LDAPServiceException.java revision 8af80418ba1ec431c8027fa9668e5678658d3611
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* $Id: LDAPServiceException.java,v 1.3 2009/01/28 05:34:49 ww203982 Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted [2011] [ForgeRock AS]
package com.iplanet.services.ldap;
import com.sun.identity.shared.ldap.LDAPException;
* This exception class captures expcetions that occurs in the
* com.iplanet.services.adal package.
public class LDAPServiceException extends Exception {
* SERVER_DOWN(4) Indicates that the server was reported down.
public final static int SERVER_DOWN = 4;
* INVALID_OPERATION(5) Reported an invalid operation. Doesn't say much.
* does it? Well, it means that something really bad is going on and I for
* one, do not know what it is.
public final static int INVALID_OPERATION = 5;
* INCORRECT_SERVER_PARAMS(6) Incorrect server parameters passed in the
* configuration file. Typically, each server specified must have a
* server_id, server_name and server_type. If either of these values are
* null, an instance of LDAPServiceException is thrown with this error code
* set.
public final static int INCORRECT_SERVER_PARAMS = 6;
* INCORRECT_LDAP_PARAMS(7) If the server_type is given as LDAP, then one or
* more of the ldap parameters are not correct. The possibilities are: 1.
* The sever_port, auth_id or auth_passwd any one of them are null. 2. Port
* number is not an integer value or it is not in the range of 0 and 65535.
public final static int INCORRECT_LDAP_PARAMS = 7;
* INCORRECT_CP_PARAMS(8) One or more connection pool parameters incorrect.
* The possibilities are: 1. The init_conn_pool_length or
* max_conn_pool_length or conn_pool_load_factor are not integers or are
* less than or equal to zero. 2. The max_conn_pool_length is less than
* init_conn_pool_length.
public final static int INCORRECT_CP_PARAMS = 8;
* INCORRECT_LDAP_REBIND_PARAMS(9) The rebind parameters specified are not
* correct. That is the rebind_id is specified, but rebind_passwd is not
* specified. The rebind_passwd, if rebind_id is specified, at the least
* must be "".
public final static int INCORRECT_LDAP_REBIND_PARAMS = 9;
* MUST_HAVE_SERVICE_NAME(10) Simple, the any ips_core:service specified in
* the xml must have a name.
public final static int MUST_HAVE_SERVICE_NAME = 10;
* FILTER_IS_REQUIRED(11) For a search operation, filter is required.
public final static int FILTER_IS_REQD = 11;
* INVALID_SEARCH_CONSTRAINTS(12) If the constraints specified are not
* comprehendable, then this error is returned. I'll try to keep this list
* updated. The possibilities are: 1. The attribute list is not specified in
* a String[].
public final static int INVALID_SEARCH_CONSTRAINTS = 12;
* SERVICE_NOT_FOUND(13) When called
* DataAccessProvider.getConnection(String), it tries to look for the type
* of service it is given to provide. If no such service exits, the server
* returns with this exception code.
public final static int SERVICE_NOT_PRESENT = 13;
* NO_DEFAULT_SERVICE_SPECIFIED(14) It could happen if you call
* DataAccessProvider.getConnection() and there was no "common" service
* defined in the serverconfig.xml. That's when this exception code gets
* returned.
public final static int NO_COMMON_SERVICE_SPECIFIED = 14;
* SERVER_NOT_PRESENT(15) If you call getConnection, with or without the
* service name and there is no Server specified for that service, this
* exception gets thrown.
public final static int SERVER_NOT_PRESENT = 15;
* INVALID_ENTRY_ID(16) Typically, if an invalid ID is passed to Entry's
* constructor, this error is thrown.
public final static int INVALID_ENTRY_ID = 16;
* INCOMPATIBLE_DB_TYPE(17) E.g. If a function takes Connector as a
* parameter, it may implicitly expect LDAPConnector, if the current scope
* of the object is LDAP specific. In such case, if another derivation of
* Connector is passed, this exception will be thrown.
public final static int INCOMPATIBLE_DB_TYPE = 17;
* CACHE_OP_NOT_PERMITTED(18) If the particular server does not support
* entry change notifications, the setupCache will return this exception.
public final static int CACHE_OP_NOT_SUPPORTED = 18;
* FILE_NOT_FOUND(19) This exception is thrown if ADAL tries to open a file
* and get a java.io.FileNotFoundException
public final static int FILE_NOT_FOUND = 19;
* UNKNOWN_ERROR(20) This error is thrown when ADAL does not know what on
* earth happened. e.g. WebTopParser throws and Exception object, which is
* so generic that we don't know what to do with it.
public final static int UNKNOWN_ERROR = 20;
// /////////////////////METHODS////////////////////////////
* Constructor
* @param code
* The error code that represents the error that occured while
* performing an operation.
public LDAPServiceException(int code) {
exceptionCode = code;
* Get the exception string.
* @return String The exception string.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
if (rootCause != null) {
return buf.toString();
public String getMessage() {
String str = "Got LDAPServiceException code=" + exceptionCode;
return str;
* The constructor.
* @param code
* The error code that represents the error that occured while
* performing an operation.
* @param errormsg
* A string description of the error that occured.
public LDAPServiceException(int code, String errormsg) {
exceptionCode = code;
* The constructor.
* @param errormsg
* A string description of the error that occured.
public LDAPServiceException(String errormsg) {
* The constructor.
* @param errormsg
* A string description of the error that occured.
public LDAPServiceException(String errormsg, Throwable t) {
rootCause = t;
* Gets LDAPException error code.
* @return LDAPException error code or -1 if not a LDAPException
public int getLDAPExceptionErrorCode() {
if (rootCause == null) {
return -1;
} else if (rootCause instanceof LDAPException) {
return ((LDAPException) rootCause).getLDAPResultCode();
} else if (rootCause instanceof LDAPServiceException) {
return ((LDAPServiceException) rootCause)
return -1;
* The variable contains the error that has occured.
int exceptionCode = -1;
Throwable rootCause;