revision 45e9f4e13faca91c1a0f87ef805933e155cf3ae6
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License at legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. See the License for the
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* When distributing Covered Software, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file and include
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* Copyright 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openam.sts.token.provider;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.TokenCancellationException;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.TokenCreationException;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.TokenValidationException;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.user.invocation.ProofTokenState;
import java.util.Set;
* This interface defines the consumption of the TokenService. It is currently only consumed by the
* AMSAMLTokenProvider.
public interface TokenServiceConsumer {
* Invoke the TokenService to produce a SAML2 Bearer assertion
* @param ssoTokenString The session id corresponding to the to-be-asserted subject
* @param stsInstanceId The instance id of the STS making the invocation
* @param realm The realm of the STS making the invocation
* @param authnContextClassRef The SAML2 AuthnContext class ref to be included in the SAML2 assertion
* @param callerSSOTokenString The session id corresponding to the caller. The TokenService will be protected
* by an authz module.
* @return The string representation of the issued token.
* @throws TokenCreationException if the token could not be created.
String getSAML2BearerAssertion(String ssoTokenString, String stsInstanceId, String realm,
String authnContextClassRef, String callerSSOTokenString) throws TokenCreationException;
* Invoke the TokenService to produce a SAML2 Bearer assertion
* @param ssoTokenString The session id corresponding to the to-be-asserted subject
* @param stsInstanceId The instance id of the STS making the invocation
* @param realm The realm of the STS making the invocation
* @param authnContextClassRef The SAML2 AuthnContext class ref to be included in the SAML2 assertion
* @param callerSSOTokenString The session id corresponding to the caller. The TokenService will be protected
* by an authz module.
* @return The string representation of the issued token.
* @throws TokenCreationException if the token could not be created.
String getSAML2SenderVouchesAssertion(String ssoTokenString, String stsInstanceId, String realm,
String authnContextClassRef, String callerSSOTokenString) throws TokenCreationException;
* Invoke the TokenService to produce a SAML2 Bearer assertion
* @param ssoTokenString The session id corresponding to the to-be-asserted subject
* @param stsInstanceId The instance id of the STS making the invocation
* @param realm The realm of the STS making the invocation
* @param authnContextClassRef The SAML2 AuthnContext class ref to be included in the SAML2 assertion
* @param proofTokenState The ProofTokenState used as the proof token in the HoK assertion.
* @param callerSSOTokenString The session id corresponding to the caller. The TokenService will be protected
* by an authz module.
* @return The string representation of the issued token.
* @throws TokenCreationException if the token could not be created.
String getSAML2HolderOfKeyAssertion(String ssoTokenString, String stsInstanceId, String realm,
String authnContextClassRef, ProofTokenState proofTokenState,
String callerSSOTokenString) throws TokenCreationException;
* Invoke the TokenService to produce a OpenId Connect Token
* @param ssoTokenString The session id corresponding to the to-be-asserted subject
* @param stsInstanceId The instance id of the STS making the invocation
* @param realm The realm of the STS making the invocation
* @param authnContextClassRef The OpenIdConnect AuthnContext class ref to be included in the OIDC token. Corresponds
* to the acr claim specified here
* Can be null.
* @param authnMethodReferences State corresponding to the amr claim included in the OIDC token as defined here:
* Can be null
* @param authnTimeInSeconds used to set the auth_time claim as specified here:
* @param nonce Used to set the nonce claim as specified here:
* This value will be taken from the original
* sts invocation.
* @param callerSSOTokenString The session id corresponding to the caller. The TokenService will be protected
* by an authz module.
* @return The string representation of the issued token.
* @throws TokenCreationException if the token could not be created.
String getOpenIdConnectToken(String ssoTokenString, String stsInstanceId, String realm,
String authnContextClassRef, Set<String> authnMethodReferences,
long authnTimeInSeconds, String nonce,
String callerSSOTokenString) throws TokenCreationException;
* Invoke the TokenService to validate a token. In the 13 release, as no SAML2 authN module is present, this
* method will only check the CTS to determine if the token has been persisted.
* @param tokenId The id of the to-be-canceled token.
* @param callerSSOTokenString The session id corresponding to the caller. The TokenService will be protected
* by an authz module.
* @return true if the token is valid.
* @throws TokenCancellationException in case the TokenService could not be invoked, or threw an exception in the context
* of validating the token.
boolean validateToken(String tokenId, String callerSSOTokenString) throws TokenValidationException;
* Invoke the TokenService to cancel a token. In the 13 release, this will only remove the token with the specified
* id from the CTS.
* @param tokenId The id of the to-be-canceled token.
* @param callerSSOTokenString The session id corresponding to the caller. The TokenService will be protected
* by an authz module.
* @throws TokenCancellationException in case the token could not be canceled.
void cancelToken(String tokenId, String callerSSOTokenString) throws TokenCancellationException;