TreeNavigation.js revision b5418ee91771dec2a444b300d9ba32f9673fbc2b
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* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
/*global define */
define("org/forgerock/openam/ui/common/components/TreeNavigation", [
], function ($, _, AbstractView, ModuleLoader, Router) {
var TreeNavigation = AbstractView.extend({
events: {
"click .sidenav a[href]:not([data-toggle])": "navigateToPage"
findActiveNavItem: function (fragment) {
var element = this.$el.find(".sidenav ol > li > a[href^=\"#" + fragment + "\"]"),
parent, fragmentSections;
if (element.length) {
parent = element.parent();
this.$el.find(".sidenav ol > li").removeClass("active");
element.parentsUntil( this.$el.find(".sidenav"), "li" ).addClass("active");
// Expand any collapsed element direct above. Only works one level up
if (parent.parent().hasClass("collapse")) {
} else {
fragmentSections = fragment.split("/");
this.findActiveNavItem(fragmentSections.slice(0, -1).join("/"));
navigateToPage: function (event) {
this.$el.find(".sidenav ol > li").removeClass("active");
$(event.currentTarget).parentsUntil( this.$el.find(".sidenav"), "li" ).addClass("active");
this.nextRenderPage = true;
setElement: function (element) {, element);
if (this.route && this.nextRenderPage) {
_.bind(function (module) {
this.nextRenderPage = false;
this.renderPage(module, this.args);
}, this),
_.bind(function () {
throw "Unable to render page for module " +;
}, this)
render: function (args, callback) {
var self = this;
this.args = args;
self.parentRender(function () {
self.$el.find(".sidenav li").removeClass("active");
ModuleLoader.load( (page) {
self.renderPage(page, args, callback);
renderPage: function (Module, args, callback) {
var page = new Module();
page.element = "#sidePageContent";
page.render(args, callback);
return TreeNavigation;