policy.js revision a093731116a8c24d49b903df7602cf586e499b45
* Copyright (c) 2014 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
* at http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html
* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
* with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
* your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
/*global require, define, QUnit, $ */
], function (eventManager, constants, conf, router, loginHelper, uiUtils, policyDelegate, editAppView, editPolView, resListView, selectPatternsView, manageAppsView, managePolView, actionsView, responseAttrsStaticView, responseAttrsUserView, reviewInfoView) {
return {
executeAll: function (server) {
module('Applications page');
QUnit.asyncTest("Edit Application", function () {
editAppView.element = $("<div>")[0];
editAppView.render(['iPlanetAMWebAgentService'], function () {
var entity = editAppView.data.entity,
options = editAppView.data.options;
resListView.element = '<div></div>';
selectPatternsView.element = '<div></div>';
QUnit.ok(editAppView.accordion.getActive() === 2, "Last step of accordion is selected");
QUnit.ok(editAppView.$el.find('#backButton').length, "Back button is available");
// Step 1
QUnit.ok(editAppView.$el.find('#appName').val() === entity.name, "Name is set");
QUnit.ok(editAppView.$el.find('#appDescription').val() === (entity.description ? entity.description : ''), "Description is set");
// Step 2
selectPatternsView.render([], function () {
var element = selectPatternsView.$el,
listItems = element.find('.striped-list ul li'),
selectedItem = element.find('.addPattern:eq(0)');
values = [];
_.each(listItems, function (item) {
QUnit.ok(listItems.length >= 1, "At least one available pattern");
// check number of rendered patterns = options.resourcePatterns.length
// check options.resourcePatterns and avalible patterns are the same
QUnit.ok( _.difference(values, options.resourcePatterns).length === 0, "All avaliable patterns are displayed correctly");
// clicking on a pattern reloads the resource creation tool
QUnit.ok( options.newPattern === selectedItem.find('.pattern').text(), "New pattern selected");
resListView.render([], function () {
var editing = resListView.$el.find('.editing'),
listItems = resListView.$el.find('#createdResources ul li:not(.editing)'),
plusButton = editing.find('.icon-plus'),
resourceLength = entity.resources.length;
values = [],
valid = true,
NEW_RESOURCE = 'newResource';
_.each(listItems, function (item) {
if($(item).text() !== item.dataset.resource){
valid = false;
valid = _.difference(values, entity.resources).length === 0 ? valid : false;
_.each(listItems, function (item) {
valid = valid && $(item).text() === item.dataset.resource && _.contains(entity.resources, item.dataset.resource);
QUnit.ok(valid, "All resources are displayed correctly");
QUnit.ok( options.newPattern === editing.data().resource, "Selected pattern displayed correctly");
// Testing a new resource can be added.
// Testing duplication by trying to re-add entity.resources[0] the the entity.resources array.
editing.find('input')[0].value = entity.resources[0];
QUnit.ok( _.uniq(entity.resources).length === entity.resources.length, "Duplicate resource not added");
// Adding a NEW_RESOURCE.
// Testing last input enter key trigger
resourceLength = entity.resources.length;
editing.find('input')[ editing.find('input').length-1 ].value = NEW_RESOURCE;
var event = jQuery.Event("keyup");
event.keyCode = 13 //enter key
valid = (entity.resources.length === (resourceLength + 1) && _.contains(entity.resources, NEW_RESOURCE) );
QUnit.ok( valid , "Pressing enter in the last inputs triggers addResource");
QUnit.ok( valid , "Unique resource added");
// Delete the NEW_RESOURCE
listItems = resListView.$el.find('#createdResources ul li:not(.editing)');
resourceLength = entity.resources.length;
var newItem = _.find(listItems,function(item){
return item.dataset.resource === NEW_RESOURCE;
QUnit.ok( entity.resources.length === resourceLength - 1 && !_.contains(entity.resources, NEW_RESOURCE), 'New resource deleted');
// Step 3
$('#reviewInfo', editAppView.$el).html(uiUtils.fillTemplateWithData('templates/policy/ReviewApplicationStepTemplate.html', editAppView.data, function () {
var resources = [];
QUnit.ok(editAppView.$el.find('#reviewName').html() === entity.name, "Correct name is displayed in the review step");
if ((!editAppView.$el.find('#reviewDescr').html()) && (!entity.description)) {
// both are undefined.
QUnit.ok(true, "Correct description is displayed in the review step");
} else {
QUnit.ok(editAppView.$el.find('#reviewDesc').html() === (entity.description ? entity.description : ''), "Correct description is displayed in the review step");
// Resources
if (entity.resources.length) {
_.each(editAppView.$el.find('ul#reviewRes').find('li'), function (value, key) {
resources[key] = value.innerHTML;
QUnit.ok(_.isEqual(resources, entity.resources), "Correct resources are displayed in the review step");
QUnit.asyncTest("Create new application", function () {
editAppView.element = $("<div>")[0];
editAppView.render([], function () {
var entity = editAppView.data.entity;
resListView.element = '<div></div>';
selectPatternsView.element = '<div></div>';
QUnit.ok(editAppView.accordion.getActive() === 0, "First step of accordion is selected");
QUnit.ok(editAppView.$el.find('#backButton').length, "Back button is available");
// Step 1
QUnit.ok(editAppView.$el.find('#appName').val() === '', "Name is empty");
QUnit.ok(editAppView.$el.find('#appDescription').val() === '', "Description is empty");
// Step 2
resListView.render([], function () {
var resources = resListView.$el.find('.res-name');
QUnit.ok(resources.length === 0, "No resources present");
QUnit.asyncTest("List all applications", function () {
manageAppsView.element = $("<div>")[0];
manageAppsView.render([], function () {
var table = $('#manageApps', manageAppsView.$el),
postedData = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'postData'),
rowData = table.jqGrid('getRowData'),
recordsTotal = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'records'),
totalNumberOfPages = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'lastpage'),
recordsPerPage = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'rowNum'),
rowList = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'rowList'),
remaining = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'userData').remaining;
QUnit.ok(conf.globalData.policyEditorConfig, 'Configuration file loaded');
QUnit.ok(rowData.length > 0, "At least one application listed in the table");
QUnit.ok(rowData.length === table.find("tr[id]").length, "Number of rows in grid match number displayed");
QUnit.ok(table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colNames').length === table.find("tr[id]")[0].children.length,
'Total number of columns displayed matches number of columns requested');
// sorting
QUnit.ok(manageAppsView.$el.find('#manageApps_name').find('.s-ico').length === 1,
'Sort icon is present for the name column');
'Name is sorted in ascending order');
// Pagination
QUnit.ok($('#appsPager', manageAppsView.$el).length === 1, 'Pager is present');
QUnit.ok(rowData.length + postedData._pagedResultsOffset + remaining === recordsTotal,
'Total number of records is calculated correctly');
QUnit.ok(recordsPerPage >= rowData.length,
'Number of rows in grid is less than or equal to number of rows requested');
if (recordsTotal > recordsPerPage) {
QUnit.ok(totalNumberOfPages === recordsTotal % recordsPerPage === 0 ?
recordsTotal / recordsPerPage : Math.floor(recordsTotal / recordsPerPage) + 1,
'Total number of pages is calculated correctly');
} else {
QUnit.ok(totalNumberOfPages === 1,
'Total number of pages is calculated correctly');
// Show/hide columns
QUnit.ok($('.navtable', manageAppsView.$el).length === 1, 'Columns Button is available');
module('Policies page');
QUnit.asyncTest("Edit Policy", function () {
editPolView.element = $("<div>")[0];
editPolView.render(['sunIdentityServerLibertyPPService', 'anotherxamplePolicy'], function () {
var entity = editPolView.data.entity,
options = editPolView.data.options;
resListView.element = '<div></div>';
selectPatternsView.element = '<div></div>';
actionsView.element = '<div></div>';
responseAttrsStaticView.element = '<div></div>';
responseAttrsUserView.element = '<div></div>';
QUnit.ok(editPolView.accordion.getActive() === 6, "Last step of accordion is selected");
QUnit.ok(editPolView.$el.find('#cancelButton').length, "Cancel button is available");
// Step 1
QUnit.ok(editPolView.$el.find('#policyName').val() === entity.name, "Name is set");
QUnit.ok(editPolView.$el.find('#description').val() === (entity.description ? entity.description : ''), "Description is set");
// Step 2
resListView.render([], function () {
var listItems = resListView.$el.find('#createdResources ul li'),
valid = true;
_.each(listItems, function (item) {
valid = valid && $(item).text() === item.dataset.resource &&_.contains(entity.resources, item.dataset.resource);
QUnit.ok(listItems.length === entity.resources.length, "Correct number of resources are displayed");
QUnit.ok(valid, "Resources are displayed correctly");
selectPatternsView.render([], function () {
var element = selectPatternsView.$el,
listItems = element.find('.striped-list ul li'),
selectedItem = element.find('.addPattern:eq(2)');
values = [];
_.each(listItems, function (item) {
// check number of rendered patterns = options.resourcePatterns.length
// check options.resourcePatterns and avalible patterns are the same
QUnit.ok( _.difference(values, options.resourcePatterns).length === 0, "All avaliable patterns are displayed correctly");
// clicking on a pattern reloads the resource creation tool
QUnit.ok( options.newPattern === selectedItem.find('.pattern').text(), "New pattern selected");
resListView.render([], function () {
var editing = resListView.$el.find('.editing'),
listItems = resListView.$el.find('#createdResources ul li:not(.editing)'),
plusButton = editing.find('.icon-plus'),
resourceLength = entity.resources.length,
values = [],
valid = true,
NEW_STR = 'newResource',
INVALID_STR = 'invalid/Resource';
_.each(listItems, function (item) {
if($(item).text() !== item.dataset.resource){
valid = false;
valid = _.difference(values, entity.resources).length === 0 ? valid : false;
_.each(listItems, function (item) {
valid = valid && $(item).text() === item.dataset.resource && _.contains(entity.resources, item.dataset.resource);
QUnit.ok(valid, "All resources are displayed correctly");
QUnit.ok( options.newPattern === editing.data().resource, "Selected pattern displayed correctly");
// Testing new resource can be added.
editing.find('input')[0].value = NEW_STR;
editing.find('input')[1].value = NEW_STR;
QUnit.ok( _.contains(entity.resources, 'http://www.hello.com/'+ NEW_STR +'/world/'+ NEW_STR), "Unique resource added");
// Testing duplication by trying to re-add the previous resource
editing.find('input')[0].value = NEW_STR;
editing.find('input')[1].value = NEW_STR;
QUnit.ok( _.uniq(entity.resources).length === entity.resources.length, "Duplicate resource not added");
// checking for invalid inputs
resourceLength = entity.resources.length;
editing.find('input')[0].value = INVALID_STR;
editing.find('input')[1].value = NEW_STR;
QUnit.ok( resListView.validate( editing.find('input')) === false, "Invalid resource not added");
// Delete the NEW_RESOURCE
resourceLength = entity.resources.length;
listItems = resListView.$el.find('#createdResources ul li:not(.editing)');
var lastAddedItem = listItems.eq(listItems.length-1);
QUnit.ok( entity.resources.length === resourceLength - 1 && !_.contains(entity.resources, lastAddedItem.data().resource), 'Resource deleted');
responseAttrsStaticView.render([], function(){
var editing = responseAttrsStaticView.$el.find('.editing'),
key = editing.find('[data-attr-add-key]'),
val = editing.find('[data-attr-add-val]'),
addBtn = editing.find('.icon-plus'),
attrsLengthOld = responseAttrsStaticView.data.staticAttributes.length;
// add new static attribute
QUnit.ok(attrsLengthOld + 1 === responseAttrsStaticView.data.staticAttributes.length, "Static attribute can be added");
editing = responseAttrsStaticView.$el.find('.editing');
key = editing.find('[data-attr-add-key]');
val = editing.find('[data-attr-add-val]');
addBtn = editing.find('.icon-plus');
QUnit.ok(attrsLengthOld + 1 === responseAttrsStaticView.data.staticAttributes.length, "Can't add duplicate static attribute");
editing = responseAttrsStaticView.$el.find('.editing');
key = editing.find('[data-attr-add-key]');
val = editing.find('[data-attr-add-val]');
addBtn = editing.find('.icon-plus');
// delete static attribute
deleteBtn = _.first(responseAttrsStaticView.$el.find('#attrTypeStatic ul li:first').find('.icon-close'));
QUnit.ok(attrsLengthOld === responseAttrsStaticView.data.staticAttributes.length, "Static attribute can be deleted");
editing = responseAttrsStaticView.$el.find('.editing');
key = editing.find('[data-attr-add-key]');
val = editing.find('[data-attr-add-val]');
addBtn = editing.find('.icon-plus');
QUnit.ok(!_.find(responseAttrsStaticView.data.staticAttributes, { propertyName: "incompleteVal" }), "Static attributes with no key can't be added");
editing = responseAttrsStaticView.$el.find('.editing');
key = editing.find('[data-attr-add-key]');
val = editing.find('[data-attr-add-val]');
addBtn = editing.find('.icon-plus');
QUnit.ok(!_.find(responseAttrsStaticView.data.staticAttributes, { propertyName: "incompleteKey" }), "Static attributes with no value can't be added");
// Step 3
actionsView.render([], function () {
// Correct available actions are displayed
var availableActions = actionsView.data.options.availableActions,
actionsCells = actionsView.$el.find('.action-name');
QUnit.ok(availableActions.length === actionsCells.length, "Correct number of actions is displayed");
var actionsPresent = true;
_.each(actionsCells, function (val, key, list) {
actionsPresent = actionsPresent && _.find(availableActions, function (action) {
return action.action === val.innerHTML;
QUnit.ok(actionsPresent, "Actions are displayed correctly (available for selected application type)");
// Toggle all actions
var toggleAll = actionsView.$el.find('.toggle-all-actions').prop('checked', true),
allChecked = true;
actionsView.toggleAllActions({target: actionsView.$el.find('.toggle-all-actions')[0]});
_.each(actionsView.data.entity.actions, function (action) {
allChecked = allChecked && action.selected;
QUnit.ok(allChecked, "All actions are marked as selected in a JS object after Toggle All checkbox is selected");
toggleAll.prop('checked', false);
actionsView.toggleAllActions({target: actionsView.$el.find('.toggle-all-actions')[0]});
allChecked = true;
_.each(actionsView.data.entity.actions, function (action) {
allChecked = allChecked && !action.selected;
QUnit.ok(!allChecked, "All actions are marked as deselected in a JS object after Toggle All checkbox is deselected");
// Action permissions
var permissions = actionsView.$el.find('input[type=radio][data-action-name]:checked'),
correctPermissions = true;
_.each(permissions, function (val, key, list) {
correctPermissions = correctPermissions &&
_.find(actionsView.data.entity.actions, function (action) {
return action.action === val.getAttribute('data-action-name') &&
action.value === (val.value === 'Allow');
QUnit.ok(correctPermissions, "All permissions are selected correctly");
// Selecting individual actions
var toggleSingleAction = actionsView.$el.find('.toggle-action');
_.each(toggleSingleAction, function (val, key, list) {
$(val).attr('checked', 'checked').trigger('click');
allChecked = true;
_.each(actionsView.data.entity.actions, function (action) {
allChecked = allChecked && action.selected;
QUnit.ok(allChecked, "All actions are marked as selected in a JS object after selecting corresponding checkboxes");
// Reload review step
$('#reviewPolicyInfo', editPolView.$el).html(uiUtils.fillTemplateWithData('templates/policy/ReviewPolicyStepTemplate.html', editPolView.data));
$('#reviewPolicyInfo', editPolView.$el).html(uiUtils.fillTemplateWithData('templates/policy/ReviewPolicyStepTemplate.html', editPolView.data, function () {
QUnit.ok(editPolView.$el.find('#reviewName').html() === entity.name, "Correct name is displayed in the review step");
if ((!editPolView.$el.find('#reviewDesc').html()) && (!entity.description)) {
// both are undefined.
QUnit.ok(true, "Correct description is displayed in the review step");
} else {
QUnit.ok(editPolView.$el.find('#reviewDesc').html() === (entity.description ? entity.description : ''), "Correct description is displayed in the review step");
// Resources
if (entity.resources.length) {
var resources = [];
_.each(editPolView.$el.find('ul#reviewRes').find('li'), function (value, key) {
resources[key] = value.innerHTML;
QUnit.ok(_.isEqual(resources, entity.resources), "Correct resources are displayed in the review step");
// Actions
if (entity.actions.length) {
var actions = [],
polSelectedActions = _.where(entity.actions, {selected: true}),
_.each(editPolView.$el.find('#reviewActions').find('li'), function (value) {
actionPair = value.innerHTML.split(':');
actions.push({action: actionPair[0].trim(), value: actionPair[1].trim() === 'Allowed', selected: true});
QUnit.ok(_.isEqual(actions, polSelectedActions), "Correct actions are displayed in the review step");
// Subject Conditions
if (pol.subjects.length) {
var subjects = [];
_.each(editPolView.$el.find('ul#reviewSubjects').find('li'), function (value, key) {
subjects[key] = value.innerHTML;
QUnit.ok(_.isEqual(subjects, pol.subjects), "Correct subject conditions are displayed in the review step");
// Environment Conditions
if (pol.conditions.length) {
var envConditions = [];
_.each(editPolView.$el.find('ul#reviewEnvConditions').find('li'), function (value, key) {
envConditions[key] = value.innerHTML;
QUnit.ok(_.isEqual(envConditions, pol.conditions), "Correct environment conditions are displayed in the review step");
QUnit.asyncTest("Create new policy", function () {
editPolView.element = $("<div>")[0];
editPolView.render(['sunIdentityServerLibertyPPService'], function () {
resListView.element = '<div></div>';
selectPatternsView.element = '<div></div>';
actionsView.element = '<div></div>';
QUnit.ok(editPolView.accordion.getActive() === 0, "First step of accordion is selected");
QUnit.ok(editPolView.$el.find('#cancelButton').length, "Cancel button is available");
// Step 1
QUnit.ok(editPolView.$el.find('#policyName').val() === '', "Name is empty");
QUnit.ok(editPolView.$el.find('#description').val() === '', "Description is empty");
// Step 2
resListView.render([], function () {
var resources = resListView.$el.find('.res-name');
QUnit.ok(resources.length === 0, "No resources present");
// Step 3
actionsView.render([], function () {
var availableActions = actionsView.data.options.availableActions,
actionsCells = actionsView.$el.find('.action-name');
QUnit.ok(availableActions.length === actionsCells.length, "Correct number of actions is displayed");
var actionsPresent = true;
_.each(actionsCells, function (val, key, list) {
actionsPresent = actionsPresent && _.find(availableActions, function (action) {
return action.action === val.innerHTML;
QUnit.ok(actionsPresent, "Actions are displayed correctly (available for selected application type)");
QUnit.asyncTest("List all policies", function () {
managePolView.element = $("<div>")[0];
managePolView.render(['sunIdentityServerLibertyPPService'], function () {
var table = $('#managePolicies', managePolView.$el),
rowData = table.jqGrid('getRowData'),
postedData = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'postData'),
recordsTotal = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'records'),
totalNumberOfPages = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'lastpage'),
recordsPerPage = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'rowNum'),
rowList = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'rowList'),
remaining = table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'userData').remaining;
QUnit.ok(rowData.length > 0, "At least one policy listed in the table");
QUnit.ok(rowData.length === table.find("tr[id]").length, "Number of rows in grid match number displayed");
QUnit.ok(managePolView.$el.find('#backToApps').length, "Back button is available");
QUnit.ok(table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colNames').length === table.find("tr[id]")[0].children.length,
'Total number of columns displayed matches number of columns requested');
// sorting
QUnit.ok(managePolView.$el.find('#managePolicies_name').find('.s-ico').length === 1,
'Sort icon is present for the name column');
'Name is sorted in ascending order');
// Pagination
QUnit.ok($('#policiesPager', managePolView.$el).length === 1, 'Pager is present');
QUnit.ok(rowData.length + postedData._pagedResultsOffset + remaining === recordsTotal,
'Total number of records is calculated correctly');
QUnit.ok(table.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'rowNum') >= rowData.length,
'Number of rows in grid is less than or equal to number of rows requested');
if (recordsTotal > recordsPerPage) {
QUnit.ok(totalNumberOfPages === recordsTotal % recordsPerPage === 0 ?
recordsTotal / recordsPerPage : Math.floor(recordsTotal / recordsPerPage) + 1,
'Total number of pages is calculated correctly');
} else {
QUnit.ok(totalNumberOfPages === 1,
'Total number of pages is calculated correctly');
// Show/hide columns
QUnit.ok($('.navtable', managePolView.$el).length === 1, 'Columns Button is available');
QUnit.asyncTest("Unauthorized GET Request", function () {
conf.loggedUser = {"roles": ["ui-admin"]};
eventManager.sendEvent(constants.EVENT_CHANGE_VIEW, {
route: router.configuration.routes.manageApps,
callback: function () {
sinon.stub(loginHelper, "logout", function () {
QUnit.ok(true, "Logout helper method called");
eventManager.sendEvent(constants.EVENT_UNAUTHORIZED, {error: {type:"GET"} });
QUnit.asyncTest("Unauthorized non-GET Request", function () {
var loginDialog = require("LoginDialog"),
loginDialogSpy = sinon.spy(loginDialog, 'render');
QUnit.ok(!loginDialogSpy.called, "Login Dialog render function has not yet been called");
conf.loggedUser = {"roles": ["ui-admin"]};
eventManager.sendEvent(constants.EVENT_UNAUTHORIZED, {error: {type:"POST"} });
QUnit.ok(conf.loggedUser !== null, "User info should be retained after UNAUTHORIZED POST error");
QUnit.ok(loginDialogSpy.called, "Login Dialog render function was called");
QUnit.test("Add/Edit routes with different input", function () {
QUnit.equal(router.getLink(router.configuration.routes.editApp, [null]), "app/", "Add App - no arguments provided");
QUnit.equal(router.getLink(router.configuration.routes.editApp, ["calendar"]), "app/calendar", "Edit App with one argument provided");
QUnit.equal(router.getLink(router.configuration.routes.editApp, ["test spaces"]), "app/test spaces", "Edit App with space in the name");
QUnit.equal(router.getLink(router.configuration.routes.editPolicy, ["calendar", null]), "app/calendar/policy/", "Add policy with one argument provided");
QUnit.equal(router.getLink(router.configuration.routes.editPolicy, ["calendar", "testPolicy"]), "app/calendar/policy/testPolicy", "Edit policy with two arguments provided");