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38ae7e4efe803ea78b6499cd05a394db32623e41vboxsync * Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
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package com.iplanet.dpro.session.service;
import static com.sun.identity.shared.Constants.*;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionException;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionID;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.share.SessionBundle;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import org.forgerock.openam.session.SessionConstants;
import org.forgerock.openam.session.SessionServiceURLService;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
* Responsible for collating WebtopNaming configuration state relating to the Session Service.
* @since 13.0.0
public class SessionServerConfig {
* Local server details are those of the server on which the code is executing.
private String localServerID;
private final String localServerDeploymentPath;
private final URL localServerURL;
private final URL localServerSessionServiceURL;
private final Debug sessionDebug;
* Constructor called by Guice to initialize the Singleton instance of SessionServerConfig.
* Initialization success is dependent on {@link WebtopNaming } being ready.
public SessionServerConfig(@Named(SessionConstants.SESSION_DEBUG) Debug sessionDebug,
SessionServiceURLService sessionServiceURLService) {
this.sessionDebug = sessionDebug;
try {
localServerDeploymentPath = requiredSystemProperty(AM_SERVICES_DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTOR);
localServerID = refreshLocalServerID();
localServerURL = new URL(WebtopNaming.getLocalServer());
localServerSessionServiceURL = sessionServiceURLService.getSessionServiceURL(localServerID);
} catch (Exception ex) {
sessionDebug.error("Failed to load Session Server configuration", ex);
// Rethrow exception rather than hobbling on with invalid configuration state
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to load Session Server configuration", ex);
* Gets the ID of the primary server.
* The server identified varies depending on whether or not this server is running as part of a site:
* - If a site is running, the primary server details refer to the site's primary server (usu. load balancer).
* - If a site hasn't been setup, then the primary server details will match the local server details.
public String getPrimaryServerID() {
return isSiteEnabled() ? getSiteID() : localServerID;
* Gets the URL of the primary server.
* The server identified varies depending on whether or not this server is running as part of a site:
* - If a site is running, the primary server details refer to the site's primary server (usu. load balancer).
* - If a site hasn't been setup, then the primary server details will match the local server details.
public URL getPrimaryServerURL() {
return isSiteEnabled() ? getSiteURL() : localServerURL;
* Gets ID for this OpenAM server from cache.
public String getLocalServerID() {
return getLocalServerID(false);
* Gets ID for this OpenAM server from cache or refreshed depends on the parameter
* @param forceReload - if true reloads the localServerID and does not use the cashed value.
public String getLocalServerID(boolean forceReload) {
return (forceReload)? refreshLocalServerID() : localServerID ;
* Gets the full URL for this OpenAM server.
* e.g.
public URL getLocalServerURL() {
return localServerURL;
* Gets the full URL for this OpenAM server's session service servlet.
* e.g.
public URL getLocalServerSessionServiceURL() {
return localServerSessionServiceURL;
* Indicates if this server is part of a Site (or multiple sites).
public boolean isSiteEnabled() {
try {
return WebtopNaming.isSiteEnabled(getLocalServerID(true));
} catch (Exception e) {
sessionDebug.error("Failed to check if local server {0} is part of site", getLocalServerID(), e);
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
* Returns the site ID for this Server.
* @return Returns a single Site ID for the server.
public String getSiteID() {
if (isSiteEnabled()) {
return WebtopNaming.getSiteID(getLocalServerID());
return null;
* @return Resolves the Site URL for the Site ID.
public URL getSiteURL() {
if (isSiteEnabled()) {
try {
return new URL(WebtopNaming.getServerFromID(getSiteID()));
} catch (MalformedURLException | ServerEntryNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
return null;
* @return Returns the secondary Site IDs for the given Site ID.
public Set<String> getSecondarySiteIDs() {
if (isSiteEnabled()) {
try {
return findSecondarySiteIDs(getLocalServerID());
} catch (ServerEntryNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} else {
return Collections.emptySet();
* Checks if server instance identified by serverID is this OpenAM server.
* @param serverID server id, possibly null.
* @return true if serverID is the same as local instance, false otherwise.
public boolean isLocalServer(String serverID) {
return localServerID.equals(serverID);
* Checks if server instance identified by serverID is the primary server for this OpenAM server's site.
* How this check is performed varies depending on whether or not this server is running as part of a site:
* - If a site is running, the primary server details refer to the site's primary server (usu. load balancer).
* - If a site hasn't been setup, then the primary server details will match the local server details.
public boolean isPrimaryServer(String serverID) {
return isSiteEnabled() ? getSiteID().equals(serverID) : localServerID.equals(serverID);
* This method is called by Session.getLocalServerSessionServiceURL, when routing a request to an individual session host. In
* this case, the SessionID.PRIMARY_ID extension is obtained from the SessionID instance (which corresponds to the
* AM-instance host of the session). WebtopNaming will then be called to turn this serverId (01,02, etc) into a
* URL which will point a PLL client GetSession request. Calling this method is part of insuring that the PLL GetSession
* request does not get routed to a site (load-balancer).
* @param siteID the server id (PRIMARY_ID) pulled from a presented cookie.
* @return true if the specified serverId is actually a site identifier for the current deployment
public boolean isLocalSite(String siteID) {
// TODO: Investigate this method further and rename / better document its behaviour
// How does this method compare to WebtopNaming.isSite? Is this method redundant?
return getSiteID().equals(siteID) || getSecondarySiteIDs().contains(siteID);
* Checks whether the provided ID belongs to a site or not.
* @param serverOrSiteId The ID that needs to be checked.
* @return <code>true</code> if the ID corresponds to a site.
public boolean isSite(String serverOrSiteId) {
return WebtopNaming.isSite(serverOrSiteId);
* Checks if server instance identified by serverID is the same as local
* instance
* @param sid server id
* @return true if serverID is the same as local instance, false otherwise
public boolean isLocalSite(SessionID sid) {
return isLocalSite(sid.getSessionServerID());
* Creates a new URL by adding the provided path to the end of this OpenAM server's URL.
* e.g. Given the path "GetHttpSession?op=create", if this OpenAM server is deployed to
* then the resulting URL will be
public URL createLocalServerURL(String path) throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL(WebtopNaming.getLocalServer() + "/" + path);
* Creates a new URL by adding the provided path to the end of the provided server's URL.
* This assumes that the provided server URL does not include the deployment path of OpenAM
* since it can be assumed to be the same as this server's deployment path.
* e.g. Given the server URL "" and the path "GetHttpSession?op=create",
* if this OpenAM server is deployed to "/openam" then the resulting URL will be
public URL createServerURL(URL server, String path) throws MalformedURLException {
return new URL(server.getProtocol(), server.getHost(), server.getPort(), localServerDeploymentPath + "/" + path);
* Returns IDs for all servers in the current site. If this OpenAM server is not deployed as part
* of one or more sites, the returned set will only include this server's ID.
public Set<String> getServerIDsInLocalSite() throws Exception {
Set<String> serverIDs = WebtopNaming.getSiteNodes(getSiteID());
if ((serverIDs == null) || (serverIDs.isEmpty())) {
serverIDs = new HashSet<String>();
return serverIDs;
* Returns all server IDs.
public Collection<String> getAllServerIDs() throws Exception {
return WebtopNaming.getAllServerIDs();
* Returns the server URL based on the server ID.
public String getServerFromID(String serverID) throws ServerEntryNotFoundException {
return WebtopNaming.getServerFromID(serverID);
* Returns true if the URL is the URL of the local session service.
* @param url the url to check
* @return true if the url represents the local session service.
public boolean isLocalSessionService(URL url) {
return isUrlPrefix(localServerSessionServiceURL, url);
* Returns true if the url is the URL of the local notification service.
* @param url the url to check
* @return true if the url represents the local notification service.
public boolean isLocalNotificationService(URL url) {
try {
URL localURL = WebtopNaming.getNotificationURL();
return isUrlPrefix(localURL, url);
} catch (URLNotFoundException ex) {
return false;
* Returns the lbCookieValue corresponding to the server ID.
public String getLBCookieValue() {
return WebtopNaming.getLBCookieValue(getLocalServerID());
* Checks if the first URL is a prefix of the second URL.
* Protocol and Host are compared case-insensitively but the path is compared case-sensitively.
private static boolean isUrlPrefix(URL firstURL, URL secondURL) {
return firstURL != null
&& firstURL.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase(secondURL.getProtocol())
&& firstURL.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(secondURL.getHost())
&& firstURL.getPort() == secondURL.getPort()
&& secondURL.getPath().startsWith(firstURL.getPath());
private String requiredSystemProperty(String key) throws SessionException {
String value = SystemProperties.get(key);
if (value == null) {
throw new SessionException(SessionBundle.rbName, "propertyMustBeSet", null);
return value;
private Set<String> findSecondarySiteIDs(String serverID)
throws ServerEntryNotFoundException {
// TODO: Investigate this method further - under what circumstances does it actually return results?
Set<String> results = new HashSet<String>();
String secondarySites = WebtopNaming.getSecondarySites(serverID);
if (secondarySites != null) {
if (secondarySites.contains("|")) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(secondarySites, "|");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
} else {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(results);
private String refreshLocalServerID() {
try {
localServerID = WebtopNaming.getAMServerID();
} catch (ServerEntryNotFoundException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to load Session Server configuration", e);
return localServerID;