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package com.sun.identity.shared.debug;
* Debug constant
* Having in one place, every global constants used for the debug logging
public final class DebugConstants {
public static final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_EXCEPTION = 300;
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_PROPERTIES_VARIABLE = "";
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_PROPERTIES = "/";
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_FILEMAP_VARIABLE = "";
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_FILEMAP = "/";
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGFILE_PREFIX = "org.forgerock.openam.debug.prefix";
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGFILE_SUFFIX = "org.forgerock.openam.debug.suffix";
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGFILE_ROTATION = "org.forgerock.openam.debug.rotation";
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_LOGFILE_MAX_SIZE = "org.forgerock.openam.debug.rotation.maxsize";
public static final String DEFAULT_DEBUG_SUFFIX_FORMAT = "";
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_LEVEL = "";
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_MERGEALL = "";
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_MERGEALL_FILE = "debug.out";
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_DIRECTORY = "";
* Constant string used as property key to look up the debug provider class
* name.
public static final String CONFIG_DEBUG_PROVIDER = "com.sun.identity.util.debug.provider";
private DebugConstants() {