revision 1b5cb8422c825dbdc6d7669e74f285cede6ab71c
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* Copyright 2013-2015 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openam.tokens;
import java.util.Calendar;
* CoreTokenField contains a mapping from the Java enumeration and the defined
* attributes present in the LDAP Schema for the Core Token Service.
* Note: These enumerations are backed by LDAP attributes and as such are the
* only attributes available to populate for any Token that is to be stored.
* Other enumerations may exist for the convenience of development, however
* they must link to these enumerated values.
* @see org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.fields.SAMLTokenField
* @see org.forgerock.openam.cts.api.fields.OAuthTokenField
public enum CoreTokenField {
USER_ID("coreTokenUserId", String.class),
TOKEN_TYPE("coreTokenType", null),
TOKEN_ID("coreTokenId", String.class),
EXPIRY_DATE("coreTokenExpirationDate", Calendar.class),
BLOB("coreTokenObject", byte[].class),
//LDAP optional attribute, added by OpenDJ/AD
CREATE_TIMESTAMP("createTimestamp", Calendar.class),
// Generic indexed String fields
STRING_ONE("coreTokenString01", String.class),
STRING_TWO("coreTokenString02", String.class),
STRING_THREE("coreTokenString03", String.class),
STRING_FOUR("coreTokenString04", String.class),
STRING_FIVE("coreTokenString05", String.class),
STRING_SIX("coreTokenString06", String.class),
STRING_SEVEN("coreTokenString07", String.class),
STRING_EIGHT("coreTokenString08", String.class),
STRING_NINE("coreTokenString09", String.class),
STRING_TEN("coreTokenString10", String.class),
STRING_ELEVEN("coreTokenString11", String.class),
STRING_TWELVE("coreTokenString12", String.class),
STRING_THIRTEEN("coreTokenString13", String.class),
STRING_FOURTEEN("coreTokenString14", String.class),
STRING_FIFTEEN("coreTokenString15", String.class),
// Generic indexed Integer fields
INTEGER_ONE("coreTokenInteger01", Integer.class),
INTEGER_TWO("coreTokenInteger02", Integer.class),
INTEGER_THREE("coreTokenInteger03", Integer.class),
INTEGER_FOUR("coreTokenInteger04", Integer.class),
INTEGER_FIVE("coreTokenInteger05", Integer.class),
INTEGER_SIX("coreTokenInteger06", Integer.class),
INTEGER_SEVEN("coreTokenInteger07", Integer.class),
INTEGER_EIGHT("coreTokenInteger08", Integer.class),
INTEGER_NINE("coreTokenInteger09", Integer.class),
INTEGER_TEN("coreTokenInteger10", Integer.class),
// Generic indexed Date fields
DATE_ONE("coreTokenDate01", Calendar.class),
DATE_TWO("coreTokenDate02", Calendar.class),
DATE_THREE("coreTokenDate03", Calendar.class),
DATE_FOUR("coreTokenDate04", Calendar.class),
DATE_FIVE("coreTokenDate05", Calendar.class);
private final String ldapAttribute;
private final Class<?> attributeType;
* @param ldapAttribute The name of the field that this CoreTokenField is associated to.
private CoreTokenField(String ldapAttribute, Class<?> attributeType) {
this.ldapAttribute = ldapAttribute;
this.attributeType = attributeType;
public Class<?> getAttributeType() {
return attributeType;
* Convert the field name into a CoreTokenField enumeration.
* This is the reverse of calling toString on this enum.
* @param value The String representation of a CoreTokenField.
* @return Non null CoreTokenField if the String provided matches a CoreTokenField.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the value provided did not match a CoreTokenField.
public static CoreTokenField fromLDAPAttribute(String value) {
for (CoreTokenField field : values()) {
if (field.toString().equals(value)) {
return field;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid CoreTokenField value: " + value);
* Convert the enumeration into its LDAP attribute representation.
* @return The name of the LDAP Attribute.
public String toString() {
return ldapAttribute;