PWResetInvalidURL.jsp revision b93185b577f7150fec37f9999b95b246d73bf63c
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$Id: PWResetInvalidURL.jsp,v 1.5 2008/08/28 06:41:11 mahesh_prasad_r Exp $
Portions Copyrighted 2012 ForgeRock AS
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<%@page info="PWResetInvalidURL" language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
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<jato:useViewBean className="com.sun.identity.password.ui.PWResetInvalidURLViewBean" fireChildDisplayEvents="true">
<title><jato:text name="titleHtmlPage" /></title>
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<span class="icon error"></span>
<h3><jato:text name="errorTitle"/></h3>
<p><jato:text name="errorMsg"/></p>
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<p>Copyright &copy; 2012 ForgeRock AS, Philip Pedersens vei 1, 1366 Lysaker, Norway. All rights reserved. Licensed for use under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), see <a href=""></a> for details. This software is based on the OpenAM/OpenAM open source project and the source includes the copyright works of other authors, granted for use under the CDDL. This distribution may include other materials developed by third parties. All Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their owners.</p>