// ident "@(#)addremove.js 1.13 04/02/19 SMI"
// Copyright 2003-2004 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use is subject to license terms.
// This Javascript file should be included in any page that uses the
// CCAddRemoveTag. It defines a javascript object for the add/remove and its
// related data / methods.
// This Javascript could be placed inline in the tag but it cleans up the
// HTML output immensely by including a separate file
// Define the add/remove object type and the related object functions
function CCAddRemove(jsQualifier, availableList, selectedList, formName,
addErrorMsg, addAllErrorMsg, removeErrorMsg, removeAllErrorMsg,
moveErrorMsg, separator, defaultOptionValue, allowAvailableMove) {
// initialize all the pointers to add/remove data & objects
this.availableList = availableList;
this.selectedList = selectedList;
this.addButton = jsQualifier + ".AddButton";
this.addAllButton = jsQualifier + ".AddAllButton";
this.removeButton = jsQualifier + ".RemoveButton";
this.removeAllButton = jsQualifier + ".RemoveAllButton";
this.moveUpButton = jsQualifier + ".MoveUpButton";
this.moveDownButton = jsQualifier + ".MoveDownButton";
this.availableOptions = this.availableList.options;
this.selectedOptions = this.selectedList.options;
this.formName = formName;
this.availableHiddenText = jsQualifier + ".AvailableTextField";
this.selectedHiddenText = jsQualifier + ".SelectedTextField";
this.addErrorMsg = addErrorMsg;
this.addAllErrorMsg = addAllErrorMsg;
this.removeErrorMsg = removeErrorMsg;
this.removeAllErrorMsg = removeAllErrorMsg;
this.moveErrorMsg = moveErrorMsg;
this.separator = separator;
this.defaultOptionValue = defaultOptionValue;
this.allowAvailableMove = allowAvailableMove;
this.sortOnAdd = false;
// attach CCAddRemove object methods
this.add = ccAddRemoveAdd;
this.addAll = ccAddRemoveAddAll;
this.availableLength = ccAddRemoveGetAvailableLength;
this.availableSelection = ccAddRemoveGetAvailableSelection;
this.disableButton = ccAddRemoveDisableButton;
this.handleAvailableDblClick = ccAddRemoveHandleAvailableDblClick;
this.handleAvailableOnChange = ccAddRemoveHandleAvailableOnChange;
this.handleReload = ccAddRemoveHandleReload;
this.handleSelectedDblClick = ccAddRemoveHandleSelectedDblClick;
this.handleSelectedOnChange = ccAddRemoveHandleSelectedOnChange;
this.moveUp = ccAddRemoveMoveUp;
this.moveDown = ccAddRemoveMoveDown;
this.remove = ccAddRemoveRemove;
this.removeAll = ccAddRemoveRemoveAll;
this.selectedLength = ccAddRemoveGetSelectedLength;
this.selectedSelection = ccAddRemoveGetSelectedSelection;
this.updateMove = ccAddRemoveUpdateMove;
this.updateMoveButtons = ccAddRemoveUpdateMoveButtons;
this.afterRemove = ccAddRemoveAfterRemove;
this.afterAdd = ccAddRemoveAfterAdd;
this.getOriginalIndex = ccGetOriginalIndex;
// de-selected items need to placed back in th available list in the
// original order
this.originalOptions = new Array(this.availableLength());
for (i = 0 ; i < this.availableLength(); i++) {
this.originalOptions[i] = new Option(
this.availableOptions[i].text, this.availableOptions[i].value);
if (this.allowAvailableMove && this.availableLength() > 1) {
// availabe items can be moved - initially enable the move down button
this.disableButton(this.moveDownButton, false);
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::add()
// It will be called when an item is to be added from the avaiable list to the
// selected list (such as when the add button is clicked).
function ccAddRemoveAdd() {
// see if anything is selected in the available list
if (this.availableSelection() == -1) {
// no, show an error
} else {
// move all the selected items in the available list
this.selectedOptions[this.selectedLength() - 1] = null;
// deselect everything in the selected list
this.selectedList.selectedIndex = -1;
// keep moving selected items until there aren't any more valid ones
while (this.availableSelection() != -1 &&
this.availableOptions[this.availableSelection()].value !=
this.defaultOptionValue &&
this.availableSelection() < this.availableLength() - 1) {
// get the next selected option to move
var curSelection =
if (this.sortOnAdd == true) {
// get the original index of the option to move
var oIndex = this.getOriginalIndex(curSelection);
// now determine where we to insert the deselected option
var insertAfter = this.selectedLength() - 1;
// loop backwards thru the current selected options
for (insertAfter; insertAfter > -1; insertAfter--) {
// get the current option in the available list
var option = this.selectedOptions[insertAfter];
// test if the current option needs to be moved down
if (oIndex < this.getOriginalIndex(option)) {
// move this option down
this.selectedOptions[insertAfter + 1] =
new Option(option.text, option.value);
if (option.selected) {
this.selectedOptions[insertAfter + 1].selected =
} else {
// current option goes just before the deselected one
} else {
var insertAfter = this.selectedLength() - 1;
// insert the selected option one past the index we found
this.selectedOptions[++insertAfter] =
new Option(curSelection.text, curSelection.value);
// items added to the selected list should be selected
this.selectedOptions[insertAfter].selected = true;
// remove the option we just moved from the available list
this.availableOptions[this.availableSelection()] = null;
// since we removed it before, we need to append the spacer option also
this.selectedOptions[this.selectedLength()] =
new Option(this.availableOptions[this.availableLength() - 1].text,
this.availableOptions[this.availableLength() - 1].value);
// selection is now in the selected list - disable the add button
this.disableButton(this.addButton, true);
// check if the add all button is present
if (ccGetElement(this.addAllButton, this.formName) != null) {
// it is, see if we need to disable it
if (this.availableLength() < 2) {
// no valid items for selection - disable add all
this.disableButton(this.addAllButton, true);
// perform default processing after we've added something
// sync the state of the lists
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::addAll()
// It will be called when all the available items are to be moved to the
// selected list (when the add all button is clicked).
function ccAddRemoveAddAll() {
// test if there is anything to move
if (this.availableLength() < 2) {
// there isn't, display the appropriate error msg
} else {
// deselect all the selected options
this.selectedList.selectedIndex = -1;
// add each item in the available list
for (i = 0; i < this.availableOptions.length - 1; i++) {
this.availableOptions[i].selected = true;
// disable the add all button
if (ccGetElement(this.addAllButton, this.formName) != null) {
this.disableButton(this.addAllButton, true);
// perform the standard after add processing
// sync the state of the lists
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::remove()
// It will be called when the remove buttons is pressed or a selected list item
// is double clicked
function ccAddRemoveRemove() {
// test if anything to remove is selected
if (this.selectedList.selectedIndex == -1) {
// nothing selected, show an error
} else {
// move all the selected items to the available list
while (this.selectedList.selectedIndex != -1 &&
this.selectedOptions[this.selectedList.selectedIndex].value !=
this.defaultOptionValue) {
// pointer to the current selection to remove
var curSelection =
// the original index of the de-selected option
var oIndex = this.getOriginalIndex(curSelection);
// move the spacer item down
var spacerOption =
this.availableOptions[this.availableLength() - 1];
this.availableOptions[this.availableLength()] =
new Option(spacerOption.text, spacerOption.value);
// now determine where we to insert the deselected option
var insertAfter = this.availableLength() - 2;
// loop backwards thru the current available options
for (insertAfter; insertAfter > -1; insertAfter--) {
// get the current option in the available list
var option = this.availableOptions[insertAfter];
// test if the current option needs to be moved down
if (oIndex < this.getOriginalIndex(option)) {
// move this option down
this.availableOptions[insertAfter + 1] =
new Option(option.text, option.value);
if (option.selected) {
this.availableOptions[insertAfter + 1].selected = true;
} else {
// the current option goes just before the deselected one
// insert the deselected option one past the index we found
this.availableOptions[++insertAfter] =
new Option(curSelection.text, curSelection.value);
// set the newly created item as selected
this.availableOptions[insertAfter].selected = true;
// remove the item we just moved from the selected list
this.selectedOptions[this.selectedList.selectedIndex] = null;
// selection is now in the available list - enable the add button
this.disableButton(this.addButton, false);
// test if add all button is visible. also note that if the remove all
// btn is displayed, HCI 2.0 dictates that add all MUST be displayed
if (ccGetElement(this.addAllButton, this.formName) != null) {
this.disableButton(this.addAllButton, false);
// test if the remove all btn is visible.
if (ccGetElement(this.removeAllButton, this.formName) != null) {
// it is, disable remove all btn if selected length == 0
if (this.selectedLength() < 2) {
this.disableButton(this.removeAllButton, true);
// clear the selected selection, disable move buttons
// sync the state of the lists
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::removeAll
// It will be called when the remove all button is pressed
function ccAddRemoveRemoveAll() {
// check if there are any items to remove first
if (this.selectedLength() < 2) {
// there are NOT, show an error
} else {
// deselect all the items in the available list
this.availableList.selectedIndex = -1;
// remove each item in the selected list
for (i = 0; i < this.selectedOptions.length - 1; i++) {
this.selectedOptions[i].selected = true;
// selected list is now empty - disable all buttons except add btns
this.disableButton(this.addButton, false);
// test if add all button is visible. also note that if the remove all
if (ccGetElement(this.addAllButton, this.formName) != null) {
this.disableButton(this.addAllButton, false);
// test if the remove all button is visible
if (ccGetElement(this.removeAllButton, this.formName) != null) {
// it is, disable it
this.disableButton(this.removeAllButton, true);
// in solaris netscape 4, users must must deselect items one at a time
// since this is less than desirable, we will only highlight the last item
// in netscape 4
if (is_nav4) {
this.availableList.selectedIndex = this.availableLength() - 2;
// clear the selected selection, disable move buttons
// sync up the state of the lists
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::handleAvailableDblClick()
// This method will be called when an item in the available list box is double
// clicked
function ccAddRemoveHandleAvailableDblClick() {
// determine what was double clicked
var index = this.availableList.selectedIndex;
// if the new selection in the available list is moveable, call add()
if (index > -1 && index < this.availableLength() - 1) {
} else {
// make sure the separator isn't highlighted
this.availableOptions[this.availableLength() - 1].selected = false;
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::handleAvailableOnChange()
// It will be called when the onChange event for the available list box is
// received. It will maintain the enable / disable state of the add button.
// Note that the Add All button state is maintained in the view class
function ccAddRemoveHandleAvailableOnChange() {
// don't allow the no select spacer item to remain selected
if (this.availableOptions[this.availableLength() - 1].selected == true) {
this.availableOptions[this.availableLength() - 1].selected = false;
if (this.availableList.selectedIndex == -1) {
// disable add button
this.disableButton(this.addButton, true);
// determine the new selected index of the available list
var index = this.availableList.selectedIndex;
// test if a selectable item is now selected
if (index != -1 && index < this.availableLength() - 1) {
// at least one is, enable the add button
this.disableButton(this.addButton, false);
} else {
// disable the button
this.disableButton(this.addButton, true);
// HCI dictates that the selection only be in 1 list at a time
this.selectedList.selectedIndex = -1;
// we just cleared any selection in selected list so disable remove & move
this.disableButton(this.removeButton, true);
if (this.allowAvailableMove) {
// available items can move, update the state of the move buttons
} else {
// disable the move buttons
this.disableButton(this.moveUpButton, true);
this.disableButton(this.moveDownButton, true);
// This functions maps to CCAddRemove::handleReload
// It will be called after the HTML for the add/remove tag has been rendered.
// Some browsers maintain (on the client side) the selection state of list
// boxes during/after page refresh; this method will ensure that the button
// states are properly set after reload
function ccAddRemoveHandleReload() {
// check for selection in either list box
if (this.availableList.selectedIndex == -1 &&
this.selectedList.selectedIndex == -1) {
// if nothing else is selected, select the first item in the available
this.availableList.selectedIndex = 0;
// now enable the add button just in case it's not
this.disableButton(this.addButton, false);
} else {
// get the available list selection
var index = this.availableList.selectedIndex;
// see if anything is even in the available list
if (this.availableLength() < 2) {
// no valid items available - disable add buttons
this.disableButton(this.addButton, true);
this.disableButton(this.addAllButton, true);
} else {
// test if something valid is selected
if (index > -1 && index < this.availableLength() - 2) {
this.disableButton(this.addButton, false);
} else {
this.disableButton(this.removeButton, false);
// get the selected list index
index = this.selectedList.selectedIndex;
// test if there is even anything in the selected list
if (this.selectedLength() < 2) {
// nothing valid is in selected, disable buttons
this.disableButton(this.removeButton, true);
this.disableButton(this.removeAllButton, true);
this.disableButton(this.moveUpButton, true);
this.disableButton(this.moveDownButton, true);
} else {
// test if anything is selected in the selected list
if (index != -1) {
// if something is selected, enable remove btn
this.disableButton(this.removeButton, false);
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::handleSelectedDblClick()
// This method will be called when an item in the selected list is double
// clicked
function ccAddRemoveHandleSelectedDblClick() {
// determine what was double clicked
var index = this.selectedList.selectedIndex;
// if the new selection in the available list is moveable, call remove()
if (index > -1 && index < this.selectedLength() - 1) {
} else {
// make sure the separator isn't highlighted
this.selectedOptions[this.selectedLength() - 1].selected = false;
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::handleSelectedOnChange()
// It will be called when the onChange event for the selected list box is
// received. It will maintain the enable / disable state of the remove button.
// Note that the Remove All button state is maintained in the view class
function ccAddRemoveHandleSelectedOnChange() {
// determine the new selected index of the selected list
var index = this.selectedList.selectedIndex;
// don't allow the no select spacer item to remain selected
if (this.selectedOptions[this.selectedLength() - 1].selected == true) {
this.selectedOptions[this.selectedLength() - 1].selected = false;
// disable the remove button if necessary
if (this.selectedList.selectedIndex == -1) {
// disable remove and move buttons
this.disableButton(this.removeButton, true);
this.disableButton(this.moveUpButton, true);
this.disableButton(this.moveDownButton, true);
// we're done
// test if a removeable item is now selected
if (index != -1 && index < this.selectedLength() - 1) {
// at least one is, enable remove btn
this.disableButton(this.removeButton, false);
} else {
// nothing valid is selected - disable the remove and move buttons
this.disableButton(this.removeButton, true);
// are the move up and down buttons present?
if (this.moveUpButton != null && this.moveDownButton != null) {
// yes, disable them
this.disableButton(this.moveUpButton, true);
this.disableButton(this.moveDownButton, true);
// HCI dictates that the selection only be in 1 list at a time
this.availableList.selectedIndex = -1;
// we just cleared any selection in available list so disable add
this.disableButton(this.addButton, true);
// update the states of the move up and down buttons
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::moveUp()
// If possible, move up any selected items in the selected list
function ccAddRemoveMoveUp() {
var targetList;
// determine which list contains item(s) to move down
if (this.availableList.selectedIndex != -1) {
targetList = this.availableList;
} else {
targetList = this.selectedList;
var targetOptions = targetList.options;
// get the first selected index in the selected list
var index = targetList.selectedIndex;
// index to begin checking items at
var begin = -1;
// if nothing valid is selected, display an error msg
if (index == -1 || targetOptions[index].value ==
this.defaultOptionValue) {
} else {
// otherwise loop thru all the items in the selected list
for (i = 0; i < targetOptions.length; i++) {
// test if a valid selection
if (targetOptions[i].selected && targetOptions[i].value !=
this.defaultOptionValue) {
// this item is selected - move it up if possible
if (i - 1 > begin) {
iotext = targetOptions[i-1].text;
iovalue = targetOptions[i-1].value;
targetOptions[i - 1].text = targetOptions[i].text;
targetOptions[i-1].value = targetOptions[i].value;
targetOptions[i-1].selected = true;
targetOptions[i].text = iotext;
targetOptions[i].value = iovalue;
targetOptions[i].selected = false;
begin = i - 1;
} else {
begin = i;
// update the state of the move up and down buttons
this.updateMoveButtons(index - 1);
// sync up the lists
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::moveDown()
// This function will be called when the move down button is pressed
function ccAddRemoveMoveDown() {
var targetList;
// determine which list contains item(s) to move down
if (this.availableList.selectedIndex != -1) {
targetList = this.availableList;
} else {
targetList = this.selectedList;
var targetOptions = targetList.options;
// get the selected index of the selected list
var index = targetList.selectedIndex;
var end = targetOptions.length - 1;
if (index < 0 || index > end - 1 ||
targetOptions[index].value == this.defaultOptionValue) {
} else {
for (i = end; i >= 0; i--) {
if (targetOptions[i].selected &&
targetOptions[i].value != this.defaultOptionValue) {
if (i + 1 < end) {
iotext = targetOptions[i].text;
iovalue = targetOptions[i].value;
targetOptions[i].text = targetOptions[i+1].text;
targetOptions[i].value = targetOptions[i+1].value;
targetOptions[i].selected = false;
targetOptions[i+1].text = iotext;
targetOptions[i+1].value = iovalue;
targetOptions[i+1].selected = true;
end = i + 1;
} else {
end = i;
// we just moved down so we must be able to move up now
this.disableButton(this.moveUpButton, false);
// check for / handle multiple selections
this.updateMoveButtons(index + 1);
// sync up lists
// Convenience function to return the length of the given options list.
function ccAddRemoveGetAvailableLength() {
// check for null param
if (this.availableOptions != null) {
// not null, return the length
return this.availableOptions.length;
} else {
// null param, just return 0
return 0;
// Convenience function to return the length of the given options list.
function ccAddRemoveGetSelectedLength() {
// check for null param
if (this.selectedOptions != null) {
// not null, return the length
return this.selectedOptions.length;
} else {
// null param, just return 0
return 0;
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::availableSelection()
// Convienence functio to return the selected index of the available list
function ccAddRemoveGetAvailableSelection() {
return this.availableList.selectedIndex;
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::selectedSelection()
// Convienence functio to return the selected index of the available list
function ccAddRemoveGetSelectedSelection() {
return this.selectedList.selectedIndex;
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::disableButton()
// This function sets the button with the given name to be either disabled (2nd
// param is true) or enabled (2nd param is false).
function ccAddRemoveDisableButton(button, disabled) {
if (ccGetElement(button, this.formName) == null || disabled == null) {
// bad param(s)
// if we're in NS4 or button or disabled were null don't do anything
if (is_nav4 != 1) {
// some browser other than NS4 - call js included via ccdynamic.js
ccSetButtonDisabled(button, this.formName, disabled);
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::updateMove()
// This function will be called whenever items are moved from one list to the
// other. It maintains the state of the list selections in the hidden text
// fields
function ccAddRemoveUpdateMove() {
var concatStr = null;
var maxAvailableSelection = -1;
var maxSelectedSelection = -1;
for (i = 0; i < this.availableLength() - 1; i++) {
if (concatStr == null) {
concatStr = this.availableOptions[i].text + this.separator +
} else {
concatStr += this.separator + this.availableOptions[i].text +
this.separator + this.availableOptions[i].value;
if (this.availableOptions[i].selected) {
maxAvailableSelection = i;
// get a pointer to the available hidden text field
var hiddenText = ccGetElement(this.availableHiddenText, this.formName);
// store the available options in it
hiddenText.value = concatStr;
concatStr = null;
for (i = 0; i < this.selectedLength() - 1; i++) {
if (concatStr == null) {
concatStr = this.selectedOptions[i].text + this.separator +
} else {
concatStr += this.separator + this.selectedOptions[i].text +
this.separator + this.selectedOptions[i].value;
if (this.selectedOptions[i].selected) {
maxSelectedSelection = i;
if (is_nav4) {
this.availableList.selectedIndex = maxAvailableSelection;
this.selectedList.selectedIndex = maxSelectedSelection;
// get a pointer to the selected hidden text field
hiddenText = ccGetElement(this.selectedHiddenText, this.formName)
// store the selected options in it
hiddenText.value = concatStr;
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::updateMoveButtons()
// This function will be called whenever items are moved from one list to the
// other. It maintains the state of the move up and down buttons.
function ccAddRemoveUpdateMoveButtons(index) {
if (ccGetElement(this.moveUpButton, this.formName) == null ||
ccGetElement(this.moveDownButton, this.formName) == null) {
// the move buttons are not present, nothing to do
var hasMultipleSelections = false;
var lastSelection = index;
var selectionsContiguous = true;
var targetList;
// determine which list contains the moved item(s)
if (this.availableList.selectedIndex != -1) {
targetList = this.availableList;
} else {
targetList = this.selectedList;
var targetOptions = targetList.options;
for (i = index + 1; i < targetOptions.length - 1; i++) {
if (targetOptions[i].selected == true) {
// we found another selection in the selected list
hasMultipleSelections = true;
// test if there was a non-selected item in between
if (i != lastSelection + 1) {
// something in between was UNselected
selectionsContiguous = false;
// update the value of the last selected index we found
lastSelection = i;
// test if all the selected items are adjacent in the list
if (hasMultipleSelections == true) {
if (selectionsContiguous == true) {
// all selected items are adjacent... see if first item is selected
if (index < 1) {
// disable the move up button since the first item is selected
this.disableButton(this.moveUpButton, true);
} else {
// still room to move up, keep move up enabled
this.disableButton(this.moveUpButton, false);
// see if the last valid item is selected
if (lastSelection < targetOptions.length - 2) {
// room to move down, enable the move down button
this.disableButton(this.moveDownButton, false);
} else {
// disable move down
this.disableButton(this.moveDownButton, true);
} else {
// selections are NOT contiguous - enable both up and down
this.disableButton(this.moveUpButton, false);
this.disableButton(this.moveDownButton, false);
} else {
// only one selected item is selected - first set move up button state
if (index > 0) {
// enable the move up button
this.disableButton(this.moveUpButton, false);
} else {
// disable move up button
this.disableButton(this.moveUpButton, true);
// now set the move down button state
if (index < (targetOptions.length - 2)) {
// enable move down button
this.disableButton(this.moveDownButton, false);
} else {
// disable move down button
this.disableButton(this.moveDownButton, true);
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::afterRemove()
// This method handles common after remove actions such as clearing the
// selection of the selected list (HCI requirement) and disabling the move
// buttons
function ccAddRemoveAfterRemove() {
// disable the remove btn
this.disableButton(this.removeButton, true);
// enable the add buttons
this.disableButton(this.addButton, false);
this.disableButton(this.addAllButton, false);
// clear any selection in the selected list
this.selectedList.selectedIndex = -1;
// update the state of the move buttons if present
this.disableButton(this.moveUpButton, true);
this.disableButton(this.moveDownButton, true);
if (this.allowAvailableMove) {
// available items can move, update move buttons
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::afterAdd()
// This method handles common after add actions such as clearing the
// selection of the available list (HCI requirement) and updating the state of
// the move buttons
function ccAddRemoveAfterAdd() {
// disable the add button
this.disableButton(this.addButton, true);
// enable the remove button
this.disableButton(this.removeButton, false);
// if the remove all button is displayed, enable it
this.disableButton(this.removeAllButton, false);
// update the state of the move buttons
// clear any selection in the available list
this.availableList.selectedIndex = -1;
// This OO function maps to CCAddRemove::getOriginalIndex()
// Returns an int indicating the index of the given option in the original
// available list. Will return -1 if the given option is not found.
function ccGetOriginalIndex(option) {
var originalIndex = -1;
for (i = 0; i < this.originalOptions.length; i++) {
if (option.text == this.originalOptions[i].text &&
option.value == this.originalOptions[i].value) {
originalIndex = i;
// return the original index of the given option or -1 if not found
return originalIndex;
/* Helper functions used by the CCAddRemove javascript class. Note that the */
/* following are NOT class methods */
// Helper function to determine if the given list box has multiple selections
function ccAddRemove_hasMultipleSelections(list) {
// boolean indicating if we found multiple selections
var hasMultipleSelections = false;
// get the selected index - note this only indicates the first selection
// there can still be others later in the list
var index = list.selectedIndex;
// test if something valid is selected
if (index < 0 || index > list.length - 2) {
return false;
} else {
// test each item in the list that follows index
for (i = index + 1; i < list.length -1; i++) {
if (list.options[i].selected) {
// set foundAnother to true & break
hasMultipleSelections = true;
// return the boolean flag inidicating multi selections
return hasMultipleSelections;