revision 984ea967792540448d05fba2ac6fad5dadf91fd6
# Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
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# You can obtain a copy of the License at
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# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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# $Id:,v 1.7 2009/11/04 00:07:02 exu Exp $
nullEntityDescriptor=EntityDescriptor is null
nullEntityID=Entity Identifier is null
nullConfig=Could not IDFF Meta Data Configuration
cannotCreateEntityDescriptor=Error creating EntityDescriptor
unsupportedOperation=Unsupported Operation
cannotRetreiveEntityDescriptor=Unable to retreive EntityDescriptor
cannotRetreiveEntityConfig=Unable to retreive EntityConfig
noEntityConfig=Entity Configuration for "{0}" under realm "{1}" does not exist.
entityDoesNotExists=Entity "{0}" under realm "{1}" does not exist.
noEntityDescriptor=EntityDescriptor for {0} does not exist
invalidEntityDescriptor=Entity Descriptor is invalid : {0}
idpAlreadyExisted=Unable to add Identity Provider Role to {0} because it already exists. Delete the entity and reload the meta if required.
spAlreadyExisted=Unable to add Service Provider Role to {0} because it already exists. Delete the entity and reload the meta if required.
nullEntityConfig=Entity Configuration is null
entityConfigExists=Entity Configuration exists for {0}
invalidEntityConfig=Entity Configuration is invalid : {0}
verify_no_cert==Unable to find certificate to verify signature under element "{0}".
untrusted_cert=Certificate found in Signature or KeyDescriptor under element "{0}" is not trusted.
verify_fail=Unable to verify signature under element "{0}".
invalid_cert_alias=Unable to find certificate by cert alias "{0}".
invalidEntityID=Entity Identifier is invalid : {0}
entityNotHosted=Entity {0} under realm {1} is not a hosted entity.
entityNotIDP=Entity {0} under realm {1} is not an Identity Provider.
entityNotSP=Entity {0} under realm {1} is not a Service Provider.