XmlMarshaller.java revision e6d7ebe1d98f7f030969e521b061f8643253475e
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package org.forgerock.openam.sts;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
* Defines the concerns of XML Marshalling for a particular type. Driving the REST-STS with the CXF-STS engine means that
* tokens are ultimately represented as XML Elements, in keeping with SOAP. This interface defines the ability to
* marshal validated or produced tokens to and from XML.
public interface XmlMarshaller<T> {
* @param element The XML representation of token T
* @return the token instance of type T represented by element
* @throws TokenMarshalException if the marshalling cannot be performed
T fromXml(Element element) throws TokenMarshalException;
* @param instance the Token instance
* @return The XML representation of token T
* @throws TokenMarshalException if the marshalling cannot be performed
Element toXml(T instance) throws TokenMarshalException;