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* $Id:,v 1.1 2008/11/22 02:41:19 ak138937 Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted [2011] [ForgeRock AS]
public class CryptUtils {
private static String vec =
private static int decodeBase64(final char[] c, char[] p) {
int len = c.length;
int i = len;
int px = -1;
int loop = len;
int cmpr = 0;
char[] inArr = {'\0', '\0', '\0', '\0'};
short numeq = 0;
while (i >= 0 && c[--i] == '=') {
if (numeq != 0) {
loop = len - 4;
for (i = 0; i < loop; ++i) {
cmpr = vec.indexOf(c[i]);
if (cmpr == -1) {
p[++px] = '\0';
return px;
inArr[i % 4] = (char) cmpr;
if (i % 4 == 3) {
p[++px] = (char) (((inArr[0] & 0x003f) << 2) | ((inArr[1] & 0x0030) >> 4));
p[++px] = (char) (((inArr[1] & 0x000f) << 4) | ((inArr[2] & 0x003c) >> 2));
p[++px] = (char) (((inArr[2] & 0x0003) << 6) | (inArr[3] & 0x003f));
if (loop != len) {
cmpr = vec.indexOf(c[i]);
if (cmpr == -1) {
p[0] = '\0';
return 0;
inArr[0] = (char) cmpr;
cmpr = vec.indexOf(c[++i]);
if (cmpr == -1) {
p[0] = '\0';
return 0;
inArr[1] = (char) cmpr;
if (numeq == 2) {
p[++px] = (char) (((inArr[0] & 0x003f) << 2) | ((inArr[1] & 0x0030) >> 4));
if(numeq == 1) {
cmpr = vec.indexOf(c[++i]);
if (cmpr == -1) {
p[0] = '\0';
return 0;
inArr[2] = (char) cmpr;
p[++px] = (char) (((inArr[0] & 0x3f) << 2) | ((inArr[1] & 0x30) >> 4));
p[++px] = (char) (((inArr[1] & 0xf) << 4) | ((inArr[2] & 0x3c) >> 2));
p[++px] = '\0';
return px;
public static int decryptBase64(
final char[] encryptBase,
char[] base64DecBuffer,
final char[] key
) {
char[] buffer = new char[7];
int outlen = 0;
int decodeLen = 0;
buffer[0] = key[0];
buffer[1] = key[1];
decodeLen = decodeBase64(encryptBase, base64DecBuffer);
buffer[2] = key[2];
buffer[3] = key[3];
if (decodeLen > 0) {
buffer[4] = key[4];
buffer[5] = key[5];
buffer[6] = key[6];
RC5Ctx c = new RC5Ctx(12);
// Decrpypt password will be atleast smaller than the base64 encrypt
outlen = c.decrypt(base64DecBuffer, decodeLen);
return 0;
return 1;
private static class RC5Ctx {
private int nr;
private int[] xk;
public RC5Ctx(int rounds) {
nr = rounds;
xk = new int[4 * (rounds * 2 + 2)];
public void key(char[] key) {
int[] pk;
int A, B, keylen;
int xk_len, pk_len, num_steps, rc;
keylen = key.length;
xk_len = nr * 2 + 2;
pk_len = keylen/ 4;
if ((keylen % 4) != 0) {
pk = new int[keylen];
System.arraycopy(key, 0, pk, 0, keylen);
xk[0] = 0xb7e15163;
for (int i = 1; i < xk_len; i++) {
xk[i] = xk[i - 1] + 0x9e3779b9;
if (pk_len > xk_len) {
num_steps = 3 * pk_len;
} else {
num_steps = 3 * xk_len;
A = B = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_steps; i++) {
A = xk[i % xk_len] = ROTL32(xk[i % xk_len] + A + B, 3);
rc = (A + B) & 31;
B = pk[i % pk_len] = ROTL32(pk[i % pk_len] + A + B, rc);
for (int i = 0; i < keylen; i++) {
pk[i] = 0;
public int decrypt(char[] data, int data_len) {
int rc;
int blocks;
int d_index;
int d0;
int d1;
blocks = data_len / 8;
d_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
d0 = data[d_index] << 24;
d0 |= data[d_index + 1] << 16;
d0 |= data[d_index + 2] << 8;
d0 |= data[d_index + 3];
d1 = data[d_index + 4] << 24;
d1 |= data[d_index + 5] << 16;
d1 |= data[d_index + 6] << 8;
d1 |= data[d_index + 7];
for (int j = nr * 2 - 2; j >= 0; j-= 2) {
d1 -= xk[j + 3];
rc = (int) (d0 & 31);
d1 = ROTR32((int) d1, rc);
d1 ^= d0;
d0 -= xk[j + 2];
rc = (int) (d1 & 31);
d0 = ROTR32((int) d0, rc);
d0 ^= d1;
d0 -= xk[0];
d1 -= xk[1];
/* copy back 4 byte quantities to data array... */
data[d_index] = (char) (d0 >>> 24);
data[d_index + 1] = (char) (d0 >>> 16 & 0x000000ff);
data[d_index + 2] = (char) (d0 >>> 8 & 0x000000ff);
data[d_index + 3] = (char) (d0 & 0x000000ff);
data[d_index + 4] = (char) (d1 >>> 24);
data[d_index + 5] = (char) (d1 >>> 16 & 0x000000ff);
data[d_index + 6] = (char) (d1 >>> 8 & 0x000000ff);
data[d_index + 7] = (char) (d1 & 0x000000ff);
d_index += 8;
return (data.length - data[data.length - 1]);
private int ROTL32(int x, int c) {
return (((x) << (c)) | ((x) >>> (32 - (c))));
private int ROTR32(int x, int c) {
return (((x) >>> (c)) | ((x) << (32 - (c))));