revision 416e6233d8b831f113740660ed8857282a289cd8
* Copyright (c) 2009 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
* at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
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* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* $Id:,v 1.1 2009/04/21 20:04:48 sean_brydon Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS
package com.sun.identity.idm.plugins.database;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException;
import com.sun.identity.common.CaseInsensitiveHashMap;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdOperation;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoBundle;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoDuplicateObjectException;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoListener;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoUnsupportedOpException;
import com.sun.identity.idm.IdType;
import com.sun.identity.idm.RepoSearchResults;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
* This class stores identity information in a database
public class DatabaseRepo extends IdRepo {
//??can change later to another logfile but in merge list so keep for now ??
private static Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("amIdRepoDatabase");
// Class name used in exception messages
private static final String PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME =
// SMS Configurations, names of schema elements in idRepoService.xml.
// Each of these schema element names is the element that holds the actual
// value for some configuration info, such as DB connection info.
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for list of IdTypes and the
//opeartions each is allowed to do
private static final String SUPPORTED_OPERATIONS_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for user data access object DAO
// class name. Used by factory method to bind to a DAO implementation
private static final String DAO_PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for database data source name
//determines whether to use JNDI of JBDC to get connetcions to datasoure
private static final String JDBC_CONNECTION_TYPE_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for database data source name
//this code uses a DataSource so does not need the DB username and password
//in code for connections, since it is in config of appserver env in web.xml
private static final String DATASOURCE_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for JDBC class to use to get
// connections to the db
private static final String JDBC_DRIVER_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for url of JDBC driver
private static final String JDBC__DRIVER_URL_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for username for JDBC driver
private static final String JDBC_USER_NAME_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for password for JDBC driver
private static final String JDBC__DRIVER_PASSWORD_SCHEMA_NAME =
//wont use for now
//idRepoService.xml schema element name for list of attributes to be hashed
//private static final String ATTRIBUTES_TO_BE_HASHED_SCHEMA_NAME = "sun-opensso-database-HashAttrs";
//wont use for now
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for list of attributes to be encrypted
//private static final String ATTRIBUTES_TO_BE_ENCRYPTED_SCHEMA_NAME = "sun-opensso-database-EncryptAttrs";
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for user database table name
private static final String USER_DB_TABLE_NAME_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for password attribute
private static final String USER_PASSWORD_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for userID attribute
private static final String USER_ID_SCHEMA_NAME =
// ???? Status attribute ??? is this status used for users, roles, groups,
private static final String USER_STATUS_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for user status active value
//for example the value could be "Active" or whatever is specified in
//idReposervices.xml under this attribute
private static final String USER_STATUS_ACTIVE_VALUE_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for user status in-active value
//for example the value could be "Inactive"
private static final String USER_STATUS_INACTIVE_VALUE_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for max search results value
private static final String SEARCH_MAX_RESULT =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for user db attr name to use
// when doing search queries
private static final String USERS_SEARCH_ATTRIBUTE_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name for set of user attribute names
private static final String SET_OF_USER_ATTRIBUTES_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name of the table in the DB for
// membership info, like a groups table which holds group info
private static final String MEMBERSHIP_TABLE_NAME_SCHEMA_NAME =
// idRepoService.xml schema element name of the column in the DB within the
// membership table which is the unique column identifying the membership
// id, like a group_name column which holds a name that uniquely identifies
// a group
// idRepoService.xml schema element name of the column in the DB within the
// membership table and that column name is used for searches
// Fields that represent the actual values that were retrieved from
// idRepoService.xml schema element names
//Used by factory method to bind to a DAO implementation. Value is
//obtained from idRepoService.xml but a default is assigned.
// example value com.sun.identity.idm.plugins.jdbc.JdbcSimpleUserDao
private String daoClassName;
//Data Access Object for accessing a DB datastore
private DaoInterface dao;
private String userDataBaseTableName;
// Password attribute used in authenticate method
private String passwordAttributeName;
//attribute name of the userid column/attr in DB, passed into DAO calls
private String userIDAttributeName;
//list of IdTpes and associated operations each is allowd to do
private static Map supportedOps = new CaseInsensitiveHashMap();
//list of attribute/column names for users
private Set<String> userAtttributesAllowed;
//name of user status attribute column
private String statusAttributeName;
//in some conditions, like there is no statusAttributeName available in
//idRepoService.xml, then may set the users status as always active
//since there is no attribute column to check for a user's status value
private boolean alwaysActive = false;
//these values are used to compare with values retreived from user db table
//status attribute column to see if user is active or not
private static final String DEFAULT_USER_STATUS_ACTIVE_COMPARISON_VALUE = "Active";
private static final String DEFAULT_USER_STATUS_INACTIVE_COMPARISON_VALUE = "Inactive";
private String statusActiveComparisonValue =
private String statusInActiveComparisonValue =
//determine the deafult for number of search results to fetch
private int defaultSearchMaxResults = 100;
//attribute column name to be used in searches fro users
private String userSearchNamingAttr = null;
// name of the table in the DB for membership info, like a groups table
private String membershipTableName = null;
// name of the column in the DB within the membership table which is the
// unique column identifying the membership id, like a group_name column
// which holds a name that uniquely identifies a group
private String membershipIdAttributeName = null;
// name of the column in the DB within the membership table and that
// column name is used for searches
private String membershipSearchAttributeName = null;
// Initialization exception
IdRepoException initializationException;
public DatabaseRepo() {
if (debug == null) {
debug = Debug.getInstance("amIdRepoDatabase");
//load some default ops, later they are changed in initialize
//based on user provided list of types and allowed ops
* Initialization of parameters as configured for a given plugin.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#initialize(java.util.Map)
public void initialize(Map configParams) throws IdRepoException {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.initialize called.");
//helper for parsing config info
RepoConfigHelper configHelper=
new RepoConfigHelper(debug);
daoClassName = configHelper.getPropertyStringValue(configParams,
try {
if(daoClassName == null || daoClassName.trim().length()== 0) {
String badDaoMsg = "DatabaseRepo.initialize: daoClassName obtained"
+ " from IdRepoService.xml can not be null or empty."
+ " daoClassName=" + daoClassName;
initializationException = new IdRepoException(badDaoMsg);
} else {
dao = (DaoInterface) Class.forName(daoClassName).newInstance();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
initializationException = new IdRepoException(cnfe.getMessage());
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.initialize: exception trying to create a new"
+ " DAO class. Can not configure this datastore", cnfe);
} catch (InstantiationException ie) {
initializationException = new IdRepoException(ie.getMessage());
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.initialize: exception trying to create a new"
+ " DAO class. Can not configure this datastore", ie);
} catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
initializationException = new IdRepoException(iae.getMessage());
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.initialize: exception trying to create a new"
+ " DAO class. Can not configure this datastore", iae);
} catch (Exception noDAOex) {
initializationException = new IdRepoException(noDAOex.getMessage());
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.initialize: exception trying to create a new"
+ " DAO class. Can not configure this datastore", noDAOex);
//determines whether to use JNDI or JDBC driver manager for connections
String connectionType =
boolean useJNDI;
if (connectionType != null && connectionType.equals("JNDI")) {
useJNDI = true;
} else {
//unless JNDI is specified, then assume JDBC
useJNDI = false;
//Get the name of the database table for users
userDataBaseTableName =
if (userDataBaseTableName == null
|| userDataBaseTableName.trim().length()==0) {
String errorMessage = "DatabaseRepo.initialize: validation failed"
+ " on User DataBase Table Name config info, value must be"
+ " non-null and not empty for"
+ " userDataBaseTableName=" + userDataBaseTableName;
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
initializationException = new IdRepoException(errorMessage);
//consider returning and not continuing ??
//now get membership info, for example to support groups
membershipTableName = configHelper.getPropertyStringValue(configParams,
membershipIdAttributeName = configHelper.getPropertyStringValue(configParams,
membershipSearchAttributeName = configHelper.getPropertyStringValue(configParams,
//validate membership config info
if(membershipTableName == null || membershipIdAttributeName==null
|| membershipSearchAttributeName == null) {
//no need to validate against length==0 ,can be blank since optional
//RFE: use the supportedOps to see if groups is allowed and if so
// then make sure values are not blank since they will be used
String errorMessage = "DatabaseRepo.initialize: validation failed"
+ " on membership config info, values must be non-null for"
+ " membershipTableName=" + membershipTableName
+ " membershipIdAttributeName=" + membershipIdAttributeName
+ " membershipSearchAttributeName="
+ membershipSearchAttributeName;
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
initializationException = new IdRepoException(errorMessage);
//consider returning and not continuing ??
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.initialize: "
+ " membershipTableName=" + membershipTableName
+ " membershipIdAttributeName=" + membershipIdAttributeName
+ " membershipSearchAttributeName="
+ membershipSearchAttributeName);
if (useJNDI) {
//name to use to lookup DataSource for database connections,
//for example java:comp/env/jdbc/mysqltest
String datasourceName =
if (datasourceName != null && !(datasourceName.length()==0)
&& userDataBaseTableName != null
&& !(userDataBaseTableName.length()==0) ) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.initialize, about to call"
+ "DAO initialize, for useJNDI=" + useJNDI);
try {
dao.initialize(datasourceName, userDataBaseTableName,
membershipTableName, debug);
} catch (Exception ex) {
//this exception is used as a flag to determine whether this
//idRepo has been connected to its data store or not
//and sometimes thrown from other methods if error on initialize
initializationException =
new IdRepoException(ex.getMessage());
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.initialize: exception trying to"
+ " set up DB datasource connection.", ex);
} else {
String errorMessage = "DatabaseRepo.initialize: datasourceName"
+ " and userDataBaseTableName must be not null and not"
+ " empty. So initialize can not succeed."
+ " datasourceName=" + datasourceName
+ " userDataBaseTableName" + userDataBaseTableName;
initializationException = new IdRepoException(errorMessage);
//consider returning and not continuing ??
} else { //use JDBC DriverManager params to initialize DAO
//if connection type is JDBC ...
//if JDBCConnectionType is JDBC then it needs the DriverManager
//class name, plus the url, dbUserName, dbPassword to get connections
String jdbcDriver =
//url of JDBC driver
String jdbcDriverUrl =
// username for JDBC driver
String jdbcDbUser =
// password for JDBC driver
String jdbcDbPassword =
if (jdbcDriver != null && !(jdbcDriver.length()==0)
&& jdbcDriverUrl != null && !(jdbcDriverUrl.length()==0)
&& jdbcDbUser != null && !(jdbcDbUser.length()==0)
&& jdbcDbPassword != null && !(jdbcDbPassword.length()==0)
&& userDataBaseTableName != null
&& !(userDataBaseTableName.length()==0) ) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.initialize, about to call"
+ "DAO initialize, for useJNDI=" + useJNDI);
try {
dao.initialize(jdbcDriver, jdbcDriverUrl, jdbcDbUser,
jdbcDbPassword, userDataBaseTableName,
membershipTableName, debug);
} catch (Exception ex) {
//this exception is used as a flag to determine whether this
//idRepo has been connected to its data store or not
//and sometimes thrown from other methods if error on initialize
initializationException =
new IdRepoException(ex.getMessage());
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.initialize: exception trying to"
+ " set up DB datasource connection.", ex);
} else {
String errorMessage = "DatabaseRepo.initialize: using "
+ " useJNDI=" + useJNDI + " . The config parameters"
+ " jdbcDriver, jdbcDriverUrl, jdbcDbUser, jdbcDbPassword,"
+ " and userDataBaseTableName must be not null and not"
+ " empty. So initialize can not succeed."
+ " jdbcDriver=" + jdbcDriver
+ " jdbcDriverUrl=" + jdbcDriverUrl
+ " jdbcDbUser=" + jdbcDbUser
+ " jdbcDbPassword=" + jdbcDbPassword
+ " userDataBaseTableName" + userDataBaseTableName;
initializationException = new IdRepoException(errorMessage);
//consider returning and not continuing ??
// Get password attribute name
passwordAttributeName = configHelper.getPropertyStringValue(configParams,
// Get userID attribute name
userIDAttributeName = configHelper.getPropertyStringValue(configParams,
//get the set of operations for each IdType allowed
Set userSpecifiedOpsSet = null;
userSpecifiedOpsSet = new HashSet((Set) configParams
supportedOps = configHelper.parsedUserSpecifiedOps(userSpecifiedOpsSet);
//get set of attribute/column names for users
userAtttributesAllowed = new HashSet((Set) configParams
// Get name of status attribute from idRepoService.xml config
statusAttributeName = configHelper.getPropertyStringValue(configParams,
if (statusAttributeName == null || statusAttributeName.length() == 0) {
//if nothing specified then each user is always active
alwaysActive = true;
// Get value of status attribute from idRepoService.xml config. This
//value is used to compare with values retreived from db to test if user
//status value is set to active, so need to find value that means active.
statusActiveComparisonValue =
statusInActiveComparisonValue =
defaultSearchMaxResults = configHelper.getPropertyIntValue(configParams,
SEARCH_MAX_RESULT, defaultSearchMaxResults);
userSearchNamingAttr = configHelper.getPropertyStringValue(configParams,
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.initialize: "
+ "\n\t Password Attr name: " + passwordAttributeName
+ "\n\t User ID Attr name: " + userIDAttributeName
+ "\n\t userAtttributesAllowed: "+ userAtttributesAllowed
+ "\n\tStatus Attr name: " + statusAttributeName
+ "\n\t defaultSearchMaxResults:" + defaultSearchMaxResults
+ "\n\t userSearchNamingAttr:" + userSearchNamingAttr
+ "\n\tsupportedOps Map Attr: " + supportedOps);
* (non-Javadoc)
* Creates an identity.
* @param token
* Single sign on token of identity performing the task. This is not
* used.
* @param type
* Identity type of this object. For example user or agent etc.
* @param name
* Name of the object of interest, usually a user id.
* @param attrMap
* Map of attribute-values assoicated with this object. The values would
* be stored in the database in the corresponding columns for example.
* If it contains attribute names which dont correspond to table coulmn
* names the an error coccurs. Similarly if the values are bad for
* example.
* @throws IdRepoException If there are repository related error conditions.
* @throws SSOException If identity's single sign on token is invalid.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#create(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String, java.util.Map)
public String create(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, Map attrMap)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
"DatabaseRepo.create: throwing initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.create called with:"
+ " token=" + token + " IdType=" + type + " name=" + name
+ "\n\tattrMap=" + attrMap);
if(name==null || name.length()==0) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.create will not be executed since name"
+ " is null or empty." + " name=" + name);
if (type.equals(IdType.GROUP)) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.createtype is GROUP, so will"
+ " attempt to create group of" + " name=" + name
+ "\n\tattrMap=" + attrMap);
//RFE: wrap this in a try/catch clause in case already exists
dao.createGroup(name, membershipIdAttributeName);
return name;
if(attrMap == null) {
attrMap = new HashMap<String, Set<String> >();
} else if (attrMap.isEmpty() ||
!attrMap.containsKey(userIDAttributeName)) {
//add name to the attrMap and try to add it
Set<String> nameVals = new HashSet<String>();
attrMap.put(userIDAttributeName, nameVals);
} else {
//contains userIDAttributeName key but now check value is ok
Set<String> nameVals = (Set<String>)attrMap.get(userIDAttributeName);
if (nameVals == null || nameVals.isEmpty()) {
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "create");
String createdName = null;
//FIX: dont use isExists since it is extra query. Plus to be consistent
//would need the two queries in a transaction
if (!isExists(token, type, name)) {
//put info into DB
//FIX: should validate that attrMap is Ok, has required
// attributes, proper types for values etc
createdName = dao.createUser(userIDAttributeName, attrMap);
} else {
//Name already exists
throw IdRepoDuplicateObjectException.nameAlreadyExists(name);
if (createdName == null) {
//later, need to throw IdRepoException..need to add proper message to
return ""; //empty string ?
} else {
return createdName;
* (non-Javadoc)
* Deletes an identity.
* @param token
* Single sign on token of identity performing the task.
* @param type
* Identity type of this object.
* @param name
* Name of the object of interest.
* @throws IdRepoException If there are repository related error conditions.
* @throws SSOException If identity's single sign on token is invalid.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#delete(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String)
public void delete(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
"DatabaseRepo.delete: throwing initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.delete called with parameters:"
+ " token="+ token + " type=" + type
+ " name=" + name);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "delete");
if (name != null && name.length() != 0) {
if (type.equals(IdType.USER)) {
dao.deleteUser(name, userIDAttributeName);
} else if (type.equals(IdType.GROUP)) {
dao.deleteGroup(name, membershipIdAttributeName);
} else {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.delete: parameter name is null or"
+ "empty so delete will not be executed. name=" + name);
* Returns just --requested-- attributes and values of name object.
* Allows user to provide a set of attributes that should be returned,
* and this set of attributes to retrieve is provided in parameter
* Set attrNames.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#getAttributes(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String, java.util.Set)
public Map getAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
Set attrNames) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
"DatabaseRepo.getAttributes: throwing initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getAttributes called with: "
+ " token="+ token + " type=" + type + " name=" + name
+ "\n\treturn attributes=" + attrNames);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "getAttributes");
// Get all the attributes and return the subset
//Map answer = (attrNames == null) ? null : new HashMap();
Map answer = (attrNames == null) ? null : new CaseInsensitiveHashMap();
//get all attributes and their corresponding values Sets
Map map = getAttributes(token, type, name);
if (attrNames == null) {
answer = map;
} else {
//make a map that only includes the attributes specified in input
//paramater Set attrNames,
for (Iterator items = attrNames.iterator(); items.hasNext();) {
Object key =;
Object value = map.get(key);
if (value != null) {
answer.put(key, value);
return (answer);
* Returns --all-- attributes and values of name object
* so whole row of DB table for this user for example
* I think it makes a map where map contains the attribute/column name as
* a String key and a Set as the value where Set can be the String values
* for that attribute. Does the case matter????
* Should the values to a CaseSenstiveHashMap ???? or all lowercase?
* should keys be lowercase ???
* What should I put in the case of when an attribute has no values???
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#getAttributes(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String)
public Map getAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getAttributes: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getAttributes: get all attrs called: "
+ " token="+ token + " type=" + type.getName()+ " name=" + name);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "getAttributes");
Map users = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
if (type.equals(IdType.USER)) {
users = dao.getAttributes(name, userIDAttributeName, userAtttributesAllowed);
} else if (type.equals(IdType.GROUP)) {
//RFE: consider making the groups allowed to be fetched set a
//config option in UI as with userAtttributesAllowed
Set<String> groupAttrsAllowed = new HashSet<String>();
users = dao.getGroupAttributes(name,
membershipIdAttributeName, groupAttrsAllowed);
//not sure this is how case insensitive map works???
//are keys insensitive or set of values or ????
Map answer = new CaseInsensitiveHashMap(users);
return answer;
* Set the values of attributes of the identity.
* @param token
* Single sign on token of identity performing the task.
* @param type
* Identity type of this object.
* @param name
* Name of the object of interest.
* @param attributes
* Map of attribute-values to set or add.
* @param isAdd
* if <code>true</code> add the attribute-values; otherwise
* replaces the attribute-values.
* @throws IdRepoException If there are repository related error conditions.
* @throws SSOException If identity's single sign on token is invalid.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#setAttributes(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String, java.util.Map,
* boolean)
public void setAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
Map attributes, boolean isAdd)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.setAttributes: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.setAttributes called with:"
+ " token=" + token + " type="+ type.getName()
+ " name=" + name + " isAdd=" + isAdd
+ "\n\tAttributes=" + attributes);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "getAttributes");
//for now set isAdd to false since I will just replace the
//current values with the new values
//FIX: later add support for multi-valued attributes
isAdd = false;
if (name != null && name.length() != 0) {
dao.updateUser(name, userIDAttributeName, attributes);
} else {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.setAttributes: input parameter"
+ " name is null or empty so delete will not be"
+ " executed. name=" + name);
* Removes the attributes from the identity.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#removeAttributes(
* com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken, com.sun.identity.idm.IdType,
* java.lang.String, java.util.Set)
public void removeAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
Set attrNames) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.removeAttributes: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.removeAttributes called with:"
+ " token=" + token + " type="+ type.getName()
+ " name=" + name + "\n\t attrNames=" + attrNames);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "removeAttributes");
//TO DO LATER...Not sure this is needed for a database repo?
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#getBinaryAttributes(
* com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken, com.sun.identity.idm.IdType,
* java.lang.String, java.util.Set)
public Map getBinaryAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
Set attrNames) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getBinaryAttributes: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getBinaryAttributes called with:"
+ " token=" + token + " type="+ type.getName()
+ " name=" + name + "\n\t attrNames=" + attrNames);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "getBinaryAttributes");
//Map stringAttributes = getAttributes(token, type, name, attrNames);
return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
* (non-Javadoc)
* Set the values of binary attributes the identity.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#setBinaryAttributes(
* com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken, com.sun.identity.idm.IdType,
* java.lang.String, java.util.Map, boolean)
public void setBinaryAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
Map attributes, boolean isAdd)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.setBinaryAttributes: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.setBinaryAttributes called with:"
+ " token=" + token + " type="+ type.getName()
+ " name=" + name + " isAdd=" + isAdd
+ "\n\t attributes=" + attributes);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "setBinaryAttributes");
* Returns members of an identity. Applicable if identity is a
* group or a role.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#getMembers(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType)
public Set getMembers(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
IdType membersType) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getMembers: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getMembers: "
+ "token=" + token + "IdType=" + type
+ ": name=" + name + ": membersType=" + membersType);
if(name==null || type==null || membersType==null) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getMembers: parameters type, name,"
+ "membersTypeare can not be null, so returning empty set."
+ "IdType=" + type + ": name=" + name
+ ": membersType=" + membersType);
return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
if (!membersType.equals(IdType.USER)) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getMembers: Groups do not support"
+ " membership for " + membersType.getName());
Object[] args = { PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME, membersType.getName(),
type.getName() };
throw new IdRepoException(
IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, "204", args);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
//isValidType(type, "getMembers");
Set members = null;
if (type.equals(IdType.USER)) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getMembers: Membership operation is not"
+ " supported for Users");
throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.getString("203"), "203");
} else if (type.equals(IdType.GROUP)) {
members = dao.getMembers(name, membershipIdAttributeName);
} else {
Object[] args = { PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME, IdOperation.READ.getName(),
type.getName() };
throw new IdRepoUnsupportedOpException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME,
"305", args);
if(members == null) {
members = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getMembers: returning members="
+ members);
return members;
* Receive a name and the idType of that name, plus the type of memberships
* that you are interested in. For example, for a "user" named "chris"
* get all the groups that he is a member of.
* @return Set of objects that <code>name</code> is a member of.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#getMemberships(
* com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken, com.sun.identity.idm.IdType,
* java.lang.String, com.sun.identity.idm.IdType)
public Set getMemberships(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
IdType membershipType) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getMemberships: throwing initialization"
+ " exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getMemberships called "
+ " token=" + token + " type=" + type
+ " name=" + name + "membershipType=" + membershipType);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
//isValidType(type, "getMemberships");
if(name==null || type==null || membershipType==null) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getMemberships: parameters type, name,"
+ "membersTypeare can not be null, so returning empty set."
+ "IdType=" + type + ": name=" + name
+ ": membershipType=" + membershipType);
return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
Set groups = null;
if (!type.equals(IdType.USER)) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getMemberships: Membership for identities"
+ " other than Users is not allowed ");
Object[] args = { PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME };
throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, "206", args);
} else {
if (membershipType.equals(IdType.GROUP)) {
groups = dao.getMemberships(name, membershipIdAttributeName);
} else { // Memberships of any other types not supported for
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getMemberships: Membership for other"
+ " types of entities not supported for Users");
Object args[] = { PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME, type.getName(),
membershipType.getName() };
throw new IdRepoException(
IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, "204", args);
if(groups == null) {
groups = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getMemberships: returning groups="
+ groups);
return groups;
* (non-Javadoc)
* Modify membership of the identity. Set of members is
* a set of unique identifiers of other identities.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#modifyMemberShip(
* com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken, com.sun.identity.idm.IdType,
* java.lang.String, java.util.Set, com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, int)
public void modifyMemberShip(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
Set members, IdType membersType, int operation)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.modifyMemberShip: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.modifyMemberShip called: "
+ " token=" + token + " type=" + type +
" name=" + name + " members=" + members +
" membersType= " + membersType + " operation=" + operation);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
//isValidType(type, "modifyMemberShip");
if (type==null || name==null) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.modifyMemberShip: parameters type and"
+ " name can not be null. type=" + type
+ " name=" + name );
return; //maybe should throw exception instead?
if( !(operation==ADDMEMBER || operation==REMOVEMEMBER) ) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.modifyMemberShip: parameter"
+ " operation must have value equivalent to ADD or"
+ " REMOVE. operation=" + operation);
return; //maybe should throw exception instead?
if (members == null || members.isEmpty()) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.modifyMemberShip: Members set"
+ " is empty");
throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, "201", null);
if (type.equals(IdType.USER)) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.modifyMemberShip: Memberhsip" +
" to users is not supported");
throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, "203", null);
if (!membersType.equals(IdType.USER)) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.modifyMemberShip: A non-user" +
" type cannot be made a member of any identity"
+ membersType.getName());
Object[] args = { PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME };
throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, "206", args);
if (type.equals(IdType.GROUP)) {
switch (operation) {
dao.addMembersToGroup(members, name, membershipIdAttributeName);
dao.deleteMembersFromGroup(members, name, membershipIdAttributeName);
} else {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.modifyMemberShip: Memberships cannot be"
+ "modified for type= " + type.getName());
Object[] args = { PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME, type.getName() };
throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, "209", args);
* Search for specific type of identities.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#search(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String, int, int,
* java.util.Set, boolean, int, java.util.Map, boolean)
* @param token
* Single signon token of identity performing the task. (Not Using)
* @param type
* Identity type of this object.
* @param pattern
* pattern to search for. The pattern can either be an id, for example
* a user's id. Or pattern can be just a * which means all. Or pattern
* can be a string that contains * such as searching for any ids that
* match *ea* like 'sean' , or it could be pattern with just one * in
* front or back
* if pattern is NULL or empty or "*" then they all mean pattern = "*"
* which is wildcard char. Note, wildcard searches can be modified as
* they are affected by other params like avPairs whxi add other
* conditions to the seacrhes.
* @param maxTime
* maximum wait time for search. (Not Using)
* @param maxResults
* maximum records to return.
* @param returnAttrs
* Set of attribute names to return. If this is null, then all
* atrributes will be fetched and returned. If empty then no attributes
* will be fetched and returned, and just the set of ids will be
* returned, and for each id it will have an empty set for values.
* @param returnAllAttrs
* flag specifies if should return all attributes for each id
* that matches search. This overrides the setting of returnAttrs, so if
* this flag is true then all attributes will be fecthed and returned
* no matter what the value of returnAttrs parameter.
* @param filterOp
* filter condition. For example IdRepo.OR_MOD or IdRepo.AND_MOD and
* then the WHERE clause of SQL search will use this operand between
* the avPairs comparisons
* @param avPairs
* additional search conditions. For example, these would be added to
* the search query WHERE clause, like WHERE last_name = 'Jones' and
* you could use the attribute-value in the map for column last_name
* and value 'Jones'.
* @param recursive
* boolean to indicate recursive search? (Not Using)
* @return RepoSearchResults
* @throws IdRepoException If there are repository related error conditions.
* @throws SSOException If identity's single sign on token is invalid.
public RepoSearchResults search(SSOToken token, IdType type,
String pattern, int maxTime, int maxResults, Set returnAttrs,
boolean returnAllAttrs, int filterOp, Map avPairs,
boolean recursive) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error(" throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo:search called with :"
+ " token=" + token + " IdType=" + type
+ " pattern=" + pattern + " maxTime=" + maxTime
+ " maxResults=" + maxResults + " returnAttrs=" + returnAttrs
+ " filter= " + filterOp + " avPairs= " + avPairs
+ " recursive=" + recursive);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "search");
if (maxResults < 1) {
maxResults = defaultSearchMaxResults;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo:search changing value of maxResults"
+ " to deafult, so now maxResults=" + maxResults);
pattern = pattern.trim();
//a set of Maps where each map is a user and their attributes
Map<String, Map<String, Set<String>>> users =
new HashMap<String, Map<String, Set<String>>>();
//determine the set of attributes to fetch from the database
Set<String> attributesToFetch = null;
if (returnAttrs == null){
//to fetch all user attributes, need to pass in all attr names
if (type.equals(IdType.USER)) {
attributesToFetch = userAtttributesAllowed;
} else if (type.equals(IdType.GROUP)) {
//RFE: treat groupAttrsAllowed in same way as userAtttributesAllowed
Set<String> groupAttrsAllowed = new HashSet<String>();
attributesToFetch = groupAttrsAllowed;
} else if(returnAttrs.isEmpty()) {
//fetch just userIDs
attributesToFetch = new HashSet<String>();
if (type.equals(IdType.USER)) {
} else if (type.equals(IdType.GROUP)) {
} else {
attributesToFetch = returnAttrs;
String filterOpString = "NONE"; //IdRepo.NO_MOD default is NONE
if (filterOp == IdRepo.OR_MOD) {
filterOpString = "OR";
} else if (filterOp == IdRepo.AND_MOD) {
filterOpString = "AND";
//what if pattern or values in avPairs contain wildcard chars of SQL
//in SQL % allows you to match any string of any length
//in SQL _ allows you to match on a single character
//later consider if this case matters?
if( (pattern == null || pattern.length()==0 || pattern.equals("*"))
&& (avPairs==null || avPairs.isEmpty()) ) {
//get all users
if (type.equals(IdType.USER)) {
users =, maxResults, "", attributesToFetch, filterOpString, avPairs);
} else if (type.equals(IdType.GROUP)) {
users = dao.searchForGroups(membershipIdAttributeName, maxResults, "", attributesToFetch, filterOpString, avPairs);
} else {
//get users that match with the pattern
//not sure if we need to differentiate between case where
// avPairs==null or empty ??? vs when avPairs has attrs and values??
//AFAIK the searches on a pattern all include something in avPairs
// and those attrs/vals are used to searh for pattern matches
//substitute % for * for sql LIKE query
String searchPattern = pattern.replaceAll("\\*","%");
//avPairs with values having wilcard chars replaced
Map<String, Set<String>> avPairsChanged =
new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
//need to replace % for * in all avPairs too
if(avPairs!=null && !avPairs.isEmpty()) {
Iterator KeysIt = avPairs.keySet().iterator();
while(KeysIt.hasNext()) {
String key = (String);
if (key != null) {
Set<String> values = (Set<String>)avPairs.get(key);
Set<String> changedValues = new HashSet<String>();
if(values!= null && !values.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<String> valSetIt = values.iterator();
//modify each value to replace any wildcard chars
while(valSetIt.hasNext()) {
String attrValue =;
if(attrValue!=null && attrValue.contains("*")) {
attrValue = attrValue.replaceAll("\\*","%");
//now that Set values has each value with new wildcard
//replace it in the changed avPairsMap
avPairsChanged.put(key, changedValues);
if (type.equals(IdType.USER)) {
users =, maxResults, searchPattern, attributesToFetch, filterOpString, avPairsChanged);
} else if (type.equals(IdType.GROUP)) {
users = dao.searchForGroups(membershipIdAttributeName, maxResults, searchPattern, attributesToFetch, filterOpString, avPairsChanged);
if (users == null) {
return new RepoSearchResults(Collections.EMPTY_SET,
RepoSearchResults.SUCCESS, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, type);
if (users.isEmpty()) {
return new RepoSearchResults(Collections.EMPTY_SET,
RepoSearchResults.SUCCESS, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, type);
Set allUserIds = users.keySet();
if(returnAttrs!= null && returnAttrs.isEmpty()){
//I believe that is this case, we should only return the userids
// and each Map is empty???
//Or should it be the user id and for
//each user id the Set of just useridattrname=value ????
//for now, just return userids and empty map
//throw away any fetched attrs for each userid, if any
users = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Set<String>>>();
//now set each id's value set to an empty set
for(Iterator<String> usersIt = allUserIds.iterator(); usersIt.hasNext(); ) {
users.put(, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message(" returning users= " + users);
return (new RepoSearchResults(allUserIds, RepoSearchResults.SUCCESS,
users, type));
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#getSupportedOperations(
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType)
public Set getSupportedOperations(IdType type) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getSupportedOperations: supportedOps= "
+ supportedOps);
return (Set) supportedOps.get(type);
* Load some default operations for different id types. This just sets up
* each IdType with almost all possible opeartions being allowed.
* Later they can be made more fine grained and they are changed in
* initialize method based on user provided list of types and allowed ops.
* If nothing is provided in idRepoService.xml so nothing is fetched in and
* initialize hence nothing is set, then these defaults will still apply.
* When finished it has set this info in the class field Map supportedOps
private static void loadDefaultSupportedOps() {
Set opSet = new HashSet();
supportedOps.put(IdType.USER, Collections.unmodifiableSet(opSet));
//supportedOps.put(IdType.REALM, Collections.unmodifiableSet(opSet));
Set op2Set = new HashSet(opSet);
supportedOps.put(IdType.GROUP, Collections.unmodifiableSet(op2Set));
supportedOps.put(IdType.ROLE, Collections.unmodifiableSet(op2Set));
//supportedOps.put(IdType.AGENT, Collections.unmodifiableSet(op2Set));
//supportedOps.put(IdType.FILTEREDROLE, Collections.unmodifiableSet(op2Set));
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.loadDefaultSupportedOps: load defaults" +
"\n\t supportedOps=" + supportedOps);
* Returns the supported types of identities for this
* plugin. If a plugin does not override this method, it
* returns an empty set.
* @return a Set of IdTypes supported by this plugin.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#getSupportedTypes()
public Set getSupportedTypes() {
if (debug.messageEnabled()){
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getSupportedTypes: supported types"
+ " supportedOps.keySet=" + supportedOps.keySet());
return supportedOps.keySet();
* (non-Javadoc)
* Returns true if the <code> name </code> object exists in the data store.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#isExists(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String)
public boolean isExists(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.isExists: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
+ " token=" + token + " IdType=" + type + " name= " + name);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "isExists");
boolean entryExists = true;
Map userDetails = getAttributes(token, type, name);
if(userDetails.isEmpty()) {
entryExists = false;
return entryExists;
* Returns true if the <code> name </code> object is active
* The convention is that a user is only considered inactive if the user
* active attribute is explicitly set to be inactive.
* If the user does not exist then also is considered inactive.
* Otherwise if user exists and is not set to inactive, then user is active.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#isActive(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String)
public boolean isActive(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.isActive: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
+ " token=" + token + " IdType=" + type + " name= " + name);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "isActive");
//get the row of this user's data and pull out their status column value
Map attrMap = null;
HashSet attrNameSet = new HashSet();
try {
attrMap = getAttributes(token, type, name, attrNameSet);
} catch (IdRepoException idrepoerr) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.isActive calling getAttributes"
+ " got IdRepoException=" + idrepoerr);
return false; //can't determine user existence so inactive
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.isActive: query results fecthed for name="
+ name + " retrieved attrMap=" + attrMap);
if(attrMap == null || attrMap.isEmpty()) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.isActive: the fetching of attributes "
+ " for user name=" + name
+ " got no results, either null or empty, which indicates"
+ " user does not exists, so considered inactive.");
return false;
//Since user exists, now check if active
//if alwaysActive flag is set and user exists then active
if (alwaysActive) {
return true;
//check value of the active attribute for the user
Set<String> activeValueSet = (Set<String>)(attrMap.get(statusAttributeName));
if (activeValueSet == null || activeValueSet.isEmpty()) {
return true; //no value specified for active attr, means active
//in most cases this is not multi-valued, but just in case later it is
//we will iterate thru values.
//only if ALL values are INACTIVE, is user considered inactive
//otherwise any other value means active
boolean allValuesInactive = true;
//check if ALL values are INACTIVE
for(Iterator<String> it = activeValueSet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String activeVal =;
if (activeVal == null){
allValuesInactive = false; //null means active
} else if(!activeVal.equalsIgnoreCase(statusInActiveComparisonValue)) {
//if value is anything other than "InActive" then its active
allValuesInactive = false; ///
if (allValuesInactive) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Sets the object's status to <code>active</code>.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#setActiveStatus(
* com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken, com.sun.identity.idm.IdType,
* java.lang.String, boolean)
public void setActiveStatus(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
boolean active) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.setActiveStatus: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.setActiveStatus method called with"
+ " token=" + token + " IdType=" + type + " name= " + name
+ " active=" + active);
if(name==null || (name.length() == 0)) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.setActiveStatus: name is null or empty"
+ " so can not set active status. name=" + name);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "setActiveStatus");
Map attrs = new HashMap();
Set vals = new HashSet();
if (active) {
} else {
attrs.put(statusAttributeName, vals);
setAttributes(token, type, name, attrs, false);
* Returns the fully qualified name for the identity. It is expected that
* the fully qualified name would be unique, hence it is recommended to
* prefix the name with the data store name or protocol. Used by IdRepo
* framework to check for equality of two identities
public String getFullyQualifiedName(SSOToken token, IdType type,
String name) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getFullyQualifiedName: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo:getFullyQualifiedName: "
+ " token=" + token +" IdType=" + type + " name=" + name);
if ((name == null) || (name.length() == 0)) {
Object[] args = { PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME, "" };
throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME,
"220", args);
isValidType(type, "getFullyQualifiedName");
//need to search for name and then make the url of datasource db
RepoSearchResults results = search(token, type, name, 0, 2, null, true,
IdRepo.NO_MOD, null, false);
Set dns = results.getSearchResults();
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo:getFullyQualifiedName: " +
" search results dns=" + dns);
if (dns == null || dns.size() != 1) {
String[] args = { PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME, name };
throw (new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, "220", args));
// example url is jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openssousersdb
String dbURL = dao.getDataSourceURL();
String fqdn = dbURL + "/" + type.getName() + "/"
+ dns.iterator().next().toString();
fqdn = fqdn.toLowerCase();
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo:getFullyQualifiedName: " +
" about to return fqdn=" + fqdn);
return (fqdn);
* Returns <code>true</code> if the data store supports authentication of
* identities. Used by IdRepo framework to authenticate identities.
public boolean supportsAuthentication() {
final boolean AUTHN_ENABLED = true;
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo:supportsAuthentication: " +
" authenticationEnabled=" + AUTHN_ENABLED);
* Returns <code>true</code> if the data store successfully authenticates
* the identity with the provided credentials. In case the data store
* requires additional credentials, the list would be returned via the
* <code>IdRepoException</code> exception.
public boolean authenticate(Callback[] credentials) throws IdRepoException,
AuthLoginException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.authenticate: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.authenticate method called with " +
" credentials=" + credentials);
//Obtain user name and password from credentials and authenticate
String username = null;
String password = null;
for (int i = 0; i < credentials.length; i++) {
if (credentials[i] instanceof NameCallback) {
username = ((NameCallback) credentials[i]).getName();
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.authenticate: username: " +
} else if (credentials[i] instanceof PasswordCallback) {
char[] passwd =((PasswordCallback)credentials[i]).getPassword();
if (passwd != null) {
password = new String(passwd);
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.authenticate:authN passwd present");
if (username == null || password == null) {
return (false);
// Get user's password attribute
Map attrs = searchForAuthN(IdType.USER, username);
if ((attrs == null) || attrs.isEmpty() ||
!attrs.containsKey(passwordAttributeName)) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.authenticate: did not found user.");
return (false);
Set storedPasswords = (Set) attrs.get(passwordAttributeName);
if (storedPasswords == null || storedPasswords.isEmpty()) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.authenticate: no stored password");
return (false);
String storedPassword = (String) storedPasswords.iterator().next();
/**if (hashAttributes.contains(passwordAttributeName)) {
password = Hash.hash(password);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.authenticate: AuthN of " + username + "=" +
return (password.equals(storedPassword));
private Map searchForAuthN(IdType type, String userName)
throws IdRepoException
Map attributes = null;
try {
attributes = getAttributes(null, type, userName);
if(attributes !=null || !attributes.isEmpty()) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.searchForAuthN: found " +
type.getName() + " entry: " + userName);
} else {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.searchForAuthN: did not find " +
type.getName() + " entry: " + userName);
} catch (SSOException ssoe) {
// Can ignore this as this won't happen. No token was passed.
return attributes;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#addListener(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
public int addListener(SSOToken token, IdRepoListener listener)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.addListener called");
return 0;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#removeListener()
public void removeListener() {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.removeListener called");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#assignService(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
*, java.util.Map)
public void assignService(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
String serviceName, SchemaType stype, Map attrMap)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.assignService: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.assignService called with: "
+ " token=" + token + " type=" + type.getName()
+ " name=" + name + " serviceName=" + serviceName
+ "\n\tSchema Type stype=" + stype
+ "\n\t attrMap=" + "=" + attrMap);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "assignService");
* If the service is already assigned to the identity then
* this method unassigns the service and removes the related
* attributes from the entry.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#unassignService(
* com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken, com.sun.identity.idm.IdType,
* java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Map)
public void unassignService(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
String serviceName, Map attrMap) throws IdRepoException,
SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.unassignService: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.unassignService called with: "
+ " token=" + token + " type=" + type.getName()
+ " name=" + name + " serviceName=" + serviceName
+ "\n\t attrMap=" + "=" + attrMap);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "unassignService");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#getAssignedServices(
* com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken, com.sun.identity.idm.IdType,
* java.lang.String, java.util.Map)
public Set getAssignedServices(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
Map mapOfServicesAndOCs) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getAssignedServices: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getAssignedService called with:"
+ " token=" + token + " type =" + type.getName()
+ " name=" + name
+ " mapOfServicesAndOCs=" + mapOfServicesAndOCs);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "getAssignedServices");
return Collections.EMPTY_SET;
* (non-Javadoc)
* Modifies the attribute values of the service attributes.
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#modifyService(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
*, java.util.Map)
public void modifyService(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
String serviceName, SchemaType sType, Map attrMap)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.modifyService: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.modifyService called with:"
+ " token=" + token + " IdType=" + type
+ " name=" + name + " serviceName=" + serviceName
+ " SchemaType stype=" + sType + "\n\t attrMap=" + attrMap);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "modifyService");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#getServiceAttributes(
* com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
* java.util.Set)
public Map getServiceAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name,
String serviceName, Set attrNames) throws IdRepoException,
SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getServiceAttributes: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getServiceAttributes called with:"
+ " token=" + token + " type =" + type.getName()
+ " name=" + name + " serviceName=" + serviceName
+ " attrNames=" + attrNames);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "getServiceAttributes");
return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepo#getServiceAttributes(
* com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken,
* com.sun.identity.idm.IdType, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
* java.util.Set)
public Map getBinaryServiceAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type,
String name, String serviceName, Set attrNames)
throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
if (initializationException != null) {
debug.error("DatabaseRepo.getBinaryServiceAttributes: throwing"
+ " initialization exception");
throw (initializationException);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.getBinaryServiceAttributes called with:"
+ " token=" + token + " type =" + type.getName()
+ " name=" + name + " serviceName=" + serviceName
+ " attrNames=" + attrNames);
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
isValidType(type, "getBinaryServiceAttributes");
return Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
//throw exception if this type user not allowed to do this
//@param methodName may be used if need to log any debug messages
private void isValidType(IdType type, String methodName)
throws IdRepoUnsupportedOpException {
//if not a user type then should not execute
// if (!type.equals(IdType.USER))
if (type==null || !supportedOps.keySet().contains(type)) {
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("DatabaseRepo.isValidType: method " + methodName
+ " was called with type="
+ ( type ==null ? null: type.getName() )
+ " but this is an unsupported operation for this type of"
+ " user. So operation cannot be executed. Exception will be"
+ " thrown.");
Object args[] = { PLUGIN_CLASS_NAME, IdOperation.SERVICE.getName(),
( type ==null ? null: type.getName()) };
throw new IdRepoUnsupportedOpException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME,
"305", args);