ConfigureGoogleApps.jsp revision 9740fa737ef2ed9453ab46d145777dbbbf6a747b
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$Id: ConfigureGoogleApps.jsp,v 1.8 2009/08/14 18:32:46 asyhuang Exp $
Portions Copyrighted 2013 ForgeRock AS
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<script language="javascript" src="../console/js/tasksPage.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="../com_sun_web_ui/js/dynamic.js"></script>
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<tr><td width=99%><span id="divHelpmsg" /></td>
<td width="1%" valign="top">
<img src="../console/images/tasks/close.gif" width="16" height="16" onClick="hideHelp()" />
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<script language="javascript">
function confirmLogout() {
return confirm("<cc:text name="txtLogout" defaultValue="masthead.logoutMessage" bundleID="amConsole"/>");
function cancelOp() {
return false;
function realmSelect(radio) {
var choiceCOT = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceCOT'];
if(choiceCOT.length>0) {
function cotSelect(radio) {
var idpobj = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceIDP'];
if (idpobj.options.length > 1) {
function hideRealm() {
var frm = document.forms['ConfigureGoogleApps'];
var realmobj = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfRealm'];
if (realmobj.options.length < 2) {
var cotobj = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceCOT'];
if (cotobj.options.length < 2) {
document.getElementById('cotfld').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('cottxt').innerHTML = cotobj.value;
var idpobj = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceIDP'];
if (idpobj.options.length < 2) {
document.getElementById('idpfld').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('idptxt').innerHTML = idpobj.value;
function hideRealmObjs() {
document.getElementById('realmlbl').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('realmfld').style.display = 'none';
function showCOTObjs() {
document.getElementById('cotlbl').style.display = '';
document.getElementById('cotfld').style.display = '';
function hideCOTObjs() {
document.getElementById('cotlbl').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('cotfld').style.display = 'none';
function showIDPObjs() {
document.getElementById('idplbl').style.display = '';
document.getElementById('idpfld').style.display = '';
function hideIDPObjs() {
document.getElementById('idplbl').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('idpfld').style.display = 'none';
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<div id="dlg" class="dvs" style="width:600px; height: 225px; margin-left:-300px"></div>
<script language="javascript">
var frm = document.forms['ConfigureGoogleApps'];
var idpNew = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceIDP'].value;
var realmNew = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfRealm'].value;
var domainIdNew ;
var msgCreating = "<p><img src=\"../console/images/processing.gif\" width=\"66\" height\"66\"/></p><cc:text name="txtConfiguring" defaultValue="" bundleID="amConsole" escape="false" />";
var msgCreated = "<p> </p><input name=\"btnOK\" type=\"submit\" class=\"Btn1\" value=\"<cc:text name="txtOKBtn" defaultValue="ajax.ok.button" bundleID="amConsole" />\" onClick=\"document.location.replace(\'../task/ConfigureGoogleAppsComplete?idp=\' + idpNew + \'&realm=\' + realmNew + \'&domainId=\' + domainIdNew);return false;\" /></div></p>";
var ttlCreated = "<h3><cc:text name="txtTtlCreated" defaultValue="google.apps.configured.msg" escape="false" bundleID="amConsole" /></h3>";
var closeBtn = "<p> </p><p><div class=\"TtlBtnDiv\"><input name=\"btnClose\" type=\"submit\" class=\"Btn1\" value=\"<cc:text name="txtCloseBtn" defaultValue="ajax.close.button" bundleID="amConsole" />\" onClick=\"focusMain();return false;\" /></div></p>";
var btn1 = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.button1'];
btn1.onclick = submitPage;
var btn2 = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.button2'];
btn2.onclick = cancelOp;
var ajaxObj = getXmlHttpRequestObject();
var selectOptionCache;
var userLocale = "<%= viewBean.getUserLocale().toString() %>";
function submitPage() {
document.getElementById('dlg') = '300px';
document.getElementById('dlg').innerHTML = '<center>' +
msgCreating + '</center>';
var url = "../console/ajax/AjaxProxy.jsp";
var params = 'locale=' + userLocale +
'&class=com.sun.identity.workflow.ConfigureGoogleApps' + getData();
frm = document.forms['ConfigureGoogleApps'];
idpNew = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceIDP'].value;
realmNew = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfRealm'].value;
var size = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfDomainId.listbox'].length ;
for (i=0;i<size-1;i++)
domainIdNew += frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfDomainId.listbox'].options[i].value + "," ;
ajaxPost(ajaxObj, url, params, configured);
return false;
function getData() {
var cot = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceCOT'].value;
var idp = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceIDP'].value;
var realm = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfRealm'].value;
var size = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfDomainId.listbox'].length ;
for (i=0;i<size-1;i++)
domainIdNew += frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfDomainId.listbox'].options[i].value + "," ;
return "&realm=" + escapeEx(realm) +
"&cot=" + escapeEx(cot) +
"&idp=" + escapeEx(idp) +
"&domainId=" + escapeEx(domainIdNew);
function configured() {
if (ajaxObj.readyState == 4) {
var result = hexToString(ajaxObj.responseText);
var status = result.substring(0, result.indexOf('|'));
var result = result.substring(result.indexOf('|') +1);
var msg = '<center><p>' + result + '</p></center>';
if (status == 0) {
msg = '<center>' + ttlCreated + msgCreated + '</center>';
} else {
msg = msg + '<center>' + closeBtn + '</center>';
frm = document.forms['ConfigureGoogleApps'];
idpNew = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceIDP'].value;
realmNew = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfRealm'].value;
var size = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfDomainId.listbox'].length ;
i=0; domainIdNew="";
for (i=0;i<size-1;i++)
domainIdNew += frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfDomainId.listbox'].options[i].value + "," ;
document.getElementById('dlg').innerHTML = msg;
function getCircleOfTrust(realm) {
var url = "../console/ajax/AjaxProxy.jsp";
var params = 'locale=' + userLocale +
'&class=com.sun.identity.workflow.GetCircleOfTrusts' +
'&realm=' + escapeEx(realm);
ajaxPost(ajaxObj, url, params, circleOfTrust);
function getIDP(cot) {
clearOptions(frm, 'ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceIDP');
var url = "../console/ajax/AjaxProxy.jsp";
var realm = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.tfRealm'].value;
var params = 'locale=' + userLocale +
'&class=com.sun.identity.workflow.GetHostedIDPs' +
'&realm=' + escapeEx(realm) +
'&cot=' + escapeEx(cot);
ajaxPost(ajaxObj, url, params, gotIDPs);
function circleOfTrust() {
if (ajaxObj.readyState == 4) {
var result = hexToString(ajaxObj.responseText);
var status = result.substring(0, result.indexOf('|'));
var result = result.substring(result.indexOf('|') +1);
var msg = '';
if (status == 0) {
result = result.replace(/^\s+/, '');
result = result.replace(/\s+$/, '');
if (result.length == 0) {
} else {
var cots = result.split('|');
var choiceCOT = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceCOT'];
for (var i = choiceCOT.length - 1; i>=0; i--) {
for (var i = 0; i < cots.length; i++) {
choiceCOT.options[i] = new Option(cots[i], cots[i]);
if (presetcot) {
selectOption(frm, 'ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceCOT', presetcot);
presetcot = null;
} else {
msg = '<center><p>' + result + '</p></center>';
msg = msg + '<center>' + closeBtn + '</center>';
document.getElementById('dlg').innerHTML = msg;
ajaxObj = getXmlHttpRequestObject();
function gotIDPs() {
if (ajaxObj.readyState == 4) {
var result = hexToString(ajaxObj.responseText);
var status = result.substring(0, result.indexOf('|'));
var result = result.substring(result.indexOf('|') +1);
var msg = '';
if (status == 0) {
result = result.replace(/^\s+/, '');
result = result.replace(/\s+$/, '');
if (result.length == 0) {
} else {
var idps = result.split('|');
var choiceIDP = frm.elements['ConfigureGoogleApps.choiceIDP'];
for (var i = 0; i < idps.length; i++) {
choiceIDP.options[i] = new Option(idps[i], idps[i]);
} else {
msg = '<center><p>' + result + '</p></center>';
msg = msg + '<center>' + closeBtn + '</center>';
document.getElementById('dlg').innerHTML = msg;
ajaxObj = getXmlHttpRequestObject();
function getActionTable() {
var nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
var len = nodes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (nodes[i].className == 'Tbl') {
return nodes[i];
var presetcot = null;
String cot = request.getParameter("cot");
if (!ESAPI.validator().isValidInput("HTTP Parameter Value: " + cot , cot,
"HTTPParameterValue", 2000, true)) {
cot = null;
String idp = request.getParameter("entityId");
if (!ESAPI.validator().isValidInput("HTTP Parameter Value: " + idp, idp ,
"HTTPParameterValue", 2000, false)) {
idp = "";
if ((cot != null) && (cot.trim().length() > 0)) {
out.println("presetcot = \"" + ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTML(cot) + "\";");
out.println("document.getElementById('cottxt').innerHTML = \"" + ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTML(cot) + "\";");
out.println("document.getElementById('idptxt').innerHTML = \"" + ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTML(idp) + "\";");
} else {
function unescapeQuote(str) {
str = str.replace(/"/g, '"');
str = str.replace(/</g, '<');
str = str.replace(/>/g, '>');
return str;
var infoRealm = unescapeQuote("<cc:text name="txtInfoRealm" defaultValue="" bundleID="amConsole" />");
var infoEntityId = unescapeQuote("<cc:text name="txtInfoEntityId" defaultValue="" bundleID="amConsole" />");