LogConfigReader.java revision 5f4d6070f856d0de82c1d16459b89233e2e81ff2
* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
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* $Id: LogConfigReader.java,v 1.19 2009/11/04 22:33:10 bigfatrat Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2010-2014 ForgeRock AS
* Portions Copyrighted 2014 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd
package com.sun.identity.log.s1is;
import com.iplanet.am.util.SystemProperties;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
import com.sun.identity.log.LogConstants;
import com.sun.identity.log.LogManager;
import com.sun.identity.log.LogManagerUtil;
import com.sun.identity.security.AdminTokenAction;
import com.sun.identity.shared.Constants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.datastruct.CollectionHelper;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.sun.identity.sm.SMSException;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceListener;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceSchema;
import com.sun.identity.sm.ServiceSchemaManager;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* <tt>LogConfigReader</TT> is used to load the configuration from the
* Directory Server and store the configuration as Properties of
* <tt>LogManager</tt>. <p>
* <tt>LogConfigReader</TT> is very Speicific to DSAME. <p>
* java.util.logging.config.class System property should point to this class,
* since LogManager uses this property instantiates this class to load
* the configuration.
public class LogConfigReader implements ServiceListener{
private static Debug debug;
private static ServiceSchema smsLogSchema = null;
private static ServiceSchema smsPlatformSchema = null;
private static ServiceSchema smsNamingSchema = null;
private static Map logAttributes = null;
private static Map platformAttributes = null;
private static Map namingAttributes = null;
private String localProtocol = null;
private String localHost = null;
private String localPort = null;
private boolean useOldLogFormat = false;
* Local Log service identifier
public static String localLogServiceID = null;
private static boolean isRegisteredForDSEvents = false;
private LogManager manager;
* The constructor loads the configuration from the DS using
* DSAME SDK. Constructs a String as "key=value CRLF" for each
* AttributeSchema in the amLogging.xml. In case the AttributeSchema
* has multiple values or a List, it gets converted to a "," seperated
* String.
* <p> Example1: iplanet-am-logging-backend=FILE \r\n
* <p> Example2: iplanet-am-logging-logfields=TIME, DOMAIN, IPADDR,
* <p> The input stream hence constructed is converted into a
* ByteArrayInputStream and is loaded into LogManager.
* @throws IOException
public LogConfigReader() throws IOException {
debug = Debug.getInstance("amLog");
localProtocol = SystemProperties.get("com.iplanet.am.server.protocol");
localHost = SystemProperties.get("com.iplanet.am.server.host");
localPort = SystemProperties.get(Constants.AM_SERVER_PORT);
localLogServiceID = localProtocol + "://" + localHost + ":" + localPort;
useOldLogFormat =
SSOToken ssoToken;
try {
ssoToken = getSSOToken();
} catch (SSOException ssoe) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not get proper SSOToken", ssoe);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("LogConfigReader: ssoToken obtained" + ssoToken);
try {
} catch (SMSException smse) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Could not " +
"get defaultAttributes", smse);
} catch (SSOException ssoe) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not " +
"get defaultAttributes", ssoe);
String configString = constructInputStream();
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = null;
try { inputStream =
new ByteArrayInputStream(configString.getBytes("ISO8859-1"));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException unse) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: unsupported Encoding" + unse);
manager =
(com.sun.identity.log.LogManager) LogManagerUtil.getLogManager();
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Can not load configuration" + ioe);
throw new IOException(ioe.toString());
* LogManager needs inputStream in the form of " Key = Value \r\n ".
* so to get that we need to get the keys of the default attributs append
* a "=", get the value for that key and append a CRLF. This input stream
* will then be loaded into the logmanager via properties API.
private String constructInputStream() {
StringBuilder sbuffer = new StringBuilder(2000);
String key = null;
String value = null;
Set set;
Iterator it;
StringBuilder tempBuffer = new StringBuilder();
boolean fileBackend = false;
String basedir = null;
String famuri = null;
// processing logging attributes.
try {
* generate %BASE_DIR% and %SERVER_URI% values, in case
* they're not set up yet (e.g., during configuration
famuri = SystemProperties.get(
famuri = famuri.replace('\\','/');
basedir = SystemProperties.get(
basedir = basedir.replace('\\','/');
if (famuri.startsWith("/")) {
byte[] btmp = famuri.getBytes();
famuri = new String(btmp, 1, (btmp.length - 1));
if (basedir.endsWith("/")) {
byte[] btmp = basedir.getBytes();
basedir = new String(btmp, 0, (btmp.length - 1));
logAttributes = smsLogSchema.getAttributeDefaults();
// File/jdbc
key = LogConstants.BACKEND;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Backend string is null");
} else {
fileBackend = value.equals("File");
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read Backend ", e);
// Database Driver
try {
key = LogConstants.DB_DRIVER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Driver string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read driver ", e);
// Database Password
try {
key = LogConstants.DB_PASSWORD;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Password string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read password ", e);
// Database USER
try {
key = LogConstants.DB_USER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: DB_USER string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read db user ", e);
// all Fields
try {
key = LogConstants.ALL_FIELDS;
tempBuffer.append("time, Data, ");
set = (Set) logAttributes.get(key);
if (!useOldLogFormat) {
it = set.iterator();
} else {
TreeSet orderedHeaders = new TreeSet(new LogHeaderComparator());
it = orderedHeaders.descendingIterator();
String headerValue = (String) it.next();
if (headerValue.contains(Constants.COLON)) {
headerValue =
headerValue.substring(headerValue.indexOf(Constants.COLON) + 1);
while(it.hasNext()) {
headerValue = (String) it.next();
if (headerValue.contains(Constants.COLON)) {
headerValue =
headerValue.substring(headerValue.indexOf(Constants.COLON) + 1);
tempBuffer.append(", ").append(headerValue);
} catch (Exception ex) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read all field ", ex);
// Selected Log Fields
try {
key = LogConstants.LOG_FIELDS;
set = (Set) logAttributes.get(key);
if ((set != null) && (!set.isEmpty())) {
it = set.iterator();
tempBuffer = new StringBuilder();
tempBuffer.append((String) it.next());
while(it.hasNext()) {
tempBuffer.append(", ").append((String) it.next());
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read log-field ", e);
// Enable log rotation
try {
key = LogConstants.ENABLE_ROTATION;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Enable Log Rotation string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read enable log rottion ", e);
// Max file size
try {
key = LogConstants.MAX_FILE_SIZE;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Max File Size string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read maxfilesize ", e);
// log filename prefix
try {
key = LogConstants.LOGFILE_PREFIX;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Logfile prefix string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read logfile prefix ", e);
// log filename suffix
try {
key = LogConstants.LOGFILE_SUFFIX;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Logfile suffix string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read logfile suffix ", e);
// log filename rotation interval
try {
key = LogConstants.LOGFILE_ROTATION;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Logfile rotation interval is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read logfile rotation interval ", e);
// number of history files
try {
key = LogConstants.NUM_HISTORY_FILES;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: NUM_HIST_FILES string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read numhistfiles ", e);
// archiver class
try {
key = LogConstants.ARCHIVER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Archiver string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read filehandler ", e);
// file handler class
try {
key = LogConstants.FILE_HANDLER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
"LogConfigReader: FileHandler class string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read filehandler ", e);
// secure File handler class
try {
key = LogConstants.SECURE_FILE_HANDLER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Secure FH string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read " + "secure filehandler ", e);
// db handler class
try {
key = LogConstants.DB_HANDLER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: DBHandler string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read dbhandler ", e);
// remote handler class
try {
key = LogConstants.REMOTE_HANDLER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Remote Handler string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read remotehandler ", e);
// elf formatter class
try {
key = LogConstants.ELF_FORMATTER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader:ELFFormatter string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read elfformatter ", e);
// secure elf formatter class
try {
key = LogConstants.SECURE_ELF_FORMATTER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Secure " +
"ELFFormatter string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read secure formatter ", e);
// db formatter class
try {
key = LogConstants.DB_FORMATTER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read dbformatter ", e);
// db formatter class
try {
key = LogConstants.REMOTE_FORMATTER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read remoteformatter ", e);
// authz class
try {
key = LogConstants.AUTHZ;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: AUTHZ string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read authz class", e);
getLoggingDirectory(fileBackend, basedir, famuri, sbuffer);
// security status (on or off)
try {
key = LogConstants.SECURITY_STATUS;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
"LogConfigReader: Security status string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read security status ", e);
// secure log signing algorithm name
// MD2withRSA, MD5withRSA, SHA1withDSA, SHA1withRSA
try {
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key,
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read secure " +
"log signing alogorithm ", e);
// secure log helper class name
// com.sun.identity.log.secure.impl.SecureLogHelperJSSImpl or
// com.sun.identity.log.secure.impl.SecureLogHelperJCEImpl
try {
key = LogConstants.SECURE_LOG_HELPER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key,
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read secure " +
"log helper class name ", e);
// secure logger certificate store
try {
key = LogConstants.LOGGER_CERT_STORE;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: secure logger " +
"certificate store is null");
} else {
value = value.replace('\\','/');
if (value.contains("%BASE_DIR%") ||
value = value.replaceAll("%BASE_DIR%", basedir);
value = value.replaceAll("%SERVER_URI%", famuri);
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read secure " +
"logger certificate store ", e);
// log verification period in seconds
try {
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Verify period string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read logverify period", e);
// log signing period in seconds
try {
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: sign period string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read sign fieldname ", e);
// file read handler class
try {
key = LogConstants.FILE_READ_HANDLER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: file readhandler " +
"string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read " + "filehandler class ", e);
// DB read handler class
try {
key = LogConstants.DB_READ_HANDLER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: DB readhandler string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: could not read DBreadhandler class ", e);
try {
key = LogConstants.MAX_RECORDS;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: Max records string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read max-records ", e);
try {
key = LogConstants.FILES_PER_KEYSTORE;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: filesper " +
"keystore string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read files per keystore", e);
// Token Generating Class
try {
key = LogConstants.TOKEN_PROVIDER;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: token provider string is null");
} else {
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read Token " +
"Generation Class name");
// Secure Timestamp generator class
try {
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: timestamp " +
"generator string is null");
} else {
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read Token " +
"Generation Class name");
// Verifier Action Output Class
try {
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: verifier " +
"actionclass string is null");
} else {
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read verifier " +
"output Class name");
// filter class name
try {
key = LogConstants.FILTER_CLASS_NAME;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: filter class " +
"name string is null");
} else {
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read filter class");
// debug Implementation Class
try {
key = LogConstants.DEBUG_IMPL_CLASS;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: debug implclass string is null");
} else {
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read debug Impl Class name");
// Buffer size
try {
key = LogConstants.BUFFER_SIZE;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: buffer size string is null");
} else {
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read buf size");
// Max DB Mem Buffer size
try {
key = LogConstants.DB_MEM_MAX_RECS;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() == 0)) {
"LogConfigReader: Max DB mem buffer size string is null");
} else {
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read max db mem buf size");
// Buffer Time
try {
key = LogConstants.BUFFER_TIME;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: buffer time string is null");
} else {
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read buf time");
// Time Buffering Status
try {
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: time " +
"buffering status string is null");
} else {
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read time " +
"buffering status ");
// Oracle DB data type for DATA field
try {
key = LogConstants.ORA_DBDATA_FIELDTYPE;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read ORA DB data type");
// MySQL DB data type for DATA field
try {
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read MYSQL DB data type");
// DB date/time formats (Oracle and MySQL)
try {
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
} catch(Exception e) {
"LogConfigReader:Could not read Oracle DB date/time format");
try {
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
} catch(Exception e) {
"LogConfigReader:Could not read MySQl DB date/time format");
// Log status from the logging config
try {
key = LogConstants.LOG_STATUS_ATTR;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() == 0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader:reading from SystemProperties");
// try to read from AMConfig.properties
value = SystemProperties.get(LogConstants.LOG_STATUS);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("####### SystemProperties logStatus is: " +
if ((value == null) || (value.length() == 0)) {
value = "ACTIVE";
// "value" will have a value
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read Log Status attribute");
// Logging Level attribute
try {
key = LogConstants.LOGGING_LEVEL;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key,
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:Could not read Logging Level");
// processing platform attributes
try {
platformAttributes = smsPlatformSchema.getAttributeDefaults();
key = LogConstants.LOCALE;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(platformAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: locale string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Could not read platform ", e);
// processing naming attributes
try {
namingAttributes = smsNamingSchema.getAttributeDefaults();
key = LogConstants.LOGGING_SERVICE_URL;
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(namingAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: loggins " +
"service url string is null");
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: could not get from DS", e);
// hostname resolution
try {
value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() == 0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: " +
"Log Resolve Hostname attribute is null");
// try to read from AMConfig.properties
value =
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
"####### SystemProperties resolveHostName is: " +
if ((value == null) || (value.length() == 0)) {
value = "false";
// "value" will have a value
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: could not get from DS", e);
return sbuffer.toString();
class LogHeaderComparator implements Comparator {
* Compares two strings from the Log headers. Names should either be
* in the form ##:HeaderName or HeaderName, where ## is a two digit
* number. Instances with ##: preceding will go first, in ascending
* order according to the two digit number. If two of the same number
* appear they will be ordered according to the order of in which they
* were compared.
* @param o1 First object in comparison
* @param o2 Second object in comparison
* @return Returns positive if prefix for o2 is gt o1, otherwise negative
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
String s1 = (String) o1;
String s2 = (String) o2;
if (s1.contains(Constants.COLON) && s2.contains(Constants.COLON)) {
int s1v = Integer.parseInt(s1.substring(0, s1.indexOf(Constants.COLON)));
int s2v = Integer.parseInt(s2.substring(0, s2.indexOf(Constants.COLON)));
if (s1v < s2v) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;
} else if (s1.contains(Constants.COLON)) {
return 1;
} else if (s2.contains(Constants.COLON)) {
return -1;
return -1;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return obj instanceof LogHeaderComparator;
private void getLoggingDirectory(
boolean fileBackend,
String basedir,
String famuri,
StringBuilder sbuffer
) {
String key = LogConstants.LOG_LOCATION;
String logDir = SystemProperties.get(LogConstants.SYS_PROP_LOG_DIR);
if ((logDir != null) && (logDir.trim().length() > 0)) {
logDir = logDir.replace('\\','/');
logDir += "/";
* log location subdirectory
* is specified in AMConfig.properties. read it here and append
* to log location, so only have to deal with it here.
String locSubdir = null;
if (fileBackend) {
locSubdir = SystemProperties.get(LogConstants.LOG_LOCATION_SUBDIR);
if ((locSubdir != null) &&
(locSubdir.trim().length() > 0) &&
locSubdir += "/";
String value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(logAttributes, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() ==0)) {
debug.warning("LogConfigReader: LogLocation string is null");
} else {
value = value.replace('\\','/');
if (value.contains("%BASE_DIR%") ||
value = value.replaceAll("%BASE_DIR%", basedir);
value = value.replaceAll("%SERVER_URI%", famuri);
if (fileBackend && !value.endsWith("/")) {
value += "/";
if ((locSubdir != null) && (locSubdir.trim().length() > 0)) {
// locSubdir already ensured trailing slash, above
value += locSubdir;
* This method is used to get the global schemas of Logging, Platform
* and Naming Services. Platform service schema is used to determine the
* platform locale, naming service is used to get the logging service url.
private void getDefaultAttributes(SSOToken ssoToken)
throws SMSException, SSOException {
ServiceSchemaManager schemaManager =
new ServiceSchemaManager("iPlanetAMLoggingService", ssoToken);
smsLogSchema = schemaManager.getGlobalSchema();
if (!isRegisteredForDSEvents) {
schemaManager =
new ServiceSchemaManager("iPlanetAMPlatformService", ssoToken);
if (!isRegisteredForDSEvents) {
smsPlatformSchema = schemaManager.getGlobalSchema();
schemaManager =
new ServiceSchemaManager("iPlanetAMNamingService", ssoToken);
if (!isRegisteredForDSEvents) {
isRegisteredForDSEvents = true;
smsNamingSchema = schemaManager.getGlobalSchema();
// get the default attributes of each service(Logging, Platform and
// Naming).
logAttributes = smsLogSchema.getAttributeDefaults();
platformAttributes = smsPlatformSchema.getAttributeDefaults();
namingAttributes = smsNamingSchema.getAttributeDefaults();
* This method is used for gettting the SSOToken from the
* TokenManager using Principal and defaultOrg. Need to
* figure out a better method and/or to confirm
* whether the existing method is good enough.
* This method of obtaining token has problems in DSAME5.2 alpha(hanging)
* Written on 25/4/2002 for DSAME6.0
* @throws SMSException
* @throws SSOException
private SSOToken getSSOToken() throws SSOException {
return (SSOToken) AccessController.doPrivileged(
* This method checks whether the logging service url is explicitly
* mentioned in the naming service. If yes then validates the URL against
* the platform server list of trusted servers. if the logging service
* url is not mentioned explicitly it sets the local flag to true.
private void setLocalFlag() {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("LogConfigReader: logserviceID is"
+ localLogServiceID);
// can't do this here because NamingService is not
// dynamically updated.
// URL url = WebtopNaming.getServiceURL(LOGGING_SERVICE,
// protocol, host, port);
String urlString =
String logHost = null;
if (urlString.indexOf("%") == -1) {
logHost = urlString;
} else {
logHost = localLogServiceID;
if ((localLogServiceID) != null && (logHost != null)) {
if (logHost.startsWith(localLogServiceID))
LogManager.isLocal = true;
else {
LogManager.isLocal = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader: Error setting localFlag: ",e);
// following methods
// to implement ServiceListener
public void globalConfigChanged(
String servName,
String ver,
String frpName,
String servComp,
int type
) {
debug.message("Global config change");
public void organizationConfigChanged(
String servName,
String ver,
String orgName,
String grpName,
String servComp,
int type
) {
debug.message("Org config change");
public void schemaChanged(String servName,String ver) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("LogService schemaChanged(): ver = " + ver);
* if logging config has been read before (i.e., eliminating
* the case where logging status is inactive on startup),
* then if logging status goes from active to inactive,
* force a write of a record (to each active log file)
* indicating the change. can't really do it in LogManager,
* as the java.util.LogManager (below) has already set
* the logging status to inactive, and no more records will
* get written out.
manager =
(com.sun.identity.log.LogManager) LogManagerUtil.getLogManager();
if (manager.getDidFirstReadConfig() &&
manager.getLoggingStatusIsActive() &&
//shifting to LogManager according to review.
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("Error in readConfiguration()",e);
private boolean newStatusIsInactive() {
SSOToken ssoToken;
try {
ssoToken = getSSOToken();
} catch (SSOException ssoe) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:newStatusIsInactive:" +
"Could not get proper SSOToken", ssoe);
return false;
try {
ServiceSchemaManager schemaManager =
new ServiceSchemaManager("iPlanetAMLoggingService", ssoToken);
ServiceSchema smsLogSchema = schemaManager.getGlobalSchema();
Map sss = smsLogSchema.getAttributeDefaults();
String key = LogConstants.LOG_STATUS_ATTR;
String value = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(sss, key);
if ((value == null) || (value.length() == 0)) {
value = "ACTIVE";
return (value.equalsIgnoreCase("INACTIVE"));
} catch(Exception e) {
debug.error("LogConfigReader:newStatusIsInactive:" +
"error reading Log Status attribute: " + e.getMessage());
return false;