FAMRecord.java revision f97667c80d9dd8155ff61164f82b9ad6deae5d95
* Copyright (c) 2008 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
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* $Id: FAMRecord.java,v 1.3 2008/08/01 22:24:45 hengming Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted [2010] [ForgeRock AS]
package com.sun.identity.ha;
import java.util.HashMap;
* FAMRecord stores all the data that the user would store in the database.
public class FAMRecord
/** Represents JMS message read Operation */
static public final String READ = "READ";
/** Represents JMS write Operation */
static public final String WRITE = "WRITE";
/** Represents delete Operation */
static public final String DELETE = "DELETE";
/** Represents delete Date Operation */
static public final String DELETEBYDATE = "DELETEBYDATE";
/** Represents shut down Operation */
static public final String SHUTDOWN = "SHUTDOWN";
/** Represents the record count such as data record count*/
static public final String GET_RECORD_COUNT = "GET_RECORD_COUNT";
/** Represents JMS message read Operation with secondary key */
static public final String READ_WITH_SEC_KEY = "READ_WITH_SEC_KEY";
String service = null;
String operation = null;
String primaryKey = null;
long expDate = 0;
String secondaryKey = null;
int state = 0;
String auxdata = null;
byte[] data = null;
HashMap extraStringAttrs = null;
HashMap extraByteAttrs = null;
* FAMRecord represents the data fields that the user would store in
* a persistent datastore.
* @param svc Service code such as session or saml2
* @param op Operation such as read, write, delete, deletebydate.
* @param pKey Primary Key
* @param eDate Expiration Date
* @param secKey Secondary Key
* @param st state
* @param ax Additional Data
* @param blob Data Blob
public FAMRecord ( String svc, String op, String pKey, long eDate,
String secKey, int st, String ax, byte[] blob) {
service = svc;
operation = op;
primaryKey = pKey;
expDate = eDate;
secondaryKey = secKey;
state = st;
auxdata = ax;
data = blob;
public void setString(String key, String val) {
if (extraStringAttrs == null) {
extraStringAttrs = new HashMap();
extraStringAttrs.put(key, val);
public void setBytes(String key, byte[] bytes) {
if (extraByteAttrs == null) {
extraByteAttrs = new HashMap();
extraByteAttrs.put(key, bytes);
public void setStringAttrs(HashMap map) {
extraStringAttrs = map;
public void setBlob(byte[] blob) {
data = blob;
public String getService(){
return service;
public String getPrimaryKey() {
return primaryKey;
public long getExpDate() {
return expDate;
public String getSecondarykey() {
return secondaryKey;
public String getAuxData() {
return auxdata;
public int getState() {
return state;
public byte[] getBlob() {
return data;
public String getOperation() {
return operation;
public String getString(String key) {
return (String) extraStringAttrs.get(key);
public byte[] getBytes(String key) {
return (byte[]) extraByteAttrs.get(key);
public HashMap getExtraStringAttributes() {
return extraStringAttrs;
public HashMap getExtraByteAttributes() {
return extraByteAttrs;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("Service: ").append(service).append("\n");
buffer.append("OP: ").append(operation).append("\n");
buffer.append("PK: ").append(primaryKey).append("\n");
buffer.append("SK: ").append(secondaryKey).append("\n");
buffer.append("Expr Date: ").append(expDate).append("\n");
buffer.append("State: ").append(state).append("\n");
buffer.append("Aux Data: ").append(auxdata).append("\n");
buffer.append("Data: ").append(new String(data)).append("\n");
buffer.append("Extra String Attrs: ").append(extraStringAttrs).append("\n");
buffer.append("Extra Byte Attrs: ").append(extraByteAttrs).append("\n");
return buffer.toString();