Options.java revision 17896349593859825d7867feb831f31376a36e01
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* $Id: Options.java,v 1.7 2009/01/05 23:17:09 veiming Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS
package com.sun.identity.config;
import com.sun.identity.config.util.TemplatedPage;
import com.sun.identity.setup.AMSetupServlet;
import com.sun.identity.setup.EmbeddedOpenDS;
import org.apache.click.control.ActionLink;
import org.forgerock.openam.upgrade.UpgradeUtils;
public class Options extends TemplatedPage {
public ActionLink createConfigLink = new ActionLink("upgradeLink", this, "upgrade" );
public ActionLink testUrlLink = new ActionLink("coexistLink", this, "coexist" );
public ActionLink pushConfigLink = new ActionLink("olderUpgradeLink", this, "olderUpgrade" );
protected boolean upgrade = false;
protected boolean upgradeCompleted = false;
protected boolean isOpenDS1x = false;
protected boolean debugOn = false;
private java.util.Locale configLocale = null;
protected String getTitle() {
return isNewInstall() ? "configuration.options.title" : "upgrade.title";
public void doInit() {
upgrade = !isNewInstall();
upgradeCompleted = AMSetupServlet.isUpgradeCompleted();
addModel("upgradeCompleted", Boolean.valueOf(upgradeCompleted));
addModel( "upgrade", Boolean.valueOf( upgrade ) );
if (upgrade) {
addModel("currentVersion", UpgradeUtils.getCurrentVersion());
isOpenDS1x = EmbeddedOpenDS.isOpenDSVer1Installed();
addModel("isOpenDS1x", Boolean.valueOf(isOpenDS1x));
if (isOpenDS1x) {
addModel("odsdir", AMSetupServlet.getBaseDir());
debugOn = getContext().getRequest().getParameter( "debug" ) != null;
if (debugOn) {
* @return boolean If <tt>true</tt>, the options.htm page will be cusotmized for a new installation, otherwise it will be
* customized for an upgrade.
public boolean isNewInstall() {
if (AMSetupServlet.isConfigured() && UpgradeUtils.isVersionNewer()) {
return !UpgradeUtils.canUpgrade();
} else {
return true;