ThemeConfiguration.js revision 692a3ba4c94e1b157797c47cb7bd8cb1c5f6004e
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
define("config/ThemeConfiguration", {
themes: {
// There must be a theme named "default".
"default": {
// An ordered list of URLs to stylesheets that will be applied to every page.
stylesheets: ["css/bootstrap-3.3.5-custom.css", "css/theme.css", "css/structure.css"],
// A path that is prepended to every relative URL when fetching resources (including images, stylesheets and
// HTML template files).
path: "",
// A URL to a favicon icon
icon: "favicon.ico",
settings: {
// This logo is displayed on user profile pages.
logo: {
// The URL of the image.
src: "images/logo-horizontal.png",
// The title attribute used on <img> tags.
title: "ForgeRock",
// The alt attribute used on <img> tags.
alt: "ForgeRock"
// This logo is displayed on login pages.
loginLogo: {
// The URL of the image.
src: "images/login-logo.png",
// The title attribute used on <img> tags.
title: "ForgeRock",
// The alt attribute used on <img> tags.
alt: "ForgeRock",
// The height of the logo as a CSS length.
height: "104px",
// The width of the logo as a CSS length.
width: "210px"
// The footer is displayed on every page.
footer: {
// A contact email address.
mailto: "",
// A contact phone number. If empty, it will not be displayed.
phone: ""
// Each mapping will be tested in order. The theme from the first matching mapping will be used. If no mapping
// matches then the theme "default" will be used.
mappings: [
// Use the theme with the key "my-theme" if the realm is either /my-realm or /my/sub-realm.
//{ theme: "my-theme", realms: ["/my-realm", "/my/sub-realm"] }
// Use the theme "my-second-theme" if the realm starts with /a. e.g. /ab or /a/c.
//{ theme: "my-second-theme", realms: [/^\/a/] }
// Use the theme "my-third-theme" if the realm is /a and the authentication chain is auth-chain-1.
//{ theme: "my-third-theme", realms: ["/a"], authenticationChains: ["auth-chain-1"] }
// Use the theme "my-fourth-theme" if the default authentication chain is in use.
//{ theme: "my-fourth-theme", authenticationChains: [""] }