EditModuleView.js revision 43e534b1291e19ca130337fd02f2c29686e6be20
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* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
define("org/forgerock/openam/ui/admin/views/realms/authentication/modules/EditModuleView", [
// jquery dependencies
], function ($, AbstractView, Configuration, EventManager, Router, Constants,
SMSRealmDelegate, SMSGlobalDelegate, Form, FormHelper) {
var EditModuleView = AbstractView.extend({
template: "templates/admin/views/realms/authentication/modules/EditModuleViewTemplate.html",
events: {
"click #revert": "revert",
"click #save": "save",
"show.bs.tab ul.nav.nav-tabs a": "renderTab"
render: function (args, callback) {
var self = this;
this.data.realmPath = args[0];
this.data.type = args[1];
this.data.name = args[2];
SMSRealmDelegate.authentication.modules.get(this.data.realmPath, this.data.name, this.data.type),
SMSRealmDelegate.authentication.modules.types.get(this.data.realmPath, this.data.type)
).done(function (schemaData, valuesData, moduleType) {
self.data.schema = schemaData;
self.data.values = valuesData;
self.data.typeDescription = moduleType.name;
self.parentRender(function () {
if (!self.data.schema.grouped) {
self.data.form = new Form(self.$el.find("#tabpanel")[0], self.data.schema, self.data.values);
self.$el.find("ul.nav a:first").tab("show");
self.$el.find(".tab-menu .nav-tabs").tabdrop();
if (callback) {
}).fail(function () {
EventManager.sendEvent(Constants.EVENT_DISPLAY_MESSAGE_REQUEST, "notFoundError");
save: function (event) {
var promise = SMSRealmDelegate.authentication.modules.update(this.data.realmPath,
FormHelper.bindSavePromiseToElement(promise, event.currentTarget);
revert: function () {
renderTab: function (event) {
var id = $(event.target).attr("href").slice(1),
schema = this.data.schema.properties[id],
element = this.$el.find("#tabpanel").empty().get(0);
this.data.form = new Form(element, schema, this.data.values);
return EditModuleView;