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* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* Copyright 2015 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openam.sts.soap.token.provider;
import org.apache.cxf.helpers.CastUtils;
import org.apache.cxf.sts.QNameConstants;
import org.apache.cxf.sts.request.ReceivedToken;
import org.apache.cxf.sts.request.TokenRequirements;
import org.apache.cxf.sts.token.provider.TokenProvider;
import org.apache.cxf.sts.token.provider.TokenProviderParameters;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceException;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.AMSTSConstants;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.AMSTSRuntimeException;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.TokenCreationException;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.TokenType;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.TokenTypeId;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.XMLUtilities;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.soap.bootstrap.SoapSTSAccessTokenProvider;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import java.util.List;
* This class contains functionality common to both the OpenIdConnect and SAML2 TokenProvider implementations. This
* functionality is largely concerned with extracting the input token type and input token object from the yield
* of SecurityPolicy binding traversal, or from the delegated token context. This state is necessary for the pluggable
* generation of authentication context state, which is common to both SAML2 and OpenIdConnect tokens.
public abstract class SoapTokenProviderBase implements TokenProvider {
protected final Logger logger;
protected final XMLUtilities xmlUtilities;
private final SoapSTSAccessTokenProvider soapSTSAccessTokenProvider;
public SoapTokenProviderBase(SoapSTSAccessTokenProvider soapSTSAccessTokenProvider, XMLUtilities xmlUtilities, Logger logger) {
this.soapSTSAccessTokenProvider = soapSTSAccessTokenProvider;
this.logger = logger;
this.xmlUtilities = xmlUtilities;
* @param tokenProviderParameters The TokenProviderParameters instance corresponding to the RST invocation.
* @return The AuthnContextClassRef, a value defined in SAML2, included in the assertion generated by the
* TokenGenerationService, which specifies the authentication performed as part of issuing the assertion. This value
* tells the relying party how the assertion subject was authenticated.
* @throws org.forgerock.openam.sts.AMSTSRuntimeException if the AuthnContextClassRef cannot be obtained
protected AuthenticationContextState getAuthenticationContextState(TokenProviderParameters tokenProviderParameters) throws AMSTSRuntimeException {
TokenRequirements tokenRequirements = tokenProviderParameters.getTokenRequirements();
if (tokenRequirements.getRenewTarget() != null) {
return getAuthenticationContextStateForReceivedToken(tokenRequirements.getRenewTarget());
} else if (tokenRequirements.getValidateTarget() != null) {
return getAuthenticationContextStateForReceivedToken(tokenRequirements.getValidateTarget());
} else if (tokenRequirements.getCancelTarget() != null) {
Should not enter this block, as Cancel operation was never bound in the STSEndpoint. Log an throw an exception
if this occurs, as it is unexpected.
String message = "Unexpected state in SoapSamlTokenProvider: TokenProviderParameters has a non-null cancelTarget " +
"in the TokenRequirments. A cancel operation is not bound, so this state is unexpected!";
throw new AMSTSRuntimeException(ResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR, message);
} else {
Here we must be dealing with an Issue operation, so I need to obtain the token validated by the SecurityPolicy
bindings protecting the issue operation, or from the ActAs/OnBehalfOf token, if present. The ActAs/OnBehalfOf
token has precedence, as it is the identity of this token for which an assertion will be generated.
if ((tokenProviderParameters.getTokenRequirements().getOnBehalfOf() != null) ||
(tokenProviderParameters.getTokenRequirements().getActAs() != null)) {
return getAuthenticationContextStateFromDelegatedContext(tokenProviderParameters);
} else {
return getAuthenticationContextStateFromSecurityPolicyBindings(tokenProviderParameters);
private AuthenticationContextState getAuthenticationContextStateFromDelegatedContext(TokenProviderParameters tokenProviderParameters) {
ReceivedToken delgatedToken;
if (tokenProviderParameters.getTokenRequirements().getActAs() != null) {
delgatedToken = tokenProviderParameters.getTokenRequirements().getActAs();
} else if (tokenProviderParameters.getTokenRequirements().getOnBehalfOf() != null){
delgatedToken = tokenProviderParameters.getTokenRequirements().getOnBehalfOf();
} else {
throw new AMSTSRuntimeException(ResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR,
"Error in SoapSamlTokenProvider#getAuthnContextClassRefFromDelegatedContext - neither ActAs nor " +
"OnBehalfOf tokens found!");
final TokenType tokenType = parseTokenTypeFromDelegatedReceivedToken(delgatedToken);
final Object tokenObject = getDelegatedReceivedTokenObject(delgatedToken);
return new AuthenticationContextState(tokenObject, tokenType);
private TokenType parseTokenTypeFromDelegatedReceivedToken(ReceivedToken receivedToken) {
This examination does not have to be exhaustive, as this method is only called in a delegated context, and can only return
token types which we validate. Will return null if no TokenType could be determined.
See org.apache.cxf.sts.request.RequestParser#parseTokenElements for details on how this token is parsed - but it looks
like only an element will be set straight out of the RST payload.
if (receivedToken.isUsernameToken()) {
return TokenType.USERNAME;
} else if (receivedToken.isBinarySecurityToken()) {
return TokenType.X509;
} else if (receivedToken.isDOMElement()) {
final Element tokenElement = (Element) receivedToken.getToken();
String tokenString = xmlUtilities.documentToStringConversion(tokenElement);
if ((tokenString != null) && tokenString.contains(QNameConstants.USERNAME_TOKEN.getLocalPart())) {
return TokenType.USERNAME;
} else if ((tokenString != null) && tokenString.contains("X509")) {
return TokenType.X509;
} else {
logger.error("Unexpected state in parseTokenTypeFromDelegatedReceivedToken: dealing with a token element, " +
"but it is neither UNT or X509. The element string: " + tokenString + "; Returning null for the TokenType.");
return null;
} else {
logger.error("Unexpected state in parseTokenTypeFromDelegatedReceivedToken: not dealing with a USERNAME or " +
"X509 token. The token object class: " + receivedToken.getClass().getCanonicalName() +
"; toString on the token object: " + receivedToken + "; Returning null for TokenType.");
return null;
private Object getDelegatedReceivedTokenObject(ReceivedToken receivedToken) {
This method is called to obtain the Element corresponding to a delegated token (Act-As and OnBehalfOf), which is
then passed to the configured Saml2XmlTokenAuthnContextMapper implementation, so the AuthnContextClassRef can be obtained
for the invocation of the TokenGenerationService.
See org.apache.cxf.sts.request.RequestParser#parseTokenRequirements for details on how ActAs/OnBehalfOf token elements
are parsed - an element will be set straight out of the RST payload. It will be either a DOM Element or a
JAXBElement. See the org.apache.cxf.sts.request.ReceivedToken ctor for details.
TODO: if we are supporting ActAs/OnBehalfOf asserted as x509 or even a OpenAM token, then this method will have to
get more sophisticated, if we want to determine unequivocally the type of object returned. For now, I will simply
return the Object encapsulated in the ReceivedToken. Note that the objects
in the ReceivedTokens appear to be either be DOM Elements, or objects in the
package, as these seem to be the objects wrapped in the JAXBElement<?> passed to the ReceivedToken ctor.
return receivedToken.getToken();
private AuthenticationContextState getAuthenticationContextStateFromSecurityPolicyBindings(TokenProviderParameters tokenProviderParameters) {
Approach to obtain the token state from the SecurityPolicy binding traversal yield detailed in question in forums here:
final List<WSHandlerResult> handlerResults =
Note that the code referenced in the forum link above
seems to be doing about the same thing (obtaining a token element), but does not do any sanity checking on the
number of handlerResults or engineResults - it just processes and returns the first element. Note that
this seems a bit sloppy, but the AbstractTokenInterceptor subclasses, like
SamlTokenInterceptor, and KerberosTokenInterceptor insure that the results of processing the token go in the first
element of the WSHandlerResult array, a pattern which the OpenAMSessionTokenServerInterceptor follows. Note that
I get two WSHandlerResult instances when invoked via the am_transport binding, but the OpenAMSessionTokenServerInterceptor
is only invoked once, and only creates a single WSHandlerResult instance - not sure where the other result gets generated, but
it seems to occur as part of timestamp verification, and it pre-exists OpenAMSessionTokenInterceptor#processToken, and includes
both timestamp verification results, and the OpenAM BST. So I will bump the log severity down to debug, as it does not
seem to be an error.
if (handlerResults != null && handlerResults.size() > 0) {
final WSHandlerResult handlerResult = handlerResults.get(0);
if (handlerResults.size() > 1) {
logger.debug("WSHanderResults obtained from the MessageContext in SoapSamlTokenProvider#getAuthnContextClassRef > 1: actual size:"
+ handlerResults.size() + "; The results: " + getWSHandlerResultsDebug(handlerResults));
final List<WSSecurityEngineResult> engineResults = handlerResult.getResults();
for (WSSecurityEngineResult engineResult : engineResults) {
final Object supportingTokenObject = parseSupportingTokenObjectFromWSSecurityEngineResult(engineResult);
if (supportingTokenObject != null) {
final TokenType tokenType = parseTokenTypeFromWSSecurityEngineResult(engineResult);
if (tokenType != null) {
return new AuthenticationContextState(supportingTokenObject, tokenType);
throw new AMSTSRuntimeException(ResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR, "No WSHandlerResult instances to " +
"inspect to obtain the input token validated by SecurityPolicy bindings in " +
} else {
throw new AMSTSRuntimeException(ResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR, "No WSSecurityEngineResult obtained " +
"from the WSHandlerResult as necessary to inspect to obtain the input token validated by " +
"SecurityPolicy bindings in SoapSamlTokenProvider#getAuthnContextFromSecurityPolicyBindings");
No toString on WSHandlerResult, so this method will be called to provide debugging information
private String getWSHandlerResultsDebug(List<WSHandlerResult> handlerResults) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (WSHandlerResult result : handlerResults) {
builder.append("WSHandlerResults for actor " ).append(result.getActor()).append('\n');
List<WSSecurityEngineResult> securityEngineResults = result.getResults();
if (securityEngineResults != null) {
for (WSSecurityEngineResult securityEngineResult : securityEngineResults) {
} else {
builder.append("Null WSSecurityEngineResult list.");
return builder.toString();
private Object parseSupportingTokenObjectFromWSSecurityEngineResult(WSSecurityEngineResult engineResult) {
There are multiple WSSecurityEngineResult instances (5) generated for a successful invocation of e.g. a UNT
over the asymmetric binding: two for the client's cert (one as a BinarySecurityToken representation of the client's
cert, and one with more generic information about this cert), one for the server's cert, one for a timestamp, and
one for the UNT ProtectionToken. The non-BinarySecurityToken representations of a x509 cert do not have a token-element
entry, but e.g. the timestamp does. The question is what can be used to identify the WSSecurityEngine result corresponding
to the actual identity-asserting SupportingToken asserted by the caller, rather than the various tokens which
serve to protect this identity token.
Note that this method will return null unless it can obtain an Object corresponding to the the SupportingToken asserting
the client's identity.
Also note that if we are dealing with a client identity asserted via x509 (either asymmetric or symmetric, via
the SecurityPolicy-Examples 2.2.2 or 2.2.4 (respectively)), or via two-way TLS, we will return a X509Certificate[].
Note also that this method is not entirely 'deterministic' - i.e. the manner in which wss4j represents the results
of successful SecurityPolicy validation is neither particularly elegant or transparent, and thus not entirely
understood (by me), so this method will of necessity be shaped by 'design-by-debugger' - to try to achieve a
viable path for all of the to-be-validated token types.
final Object validatedObject = engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_VALIDATED_TOKEN);
if ((validatedObject != null) && (validatedObject instanceof Boolean)) {
if ((Boolean)validatedObject) {
The TAG_ACTION is used by the various validators to indicate the action to which this result corresponds.
Exclude Timestamp actions. See classes on class for details.
if (((Integer)engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION) & WSConstants.TS) != WSConstants.TS) {
final Element tokenElement =
(Element) engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_TOKEN_ELEMENT);
if (tokenElement != null) {
return tokenElement;
final X509Certificate[] certificates = (X509Certificate[])engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_X509_CERTIFICATES);
if (certificates != null) {
return certificates;
return null;
private TokenType parseTokenTypeFromWSSecurityEngineResult(WSSecurityEngineResult engineResult) {
if ((engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_X509_CERTIFICATE) != null) ||
(engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_X509_CERTIFICATES) != null)) {
return TokenType.X509;
} else if (engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_USERNAME_TOKEN) != null) {
return TokenType.USERNAME;
} else if (engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_SAML_ASSERTION) != null) {
return TokenType.SAML2;
} else if ((engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_BINARY_SECURITY_TOKEN) instanceof BinarySecurity) &&
AMSTSConstants.AM_SESSION_TOKEN_ASSERTION_BST_VALUE_TYPE.equals(((BinarySecurity)engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_BINARY_SECURITY_TOKEN)).getValueType())) {
return TokenType.OPENAM;
} else {
throw new AMSTSRuntimeException(ResourceException.BAD_REQUEST,
"Unknown token type validated by ws-SecurityPolicy interceptors or passed as transform input token type: " +
engineResult.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_TOKEN_ELEMENT)); //TODO: proper logging for this xml element?
* This method is called to obtain the authN context class ref for the input token if the SoapSamlTokenProvider is
* being called in the context of either the validate or renew operations. The renew operation is currently not
* bound, and nor is the validate operation. This will occur as part of AME-5869. It probably only makes sense to
* validate and/or renew tokens issued by the STS, which limits them to SAML2 assertions (currently) and oidc id
* tokens (possibly, in the future). For now, because I am not doing token transformations via the validate operation,
* and the renew operation is currently not bound, I will simply throw an exception from this method. TODO: revisit
* as part of AME-5869.
* @param receivedToken the token specified in the invocation
* @return the authN class ref corresponding to the received token
private AuthenticationContextState getAuthenticationContextStateForReceivedToken(ReceivedToken receivedToken) {
String message = "Illegal state: getAuthnContextClassRefForReceivedToken was called, this should not occur!";
throw new AMSTSRuntimeException(ResourceException.INTERNAL_ERROR, message);
protected String getTokenGenerationServiceConsumptionToken() throws TokenCreationException {
try {
return soapSTSAccessTokenProvider.getAccessToken();
} catch (ResourceException e) {
throw new TokenCreationException(e.getCode(), e.getMessage(), e);
protected void invalidateTokenGenerationServiceConsumptionToken(String consumptionToken) {
Method called by the SoapOpenIdConnectTokenProvider. Used to determine if the OpenAM token cached in the
ThreadLocalAMTokenCache according the ValidationInvocationContext.SOAP_TOKEN_DELEGATION or
ValidationInvocationContext.SOAP_SECURITY_POLICY context should be used as the token of the subject identity
asserted in the issued OIDC token. In other words, we will support issuing OIDC tokens in a delegated context, where
the credentials corresponding to the subject asserted in the issued OIDC token corresponds to those in the ActAs/OnBehalfOf element
sent in the issue RequestSecurityToken request (and thus cached in the ThreadLocalAMTokenCache in the
ValidationInvocationContext.SOAP_TOKEN_DELEGATION context), as opposed to the credentials used to traverse the
SecurityPolicy bindings protecting the sts, whose corresponding OpenAM session token will be cached in the
ThreadLocalAMTokenCache in the ValidationInvocationContext.SOAP_SECURITY_POLICY context. This method allows the
SoapOpenIdConnectTokenProvider to determine which ValidationInvocationContext enum to pass to the ThreadLocalAMTokenCache
to obtain the OpenAM session token which corresponds to the subject identity asserted in the issued OIDC token.
protected boolean isDelegatedIssueOperation(TokenProviderParameters tokenProviderParameters) {
final TokenRequirements tokenRequirements = tokenProviderParameters.getTokenRequirements();
return isIssueOperation(tokenRequirements) &&
((tokenProviderParameters.getTokenRequirements().getOnBehalfOf() != null) ||
(tokenProviderParameters.getTokenRequirements().getActAs() != null));
private boolean isIssueOperation(TokenRequirements tokenRequirements) {
return (tokenRequirements.getRenewTarget() == null) && (tokenRequirements.getValidateTarget() == null)
&& (tokenRequirements.getCancelTarget() == null);
protected static class AuthenticationContextState {
private final Object authenticatedToken;
private final TokenTypeId authenticatedTokenType;
public AuthenticationContextState(Object authenticatedToken, TokenTypeId authenticatedTokenType) {
this.authenticatedToken = authenticatedToken;
this.authenticatedTokenType = authenticatedTokenType;
public Object getAuthenticatedToken() {
return authenticatedToken;
public TokenTypeId getAuthenticatedTokenType() {
return authenticatedTokenType;