revision 3fc1b5e9b2ff286cd528a06154cc998198de1e70
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* Copyright 2014 ForgeRock AS.
package com.sun.identity.console.task.model;
import com.sun.identity.console.base.AMConsoleConfig;
import com.sun.identity.console.base.model.AMConsoleException;
import com.sun.identity.console.base.model.AMModelBase;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Default implementation of the social authentication model.
public class SocialAuthNModelImpl extends AMModelBase implements SocialAuthNModel {
private static final String PROVIDER_NAME_PREFIX = "social.authentication.provider.";
private static final String PROVIDER_HELP_PREFIX = "";
private static final String SOCIAL_AUTHN_PROVIDERS_KEY = "socialAuthNProviders";
private static final Set<String> KNOWN_PROVIDERS = loadKnownProviders();
private final String provider;
public SocialAuthNModelImpl(final HttpServletRequest req, final Map map) {
super(req, map);
this.provider = req.getParameter("type");
public SortedSet<String> getRealms() throws AMConsoleException {
final SortedSet<String> realms = new TreeSet<String>(super.getRealmNames("/", "*"));
return realms;
public String getDefaultRedirectUrl() {
return AMConsoleConfig.SERVER_URL + AMConsoleConfig.SERVER_DEPLOYMENT_URI + "/oauth2c/OAuthProxy.jsp";
public boolean isKnownProvider() {
return KNOWN_PROVIDERS.contains(provider);
public String getProviderDisplayName() {
return provider == null ? "Unknown" : getLocalizedString(PROVIDER_NAME_PREFIX + provider);
public String getLocalizedProviderHelpMessage() {
return provider == null ? null : getLocalizedString(PROVIDER_HELP_PREFIX + provider);
private static Set<String> loadKnownProviders() {
return ResourceBundle.getBundle(SOCIAL_AUTHN_PROVIDERS_KEY).keySet();