Gruntfile.js revision 628399f07dca577d36a0d63146aa093cd2c9c208
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
* specific language governing permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
* the License file at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, add the following below the CDDL
* Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying
* information: "Portions copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]".
* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
/* global module, require, process */
var _ = require("lodash"),
mavenSrcPath = "/src/main/js";
function mavenProjectSource (projectDir) {
return [
projectDir + mavenSrcPath,
projectDir + "/src/main/resources"
function mavenProjectTestSource (projectDir) {
return [
projectDir + "/src/test/js",
projectDir + "/src/test/resources"
module.exports = function (grunt) {
var compositionDirectory = "target/composed",
compiledDirectory = "target/compiled",
forgeRockCommonsDirectory = process.env.FORGEROCK_UI_SRC + "/forgerock-ui-commons",
forgeRockUiDirectory = process.env.FORGEROCK_UI_SRC + "/forgerock-ui-user",
amCommonsDirectory = "../openam-ui-common",
targetVersion = grunt.option("target-version") || "dev",
buildCompositionDirs = _.flatten([
// When building, dependencies are downloaded and expanded by Maven
// This must come last so that it overwrites any conflicting files!
watchCompositionDirs = _.flatten([
// When watching, we want to get the dependencies directly from the source
// This must come last so that it overwrites any conflicting files!
testWatchDirs = _.flatten([
testInputDirs = _.flatten([
nonCompiledFiles = [
serverDeployDirectory = process.env.OPENAM_HOME + "/XUI",
testDeployDirectory = process.env.OPENAM_HOME + "/../openam-test";
copy: {
* Copy all the sources and resources from this project and all dependencies into the composition directory.
* TODO: This copying shouldn't really be necessary, but is required because the dependencies are all over
* the place. If we move to using npm for our dependencies, this can be greatly simplified.
compose: {
files: (dir) {
return {
expand: true,
cwd: dir,
src: ["**"],
dest: compositionDirectory
* Copy files that do not need to be compiled into the compiled directory.
compiled: {
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: compositionDirectory,
src: nonCompiledFiles.concat([
"!main.js", // Output by r.js
"!index.html" // Output by grunt-text-replace
dest: compiledDirectory
eslint: {
* Check the JavaScript source code for common mistakes and style issues.
lint: {
src: "." + mavenSrcPath + "/**/*.js",
options: {
format: require.resolve("eslint-formatter-warning-summary")
less: {
* Compile LESS source code into minified CSS files.
compile: {
files: [{
src: compositionDirectory + "/css/structure.less",
dest: compiledDirectory + "/css/structure.css"
}, {
src: compositionDirectory + "/css/theme.less",
dest: compiledDirectory + "/css/theme.css"
}, {
src: compositionDirectory + "/css/styles-admin.less",
dest: compiledDirectory + "/css/styles-admin.css"
options: {
compress: true,
plugins: [
new (require("less-plugin-clean-css"))({})
relativeUrls: true
* Run qunit tests.
qunit: {
test: testDeployDirectory + "/qunit.html"
replace: {
* Include the version of AM in the index file.
* This is needed to force the browser to refetch JavaScript files when a new version of AM is deployed.
buildNumber: {
src: compositionDirectory + "/index.html",
dest: compiledDirectory + "/index.html",
replacements: [{
from: "${version}",
to: targetVersion
requirejs: {
* Concatenate and uglify the JavaScript.
compile: {
options: {
baseUrl: compositionDirectory,
mainConfigFile: compositionDirectory + "/main.js",
out: compiledDirectory + "/main.js",
include: ["main"],
preserveLicenseComments: false,
generateSourceMaps: true,
optimize: "uglify2",
// These files are excluded from optimization so that the UI can be customized without having to
// repackage it.
excludeShallow: [
* Sync is used when watching to speed up the build.
sync: {
* Copy all the sources and resources from this project and all dependencies into the composition directory.
compose: {
files: (dir) {
return {
cwd: dir,
src: ["**"],
dest: compositionDirectory
compareUsing: "md5"
* Copy files that do not need to be compiled into the compiled directory.
* Note that this also copies main.js because the requirejs step is not being performed when watching (it
* is too slow).
compiled: {
files: [{
cwd: compositionDirectory,
src: nonCompiledFiles.concat([
"!index.html" // Output by grunt-text-replace
dest: compiledDirectory
compareUsing: "md5"
* Copy the compiled files to the server deploy directory.
server: {
files: [{
cwd: compiledDirectory,
src: ["**"],
dest: serverDeployDirectory
verbose: true,
compareUsing: "md5" // Avoids spurious syncs of touched, but otherwise unchanged, files (e.g. CSS)
* Copy the compiled files, along with the test source files and dependencies, to the server deploy
* directory.
testServer: {
files: (inputDirectory) {
return {
cwd: inputDirectory,
src: ["**"],
dest: testDeployDirectory
verbose: true,
compareUsing: "md5" // Avoids spurious syncs of touched, but otherwise unchanged, files (e.g. CSS)
watch: {
* Redeploy whenever any source files change.
source: {
files: (dir) {
return dir + "/**";
tasks: ["deploy"]
* Deploy and run the tests whenever any source files change.
test: {
files: watchCompositionDirs.concat(testWatchDirs).map(function (dir) {
return dir + "/**";
tasks: ["test"]
* Generates OS notifications when the watch passes or fails.
notify_hooks: {
options: {
enabled: true,
title: "OpenAM XUI Tests"
* Resync the compiled directory and deploy and run the tests.
grunt.registerTask("test", [
* Resync the compiled directory and deploy to the web server.
grunt.registerTask("deploy", [
* Rebuild the compiled directory. Maven then packs this directory into the final archive artefact.
grunt.registerTask("build", [
grunt.registerTask("dev", ["copy:compose", "deploy", "watch"]);
grunt.registerTask("prod", ["build"]);
grunt.registerTask("default", ["dev"]);