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# $Id:,v 1.2 2008/06/25 05:40:35 qcheng Exp $
# Portions Copyrighted 2011 ForgeRock AS
authentication=Authentication Modules
a101=Primary Radius Servers list of primary Radius servers that will be used for authentication module will use these servers in preference to the secondary servers.\
A single entry must be in the format:<br/><br/><code>radius_server:port</code><br/><br/>\
Multiple entries allow associations between OpenAM servers and a Radius server.\
The format is:<br/><br/><code>local server name | radius_server:port</code><br/><br/>\
<i>NB </i>The local server name is the full name of the server from the list of servers and sites.
a102=Secondary Radius Servers list of secondary Radius servers that will be used for authentication, in case the primary servers are unavailable. module will use secondary servers for authentication if all primary servers are unavailable.\
A single entry must be in the format:<br/><br/><code>radius_server:port</code><br/><br/>\
Multiple entries allow associations between OpenAM servers and a Radius server.\
The format is:<br/><br/><code>local server name | radius_server:port</code><br/><br/>\
<i>NB </i>The local server name is the full name of the server from the list of servers and sites.
a103=Shared Secret secret shared between the RADIUS server and the authentication module.
a104=Port Number number on which the RADIUS server is listening.
a105=Timeout of time in seconds to wait for the RADIUS server response. sets the <code>SO_TIMEOUT</code> timeout on the packet.
a106=Health check interval interval between checks to unavailable RADIUS servers, in minutes. how often OpenAM checks an offline server's status. The check will send an invalid authentication request to \
the RADIUS server. Offline servers will not be used until the healthcheck was successful. Primary servers that become available will be \
used in preference to secondary servers.
#Always the Authentication Level attribute should be the last item in the
#display section of the profile page. Make sure the key is always a large
#number. Now it is a500. This is to avoid reshuffling the keys if new
#attributes are added.
a500=Authentication Level authentication level associated with this module. authentication module has an authentication level that can be used to indicate the level of security \
associated with the module; 0 is the lowest (and the default).
RADIUSUnknowEx=Unknown RADIUS exception.
RadiusconfigHelper=RADIUS configHelper returns error.
RadiusInitializeLoginEx=RADIUS initialization login exception.
RadiusInitializeEx=RADIUS initialization exception.
RadiusInitExSharedSecret=RADIUS initialization exception : No shared secret.
RadiusInitNex=RADIUS system profile number format error.
RadiusInitLex=RADIUS system profile login error occurred.
RadiusInitEx=RADIUS system profile error occurred.
RadiusNoServerNoSecret=RADIUS server and shared secret are required.
RadiusNoSecret=A RADIUS shared secret is required.
RadiusNoServer=Cannot connect to a RADIUS server.
RadiusLoginFailed=RADIUS login failed.
RadiusLoginRejected=RADIUS login rejected.
RadiusLoginFailedInvPIN=RADIUS authentication failed due to invalid PIN.
RadiusAuth=Unknown RADIUS state.
RadiusUseridNotASCII=RADIUS user ID must be in ASCII.
RadiusPasswordNotASCII=RADIUS password must be in ASCII.
RadiusPasswordNotValid=RADIUS password is not valid.
RadiusChalRspNotASCII=RADIUS challenge response must be in ASCII.
RadiusServer1NotASCII=RADIUS Server 1 must be in ASCII.
RadiusServer2NotASCII=RADIUS Server 2 must be in ASCII.
RadiusSharedSecretNotASCII=RADIUS shared secret must be in ASCII.
RadiusInputEncodingException=RADIUS input encoding exception on ASCII check.
RadiusHelperLocalhost=Host is not recognized.
RadiusHelperIOEx=I/O exception occurred when connecting to RADIUS service.
RadiusHelperInputNotASCII=RadiusHelper input must be in ASCII.
RadiusHelperInputEncodingException=RadiusHelper input encoding exception on ASCII check.
RadiusDestroyIOEx=RADIUS destroy() Error occurred when closing socket connection.
RadiusDestroyEx=RADIUS destroy() Error occurred.
iwtAuthRadius-debug.log=Log Messages