JCECipherProviderTest.java revision c49a898cb851f8fef7d7a6a9501c66b8f03ae05c
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package org.forgerock.openam.utils;
import org.testng.SkipException;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import java.security.Provider;
import java.security.Security;
import static org.fest.assertions.Assertions.assertThat;
* Unit tests for the standard cipher provider. It's pretty much impossible to mock the underlying Cipher/Provider
* implementation, as the JVM requires all providers to be in signed jars. Instead we rely on well-known cipher
* algorithms to test that this is working correctly. JDK 7 {@link Cipher} javadoc lists a number of algorithms that
* are guaranteed to exist, but Java 6 and before do not guarantee this. These tests may therefore fail on environments
* that lack basic AES cipher implementations.
public class JCECipherProviderTest {
/** An arbitrarily selected Cipher transformation that is guaranteed to exist on all JVMs. @see {@link Cipher}. */
private static final String CIPHER_ALGORITHM = "AES/CBC/NoPadding";
private static final String CIPHER_FILTER = "Cipher.AES";
private static String preferredProvider;
private JCECipherProvider cipherProvider;
public static void pickAProvider() {
// Pick an available provider of our cipher algorithm.
Provider[] providers = Security.getProviders(CIPHER_FILTER);
if (providers == null || providers.length == 0) {
throw new SkipException("No security provider available!");
preferredProvider = providers[0].getName();
public void shouldUsePreferredProviderWhenAvailable() throws Exception {
// Given
cipherProvider = new JCECipherProvider(CIPHER_ALGORITHM, preferredProvider);
// When
Cipher result = cipherProvider.getCipher();
// Then
public void shouldFallbackOnAnyProviderWhenPreferredNotAvailable() throws Exception {
// Given
String unknownProvider = "notARealProvider";
cipherProvider = new JCECipherProvider(CIPHER_ALGORITHM, unknownProvider);
// When
Cipher result = cipherProvider.getCipher();
// Then
* Cipher providers should return null (rather than throwing an exception) if a matching cipher cannot be created.
public void shouldReturnNullForUnknownAlgorithm() throws Exception {
// Given
cipherProvider = new JCECipherProvider("UnknownAlgorithm", preferredProvider);
// When
Cipher result = cipherProvider.getCipher();
// Then
public void shouldReturnNullForUnknownPadding() throws Exception {
// Given
String transformation = CIPHER_ALGORITHM.replace("NoPadding", "UnknownWeirdPadding");
cipherProvider = new JCECipherProvider(transformation, preferredProvider);
// When
Cipher result = cipherProvider.getCipher();
// Then