revision 41202e15f589286770cacca433bbee5df379d00b
* Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at
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* $Id:,v 1.3 2009/11/18 20:52:18 qcheng Exp $
package com.sun.identity.password.ui.model;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
import com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentity;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdUtils;
import com.sun.identity.shared.Constants;
import com.sun.identity.password.plugins.NotifyPassword;
import com.sun.identity.password.plugins.PasswordGenerator;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* <code>PWResetQuestionModelImpl</code> defines a set of methods that
* are required by password reset question viewbean.
public class PWResetQuestionModelImpl extends PWResetModelImpl
implements PWResetQuestionModel,Constants {
* Name of the token used to parse data
private static final String TOKEN = "\t";
* Name of password reset service option
private static final String PW_RESET_OPTION =
* Name of password reset service notification option
private static final String PW_RESET_NOTIFICATION =
* Name of password reset bind DN attribute
private static final String PW_RESET_BIND_DN =
* Name of password reset bind password attribute
private static final String PW_RESET_BIND_PASSWORD =
* Name of user question answer attribute
private static final String PW_RESET_QUESTION_ANSWER =
* Name of password reset question attribute
private static final String PW_RESET_QUESTION =
* Name of password reset personal question attribute
private static final String PW_RESET_PERSONAL_ANSWER =
* Name of user password attribute
private static final String USER_PASSWORD_ATTR = "userpassword";
* Name of password reset force reset attribute.
private static final String PASSWORD_RESET_FORCE_RESET =
* Name of user service force reset attribute.
private static final String USER_PASSWORD_RESET_FORCE_RESET =
* Name of password expiration time attribute.
private static final String PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_TIME_ATTR =
* Name of default question selected constant
private static final int DEFAULT_QUESTION_ON = 1;
* Name of personal question selected constant
private static final int PERSONAL_QUESTION_ON = 3;
private Map secretQuestionsMap = null;
private static G11NSettings g11nSettings = G11NSettings.getInstance();
* Name of password expiration time value for force reset.
private static final String PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_TIME_VALUE =
* Constructs a password reset question model object
public PWResetQuestionModelImpl() {
private boolean isUserAnswersCorrect(
Map map,
AMIdentity user,
String realm
) throws SSOException, IdRepoException {
Map optionMap = getSecretQuestions(user, realm);
if ((optionMap == null) || optionMap.isEmpty() ||
(map == null) || map.isEmpty()
) {
return false;
Set set = map.keySet();
for (Iterator iter = set.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String attrName = (String);
String value = (String)map.get(attrName);
String answer = (String)optionMap.get(attrName);
if (!value.equals(answer)) {
return false;
return true;
private String getPasswordResetValue(String realm, AMIdentity user) {
String password = null;
Object obj = getPluginObject(realm, PW_RESET_OPTION);
try {
if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof PasswordGenerator)) {
PasswordGenerator pwGenerator = (PasswordGenerator)obj;
password = pwGenerator.generatePassword(user);
} catch (PWResetException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.getPasswordResetValue", e);
return password;
* Gets the handler to the plugin object.
* @param realm Realm name.
* @param attribute attribute name
* @return handler to the plugin object
private Object getPluginObject(String orgDN, String attribute) {
Object obj = null;
try {
String plugin = getAttributeValue(orgDN, attribute);
Class c = Class.forName(plugin);
obj = c.newInstance();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.getPluginObject", e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.getPluginObject", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.getPluginObject", e);
} catch (SMSException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.getPluginObject", e);
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.warning("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.getPluginObject", e);
return obj;
* Gets the handler to the notify password plugin.
* @param realm Realm name.
* @return handler to the notify password plugin
private NotifyPassword getNotifyPassword(String realm) {
NotifyPassword passwordNotify = null;
Object obj = getPluginObject(realm, PW_RESET_NOTIFICATION);
if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof NotifyPassword)) {
passwordNotify = (NotifyPassword)obj;
return passwordNotify;
* Resets the user password.
* @param uuid User Id.
* @param realm Realm name.
* @param map map of user question and answer
* @throws PWResetException if unable to reset the password
public void resetPassword(
String uuid,
String realm,
Map map)
throws PWResetException
PWResetAccountLockout pwResetLockout = new PWResetAccountLockout(this);
try {
AMIdentity user = IdUtils.getIdentity(getSSOToken(), uuid);
if (isUserAnswersCorrect(map, user, realm)) {
String password = getPasswordResetValue(realm, user);
if (password != null && password.length() > 0) {
NotifyPassword passwordNotify = getNotifyPassword(realm);
if (passwordNotify != null) {
changePassword(user, password, passwordNotify,
uuid, realm);
writeLog("pwResetSuccess.message", uuid);
} else {
errorMsg = getLocalizedString("passResetError.message");
} else {
errorMsg = getLocalizedString("passResetError.message");
} else {
if (!isLockoutWarning(pwResetLockout, uuid)) {
errorMsg = getLocalizedString("wrongAnswer.message");
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.warning("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.resetPassword", e);
errorMsg = getErrorString(e);
} catch (IdRepoException e) {
debug.warning("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.resetPassword", e);
errorMsg = getErrorString(e);
if ((errorMsg != null) && (errorMsg.length() > 0)) {
writeLog("pwResetFail.message", errorMsg, uuid);
throw new PWResetException(errorMsg);
} else if ((informationMsg != null) && (informationMsg.length() > 0)) {
writeLog("pwResetFail.message", uuid);
throw new PWResetException(informationMsg);
* Returns map of secret questions that is displayed in reset page.
* @param uuid User Id.
* @param realm Realm name
* @return map of secret question.
public Map getSecretQuestions(String uuid, String realm) {
if (secretQuestionsMap == null) {
try {
AMIdentity user = IdUtils.getIdentity(getSSOToken(), uuid);
getSecretQuestions(user, realm);
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.warning("PWResetQuestionModelImp.getSecretQuestions", e);
} catch (IdRepoException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImp.getSecretQuestions", e);
return secretQuestionsMap;
private Map getSecretQuestions(AMIdentity user, String realm)
throws SSOException, IdRepoException {
if (secretQuestionsMap == null) {
try {
Set defaults = getDefaultQuestions(realm);
if (user != null) {
Set set = user.getAttribute(PW_RESET_QUESTION_ANSWER);
if (set != null && !set.isEmpty()) {
secretQuestionsMap = getQuestionsAnswers(
set, defaults, realm);
} catch (SMSException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.getSecretQuestions", e);
return secretQuestionsMap;
* Gets the localized string for the question
* @param question i8n key for the question
* @return localized string for the question
public String getLocalizedStrForQuestion(String question) {
return getL10NAttributeName(PW_RESET_SERVICE, question);
* Sents reset password attempt email to the user.
* @param user User object
private void sendAttemptEmail(AMIdentity user) {
Set set = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
Set localeSet = null;
try {
set = (Set)user.getAttribute(USER_MAIL_ATTR);
localeSet = (Set)user.getAttribute(USER_LOCALE_ATTR);
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.sendAttemptEmail", e);
} catch (IdRepoException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.sendAttemptEmail", e);
Locale userLocale = null;
if ( localeSet != null && !localeSet.isEmpty() ) {
String localeStr = localeSet.iterator().next().toString();
userLocale = (localeStr != null) ?
com.sun.identity.shared.locale.Locale.getLocale (localeStr):null;
if (userLocale == null) {
userLocale = localeContext.getLocale();
ResourceBundle rb = PWResetResBundleCacher.getBundle(
DEFAULT_RB, userLocale);
if (set != null && !set.isEmpty()) {
String to[] = { (String)set.iterator().next() };
String msg = rb.getString("attemptEmail.message");
String subject = rb.getString("attemptSubject.message");
String from = rb.getString("fromAddress.label");
String charset = g11nSettings.getDefaultCharsetForLocale(userLocale);
sendEmailToUser(from, to, subject, msg,charset);
* Gets password reset question title
* @param attrValue user attribute value
* @return password reset question title
public String getPWQuestionTitleString(String attrValue) {
String obj[] = new String[1];
obj[0] = attrValue;
return MessageFormat.format(
getLocalizedString("pwQuestion.title"), (Object[])obj);
* Gets ok button label
* @return ok button label
public String getOKBtnLabel() {
return getLocalizedString("ok.button");
* Gets previous button label
* @return previous button label
public String getPreviousBtnLabel() {
return getLocalizedString("previous.button");
* Sets no questions configured message
public void setNoQuestionsInfoMsg() {
informationMsg = getLocalizedString("noQuestions.message");
* Gets secret questions that display in the password reset page.
* @param set question and answer set
* @param defaults administrator configured default questions
* @param orgDN DN of organization
* @return secret questions that are displayed in the password reset page
private Map getQuestionsAnswers(Set set, Set defaults, String orgDN) {
if (set == null || set.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Map map = new HashMap(set.size());
Iterator iter = set.iterator();
boolean enabled = isUserQuestionEnabled(orgDN);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String value = (String);
String decryptStr = (String)AccessController.doPrivileged(
new DecryptAction(value));
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(decryptStr, TOKEN);
if (st.countTokens() == 3) {
String question = st.nextToken();
String answer = st.nextToken();
int dataStatus = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
if (enabled) {
if (dataStatus == PERSONAL_QUESTION_ON) {
map.put(question, answer);
} else if (dataStatus == DEFAULT_QUESTION_ON) {
if (defaults.contains(question)) {
map.put(question, answer);
} else {
if (dataStatus == DEFAULT_QUESTION_ON) {
if (defaults.contains(question)) {
map.put(question, answer);
return map;
* Returns default administrator configured questions
* @param realm Realm name.
* @return default questions
protected Set getDefaultQuestions(String realm)
throws SSOException, SMSException {
return getAttributeValues(realm, PW_RESET_QUESTION);
* Returns <code>true</code> if user personal question/answer feature is enabled
* @param orgDN DN of organization
* @return <code>true</code> if the feature is enabled, false otherwise
public boolean isUserQuestionEnabled(String orgDN) {
boolean enabled = false;
try {
String value = getAttributeValue(orgDN, PW_RESET_PERSONAL_ANSWER);
enabled = (value != null) && value.equalsIgnoreCase(STRING_TRUE);
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.warning("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.isUserQuestionEnabled", e);
} catch (SMSException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.isUserQuestionEnabled", e);
return enabled;
private void changePassword(
AMIdentity user,
String password,
NotifyPassword passwordNotify,
String uuid,
String orgDN
) throws PWResetException, SSOException, IdRepoException {
boolean forceReset = isForceReset(user, orgDN);
SSOToken token = getSSOToken();
if (token == null) {
errorMsg = getLocalizedString("passResetError.message");
throw new PWResetException(errorMsg);
} else {
ssoToken = token;
user = IdUtils.getIdentity(token, uuid);
changeUserAttribute(user, USER_PASSWORD_ATTR, password);
if (forceReset) {
setUserPasswordChangedEntry(uuid, password);
notifyUser(user, passwordNotify, password,orgDN);
private void notifyUser(
AMIdentity user,
NotifyPassword passwordNotify,
String resetValue,
String realm
) {
passwordResetMsg = getLocalizedString("emailNotify.message");
try {
user, resetValue, localeContext.getLocale());
} catch (PWResetException e) {
debug.warning("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.notifyUser", e);
passwordResetMsg = e.getMessage();
* Returns missing answer message .
* @return missing answer message.
public String getMissingAnswerMessage() {
errorMsg = getLocalizedString("missingAnswer.message");
return errorMsg;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the secret questions are available for a user
* @param uuid User Id.
* @param realm Realm name.
* @return <code>true</code> if the questions are available, false otherwise
public boolean isQuestionAvailable(String uuid, String realm) {
Map map = getSecretQuestions(uuid, realm);
return (map != null) && !map.isEmpty();
* Returns <code>true</code> if the lockout warning message is to be displayed.
* @param pwResetLockout <code>PWResetAccountLockout</code> object
* @param uuid User Id.
* @return <code>true</code> if the lockout warning message is to be displayed
private boolean isLockoutWarning(
PWResetAccountLockout pwResetLockout,
String uuid
) {
boolean warnUser = false;
int warningCount = pwResetLockout.getWarnUserCount(uuid);
if (warningCount < 0) {
informationMsg = getLocalizedString("lockoutMsg.message");
warnUser = true;
writeLog("accountLockout.message", uuid);
} else if (warningCount > 0) {
String obj[] = { String.valueOf(warningCount) };
errorMsg = MessageFormat.format(
getLocalizedString("lockoutWarning.message"), (Object[])obj);
warnUser = true;
return warnUser;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the user is not active or is lockout.
* @param uuid User Id.
* @param realm Realm name.
* @return <code>true</code> if the user is active and is not lockout.
public boolean isUserLockout(String uuid, String realm) {
return !isUserStatusActive(uuid) ||
super.isUserLockout(uuid, realm);
private boolean isUserStatusActive(String uuid) {
boolean active = false;
try {
AMIdentity user = IdUtils.getIdentity(getSSOToken(), uuid);
Set set = user.getAttribute(USER_SERVICE_ACTIVE_STATUS);
String userStatus = getFirstElement(set);
active = userStatus.equalsIgnoreCase(ACTIVE);
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.warning("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.isUserStatusActive", e);
errorMsg = getErrorString(e);
} catch (IdRepoException e) {
debug.warning("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.isUserStatusActive", e);
errorMsg = getErrorString(e);
return active;
private void changeUserAttribute(
AMIdentity user,
String attributeName,
String value)
throws SSOException, IdRepoException
Map map = new HashMap(2);
Set attribVals = new HashSet(2);
map.put(attributeName, attribVals);
* Returns <code>true</code> if the password reset service or user's
* force change password on next login is enabled.
* @param user User object.
* @param realm Realm name.
* @return <code>true</code> if force reset is enabled.
private boolean isForceReset(AMIdentity user, String realm) {
boolean forceReset = false;
try {
forceReset = isAttributeSet(realm, PASSWORD_RESET_FORCE_RESET);
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.warning("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.isForceReset", e);
} catch (SMSException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.isForceReset", e);
if (!forceReset) {
try {
Set set = user.getAttribute(USER_PASSWORD_RESET_FORCE_RESET);
String value = getFirstElement(set);
forceReset = (value != null) &&
} catch (SSOException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.isForceReset", e);
} catch (IdRepoException e) {
debug.error("PWResetQuestionModelImpl.isForceReset", e);
return forceReset;
* Sets the password expiration time attribute value to special value
* which will force the user to change their password when they login
* into admin console. It will use admin's sso token to write the value
* for this attribute.
* @param uuid User Id.
* @param password Password of the user.
private void setUserPasswordChangedEntry(String uuid, String password) {
try {
SSOToken token = getSSOToken();
if (token != null) {
ssoToken = token;
AMIdentity user = IdUtils.getIdentity(token, uuid);
} else {
"PWResetQuestionModelImpl.setUserPasswordChangedEntry" +
" Cannot not get admin sso token");
} catch (SSOException e) {
"PWResetQuestionModelImpl.setUserPasswordChangedEntry", e);
} catch (IdRepoException e) {
"PWResetQuestionModelImpl.setUserPasswordChangedEntry", e);