pom.xml revision 1f48f8236de7de97be1c6b9d06bef50b379c8801
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2N/A <!--
2N/A *
2N/A * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 ForgeRock Inc. All Rights Reserved
2N/A *
2N/A * The contents of this file are subject to the terms
2N/A * of the Common Development and Distribution License
2N/A * (the License). You may not use this file except in
2N/A * compliance with the License.
2N/A *
2N/A * You can obtain a copy of the License at
2N/A * http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html
2N/A * See the License for the specific language governing
2N/A * permission and limitations under the License.
2N/A *
2N/A * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
2N/A * Header Notice in each file and include the License file
2N/A * at http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html
2N/A * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
2N/A * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
2N/A * your own identifying information:
2N/A * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
2N/A *
2N/A -->
2N/A <!-- Build Notes:
2N/A To Build all of OpenAM use the following Maven Command:
2N/A cd to openam top directory.
2N/A mvn clean install
2N/A To Build only a specify Module: (This will pull existing modules whichever is newest local or remote).
2N/A mvn clean install -pl <module Name>
2N/A To Build only specific Module and Dependencies
2N/A mvn clean install -pl <module Name> -am
2N/A Skipping Tests add:
2N/A -DskipTests=true
2N/A Running only a test or list of tests:
2N/A -DfailIfNoTests=false -Dtest=org.forgerock.restlet.ext.openam.OpenAMParametersTest
2N/A -->
2N/A <!-- Parent Project -->
2N/A <parent>
2N/A <groupId>org.forgerock</groupId>
2N/A <artifactId>forgerock-parent</artifactId>
2N/A <version>1.1.0</version>
2N/A </parent>
2N/A <!-- Component Definition -->
2N/A <name>OpenAM Project</name>
2N/A <groupId>org.forgerock.openam</groupId>
2N/A <artifactId>openam</artifactId>
2N/A <version>10.1.0-Xpress-SNAPSHOT</version>
2N/A <packaging>pom</packaging>
2N/A <description>OpenAM</description>
2N/A <inceptionYear>2010</inceptionYear>
2N/A <organization>
2N/A <name>ForgeRock</name>
2N/A <url>http://www.forgerock.org</url>
2N/A </organization>
2N/A <url>http://www.forgerock.org</url>
2N/A <issueManagement>
2N/A <system>Jira</system>
2N/A <url>https://bugster.forgerock.org/jira/browse/OPENAM</url>
2N/A </issueManagement>
2N/A <licenses>
2N/A <license>
2N/A <name>CDDL-1.0</name>
2N/A <url>http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php</url>
2N/A <comments>Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) 1.0.
2N/A This license applies to OpenAM source code as indicated in the
2N/A sources themselves.
2N/A </comments>
2N/A <distribution>repo</distribution>
2N/A </license>
2N/A <license>
2N/A <name>CC BY-NC-ND 3.0</name>
2N/A <url>http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/</url>
2N/A <comments>Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0
2N/A Unported. This license applies to the site content, and to the
2N/A documentation as indicated in the documentation source code.
2N/A </comments>
2N/A <distribution>repo</distribution>
2N/A </license>
2N/A </licenses>
2N/A <!-- Component Properties -->
2N/A <properties>
2N/A <!-- **************************************************************** -->
2N/A <maven.build.timestamp.format>yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss</maven.build.timestamp.format>
2N/A <!-- **************************************************************** -->
2N/A <!-- Java Properties -->
2N/A <java.source.version>1.5</java.source.version>
2N/A <!-- Backed off from 1.6 -->
2N/A <java.target.version>1.5</java.target.version>
2N/A <!-- Backed off from 1.6 -->
2N/A <!-- Surefire Argument Line -->
2N/A <java.surefire.options>-Xms2g -Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=512m</java.surefire.options>
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2N/A <javadoc.options>-J-Xms2g -J-Xmx2g -J-XX:MaxPermSize=512m</javadoc.options>
<!-- Project Encoding -->
<!-- Product Properties File Inclusion during Build -->
<!-- Version Properties -->
<!-- Project web site -->
<!-- Profiles -->
<!-- Place Default Profiles here to override and determine Environment. -->
<!-- This profile gets activated for WINDOWS and LINUX Systems -->
<!-- OpenAM Child Modules -->
<!-- Build order will be determined by the Maven Reactor. -->
<!-- OpenAM Shared - Common Module -->
<!-- OpenAM Shared - Common Module -->
<!-- OpenAM Entitlement Module -->
<!-- OpenAM Authentication Modules -->
<!-- OpenAM Schema Modules -->
<!-- OpenAM CoreToken Module -->
<!-- OpenAM REST - CORE Module -->
<!-- OpenAM ForgeRock REST - CORE Module -->
<!-- OpenAM Core Module -->
<!-- OpenAM CLI Module -->
<!-- OpenAM Common Test Suite -->
<!-- OpenAM Federation Modules -->
<!-- OpenAM OAuth Token Service -->
<!-- OpenAM OAuth2 Token Service -->
<!-- OpenAM Server -->
<!-- Tools Artifacts -->
<!-- Java Client SDK Artifacts -->
<!-- Documentation -->
<!-- Final Packaging Distribution Kit -->
<!-- Final Packaging Distribution Kit -->
<!-- Developers -->
<name>Allan Foster</name>
<organization>ForgeRock US</organization>
<role>VP Community</role>
<role>Support Staff</role>
<role>OpenAM Guru</role>
<name>Jamie Nelson</name>
<organization>ForgeRock US</organization>
<role>VP Engineering</role>
<role>Support Staff</role>
<name>Jeff Schenk</name>
<organization>ForgeRock US</organization>
<role>Build Master</role>
<role>Senior Software Development Engineer</role>
<role>Support Staff</role>
<name>Jason Lemay</name>
<organization>ForgeRock US</organization>
<role>Support Staff</role>
<role>Software Engineer</role>
<name>Alin Brici</name>
<organization>ForgeRock US</organization>
<role>Support Staff</role>
<role>Software Engineer</role>
<name>Jonathan Scudder</name>
<organization>ForgeRock UK - Oslo</organization>
<role>OpenAM Chief Architect</role>
<name>Peter Major</name>
<organization>ForgeRock - HUNGARY</organization>
<role>Software Engineer</role>
<!-- TODO Add remaining OpenAM Team -->
<!-- Contributors -->
<!-- TODO Add OpenAM Additional Contributors -->
<!-- Mailing Lists -->
<name>OpenAM Users List</name>
<name>OpenAM Developers List</name>
<name>OpenAM Commit Notifications</name>
<!-- Maven Repositories -->
<!-- ForgeRock Common Internal Project Repositories -->
<name>ForgeRock Release Repository</name>
<name>ForgeRock Snapshot Repository</name>
<!-- ForgeRock Internal Project Repository -->
<!-- ForgeRock.org Project Repository -->
<name>ForgeRock Release Repository</name>
<name>ForgeRock Snapshot Repository</name>
<name>Public online Restlet repository</name>
<!-- For Deployment to ForgeRock Maven Repository -->
<name>OpenAM Project</name>
<!-- Source Control -->
<!-- Dependency Management -->
<!-- OpenAM project dependencies -->
<!-- Include all Authentication Modules -->
<!-- OpenAM schema projects -->
<!-- CLI components -->
<!-- Documentation dependencies -->
<!-- Distribution dependencies -->
<!-- External project dependencies -->
<!-- Originally 3.1 -->
<!-- Originally 2.2 -->
<!-- Originally 1.6 -->
<!-- Originally 1.4 -->
<!-- Originally 1.8.3 -->
<!-- Originally 1.8.3 -->
<!-- Originally 2.0.1 -->
<!-- Originally 2.5 -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally 4.1 ? -->
<!-- TODO j2ee -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- TODO jmx -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally 1.1.1-ea-SNAPSHOT -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- TODO jss4 org/mozilla/jss -->
<!-- Originally1.2.8 -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Test dependency -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- TODO webservices-extra-api -->
<!-- TODO webservices-extra -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- Originally ? -->
<!-- OpenDJ API -->
<!-- OpenDJ Server - 2.4.6 -->
<!-- Legacy External Libraries for OpenAM -->
<!-- We need to eventually ween off of these -->
<!-- This version is different from what is out in central. Very Bad! -->
<!-- TODO - Needs to be scoped as compile eventually -->
<!-- <scope>compile</scope> -->
<!-- Dependencies for the Build Helper Maven Plugin -->
<!-- Session HA Module Dependencies-->
<!-- Commons Dependencies -->
<!-- Xerces-J Required for fedlet -->
<!-- Build -->
<!-- Inject Specified Build Properties-->
<!-- Override Enforcer Rules for OpenAM Compilation -->
<!-- Exclude any binary files based upon File Types. -->
<!-- See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_formats -->
<![CDATA[Copyright &#169 2010-2012, <a href="http://www.forgerock.com">ForgeRock<a> All Rights Reserved.]]>
<doctitle>OpenAM ${project.version} Public API JavaDoc</doctitle>
<displayName>Features and Completed Fixes</displayName>
<displayName>Todo Work</displayName>