revision 9eecfa12e3671dab157291f61f3abdc2606c0ea1
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# $Id:,v 1.4 2010/01/04 23:56:30 ericow Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted 2011 ForgeRock AS
a1=ACE/Server Configuration Path path to the ACE/Server configuration files
a2=User Configuration Path
a4=Authentication Session Timeout of minutes after which the session timesout.
a5=Helper Configuration Port
a6=Helper Authentication Port
a7=Helper Timeout minutes.
a8=SecurID Helper Threads
a900=Authentication Level authentication level associated with this module. authentication module has an authentication level that can be used to indicate the level of security \
associated with the module; 0 is the lowest (and the default).
SecurIDSMSError=SecurID SMS error occurred.
SecurIDSSOError=SecurID SSO error occurred.
SecurIDError=SecurID exception occurred.
SecurIDGetServiceSchemaFail=SecurID initilization failed to get service schema.
SecurIDSSO=SecurID Single Sign-On error occurred.
SecurIDSVC=SecurID service template error occurred.
SecurIDNoSrvrPath=SecurID server path not specified for this organization
SecurIDSrvrPathNoExist=SecurID server path does not exist
SecurIDconfigHelper=SecurID configuration helper returns error: {0}
SecurIDInitializeLex=SecurID initialization login exception: {0}
SecurIDInitializeEx=SecurID initialization exception: {0}
SecurIDInitLex=SecurID system profile login error occurred.
SecurIDInitEx=SecurID system profile error.
SecurIDNoUseridNoPasscode=SecurID user ID and passcode are required.
SecurIDUserIdNull=SecurID login user ID is required.
SecurIDPasscodeNull=SecurID passcode is required.
SecurIDLoginFailed=SecurID login failed {0}
SecurIDInvNewPin=SecurID new PIN is invalid.
SecurIDAuthInvNewPin=SecurID authentication failed due to an invalid PIN.
SecurIDInvNextToken=Invalid next tokencode. SecurID access denied.
SecurIDPrevUserid=SecurID: Unable to get previous user login ID
SecurIDAuth=Unknown SecurID state.
SecurIDUseridNotASCII=SecurID user ID must be in ASCII.
SecurIDPasscodeNotASCII=SecurID passcode must be in ASCII.
SecurIDNewPINNotASCII=SecurID new PIN must be in ASCII.
SecurIDNextTokenNotASCII=SecurID next token must be in ASCII.
SecurIDInputEncodingException=SecurID input encoding exception on ASCII check.
SecurIDHelperLocalhost=Host is not recognized.
SecurIDHelperIOEx=I/O exception occurred while trying to connect to SecurID service.
SecurIDHelperInputNotASCII=SecurID input must be in ASCII.
SecurIDHelperInputEncodingException=SecurID helper input encoding exception on ASCII check.
SecurIDDestroyIOEx=SecurID destroy() : Error occurred closing socket connection.
SecurIDDestroyEx=SecurID destroy() ecd error.
SecurIDWaitPin=Wait for the code on your token to change, then enter with the new PIN.
SecurIDEnterNewPinChars=Enter new PIN, containing {0} to {1} characters
SecurIDEnterNewPinDigits=Enter new PIN, containing {0} to {1} digits
SecurIDSysGenPin=System generated PIN? (y/n):
SecurIDNewSysPin=New system PIN: