtain another chuck to delete.
} else {
// Some other type of Error has occurred...
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_ACC_FAIL.get(OAUTH2_HA_BASE_DN, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR, messageTag + message.toString(), ldapException);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Are we in Shutdown Mode?
if (!shutdown) {
DEBUG.error(DB_ENT_EXP_FAIL.get().toString(), ex);
} else {
DEBUG.error(DB_ENT_EXP_FAIL.get().toString(), ex);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
if (objectsDeleted > 0) {
//if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) { // TODO -- Uncomment to limit verbosity.
DEBUG.error(messageTag + "Number of Expired Sessions Deleted:[" + objectsDeleted + "]");
* {@inheritDoc}
public void oauth2Delete(String id) throws JsonResourceException{
if ((id == null) || (id.isEmpty())) {
// Initialize.
String messageTag = "CTSPersistenceStore.oauth2Delete: ";
LDAPConnection ldapConnection = null;
LDAPException lastLDAPException = null;
String baseDN = getFormattedString(TOKEN_OAUTH2_HA_ELEMENT_DN_TEMPLATE, OAUTH2_KEY_NAME, id);
try {
// Obtain a Connection.
ldapConnection = getDirectoryConnection();
// Delete the Entry, our Entries are flat,
// so we have no children to contend with, if this
// changes however, this deletion will need to
// specify a control to delete child entries.
} catch (LDAPException ldapException) {
lastLDAPException = ldapException;
// Not Found No Such Object, simple Ignore a Not Found,
// as another OpenAM instance could have purged already and replicated
// the change across the OpenDJ Bus.
if (ldapException.getLDAPResultCode() != LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT) {
final LocalizableMessage message = DB_ENT_DEL_FAIL.get(baseDN, ldapException.errorCodeToString());
DEBUG.error(messageTag + message.toString());
} catch(StoreException e){
throw new JsonResourceException(JsonResourceException.UNAVAILABLE, e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
if (ldapConnection != null) {
// Release the Connection.
CTSDataLayer.releaseConnection(ldapConnection, lastLDAPException);
* Private helper method to Add Underscores to named elements whose name have spaces.
* @param results<String, Set<String>>
private void addUnderScoresToParams(Map<String, Set<String>> results){
//need to add the _ back into expiry_time, client_id, redirect_uri
//and remove objectClass(by product of LDAP)
for (String key : results.keySet()){
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("expirytime")){
results.put(OAuth2Constants.StoredToken.EXPIRY_TIME, results.remove(key));
} else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("clientid")){
results.put(OAuth2Constants.Params.CLIENT_ID, results.remove(key));
} else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("redirecturi")){
results.put(OAuth2Constants.Params.REDIRECT_URI, results.remove(key));
} else if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("objectClass")){