XMLDocument.java revision fb379c70e3fd8a537f311b99be4759ae41e02750
* Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at
* https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or
* opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permission and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
* Header Notice in each file and include the License file
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* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
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* "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
* $Id: XMLDocument.java,v 1.3 2008/06/25 05:51:31 qcheng Exp $
package com.sun.identity.install.tools.util.xml;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Represents a simple XML document in memory that may be edited and stored.
* This implementation relies exlusively on the syntactic correctness of the
* underlying document such as balancing of quotes and delimiters etc. If an
* XML document meets these requirements, it can be used to instantiate this
* class and can then be edited using the public methods available in this
* class as well as in <code>XMLElement</code> class.
* <p>
* The in-memroy XML representation does not include any meta information such
* as <code>DOCTYPE</code> tags, processing instructions, or any commets. Such
* tags are filtered out before the final in-memory representation of the XML
* document is constructed. However, when this document is saved, these meta
* information tags are re-inserted in the appropriate places so as to preserve
* the original format of the document in all respects possible. Even white
* spaces are preserved as far as possible.
* </p>
* <p>
* This implementation uses an adhoc scanner/parser and does not rely on any
* third party libraries.
* </p>
public class XMLDocument implements IXMLUtilsConstants {
* Creates an instance of XMLDocument using the specified <code>File</code>
* object. No checking is done to ensure the availablity and readability of
* the file passed in as the argument. It is expected that the caller has
* completed such checks and taken the necessary backups before creating
* this instance.
* @param file
* representing the XML document on file system.
* @throws Exception
* in case an error occurse during the parsing of this
* document.
public XMLDocument(File file) throws Exception {
setParser(new XMLParser());
* Returns the root element for the given XML document. This element
* represents the entire XML document in memory and can be used to traverse
* and edit various portions of the document.
* @return the root element of the XML tree
public XMLElement getRootElement() {
return root;
* A factory method used for the creation of new XML elements that can be
* added to this XML document at a later stage. When this method is called,
* a new <code>XMLElement</code> object is returned to the caller.
* However, this newly created element is still not attached to the
* document anywhere and it is the responsiblity of the caller to attach it
* in the appropriate location.
* @param name
* the name of the new element to be created
* @return the newly created element that can be added to the document
* @throws Exception
* in case the creation of the new element fails due to any
* reason
public XMLElement newElement(String name) throws Exception {
return newElement(name, null, null);
* A factory method used for the creation of new XML elements that can be
* added to this XML document at a later stage. When this method is called,
* a new <code>XMLElement</code> object is returned to the caller.
* However, this newly created element is still not attached to the
* document anywhere and it is the responsiblity of the caller to attach it
* in the appropriate location. Further, the element returned from this
* method is a collapsed element that is contained within a single bounded
* token.
* @param name
* the name of the new element to be created
* @return the newly created element that can be added to the document
* @throws Exception
* in case the creation of the new element fails due to any
* reason
public XMLElement newCollapsedElement(String name) throws Exception {
return newElement(name, null, null, true);
* A factory method used for the creation of new XML elements that can be
* added to this XML document at a later stage. When this method is called,
* a new <code>XMLElement</code> object is returned to the caller.
* However, this newly created element is still not attached to the
* document anywhere and it is the responsiblity of the caller to attach it
* in the appropriate location. Note that the supplied parameter
* <code>xmlFragement</code> must be a valid well-formed xml element.
* @param xmlFragment
* the xml fragment which will be parsed into an element
* @return the newly created element that can be added to the document
* @throws Exception
* in case the creation of the new element fails due to any
* reason
public XMLElement newElementFromXMLFragment(String xmlFragment)
throws Exception {
StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlFragment);
ArrayList newTokens = getParser().parse(reader);
ArrayList filteredTokens = getFilteredTokens(newTokens);
ArrayList elements = getElements(filteredTokens);
if (elements == null || elements.size() != 1) {
throw new Exception("Failed to parse fragment into new element");
return (XMLElement) elements.get(0);
* A factory method used for the creation of new XML elements that can be
* added to this XML document at a later stage. When this method is called,
* a new <code>XMLElement</code> object is returned to the caller.
* However, this newly created element is still not attached to the
* document anywhere and it is the responsiblity of the caller to attach it
* in the appropriate location.
* @param name
* the name of the new element to be created
* @param value
* the value of the new element to be created
* @return the newly created element that can be added to the document
* @throws Exception
* in case the creation of the new element fails due to any
* reason
public XMLElement newElement(String name, String value) throws Exception {
return newElement(name, value, null);
* Stores the in-memory XML data to the file system.
* @throws Exception
* If the save operation did not succeed.
public void store() throws Exception {
BufferedWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(getDocumentFile()));
ArrayList rawTokens = getRawTokens();
for (int i = 0; i < rawTokens.size(); i++) {
writer.write(((Token) rawTokens.get(i)).toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ex;
} finally {
if (writer != null) {
* Sets the number of spaces used for denoting one indent level. The
* default indent level is set to <code>4</code> spaces. However, this can
* be changed by calling this method anytime. This value comes into effect
* only when any new element is added to the XML document.
* @param spaces
* the number of spaces used to denote one level of indentation
public void setIndentDepth(int spaces) {
indentDepth = spaces;
* Sets a flag that is used by the document to indent value tokens when
* adding child elements that have value. The default behavior is to indent
* value tokens, but that can be changed to no indent by calling this
* method.
public void setNoValueIndent() {
indentValueTokenFlag = false;
* Sets a flag that is used by the document to indent value tokens when
* adding child elements that have value. The default behavior is to indent
* value tokens, but changed by calling <code>setNoValueIndent</code>
* method, it can be reset back to its original state by calling this
* method.
public void setValueIndent() {
indentValueTokenFlag = true;
* Returns the DOCTYPE string associated with the first DOCTYPE element
* present in this document. This method may return null if no DOCTYPE
* token is already present in the document.
* @return
public String getDoctypeString() {
String result = null;
DoctypeToken dctoken = getDoctypeToken();
if (dctoken != null) {
result = dctoken.getDoctypeString();
return result;
* This methods provides a means to update the DOCTYPE element of the
* document with a new value as supplied in the argument. This method will
* throw an Exception if the given document does not contain a predefined
* DOCTYPE element.
* @param newDoctypeString
* @throws Exception
public void updatedDoctypeString(String newDoctypeString) throws Exception
DoctypeToken dctoken = getDoctypeToken();
if (dctoken != null) {
} else {
throw new Exception("FAILED to update DOCTYPE - no such element");
* Adds a value token for the given element with the given value.
* @param element
* @param value
* @throws Exception
void addValueTokenForElement(XMLElement element, String value)
throws Exception {
UnboundedToken valueToken = newValueToken(value);
ArrayList rawTokens = getRawTokens();
int startTokenIndex = element.getStartToken().getTokenIndex();
int indentLevel = getIndentLevel(startTokenIndex);
WhiteSpaceToken valueIndentToken = new WhiteSpaceToken(NEW_LINE
+ getIndentStringForIndentLevel(indentLevel + 1));
boolean added = false;
for (int i = 0; i < rawTokens.size(); i++) {
Token nextToken = (Token) rawTokens.get(i);
if (nextToken.getTokenIndex() == startTokenIndex) {
int insertIndex = i + 1;
rawTokens.add(insertIndex, valueIndentToken);
rawTokens.add(insertIndex, valueToken);
added = true;
if (!added) {
throw new Exception("Failed to add value token");
* Adds the given XMLElement after the token whoes index matches the given
* lastTokenIndex value. If the flag addAfterNewLine is true, a new line is
* added before the addition of the new element to this document.
* @param lastTokenIndex
* @param element
* @param addAfterNewLine
* @throws Exception
void addXMLElementAfterTokenIndex(int lastTokenIndex, XMLElement element,
boolean addAfterNewLine) throws Exception {
addXMLElementAfterTokenIndex(lastTokenIndex, element, addAfterNewLine,
* Adds the given XMLElement after the token whoes index matches the given
* lastTokenIndex value. If the flag addAfterNewLine is true, a new line is
* added before the addition of the new element to this document.
* @param lastTokenIndex
* @param element
* @param addAfterNewLine
* @param addOuterWhitespace
* @throws Exception
void addXMLElementAfterTokenIndex(int lastTokenIndex, XMLElement element,
boolean addAfterNewLine, boolean addOuterWhitespace)
throws Exception {
ArrayList rawTokens = getRawTokens();
String outerIndentString = "";
String indentIncrementString = "";
if (addAfterNewLine) {
outerIndentString = getIndentStringForIndentLevel(getIndentLevel(
indentIncrementString = getIndentIncrementString();
boolean outerIndent = true;
if (!addOuterWhitespace) {
outerIndent = false;
ArrayList newTokens = element.getCollapsedTokens(outerIndentString,
indentIncrementString, indentValueToken(), outerIndent);
boolean added = false;
for (int i = 0; i < rawTokens.size(); i++) {
Token nextToken = (Token) rawTokens.get(i);
if (nextToken.getTokenIndex() == lastTokenIndex) {
int lastIndexPosition = i;
while (nextToken instanceof WhiteSpaceToken) {
nextToken = (Token) rawTokens.get(i);
int insertIndex = lastIndexPosition + 1;
if (addAfterNewLine) {
WhiteSpaceToken wstoken = new WhiteSpaceToken(NEW_LINE);
rawTokens.add(insertIndex++, wstoken);
for (int j = 0; j < newTokens.size(); j++) {
Token newToken = (Token) newTokens.get(j);
rawTokens.add(insertIndex + j, newToken);
added = true;
if (!added) {
throw new Exception("Parent element not found: index "
+ lastTokenIndex);
* Inserts the ending token for a given element which was initially added
* or parsed into a collapsed element.
* @param element
* @throws Exception
void insertEndTokenForElement(XMLElement element) throws Exception {
int startTokenIndex = element.getStartToken().getTokenIndex();
int indentLevel = getIndentLevel(startTokenIndex);
String indentString = NEW_LINE
+ getIndentStringForIndentLevel(indentLevel - 1);
WhiteSpaceToken indentToken = new WhiteSpaceToken(indentString);
Token endToken = element.getEndToken();
ArrayList rawTokens = getRawTokens();
boolean added = false;
for (int i = 0; i < rawTokens.size(); i++) {
Token nextToken = (Token) rawTokens.get(i);
if (nextToken.getTokenIndex() == startTokenIndex) {
rawTokens.add(i + 1, indentToken);
rawTokens.add(i + 2, endToken);
added = true;
if (!added) {
throw new Exception("Failed to add end token for element: "
+ element);
* Deletes the tokens from the token whoes index matches with startIndex
* upto the token whoes index matches with endIndex. Both these tokens are
* included in the deletion as well.
* @param startIndex
* @param endIndex
* @throws Exception
void deleteTokens(int startIndex, int endIndex) throws Exception {
ArrayList updatedRawTokens = new ArrayList();
Iterator it = updatedRawTokens.iterator();
boolean delete = false;
int deleteCount = 0;
Token lastToken = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Token nextToken = (Token) it.next();
if (!delete) {
if (nextToken.getTokenIndex() == startIndex) {
if (lastToken != null
&& lastToken instanceof WhiteSpaceToken) {
if (startIndex != endIndex) {
delete = true;
} else {
if (nextToken.getTokenIndex() == endIndex) {
delete = false;
lastToken = nextToken;
if (delete == true) {
throw new Exception("Failed to find last token: index " +
if (startIndex != endIndex && deleteCount < 2) {
throw new Exception("Failed to delete tokens for range: "
+ startIndex + "-" + endIndex);
if (startIndex == endIndex && deleteCount != 1) {
throw new Exception("Failed to delete token at index: "
+ startIndex + ", delete count: " + deleteCount);
* Returns an xml fragment that represents this element and any contained
* child elements.
* @param beginTokenIndex
* the index of the token where the string begins
* @param endTokenIndex
* the index of the token where the string ends
* @return an xml fragment representing this element
String toXMLFragment(int beginTokenIndex, int endTokenIndex) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
ArrayList rawTokens = this.getRawTokens();
Iterator it = rawTokens.iterator();
int index = 0;
boolean inRange = false;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Token nextToken = (Token) it.next();
if (!inRange) {
if (nextToken.getTokenIndex() == beginTokenIndex) {
inRange = true;
if (inRange) {
if (nextToken.getTokenIndex() == endTokenIndex) {
inRange = false;
return buff.toString();
* Factory method for creation a new value token with the given value.
* @param value
* @return
* @throws Exception
private UnboundedToken newValueToken(String value) throws Exception {
if (value == null) {
value = "";
UnboundedToken valueToken = new UnboundedToken(value);
return valueToken;
* Factory method for creating a new element with the given name, given
* value and given attributes. The value and the attributes may be null.
* @param name
* @param value
* @param attributes
* @return
* @throws Exception
private XMLElement newElement(String name, String value,
ArrayList attributes) throws Exception {
return newElement(name, value, attributes, false);
* Factory method for creating a new element with the given name, given
* value and given attributes. The value and the attributes may be null. If
* the boolean argument <code>collapsed</code> is set to true, the element
* will have a single token for start and end marks. In this case if a
* value is specified, it will result in the throwing of an exception to
* indicate an invalid request.
* @param name
* @param value
* @param attributes
* @param collapsed
* @return
* @throws Exception
private XMLElement newElement(String name, String value,
ArrayList attributes, boolean collapsed) throws Exception {
XMLElement result = new XMLElement(this, name);
String startTokenString = null;
if (collapsed) {
startTokenString = "<" + name + "/>";
} else {
startTokenString = "<" + name + ">";
BoundedToken startToken = new BoundedToken(startTokenString);
if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) {
if (collapsed) {
throw new Exception(
"Cannot add a collapsed element with specified value");
UnboundedToken valueToken = new UnboundedToken(value);
if (!collapsed) {
BoundedToken endToken = new BoundedToken("</" + name + ">");
if (attributes != null && attributes.size() > 0) {
Iterator it = attributes.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
XMLElementAttribute attr = (XMLElementAttribute) it.next();
result.updateAttribute(attr.getName(), attr.getValue());
return result;
* Returns the indent level for the given token.
* @param tokenIndex
* @return
private int getIndentLevel(int tokenIndex) {
return getRootElement().getIndentLevelForToken(tokenIndex, 0);
* Returns a whitespace string which represents the indentation to be used
* for a given indentLevel value.
* @param indentLevel
* @return
private String getIndentStringForIndentLevel(int indentLevel) {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer("");
String indentIncrementString = getIndentIncrementString();
for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++) {
return buff.toString();
* Returns a string with the number of spaces corresponding to the indent
* depth set for this document.
* @return
private String getIndentIncrementString() {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer("");
for (int i = 0; i < getIndentDepth(); i++) {
buff.append(' ');
return buff.toString();
* Initializes the document with the given File object.
* @param file
* @throws Exception
private void initDocument(File file) throws Exception {
new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file))));
ArrayList rawTokens = getRawTokens();
Iterator it = rawTokens.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Token nextToken = (Token) it.next();
if (nextToken instanceof DoctypeToken) {
* Returns the DOCTYPE token associated with this document. May return
* <code>null</code> if no such token is present.
* @return
private DoctypeToken getDoctypeToken() {
DoctypeToken result = null;
int doctypeTokenIndex = getDoctypeTokenIndex();
if (doctypeTokenIndex != -1) {
ArrayList rawTokens = getRawTokens();
Iterator it = rawTokens.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Token nextToken = (Token) it.next();
if (nextToken.getTokenIndex() == doctypeTokenIndex) {
result = (DoctypeToken) nextToken;
return result;
* Creats an in-memory XML tree based on the parsed tokens in this
* document.
* @throws Exception
private void initXMLTree() throws Exception {
ArrayList elements = getElements(getFilteredTokens());
if (elements.size() > 1) {
throw new Exception("More than one root elements encountered");
setRootElement((XMLElement) elements.get(0));
* Returns a list of tokens that do not contain any whitespace tokens.
* @param rawTokens
* @return filtered tokens
private ArrayList getFilteredTokens(ArrayList rawTokens) {
ArrayList filteredTokens = new ArrayList();
Iterator it = rawTokens.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Token nextToken = (Token) it.next();
if (!nextToken.isDeleted()) {
if (nextToken instanceof BoundedToken
|| nextToken instanceof UnboundedToken) {
return filteredTokens;
* Updates the tokens to create a set of filtered tokens that make up the
* various XML elements etc for final creation of in-memory XML
* representation.
private void updateFilteredTokens() {
* Returns the attributes from the given attribute string.
* @param attributeString
* @return
* @throws Exception
private ArrayList getAttributes(String attributeString) throws Exception {
return getAttributes(attributeString, null);
* Returns the attributes from the given attribute strings of the starting
* and the ending tokens of any element.
* @param attributeStringBegin
* @param attributeStringEnd
* @return
* @throws Exception
private ArrayList getAttributes(String attributeStringBegin,
String attributeStringEnd) throws Exception {
String attributeString = null;
if (attributeStringBegin != null
&& attributeStringBegin.trim().length() > 0) {
attributeString = attributeStringBegin;
if (attributeStringEnd != null
&& attributeStringEnd.trim().length() > 0) {
attributeString += attributeStringEnd;
return getParser().parseAttributes(attributeString);
* Walks through the filtered token set to create an in-memory
* representation of the XML document.
* @param tokenList
* @return
* @throws Exception
private ArrayList getElements(ArrayList tokenList) throws Exception {
ArrayList result = null;
if (tokenList != null && tokenList.size() > 0) {
result = new ArrayList();
int count = 0;
while (count < tokenList.size()) {
String elementName = null;
String elementValue = null;
ArrayList attributeList = null;
ArrayList childElements = null;
XMLElement element = null;
Token firstToken = (Token) tokenList.get(count);
if (!(firstToken instanceof BoundedToken)) {
throw new Exception("First token not bounded: "
+ firstToken.toDebugString());
BoundedToken token = (BoundedToken) firstToken;
elementName = token.getName();
String attributeString = token.getAttributeString();
if (token.elementComplete()) {
element = new XMLElement(this, elementName);
} else {
if (tokenList.size() > count + 1) {
Token secondToken = (Token) tokenList.get(count + 1);
if (secondToken instanceof BoundedToken) {
BoundedToken secondBoundedToken = (BoundedToken)
if (!secondBoundedToken.elementStart()) {
if (secondBoundedToken.getName()
.equals(elementName)) {
if (secondBoundedToken.elementEnd()) {
element = new XMLElement(this,
count = count + 2;
} else {
throw new Exception("Malformed element: "
+ secondBoundedToken
if (element == null && tokenList.size() >= count + 3) {
Token midToken = (Token) tokenList.get(count + 1);
UnboundedToken ubToken = null;
if (midToken instanceof UnboundedToken) {
ubToken = (UnboundedToken) midToken;
elementValue = ubToken.getValue();
if (elementValue != null) {
Token thirdToken = (Token) tokenList.get(count + 2);
if (!(thirdToken instanceof BoundedToken)) {
throw new Exception("Malformed token encountered: "
+ thirdToken.toDebugString());
BoundedToken thirdBoundedToken = (BoundedToken)
if (!thirdBoundedToken.getName().equals(elementName)) {
throw new Exception("Malformed token encountered: "
+ thirdToken.toDebugString());
if (!thirdBoundedToken.elementEnd()) {
throw new Exception("Malformed token encountered: "
+ thirdToken.toDebugString());
element = new XMLElement(this, elementName,
.getAttributeString(), thirdBoundedToken
count = count + 3;
if (element == null) {
ArrayList innerTokens = new ArrayList();
int boundCount = 1;
for (int i = count + 1; i < tokenList.size(); i++) {
Token nextToken = (Token) tokenList.get(i);
if (nextToken instanceof BoundedToken) {
BoundedToken nextBoundedToken = (BoundedToken)
if (nextBoundedToken.getName().equals(elementName))
if (nextBoundedToken.elementEnd()) {
if(!nextBoundedToken.elementStart()) {
if (boundCount == 0) {
childElements = getElements(
element = new XMLElement(this,
elementName, childElements);
count = i + 1;
} else {
} else {
} else {
} else {
} else {
if (element == null) {
throw new Exception("Element not terminated: "
+ elementName + ", innerTokens = "
+ innerTokens);
return result;
* Returns the raw tokens for this document.
* @return
private ArrayList getRawTokens() {
return rawTokens;
* Sets the raw tokens for this document.
* @param rawTokens
private void setRawTokens(ArrayList rawTokens) {
this.rawTokens = rawTokens;
* Sets the filtered tokens for this document.
* @param filteredTokens
private void setFilteredTokens(ArrayList filteredTokens) {
this.filteredTokens = filteredTokens;
* Returns the filted tokens for this document.
* @return
private ArrayList getFilteredTokens() {
return filteredTokens;
* Sets the root element of this document.
* @param root
private void setRootElement(XMLElement root) {
this.root = root;
* Sets the parser to be used with this document.
* @param parser
private void setParser(XMLParser parser) {
this.parser = parser;
* Returns the parser that is used with this document.
* @return
private XMLParser getParser() {
return parser;
* Sets the file object which is the source of this document.
* @param file
private void setDocumentFile(File file) {
documentFile = file;
* Returns the file object that is the source of this document.
* @return
private File getDocumentFile() {
return documentFile;
* Returns the preffered indentation depth of this document.
* @return
private int getIndentDepth() {
return indentDepth;
* Returns true if the value token should be indented while adding new
* elements to this document, false otherwise.
* @return
private boolean indentValueToken() {
return indentValueTokenFlag;
* Sets the document type token index
* @param index
private void setDoctypeTokenIndex(int index) {
doctypeTokenIndex = index;
* Returns the document type token index. May return <code>-1</code> if no
* document type token was found.
* @return
private int getDoctypeTokenIndex() {
return doctypeTokenIndex;
private File documentFile;
private ArrayList rawTokens;
private ArrayList filteredTokens;
private XMLElement root;
private XMLParser parser;
private int indentDepth = 4;
private boolean indentValueTokenFlag = true;
private int doctypeTokenIndex = -1;