DBFormatter.java revision 86edd2209e1a3e78ae8c0fb3175d8a48425e291a
* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
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* $Id: DBFormatter.java,v 1.11 2009/08/19 21:12:50 ww203982 Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2011 ForgeRock Inc
* Portions Copyrighted 2012 Open Source Solution Technology Corporation
package com.sun.identity.log.handlers;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.logging.Formatter;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import com.sun.identity.log.LogConstants;
import com.sun.identity.log.LogManager;
import com.sun.identity.log.LogManagerUtil;
import com.sun.identity.log.spi.Debug;
import com.sun.identity.log.spi.ITimestampGenerator;
* This Formatter provides support for formatting LogRecords that will help
* Database Logging.
* <p>
* Typically this Formatter will be associated with a DBHandler(a handler meant
* to handle Database logging). <tt> DBFormatter </TT> takes a LogRecord and
* converts it to a Formatted string which DBHandler can understand.
public class DBFormatter extends Formatter {
private LogManager lmanager = LogManagerUtil.getLogManager();
private ITimestampGenerator secureTimestampGenerator;
private String dateTimeFormat = null;
private boolean isMySQL = false;
/** max length of literal for Oracle */
private static final int MAX_LITERAL_LENGTH = 4000;
* Creates <code>DBFormatter</code> object
public DBFormatter() {
String timestampGeneratorClass =
try {
Class clz = Class.forName(timestampGeneratorClass);
secureTimestampGenerator = (ITimestampGenerator)clz.newInstance();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
Debug.error("DBFormatter: TimeStamp Generator Class " +
"not found", cnfe);
} catch (InstantiationException ie) {
Debug.error("DBFormatter: Timestamp Generator Could not " +
"be Instantiated", ie);
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
Debug.error("DBFormatter: Timestamp Generator Could not " +
"be Instantiated", iae);
String driver = lmanager.getProperty(LogConstants.DB_DRIVER);
if ((driver == null) || (driver.length() == 0)) {
Debug.error("DBFormatter:DB driver not provided; assume not MySQL");
} else {
if(driver.toLowerCase().indexOf("oracle") != -1) {
isMySQL = false;
dateTimeFormat =
} else if (driver.toLowerCase().indexOf("mysql") != -1) {
isMySQL = true;
dateTimeFormat =
} else {
isMySQL = false;
dateTimeFormat =
Debug.error("DBFormatter:assuming driver: '" + driver +
"' is Oracle-compatible.");
* Returns the set of all fields converted into a COMMA seperated
* string. A typical sql query for logging a record looks like this. <p>
* insert into table "amSSO_access" (time, data, loginid, domain, level,
* ipAddress, hostname) values('10:10:10', '10th June, 2002',
* ..., ..., ...)<p>
* The getHead method returns back the set of all fields converted into a
* COMMA seperated string. It is the duty of the formatter to fetch the all
* field set from the LogManager and convert into a COMMA seperated string.
* By doing this the handler can be kept independent of the all field and
* selected field set.
* @param h The target handler (can be null)
* @return the set of all fields converted into a COMMA seperated string.
public String getHead(Handler h) {
String retString = lmanager.getProperty(LogConstants.ALL_FIELDS);
if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
Debug.message("DBFormatter: Returned String from getHead is "
+ retString);
return retString;
* Returns a null string whenever called.
* @param h The target handler (can be null)
* @return a null string whenever called.
public String getTail(Handler h) {
return "";
* Format the given LogRecord and return back a formatted String.
* <p>
* The formatted String has the values of the fields which are selected and
* NULL if any field is not selected. All fields are enclosed in single-
* quotes.
* <p>
* A typical formatted string can be given as follows:
* '10:10:10', '10th June, 2002', 'NULL', 'NULL',
* 'Session Created Successfull', 'INFO', 'NULL', 'NULL'
* <p>
* This formatted string will be enclosed within braces by Handler to
* construct the query string.
* @param logRecord the log record to be formatted.
* @return formatted string.
public String format(java.util.logging.LogRecord logRecord) {
Map logInfoTable = null;
if ((LogManagerUtil.isAMLoggingMode()) &&
(logRecord instanceof com.sun.identity.log.ILogRecord)) {
logInfoTable = ((com.sun.identity.log.ILogRecord) logRecord)
StringBuilder sbuffer = new StringBuilder();
String strTime;
if(secureTimestampGenerator != null) {
strTime = secureTimestampGenerator.getTimestamp();
} else {
strTime ="";
* currently assuming that the date/time comes back in
* the "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mn:ss" format (24hr). if it changes
* then there'll need to be a change to the dbdate-format
* attribute.
String toDate = null;
if (!isMySQL) {
toDate = "TO_DATE('";
} else {
toDate = "STR_TO_DATE('";
sbuffer.append("', '");
sbuffer.append("'), ");
/* Need to check for single-quote in the DATA field to be written
* to the db
String tstr = formatMessage(logRecord);
if ((tstr == null) || (tstr.length() <= 0)) {
tstr = LogConstants.NOTAVAIL;
} else if (tstr.length() > 0 ) {
String str1 = tstr;
if (tstr.indexOf("'") != -1) {
str1 = checkEscapes(tstr, "'", "''");
String str2 = str1;
if (isMySQL) {
// MySQL has a problem with backslash
if (str1.indexOf("\\") != -1) {
str2 = checkEscapes(str1, "\\", "\\\\");
} else {
// Currently MySQL and Oracle are supported. If isMySQL is not true, we assume it is Oracle.
// Split string data since Oracle only accept string literal less than 4000 bytes.
int splitLength = MAX_LITERAL_LENGTH / 4; // consider multi byte charactor set
if (str1.length() >= splitLength){
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int beginIndex = 0;
int endIndex = splitLength;
if (str1.length() >= splitLength) {
while (str1.length() > beginIndex) {
if (endIndex > str1.length()) {
endIndex = str1.length();
strBuilder.append(" || TO_CLOB('");
strBuilder.append(str1.substring(beginIndex, endIndex));
beginIndex = beginIndex + splitLength;
endIndex = endIndex + splitLength;
strBuilder.append(" || '");
str2 = strBuilder.toString();
tstr = str2;
sbuffer.append("'").append(tstr).append("', ");
if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
Debug.message("DBFormatter:thisfield3 = #" + sbuffer.toString()
+ "#");
String[] allFields = lmanager.getAllFields();
Set selectedFields = lmanager.getSelectedFieldSet();
int len = 0;
if (allFields != null) {
len = allFields.length;
for (int i = 2; i < len - 1; i ++) { // first 2 fields are compulsory
if ((logInfoTable != null) &&
(selectedFields != null) &&
(selectedFields.contains(allFields[i]))) {
// if there are any single-quotes in the data, they have to be
// made double-single-quotes, so it'll pass through sql
String tempstr = (String)logInfoTable.get(allFields[i]);
if ((tempstr != null) &&
(tempstr.length() > 0) &&
(tempstr.indexOf("'") != -1)
) {
StringTokenizer tmps = new StringTokenizer(tempstr, "'");
StringBuilder thisfield = new StringBuilder();
if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
Debug.message("DBFormatter:found single-quote in: "
+ tempstr);
// funky case of "'" at the beginning
if (tempstr.indexOf("'") == 0) {
if (tmps.hasMoreTokens()) {
} else {
if (tmps.hasMoreTokens()) {
while (tmps.hasMoreTokens()) {
// if string ends in "'"
if (tempstr.indexOf("'", tempstr.length()-1) != -1) {
tempstr = thisfield.toString();
if (tempstr == null) {
tempstr = LogConstants.NOTAVAIL;
sbuffer.append("'").append(tempstr).append("', ");
} else {
"'").append(", ");
if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
Debug.message("DBFormatter:format1: sbuffer = "
+ sbuffer.toString());
if ((selectedFields != null) && (logInfoTable != null) &&
(selectedFields.contains(allFields[len-1]))) {
String tmpstr = (String)logInfoTable.get(allFields[len-1]);
if (tmpstr == null) {
tmpstr = LogConstants.NOTAVAIL;
} else {
if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
Debug.message("DBFormatter:format2: sbuffer = "
+ sbuffer.toString());
return sbuffer.toString();
private String checkEscapes(String theString, String charToEscape,
String doubledChar)
StringTokenizer tmps = new StringTokenizer(theString, charToEscape);
StringBuilder thisfield = new StringBuilder();
if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
Debug.message("DBFormatter:looking for " + charToEscape +
" in data: " + theString);
* Weird cases of char at beginning or end of the data
if (theString.indexOf(charToEscape) == 0) {
if (tmps.hasMoreTokens()) {
if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
Debug.message("DBFormatter:thisfield1 = #" +
thisfield.toString() + "#");
} else {
if (tmps.hasMoreTokens()) {
while (tmps.hasMoreTokens()) {
if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
Debug.message("DBFormatter:thisfield2 = #" +
thisfield.toString() + "#");
* See if it ends in "'"
if (theString.indexOf(charToEscape, theString.length()-1) != -1) {
return (thisfield.toString());