DashboardView.js revision 7782eea19adf2402dccf24482783172eaeae3540
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* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
/*global define*/
define("org/forgerock/openam/ui/admin/views/realms/dashboard/DashboardView", [
], function ($, _, AbstractView, CreateUpdateRealmDialog, DashboardTasksView, SMSGlobalDelegate, SMSRealmDelegate) {
var DashboardView = AbstractView.extend({
template: "templates/admin/views/realms/dashboard/DashboardTemplate.html",
events: {
"click #editProperties" : "editProperties"
editProperties: function (event) {
var self = this;
realmPath : this.data.realmPath,
callback : function(){
render: function (args, callback) {
var self = this,
realmPromise = SMSGlobalDelegate.realms.get(args[0]),
tasksPromise = SMSRealmDelegate.dashboard.commonTasks.all(args[0]);
this.data.realmPath = args[0];
$.when(realmPromise, tasksPromise).done(function (realmData, tasksData) {
self.data.realm = {
status: realmData.values.active ? $.t("console.realms.active") : $.t("console.realms.inactive"),
aliases: realmData.values.aliases
self.parentRender(function () {
var dashboardTasks = new DashboardTasksView();
dashboardTasks.data.allTasks = tasksData[0].result;
dashboardTasks.data.taskGroup = { tasks: tasksData[0].result };
dashboardTasks.render(args, callback);
}, callback);
.fail(function () {
// TODO: Add failure condition
return DashboardView;