WebtopNamingQuery.java revision 1d407e39b7d8f68d9a2b1e178f35fab037d9835a
* Copyright 2014 ForgeRock AS.
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package com.iplanet.services.naming;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Set;
* Provides a non-static wrapper around WebtopNaming so this service
* can be injected into classes using Guice and tested appropriately.
public class WebtopNamingQuery {
* @see WebtopNaming#getSiteID(String)
* @param server Non null Server ID.
* @return Null if the server was not part of a Site, or not found in any Site.
public String getSiteID(String server) {
return WebtopNaming.getSiteID(server);
* @see WebtopNaming#getServerFromID(String)
* @param server The ID of the Server as described in the naming table.
* @return A URL based on the Servers entry in the naming table.
* @throws ServerEntryNotFoundException If the server was not found in the naming table.
public String getServerFromID(String server) throws ServerEntryNotFoundException {
return WebtopNaming.getServerFromID(server);
* @see WebtopNaming#getAMServerID()
* @return The ID of the current Server.
* @throws ServerEntryNotFoundException If there was a problem resolving this ID.
public String getAMServerID() throws ServerEntryNotFoundException {
return WebtopNaming.getAMServerID();
* @see WebtopNaming#isSite(String)
* @param siteID The ID of the Site or Server to test.
* @return True if the ID belongs to a Site ID. False if not valid or is a Server ID.
public boolean isSite(String siteID) {
return WebtopNaming.isSite(siteID);
* @see WebtopNaming#isServer(String)
* @param serverID The ID of the Site or Server to test.
* @return True if the ID belongs to a Server. False if not valid or is a Site ID.
public boolean isServer(String serverID) {
return WebtopNaming.isServer(serverID);
* @see WebtopNaming#getSiteNodes(String)
* @param siteID Non null Site ID.
* @return The ServerIDs that make up the Site.
* @throws Exception If there was a problem determining the Site nodes.
public Set<String> getSiteNodes(String siteID) throws Exception {
return WebtopNaming.getSiteNodes(siteID);
* @see com.iplanet.services.naming.WebtopNaming.SiteMonitor#isAvailable(java.net.URL)
* @param url Non null URL to test. This URL must point to an OpenAM Server
* instance.
* @return True indicates that the Server is up and responding.
public boolean isAvailable(URL url) throws Exception {
return WebtopNaming.SiteMonitor.isAvailable(url);
public SessionIDCorrector getSessionIDCorrector() {
return WebtopNaming.getSessionIDCorrector();