SMSDelegateUtils.js revision a28658e7b50a29668499ee011576a857117fea4f
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
/*global define*/
define("org/forgerock/openam/ui/admin/delegates/SMSDelegateUtils", [
], function ($, _) {
* @exports org/forgerock/openam/ui/admin/delegates/SMSDelegateUtils
var obj = {};
obj.sanitizeSchema = function (schema) {
// Recursively transforms propertyOrder attribute to int
_.forEach(, obj.propertyOrderTransform);
// Recursively add checkbox format to boolean FIXME: To fix server side? Visual only?
_.forEach(, obj.addCheckboxFormatToBoolean);
// Recursively add string type to enum FIXME: To fix server side
_.forEach(, obj.addStringTypeToEnum);
// Create ordered array
schema.orderedProperties = _.sortBy(, function (value, key) {
value._id = key;
return value;
}), "propertyOrder");
return schema;
obj.addCheckboxFormatToBoolean = function (property) {
if (property.hasOwnProperty("type") && property.type === "boolean") {
property.format = "checkbox";
if (property.type === "object") {
_.forEach(, obj.addCheckboxFormatToBoolean);
obj.addStringTypeToEnum = function (property) {
if (property.hasOwnProperty("enum")) {
property.type = "string";
if (property.type === "object") {
_.forEach(, obj.addStringTypeToEnum);
obj.propertyOrderTransform = function (property) {
if (property.hasOwnProperty("propertyOrder")) {
property.propertyOrder = parseInt(property.propertyOrder.slice(1), 10);
if (property.type === "object") {
_.forEach(, obj.propertyOrderTransform);
return obj;