revision e6d7ebe1d98f7f030969e521b061f8643253475e
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package org.forgerock.openam.sts.service.invocation;
import org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonValue;
import org.forgerock.json.resource.ResourceException;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.AMSTSConstants;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.TokenMarshalException;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.TokenType;
import org.forgerock.openam.sts.token.SAML2SubjectConfirmation;
import static org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonValue.field;
import static org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonValue.json;
import static org.forgerock.json.fluent.JsonValue.object;
* This class encapsulates state passed to the REST STS about the nature of the to-be-issued SAML2 token. The
* REST-STS, in turn, passes some of this information to the TokenGenerationService.
public class SAML2TokenState {
public static class SAML2TokenStateBuilder {
private SAML2SubjectConfirmation subjectConfirmation;
private String spAcsUrl;
private ProofTokenState proofTokenState;
public SAML2TokenStateBuilder saml2SubjectConfirmation(SAML2SubjectConfirmation subjectConfirmation) {
this.subjectConfirmation = subjectConfirmation;
return this;
public SAML2TokenStateBuilder proofTokenState(ProofTokenState proofTokenState) {
this.proofTokenState = proofTokenState;
return this;
public SAML2TokenStateBuilder serviceProviderAssertionConsumerServiceUrl(String spAcsUrl) {
this.spAcsUrl = spAcsUrl;
return this;
public SAML2TokenState build() throws TokenMarshalException {
return new SAML2TokenState(this);
These variables are public so that hand-rolled JsonValues corresponding to SAML2TokenState can be created.
public static final String SUBJECT_CONFIRMATION = "subjectConfirmation";
public static final String PROOF_TOKEN_STATE = "proofTokenState";
public static final String SP_ACS_URL = "serviceProviderAssertionConsumerServiceUrl";
private final SAML2SubjectConfirmation subjectConfirmation;
private final ProofTokenState proofTokenState;
private final String spAcsUrl;
private SAML2TokenState(SAML2TokenStateBuilder builder) throws TokenMarshalException {
this.subjectConfirmation = builder.subjectConfirmation;
this.proofTokenState = builder.proofTokenState;
this.spAcsUrl = builder.spAcsUrl;
if (subjectConfirmation == null) {
throw new TokenMarshalException(ResourceException.BAD_REQUEST, "SubjectConfirmation type must be set.");
if (SAML2SubjectConfirmation.HOLDER_OF_KEY.equals(subjectConfirmation) && (proofTokenState == null)) {
throw new TokenMarshalException(ResourceException.BAD_REQUEST, "If " +
SAML2SubjectConfirmation.HOLDER_OF_KEY + " is specified, proofTokenState must also be set.");
See section of for a Bearer assertion,
the Recipient attribute of the SubjectConfirmationData must contain the Service Provider Assertion Consumer Service
if (SAML2SubjectConfirmation.BEARER.equals(subjectConfirmation) && (spAcsUrl == null)) {
throw new TokenMarshalException(ResourceException.BAD_REQUEST, "If " +
SAML2SubjectConfirmation.BEARER + " is specified, the serviceProviderAssertionConsumerServiceUrl must also be set.");
public static SAML2TokenStateBuilder builder() {
return new SAML2TokenStateBuilder();
public SAML2SubjectConfirmation getSubjectConfirmation() {
return subjectConfirmation;
public ProofTokenState getProofTokenState() {
return proofTokenState;
public String getServiceProviderAssertionConsumerServiceUrl() {
return spAcsUrl;
public static SAML2TokenState fromJson(JsonValue jsonValue) throws TokenMarshalException {
String subjectConfirmationString = jsonValue.get(SUBJECT_CONFIRMATION).asString();
if (subjectConfirmationString == null) {
throw new TokenMarshalException(ResourceException.BAD_REQUEST,
"Value corresponding to " + SUBJECT_CONFIRMATION + " key is null");
SAML2SubjectConfirmation saml2SubjectConfirmation;
try {
saml2SubjectConfirmation = Enum.valueOf(SAML2SubjectConfirmation.class, subjectConfirmationString);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new TokenMarshalException(ResourceException.BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid subject confirmation type specified.");
SAML2TokenStateBuilder builder = SAML2TokenState.builder()
JsonValue jsonProofToken = jsonValue.get(PROOF_TOKEN_STATE);
if (!jsonProofToken.isNull()) {
public JsonValue toJson() {
if (proofTokenState != null) {
return json(object(
field(SP_ACS_URL, spAcsUrl),
field(PROOF_TOKEN_STATE, proofTokenState.toJson())));
} else {
return json(object(
field(SP_ACS_URL, spAcsUrl),
public String toString() {
return toJson().toString();
public int hashCode() {
return toString().hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof SAML2TokenState) {
SAML2TokenState otherTokenState = (SAML2TokenState)other;
return subjectConfirmation.equals(otherTokenState.getSubjectConfirmation()) &&
spAcsUrl != null ? spAcsUrl.equals(otherTokenState.getServiceProviderAssertionConsumerServiceUrl()) :
(otherTokenState.getServiceProviderAssertionConsumerServiceUrl() == null) &&
proofTokenState != null ? proofTokenState.equals(otherTokenState.getProofTokenState()) :
(otherTokenState.getProofTokenState() == null);
return false;