Copyright (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.3.0
// TestLogger object
* Displays test execution progress and results, providing filters based on
* different key events.
* @namespace YAHOO.tool
* @class TestLogger
* @constructor
* @param {HTMLElement} element (Optional) The element to create the logger in.
* @param {Object} config (Optional) Configuration options for the logger.
YAHOO.tool.TestLogger = function (element, config) {
YAHOO.tool.TestLogger.superclass.constructor.call(this, element, config);
YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.tool.TestLogger, YAHOO.widget.LogReader, {
footerEnabled : true,
newestOnTop : false,
* Formats message string to HTML for output to console.
* @private
* @method formatMsg
* @param oLogMsg {Object} Log message object.
* @return {String} HTML-formatted message for output to console.
formatMsg : function(message /*:Object*/) {
var category /*:String*/ = message.category;
var text /*:String*/ = this.html2Text(message.msg);
return "<pre><p><span class=\"" + category + "\">" + category.toUpperCase() + "</span> " + text + "</p></pre>";
// Private Methods
* Initializes the logger.
* @private
init : function () {
//attach to any available TestRunner
if (YAHOO.tool.TestRunner){
//hide useless sources
//hide useless message categories
//reset the logger
* Clears the reference to the TestRunner from previous operations. This
* unsubscribes all events and removes the object reference.
* @return {Void}
* @static
clearTestRunner : function () /*:Void*/ {
if (this._runner){
this._runner = null;
* Sets the source test runner that the logger should monitor.
* @param {YAHOO.tool.TestRunner} testRunner The TestRunner to observe.
* @return {Void}
* @static
setTestRunner : function (testRunner /*:YAHOO.tool.TestRunner*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (this._runner){
this._runner = testRunner;
//setup event _handlers
testRunner.subscribe(testRunner.TEST_PASS_EVENT, this._handleTestRunnerEvent, this, true);
testRunner.subscribe(testRunner.TEST_FAIL_EVENT, this._handleTestRunnerEvent, this, true);
testRunner.subscribe(testRunner.TEST_IGNORE_EVENT, this._handleTestRunnerEvent, this, true);
testRunner.subscribe(testRunner.BEGIN_EVENT, this._handleTestRunnerEvent, this, true);
testRunner.subscribe(testRunner.COMPLETE_EVENT, this._handleTestRunnerEvent, this, true);
testRunner.subscribe(testRunner.TEST_SUITE_BEGIN_EVENT, this._handleTestRunnerEvent, this, true);
testRunner.subscribe(testRunner.TEST_SUITE_COMPLETE_EVENT, this._handleTestRunnerEvent, this, true);
testRunner.subscribe(testRunner.TEST_CASE_BEGIN_EVENT, this._handleTestRunnerEvent, this, true);
testRunner.subscribe(testRunner.TEST_CASE_COMPLETE_EVENT, this._handleTestRunnerEvent, this, true);
// Event Handlers
* Handles all TestRunner events, outputting appropriate data into the console.
* @param {Object} data The event data object.
* @return {Void}
* @private
_handleTestRunnerEvent : function (data /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
//shortcut variables
var TestRunner /*:Object*/ = YAHOO.tool.TestRunner;
//data variables
var message /*:String*/ = "";
var messageType /*:String*/ = "";
case TestRunner.BEGIN_EVENT:
message = "Testing began at " + (new Date()).toString() + ".";
messageType = "info";
case TestRunner.COMPLETE_EVENT:
message = "Testing completed at " + (new Date()).toString() + ".\nPassed:"
+ data.results.passed + " Failed:" + data.results.failed + " Total:" + data.results.total;
messageType = "info";
case TestRunner.TEST_FAIL_EVENT:
message = data.testName + ": " + data.error.getMessage();
messageType = "fail";
case TestRunner.TEST_IGNORE_EVENT:
message = data.testName + ": ignored.";
messageType = "ignore";
case TestRunner.TEST_PASS_EVENT:
message = data.testName + ": passed.";
messageType = "pass";
message = "Test suite \"" + data.testSuite.name + "\" started.";
messageType = "info";
message = "Test suite \"" + data.testSuite.name + "\" completed.\nPassed:"
+ data.results.passed + " Failed:" + data.results.failed + " Total:" + data.results.total;
messageType = "info";
message = "Test case \"" + data.testCase.name + "\" started.";
messageType = "info";
message = "Test case \"" + data.testCase.name + "\" completed.\nPassed:"
+ data.results.passed + " Failed:" + data.results.failed + " Total:" + data.results.total;
messageType = "info";
message = "Unexpected event " + data.type;
message = "info";
YAHOO.log(message, messageType, "TestRunner");
* The YUI test tool
* @module yuitest
* @namespace YAHOO.tool
* @requires yahoo,dom,event,logger
// TestRunner object
* Runs test suites and test cases, providing events to allowing for the
* interpretation of test results.
* @namespace YAHOO.tool
* @class TestRunner
* @static
YAHOO.tool.TestRunner = (function(){
function TestRunner(){
//inherit from EventProvider
* The test objects to run.
* @type Array
* @private
this.items /*:Array*/ = [];
//create events
var events /*:Array*/ = [
for (var i=0; i < events.length; i++){
this.createEvent(events[i], { scope: this });
YAHOO.lang.extend(TestRunner, YAHOO.util.EventProvider, {
// Constants
* Fires when a test case is opened but before the first
* test is executed.
* @event testcasebegin
TEST_CASE_BEGIN_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testcasebegin",
* Fires when all tests in a test case have been executed.
* @event testcasecomplete
TEST_CASE_COMPLETE_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testcasecomplete",
* Fires when a test suite is opened but before the first
* test is executed.
* @event testsuitebegin
TEST_SUITE_BEGIN_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testsuitebegin",
* Fires when all test cases in a test suite have been
* completed.
* @event testsuitecomplete
TEST_SUITE_COMPLETE_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testsuitecomplete",
* Fires when a test has passed.
* @event pass
TEST_PASS_EVENT /*:String*/ : "pass",
* Fires when a test has failed.
* @event fail
TEST_FAIL_EVENT /*:String*/ : "fail",
* Fires when a test has been ignored.
* @event ignore
TEST_IGNORE_EVENT /*:String*/ : "ignore",
* Fires when all test suites and test cases have been completed.
* @event complete
COMPLETE_EVENT /*:String*/ : "complete",
* Fires when the run() method is called.
* @event begin
BEGIN_EVENT /*:String*/ : "begin",
// Private Methods
* Runs a given test case.
* @param {YAHOO.tool.TestCase} testCase The test case to run.
* @return {Object} Results of the execution with properties passed, failed, and total.
* @method _runTestCase
* @private
* @static
_runTestCase : function (testCase /*YAHOO.tool.TestCase*/) /*:Void*/{
//object to store results
var results /*:Object*/ = {};
//test case begins
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_CASE_BEGIN_EVENT, { testCase: testCase });
//gather the test functions
var tests /*:Array*/ = [];
for (var prop in testCase){
if (prop.indexOf("test") === 0 && typeof testCase[prop] == "function") {
//get the "should" test cases
var shouldFail /*:Object*/ = testCase._should.fail || {};
var shouldError /*:Object*/ = testCase._should.error || {};
var shouldIgnore /*:Object*/ = testCase._should.ignore || {};
//test counts
var failCount /*:int*/ = 0;
var passCount /*:int*/ = 0;
var runCount /*:int*/ = 0;
//run each test
for (var i=0; i < tests.length; i++){
//figure out if the test should be ignored or not
if (shouldIgnore[tests[i]]){
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_IGNORE_EVENT, { testCase: testCase, testName: tests[i] });
//variable to hold whether or not the test failed
var failed /*:Boolean*/ = false;
var error /*:Error*/ = null;
//run the setup
//try the test
try {
//run the test
//if it should fail, and it got here, then it's a fail because it didn't
if (shouldFail[tests[i]]){
error = new YAHOO.util.ShouldFail();
failed = true;
} else if (shouldError[tests[i]]){
error = new YAHOO.util.ShouldError();
failed = true;
} catch (thrown /*:Error*/){
if (thrown instanceof YAHOO.util.AssertionError) {
if (!shouldFail[tests[i]]){
error = thrown;
failed = true;
} else {
//first check to see if it should error
if (!shouldError[tests[i]]) {
error = new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedError(thrown);
failed = true;
} else {
//check to see what type of data we have
if (YAHOO.lang.isString(shouldError[tests[i]])){
//if it's a string, check the error message
if (thrown.message != shouldError[tests[i]]){
error = new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedError(thrown);
failed = true;
} else if (YAHOO.lang.isObject(shouldError[tests[i]])){
//if it's an object, check the instance and message
if (!(thrown instanceof shouldError[tests[i]].constructor) ||
thrown.message != shouldError[tests[i]].message){
error = new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedError(thrown);
failed = true;
} finally {
//fireEvent appropriate event
if (failed) {
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_FAIL_EVENT, { testCase: testCase, testName: tests[i], error: error });
} else {
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_PASS_EVENT, { testCase: testCase, testName: tests[i] });
//run the tear down
//update results
results[tests[i]] = {
result: failed ? "fail" : "pass",
message : error ? error.getMessage() : "Test passed"
//update counts
failCount += (failed ? 1 : 0);
passCount += (failed ? 0 : 1);
//add test counts to results
results.total = runCount;
results.failed = failCount;
results.passed = passCount;
//test case is done
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_CASE_COMPLETE_EVENT, { testCase: testCase, results: results });
//return results
return results;
* Runs all the tests in a test suite.
* @param {YAHOO.tool.TestSuite} testSuite The test suite to run.
* @return {Object} Results of the execution with properties passed, failed, and total.
* @method _runTestSuite
* @private
* @static
_runTestSuite : function (testSuite /*:YAHOO.tool.TestSuite*/) {
//object to store results
var results /*:Object*/ = {
passed: 0,
failed: 0,
total: 0
//fireEvent event for beginning of test suite run
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_SUITE_BEGIN_EVENT, { testSuite: testSuite });
//iterate over the test suite items
for (var i=0; i < testSuite.items.length; i++){
var result = null;
if (testSuite.items[i] instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestSuite) {
result = this._runTestSuite(testSuite.items[i]);
} else if (testSuite.items[i] instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestCase) {
result = this._runTestCase(testSuite.items[i]);
if (result !== null){
results.total += result.total;
results.passed += result.passed;
results.failed += result.failed;
results[testSuite.items[i].name] = result;
//fireEvent event for completion of test suite run
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_SUITE_COMPLETE_EVENT, { testSuite: testSuite, results: results });
//return the results
return results;
* Runs a test case or test suite, returning the results.
* @param {YAHOO.tool.TestCase|YAHOO.tool.TestSuite} testObject The test case or test suite to run.
* @return {Object} Results of the execution with properties passed, failed, and total.
* @private
* @method _run
* @static
_run : function (testObject /*:YAHOO.tool.TestCase|YAHOO.tool.TestSuite*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (YAHOO.lang.isObject(testObject)){
if (testObject instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestSuite) {
return this._runTestSuite(testObject);
} else if (testObject instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestCase) {
return this._runTestCase(testObject);
} else {
throw new TypeError("_run(): Expected either YAHOO.tool.TestCase or YAHOO.tool.TestSuite.");
// Protected Methods
* Fires events for the TestRunner. This overrides the default fireEvent()
* method from EventProvider to add the type property to the data that is
* passed through on each event call.
* @param {String} type The type of event to fire.
* @param {Object} data (Optional) Data for the event.
* @method fireEvent
* @static
* @protected
fireEvent : function (type /*:String*/, data /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
data = data || {};
data.type = type;
TestRunner.superclass.fireEvent.call(this, type, data);
// Public Methods
* Adds a test suite or test case to the list of test objects to run.
* @param testObject Either a TestCase or a TestSuite that should be run.
add : function (testObject /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
* Removes all test objects from the runner.
clear : function () /*:Void*/ {
* Runs the test suite.
run : function (testObject /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
var results = null;
//an object passed in overrides everything else
if (YAHOO.lang.isObject(testObject)){
results = this._run(testObject);
} else {
results = {
passed: 0,
failed: 0,
total: 0
for (var i=0; i < this.items.length; i++){
var result = this._run(this.items[i]);
results.passed += result.passed;
results.failed += result.failed;
results.total += result.total;
results[this.items[i].name] = result;
this.fireEvent(this.COMPLETE_EVENT, { results: results });
return new TestRunner();
// TestSuite object
* A test suite that can contain a collection of TestCase and TestSuite objects.
* @param {String} name The name of the test fixture.
* @namespace YAHOO.tool
* @class TestSuite
* @constructor
YAHOO.tool.TestSuite = function (name /*:String*/) {
* The name of the test suite.
this.name /*:String*/ = name || YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(null, "testSuite");
* Array of test suites and
* @private
this.items /*:Array*/ = [];
YAHOO.tool.TestSuite.prototype = {
* Adds a test suite or test case to the test suite.
* @param {YAHOO.tool.TestSuite||YAHOO.tool.TestCase} testObject The test suite or test case to add.
add : function (testObject /*:YAHOO.tool.TestSuite*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (testObject instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestSuite || testObject instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestCase) {
// TestCase object
* Test case containing various tests to run.
* @param template An object containing any number of test methods, other methods,
* an optional name, and anything else the test case needs.
* @class TestCase
* @namespace YAHOO.tool
* @constructor
YAHOO.tool.TestCase = function (template /*:Object*/) {
* Special rules for the test case. Possible subobjects
* are fail, for tests that should fail, and error, for
* tests that should throw an error.
this._should /*:Object*/ = {};
//copy over all properties from the template to this object
for (var prop in template) {
this[prop] = template[prop];
//check for a valid name
if (!YAHOO.lang.isString(this.name)){
* Name for the test case.
this.name /*:String*/ = YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(null, "testCase");
YAHOO.tool.TestCase.prototype = {
// Test Methods
* Function to run before each test is executed.
setUp : function () /*:Void*/ {
* Function to run after each test is executed.
tearDown: function () /*:Void*/ {
// Assert object
* The Assert object provides functions to test JavaScript values against
* known and expected results. Whenever a comparison (assertion) fails,
* an error is thrown.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @class Assert
* @static
YAHOO.util.Assert = {
// Generic Assertion Methods
* Forces an assertion error to occur.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display with the failure.
* @method fail
* @static
fail : function (message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
throw new YAHOO.util.AssertionError(message || "Test force-failed.");
// Equality Assertion Methods
* Asserts that a value is equal to another. This uses the double equals sign
* so type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} expected The expected value.
* @param {Object} actual The actual value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method areEqual
* @static
areEqual : function (expected /*:Object*/, actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (expected != actual) {
throw new YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure(message || "Values should be equal.", expected, actual);
* Asserts that a value is not equal to another. This uses the double equals sign
* so type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} unexpected The unexpected value.
* @param {Object} actual The actual value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method areNotEqual
* @static
areNotEqual : function (unexpected /*:Object*/, actual /*:Object*/,
message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (unexpected == actual) {
throw new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue(message || "Values should not be equal.", unexpected);
* Asserts that a value is not the same as another. This uses the triple equals sign
* so no type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} unexpected The unexpected value.
* @param {Object} actual The actual value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method areNotSame
* @static
areNotSame : function (unexpected /*:Object*/, actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (unexpected === actual) {
throw new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue(message || "Values should not be the same.", unexpected);
* Asserts that a value is the same as another. This uses the triple equals sign
* so no type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} expected The expected value.
* @param {Object} actual The actual value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method areSame
* @static
areSame : function (expected /*:Object*/, actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (expected !== actual) {
throw new YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure(message || "Values should be the same.", expected, actual);
// Boolean Assertion Methods
* Asserts that a value is false. This uses the triple equals sign
* so no type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} actual The actual value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isFalse
* @static
isFalse : function (actual /*:Boolean*/, message /*:String*/) {
if (false !== actual) {
throw new YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure(message || "Value should be false.", false, actual);
* Asserts that a value is true. This uses the triple equals sign
* so no type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} actual The actual value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isTrue
* @static
isTrue : function (actual /*:Boolean*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (true !== actual) {
throw new YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure(message || "Value should be true.", true, actual);
// Special Value Assertion Methods
* Asserts that a value is not a number.
* @param {Object} actual The value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isNaN
* @static
isNaN : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/{
if (!isNaN(actual)){
throw new YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure(message || "Value should be NaN.", NaN, actual);
* Asserts that a value is not the special NaN value.
* @param {Object} actual The value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isNotNaN
* @static
isNotNaN : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/{
if (isNaN(actual)){
throw new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue(message || "Values should not be NaN.", NaN);
* Asserts that a value is not null. This uses the triple equals sign
* so no type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} actual The actual value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isNotNull
* @static
isNotNull : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (YAHOO.lang.isNull(actual)) {
throw new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue(message || "Values should not be null.", null);
* Asserts that a value is not undefined. This uses the triple equals sign
* so no type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} actual The actual value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isNotUndefined
* @static
isNotUndefined : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(actual)) {
throw new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue(message || "Value should not be undefined.", undefined);
* Asserts that a value is null. This uses the triple equals sign
* so no type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} actual The actual value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isNull
* @static
isNull : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (!YAHOO.lang.isNull(actual)) {
throw new YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure(message || "Value should be null.", null, actual);
* Asserts that a value is undefined. This uses the triple equals sign
* so no type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} expected The expected value.
* @param {Object} actual The actual value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isUndefined
* @static
isUndefined : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (!YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(actual)) {
throw new YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure(message || "Value should be undefined.", undefined, actual);
// Instance Assertion Methods
* Asserts that a value is an array.
* @param {Object} actual The value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isArray
* @static
isArray : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (!YAHOO.lang.isArray(actual)){
throw new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue(message || "Value should be an array.", actual);
* Asserts that a value is a Boolean.
* @param {Object} actual The value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isBoolean
* @static
isBoolean : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(actual)){
throw new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue(message || "Value should be a Boolean.", actual);
* Asserts that a value is a function.
* @param {Object} actual The value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isFunction
* @static
isFunction : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (!YAHOO.lang.isFunction(actual)){
throw new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue(message || "Value should be a function.", actual);
* Asserts that a value is an instance of a particular object. This may return
* incorrect results when comparing objects from one frame to constructors in
* another frame. For best results, don't use in a cross-frame manner.
* @param {Function} expected The function that the object should be an instance of.
* @param {Object} actual The object to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isInstanceOf
* @static
isInstanceOf : function (expected /*:Function*/, actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (!(actual instanceof expected)){
throw new YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure(message || "Value isn't an instance of expected type.", expected, actual);
* Asserts that a value is a number.
* @param {Object} actual The value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isNumber
* @static
isNumber : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(actual)){
throw new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue(message || "Value should be a number.", actual);
* Asserts that a value is an object.
* @param {Object} actual The value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isObject
* @static
isObject : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (!YAHOO.lang.isObject(actual)){
throw new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue(message || "Value should be an object.", actual);
* Asserts that a value is a string.
* @param {Object} actual The value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isString
* @static
isString : function (actual /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (!YAHOO.lang.isString(actual)){
throw new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue(message || "Value should be a string.", actual);
* Asserts that a value is of a particular type.
* @param {String} expectedType The expected type of the variable.
* @param {Object} actualValue The actual value to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isTypeOf
* @static
isTypeOf : function (expectedType /*:String*/, actualValue /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/{
if (typeof actualValue != expectedType){
throw new YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure(message || "Value should be of type " + expected + ".", expected, typeof actual);
// Assertion errors
* AssertionError is thrown whenever an assertion fails. It provides methods
* to more easily get at error information and also provides a base class
* from which more specific assertion errors can be derived.
* @param {String} message The message to display when the error occurs.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @class AssertionError
* @extends Error
* @constructor
YAHOO.util.AssertionError = function (message /*:String*/){
//call superclass
arguments.callee.superclass.constructor.call(this, message);
* Error message. Must be duplicated to ensure browser receives it.
* @type String
* @property message
this.message /*:String*/ = message;
* The name of the error that occurred.
* @type String
* @property name
this.name /*:String*/ = "AssertionError";
//inherit methods
YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.util.AssertionError, Error, {
* Returns a fully formatted error for an assertion failure. This should
* be overridden by all subclasses to provide specific information.
* @method getMessage
* @return {String} A string describing the error.
getMessage : function () /*:String*/ {
return this.message;
* Returns a string representation of the error.
* @method toString
* @return {String} A string representation of the error.
toString : function () /*:String*/ {
return this.name + ": " + this.getMessage();
* Returns a primitive value version of the error. Same as toString().
* @method valueOf
* @return {String} A primitive value version of the error.
valueOf : function () /*:String*/ {
return this.toString();
* ComparisonFailure is subclass of AssertionError that is thrown whenever
* a comparison between two values fails. It provides mechanisms to retrieve
* both the expected and actual value.
* @param {String} message The message to display when the error occurs.
* @param {Object} expected The expected value.
* @param {Object} actual The actual value that caused the assertion to fail.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @extends YAHOO.util.AssertionError
* @class ComparisonFailure
* @constructor
YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure = function (message /*:String*/, expected /*:Object*/, actual /*:Object*/){
//call superclass
arguments.callee.superclass.constructor.call(this, message);
* The expected value.
* @type Object
* @property expected
this.expected /*:Object*/ = expected;
* The actual value.
* @type Object
* @property actual
this.actual /*:Object*/ = actual;
* The name of the error that occurred.
* @type String
* @property name
this.name /*:String*/ = "ComparisonFailure";
//inherit methods
YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure, YAHOO.util.AssertionError, {
* Returns a fully formatted error for an assertion failure. This message
* provides information about the expected and actual values.
* @method toString
* @return {String} A string describing the error.
getMessage : function () /*:String*/ {
return this.message + "\nExpected: " + this.expected + " (" + (typeof this.expected) + ")" +
"\nActual:" + this.actual + " (" + (typeof this.actual) + ")";
* UnexpectedValue is subclass of AssertionError that is thrown whenever
* a value was unexpected in its scope. This typically means that a test
* was performed to determine that a value was *not* equal to a certain
* value.
* @param {String} message The message to display when the error occurs.
* @param {Object} unexpected The unexpected value.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @extends YAHOO.util.AssertionError
* @class UnexpectedValue
* @constructor
YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue = function (message /*:String*/, unexpected /*:Object*/){
//call superclass
arguments.callee.superclass.constructor.call(this, message);
* The unexpected value.
* @type Object
* @property unexpected
this.unexpected /*:Object*/ = unexpected;
* The name of the error that occurred.
* @type String
* @property name
this.name /*:String*/ = "UnexpectedValue";
//inherit methods
YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.util.UnexpectedValue, YAHOO.util.AssertionError, {
* Returns a fully formatted error for an assertion failure. The message
* contains information about the unexpected value that was encountered.
* @method getMessage
* @return {String} A string describing the error.
getMessage : function () /*:String*/ {
return this.message + "\nUnexpected: " + this.unexpected + " (" + (typeof this.unexpected) + ") ";
* ShouldFail is subclass of AssertionError that is thrown whenever
* a test was expected to fail but did not.
* @param {String} message The message to display when the error occurs.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @extends YAHOO.util.AssertionError
* @class ShouldFail
* @constructor
YAHOO.util.ShouldFail = function (message /*:String*/){
//call superclass
arguments.callee.superclass.constructor.call(this, message || "This test should fail but didn't.");
* The name of the error that occurred.
* @type String
* @property name
this.name /*:String*/ = "ShouldFail";
//inherit methods
YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.util.ShouldFail, YAHOO.util.AssertionError);
* ShouldError is subclass of AssertionError that is thrown whenever
* a test is expected to throw an error but doesn't.
* @param {String} message The message to display when the error occurs.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @extends YAHOO.util.AssertionError
* @class ShouldError
* @constructor
YAHOO.util.ShouldError = function (message /*:String*/){
//call superclass
arguments.callee.superclass.constructor.call(this, message || "This test should have thrown an error but didn't.");
* The name of the error that occurred.
* @type String
* @property name
this.name /*:String*/ = "ShouldError";
//inherit methods
YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.util.ShouldError, YAHOO.util.AssertionError);
* UnexpectedError is subclass of AssertionError that is thrown whenever
* an error occurs within the course of a test and the test was not expected
* to throw an error.
* @param {Error} cause The unexpected error that caused this error to be
* thrown.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @extends YAHOO.util.AssertionError
* @class UnexpectedError
* @constructor
YAHOO.util.UnexpectedError = function (cause /*:Object*/){
//call superclass
arguments.callee.superclass.constructor.call(this, "Unexpected error: " + cause.message);
* The unexpected error that occurred.
* @type Error
* @property cause
this.cause /*:Error*/ = cause;
* The name of the error that occurred.
* @type String
* @property name
this.name /*:String*/ = "UnexpectedError";
//inherit methods
YAHOO.lang.extend(YAHOO.util.UnexpectedError, YAHOO.util.AssertionError);
// ArrayAssert object
* The ArrayAssert object provides functions to test JavaScript array objects
* for a variety of cases.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @class ArrayAssert
* @static
YAHOO.util.ArrayAssert = {
* Asserts that a value is present in an array. This uses the triple equals
* sign so no type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} needle The value that is expected in the array.
* @param {Array} haystack An array of values.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method contains
* @static
contains : function (needle /*:Object*/, haystack /*:Array*/,
message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
var found /*:Boolean*/ = false;
//begin checking values
for (var i=0; i < haystack.length && !found; i++){
if (haystack[i] === needle) {
found = true;
if (!found){
YAHOO.util.Assert.fail(message || "Value (" + needle + ") not found in array.");
* Asserts that a set of values are present in an array. This uses the triple equals
* sign so no type cohersion may occur. For this assertion to pass, all values must
* be found.
* @param {Object[]} needles An array of values that are expected in the array.
* @param {Array} haystack An array of values to check.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method containsItems
* @static
containsItems : function (needles /*:Object[]*/, haystack /*:Array*/,
message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
//begin checking values
for (var i=0; i < needles.length; i++){
this.contains(needles[i], haystack, message);
if (!found){
YAHOO.util.Assert.fail(message || "Value not found in array.");
* Asserts that a value matching some condition is present in an array. This uses
* a function to determine a match.
* @param {Function} matcher A function that returns true if the items matches or false if not.
* @param {Array} haystack An array of values.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method containsMatch
* @static
containsMatch : function (matcher /*:Function*/, haystack /*:Array*/,
message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
//check for valid matcher
if (typeof matcher != "function"){
throw new TypeError("ArrayAssert.containsMatch(): First argument must be a function.");
var found /*:Boolean*/ = false;
//begin checking values
for (var i=0; i < haystack.length && !found; i++){
if (matcher(haystack[i])) {
found = true;
if (!found){
YAHOO.util.Assert.fail(message || "No match found in array.");
* Asserts that a value is not present in an array. This uses the triple equals
* sign so no type cohersion may occur.
* @param {Object} needle The value that is expected in the array.
* @param {Array} haystack An array of values.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method doesNotContain
* @static
doesNotContain : function (needle /*:Object*/, haystack /*:Array*/,
message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
var found /*:Boolean*/ = false;
//begin checking values
for (var i=0; i < haystack.length && !found; i++){
if (haystack[i] === needle) {
found = true;
if (found){
YAHOO.util.Assert.fail(message || "Value found in array.");
* Asserts that a set of values are not present in an array. This uses the triple equals
* sign so no type cohersion may occur. For this assertion to pass, all values must
* not be found.
* @param {Object[]} needles An array of values that are not expected in the array.
* @param {Array} haystack An array of values to check.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method doesNotContainItems
* @static
doesNotContainItems : function (needles /*:Object[]*/, haystack /*:Array*/,
message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
for (var i=0; i < needles.length; i++){
this.doesNotContain(needles[i], haystack, message);
* Asserts that no values matching a condition are present in an array. This uses
* a function to determine a match.
* @param {Function} matcher A function that returns true if the items matches or false if not.
* @param {Array} haystack An array of values.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method doesNotContainMatch
* @static
doesNotContainMatch : function (matcher /*:Function*/, haystack /*:Array*/,
message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
//check for valid matcher
if (typeof matcher != "function"){
throw new TypeError("ArrayAssert.doesNotContainMatch(): First argument must be a function.");
var found /*:Boolean*/ = false;
//begin checking values
for (var i=0; i < haystack.length && !found; i++){
if (matcher(haystack[i])) {
found = true;
if (found){
YAHOO.util.Assert.fail(message || "Value found in array.");
* Asserts that the given value is contained in an array at the specified index.
* This uses the triple equals sign so no type cohersion will occur.
* @param {Object} needle The value to look for.
* @param {Array} haystack The array to search in.
* @param {int} index The index at which the value should exist.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method indexOf
* @static
indexOf : function (needle /*:Object*/, haystack /*:Array*/, index /*:int*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
//try to find the value in the array
for (var i=0; i < haystack.length; i++){
if (haystack[i] === needle){
YAHOO.util.Assert.areEqual(index, i, message || "Value exists at index " + i + " but should be at index " + index + ".");
//if it makes it here, it wasn't found at all
YAHOO.util.Assert.fail(message || "Value doesn't exist in array.");
* Asserts that the values in an array are equal, and in the same position,
* as values in another array. This uses the double equals sign
* so type cohersion may occur. Note that the array objects themselves
* need not be the same for this test to pass.
* @param {Array} expected An array of the expected values.
* @param {Array} actual Any array of the actual values.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method itemsAreEqual
* @static
itemsAreEqual : function (expected /*:Array*/, actual /*:Array*/,
message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
//one may be longer than the other, so get the maximum length
var len /*:int*/ = Math.max(expected.length, actual.length);
//begin checking values
for (var i=0; i < len; i++){
YAHOO.util.Assert.areEqual(expected[i], actual[i], message ||
"Values in position " + i + " are not equal.");
* Asserts that the values in an array are equivalent, and in the same position,
* as values in another array. This uses a function to determine if the values
* are equivalent. Note that the array objects themselves
* need not be the same for this test to pass.
* @param {Array} expected An array of the expected values.
* @param {Array} actual Any array of the actual values.
* @param {Function} comparator A function that returns true if the values are equivalent
* or false if not.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @return {Void}
* @method itemsAreEquivalent
* @static
itemsAreEquivalent : function (expected /*:Array*/, actual /*:Array*/,
comparator /*:Function*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
//make sure the comparator is valid
if (typeof comparator != "function"){
throw new TypeError("ArrayAssert.itemsAreEquivalent(): Third argument must be a function.");
//one may be longer than the other, so get the maximum length
var len /*:int*/ = Math.max(expected.length, actual.length);
//begin checking values
for (var i=0; i < len; i++){
if (!comparator(expected[i], actual[i])){
throw new YAHOO.util.ComparisonFailure(message || "Values in position " + i + " are not equivalent.", expected[i], actual[i]);
* Asserts that an array is empty.
* @param {Array} actual The array to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isEmpty
* @static
isEmpty : function (actual /*:Array*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (actual.length > 0){
YAHOO.util.Assert.fail(message || "Array should be empty.");
* Asserts that an array is not empty.
* @param {Array} actual The array to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method isNotEmpty
* @static
isNotEmpty : function (actual /*:Array*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (actual.length === 0){
YAHOO.util.Assert.fail(message || "Array should not be empty.");
* Asserts that the values in an array are the same, and in the same position,
* as values in another array. This uses the triple equals sign
* so no type cohersion will occur. Note that the array objects themselves
* need not be the same for this test to pass.
* @param {Array} expected An array of the expected values.
* @param {Array} actual Any array of the actual values.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method itemsAreSame
* @static
itemsAreSame : function (expected /*:Array*/, actual /*:Array*/,
message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
//one may be longer than the other, so get the maximum length
var len /*:int*/ = Math.max(expected.length, actual.length);
//begin checking values
for (var i=0; i < len; i++){
YAHOO.util.Assert.areSame(expected[i], actual[i],
message || "Values in position " + i + " are not the same.");
* Asserts that the given value is contained in an array at the specified index,
* starting from the back of the array.
* This uses the triple equals sign so no type cohersion will occur.
* @param {Object} needle The value to look for.
* @param {Array} haystack The array to search in.
* @param {int} index The index at which the value should exist.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method lastIndexOf
* @static
lastIndexOf : function (needle /*:Object*/, haystack /*:Array*/, index /*:int*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
//try to find the value in the array
for (var i=haystack.length; i >= 0; i--){
if (haystack[i] === needle){
YAHOO.util.Assert.areEqual(index, i, message || "Value exists at index " + i + " but should be at index " + index + ".");
//if it makes it here, it wasn't found at all
YAHOO.util.Assert.fail(message || "Value doesn't exist in array.");
// ObjectAssert object
* The ObjectAssert object provides functions to test JavaScript objects
* for a variety of cases.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @class ObjectAssert
* @static
YAHOO.util.ObjectAssert = {
* Asserts that all properties in the object exist in another object.
* @param {Object} expected An object with the expected properties.
* @param {Object} actual An object with the actual properties.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method propertiesAreEqual
* @static
propertiesAreEqual : function (expected /*:Object*/, actual /*:Object*/,
message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
//get all properties in the object
var properties /*:Array*/ = [];
for (var property in expected){
//see if the properties are in the expected object
for (var i=0; i < properties.length; i++){
YAHOO.util.Assert.isNotUndefined(actual[properties[i]], message ||
"Property'" + properties[i] + "' expected.");
* Asserts that an object has a property with the given name.
* @param {String} propertyName The name of the property to test.
* @param {Object} object The object to search.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method hasProperty
* @static
hasProperty : function (propertyName /*:String*/, object /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(object[propertyName])){
YAHOO.util.Assert.fail(message ||
"Property " + propertyName + " not found on object.");
* Asserts that a property with the given name exists on an object instance (not on its prototype).
* @param {String} propertyName The name of the property to test.
* @param {Object} object The object to search.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method hasProperty
* @static
hasOwnProperty : function (propertyName /*:String*/, object /*:Object*/, message /*:String*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (!YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(object, propertyName)){
YAHOO.util.Assert.fail(message ||
"Property " + propertyName + " not found on object instance.");
// DateAssert object
* The DateAssert object provides functions to test JavaScript Date objects
* for a variety of cases.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @class DateAssert
* @static
YAHOO.util.DateAssert = {
* Asserts that a date's month, day, and year are equal to another date's.
* @param {Date} expected The expected date.
* @param {Date} actual The actual date to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method areEqual
* @static
datesAreEqual : function (expected /*:Date*/, actual /*:Date*/, message /*:String*/){
if (expected instanceof Date && actual instanceof Date){
YAHOO.util.Assert.areEqual(expected.getFullYear(), actual.getFullYear(), message || "Years should be equal.");
YAHOO.util.Assert.areEqual(expected.getMonth(), actual.getMonth(), message || "Months should be equal.");
YAHOO.util.Assert.areEqual(expected.getDate(), actual.getDate(), message || "Day of month should be equal.");
} else {
throw new TypeError("DateAssert.datesAreEqual(): Expected and actual values must be Date objects.");
* Asserts that a date's hour, minutes, and seconds are equal to another date's.
* @param {Date} expected The expected date.
* @param {Date} actual The actual date to test.
* @param {String} message (Optional) The message to display if the assertion fails.
* @method areEqual
* @static
timesAreEqual : function (expected /*:Date*/, actual /*:Date*/, message /*:String*/){
if (expected instanceof Date && actual instanceof Date){
YAHOO.util.Assert.areEqual(expected.getHours(), actual.getHours(), message || "Hours should be equal.");
YAHOO.util.Assert.areEqual(expected.getMinutes(), actual.getMinutes(), message || "Minutes should be equal.");
YAHOO.util.Assert.areEqual(expected.getSeconds(), actual.getSeconds(), message || "Seconds should be equal.");
} else {
throw new TypeError("DateAssert.timesAreEqual(): Expected and actual values must be Date objects.");
* The UserAction object provides functions that simulate events occurring in
* the browser. Since these are simulated events, they do not behave exactly
* as regular, user-initiated events do, but can be used to test simple
* user interactions safely.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @class UserAction
* @static
YAHOO.util.UserAction = {
// Generic event methods
* Simulates a key event using the given event information to populate
* the generated event object. This method does browser-equalizing
* calculations to account for differences in the DOM and IE event models
* as well as different browser quirks. Note: keydown causes Safari 2.x to
* crash.
* @method simulateKeyEvent
* @private
* @static
* @param {HTMLElement} target The target of the given event.
* @param {String} type The type of event to fire. This can be any one of
* the following: keyup, keydown, and keypress.
* @param {Boolean} bubbles (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* bubbled up. DOM Level 3 specifies that all key events bubble by
* default. The default is true.
* @param {Boolean} cancelable (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* canceled using preventDefault(). DOM Level 3 specifies that all
* key events can be cancelled. The default
* is true.
* @param {Window} view (Optional) The view containing the target. This is
* typically the window object. The default is window.
* @param {Boolean} ctrlKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the CTRL keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} altKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the ALT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} shiftKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the SHIFT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} metaKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the META keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {int} keyCode (Optional) The code for the key that is in use.
* The default is 0.
* @param {int} charCode (Optional) The Unicode code for the character
* associated with the key being used. The default is 0.
simulateKeyEvent : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, type /*:String*/,
bubbles /*:Boolean*/, cancelable /*:Boolean*/,
view /*:Window*/,
ctrlKey /*:Boolean*/, altKey /*:Boolean*/,
shiftKey /*:Boolean*/, metaKey /*:Boolean*/,
keyCode /*:int*/, charCode /*:int*/) /*:Void*/
//check target
target = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(target);
if (!target){
throw new Error("simulateKeyEvent(): Invalid target.");
//check event type
if (YAHOO.lang.isString(type)){
type = type.toLowerCase();
case "keyup":
case "keydown":
case "keypress":
case "textevent": //DOM Level 3
type = "keypress";
// @TODO was the fallthrough intentional, if so throw error
throw new Error("simulateKeyEvent(): Event type '" + type + "' not supported.");
} else {
throw new Error("simulateKeyEvent(): Event type must be a string.");
//setup default values
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(bubbles)){
bubbles = true; //all key events bubble
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(cancelable)){
cancelable = true; //all key events can be cancelled
if (!YAHOO.lang.isObject(view)){
view = window; //view is typically window
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(ctrlKey)){
ctrlKey = false;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(altKey)){
altKey = false;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(shiftKey)){
shiftKey = false;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(metaKey)){
metaKey = false;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(keyCode)){
keyCode = 0;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(charCode)){
charCode = 0;
//check for DOM-compliant browsers first
if (YAHOO.lang.isFunction(document.createEvent)){
//try to create a mouse event
var event /*:MouseEvent*/ = null;
try {
//try to create key event
event = document.createEvent("KeyEvents");
* Interesting problem: Firefox implemented a non-standard
* version of initKeyEvent() based on DOM Level 2 specs.
* Key event was removed from DOM Level 2 and re-introduced
* in DOM Level 3 with a different interface. Firefox is the
* only browser with any implementation of Key Events, so for
* now, assume it's Firefox if the above line doesn't error.
//TODO: Decipher between Firefox's implementation and a correct one.
event.initKeyEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, ctrlKey,
altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, keyCode, charCode);
} catch (ex /*:Error*/){
* If it got here, that means key events aren't officially supported.
* Safari/WebKit is a real problem now. WebKit 522 won't let you
* set keyCode, charCode, or other properties if you use a
* UIEvent, so we first must try to create a generic event. The
* fun part is that this will throw an error on Safari 2.x. The
* end result is that we need another try...catch statement just to
* deal with this mess.
try {
//try to create generic event - will fail in Safari 2.x
event = document.createEvent("Events");
} catch (uierror /*:Error*/){
//the above failed, so create a UIEvent for Safari 2.x
event = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
} finally {
event.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
event.view = view;
event.altKey = altKey;
event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
event.shiftKey = shiftKey;
event.metaKey = metaKey;
event.keyCode = keyCode;
event.charCode = charCode;
//fire the event
} else if (YAHOO.lang.isObject(document.createEventObject)){ //IE
//create an IE event object
event = document.createEventObject();
//assign available properties
event.bubbles = bubbles;
event.cancelable = cancelable;
event.view = view;
event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
event.altKey = altKey;
event.shiftKey = shiftKey;
event.metaKey = metaKey;
* IE doesn't support charCode explicitly. CharCode should
* take precedence over any keyCode value for accurate
* representation.
event.keyCode = (charCode > 0) ? charCode : keyCode;
//fire the event
target.fireEvent("on" + type, event);
} else {
throw new Error("simulateKeyEvent(): No event simulation framework present.");
* Simulates a mouse event using the given event information to populate
* the generated event object. This method does browser-equalizing
* calculations to account for differences in the DOM and IE event models
* as well as different browser quirks.
* @method simulateMouseEvent
* @private
* @static
* @param {HTMLElement} target The target of the given event.
* @param {String} type The type of event to fire. This can be any one of
* the following: click, dblclick, mousedown, mouseup, mouseout,
* mouseover, and mousemove.
* @param {Boolean} bubbles (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* bubbled up. DOM Level 2 specifies that all mouse events bubble by
* default. The default is true.
* @param {Boolean} cancelable (Optional) Indicates if the event can be
* canceled using preventDefault(). DOM Level 2 specifies that all
* mouse events except mousemove can be cancelled. The default
* is true for all events except mousemove, for which the default
* is false.
* @param {Window} view (Optional) The view containing the target. This is
* typically the window object. The default is window.
* @param {int} detail (Optional) The number of times the mouse button has
* been used. The default value is 1.
* @param {int} screenX (Optional) The x-coordinate on the screen at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {int} screenY (Optional) The y-coordinate on the screen at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {int} clientX (Optional) The x-coordinate on the client at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {int} clientY (Optional) The y-coordinate on the client at which
* point the event occured. The default is 0.
* @param {Boolean} ctrlKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the CTRL keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} altKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the ALT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} shiftKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the SHIFT keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {Boolean} metaKey (Optional) Indicates if one of the META keys
* is pressed while the event is firing. The default is false.
* @param {int} button (Optional) The button being pressed while the event
* is executing. The value should be 0 for the primary mouse button
* (typically the left button), 1 for the terciary mouse button
* (typically the middle button), and 2 for the secondary mouse button
* (typically the right button). The default is 0.
* @param {HTMLElement} relatedTarget (Optional) For mouseout events,
* this is the element that the mouse has moved to. For mouseover
* events, this is the element that the mouse has moved from. This
* argument is ignored for all other events. The default is null.
simulateMouseEvent : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, type /*:String*/,
bubbles /*:Boolean*/, cancelable /*:Boolean*/,
view /*:Window*/, detail /*:int*/,
screenX /*:int*/, screenY /*:int*/,
clientX /*:int*/, clientY /*:int*/,
ctrlKey /*:Boolean*/, altKey /*:Boolean*/,
shiftKey /*:Boolean*/, metaKey /*:Boolean*/,
button /*:int*/, relatedTarget /*:HTMLElement*/) /*:Void*/
//check target
target = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(target);
if (!target){
throw new Error("simulateMouseEvent(): Invalid target.");
//check event type
if (YAHOO.lang.isString(type)){
type = type.toLowerCase();
case "mouseover":
case "mouseout":
case "mousedown":
case "mouseup":
case "click":
case "dblclick":
case "mousemove":
throw new Error("simulateMouseEvent(): Event type '" + type + "' not supported.");
} else {
throw new Error("simulateMouseEvent(): Event type must be a string.");
//setup default values
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(bubbles)){
bubbles = true; //all mouse events bubble
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(cancelable)){
cancelable = (type != "mousemove"); //mousemove is the only one that can't be cancelled
if (!YAHOO.lang.isObject(view)){
view = window; //view is typically window
if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(detail)){
detail = 1; //number of mouse clicks must be at least one
if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(screenX)){
screenX = 0;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(screenY)){
screenY = 0;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(clientX)){
clientX = 0;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(clientY)){
clientY = 0;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(ctrlKey)){
ctrlKey = false;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(altKey)){
altKey = false;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(shiftKey)){
shiftKey = false;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(metaKey)){
metaKey = false;
if (!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(button)){
button = 0;
//check for DOM-compliant browsers first
if (YAHOO.lang.isFunction(document.createEvent)){
//try to create a mouse event
var event /*:MouseEvent*/ = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
//Safari 2.x (WebKit 418) still doesn't implement initMouseEvent()
if (event.initMouseEvent){
event.initMouseEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, view, detail,
screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY,
ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey,
button, relatedTarget);
} else { //Safari
//the closest thing available in Safari 2.x is UIEvents
event = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
event.initEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
event.view = view;
event.detail = detail;
event.screenX = screenX;
event.screenY = screenY;
event.clientX = clientX;
event.clientY = clientY;
event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
event.altKey = altKey;
event.metaKey = metaKey;
event.shiftKey = shiftKey;
event.button = button;
event.relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
* Check to see if relatedTarget has been assigned. Firefox
* versions less than 2.0 don't allow it to be assigned via
* initMouseEvent() and the property is readonly after event
* creation, so in order to keep YAHOO.util.getRelatedTarget()
* working, assign to the IE proprietary toElement property
* for mouseout event and fromElement property for mouseover
* event.
if (relatedTarget && !event.relatedTarget){
if (type == "mouseout"){
event.toElement = relatedTarget;
} else if (type == "mouseover"){
event.fromElement = relatedTarget;
//fire the event
} else if (YAHOO.lang.isObject(document.createEventObject)){ //IE
//create an IE event object
event = document.createEventObject();
//assign available properties
event.bubbles = bubbles;
event.cancelable = cancelable;
event.view = view;
event.detail = detail;
event.screenX = screenX;
event.screenY = screenY;
event.clientX = clientX;
event.clientY = clientY;
event.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
event.altKey = altKey;
event.metaKey = metaKey;
event.shiftKey = shiftKey;
//fix button property for IE's wacky implementation
case 0:
event.button = 1;
case 1:
event.button = 4;
case 2:
//leave as is
event.button = 0;
* Have to use relatedTarget because IE won't allow assignment
* to toElement or fromElement on generic events. This keeps
* YAHOO.util.Event.getRelatedTarget() functional.
event.relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
//fire the event
target.fireEvent("on" + type, event);
} else {
throw new Error("simulateMouseEvent(): No event simulation framework present.");
// Mouse events
* Simulates a mouse event on a particular element.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The element to click on.
* @param {String} type The type of event to fire. This can be any one of
* the following: click, dblclick, mousedown, mouseup, mouseout,
* mouseover, and mousemove.
* @param {Object} options Additional event options (use DOM standard names).
* @method mouseEvent
* @static
fireMouseEvent : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, type /*:String*/,
options /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/
options = options || {};
this.simulateMouseEvent(target, type, options.bubbles,
options.cancelable, options.view, options.detail, options.screenX,
options.screenY, options.clientX, options.clientY, options.ctrlKey,
options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey, options.button,
* Simulates a click on a particular element.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The element to click on.
* @param {Object} options Additional event options (use DOM standard names).
* @method click
* @static
click : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, options /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
this.fireMouseEvent(target, "click", options);
* Simulates a double click on a particular element.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The element to double click on.
* @param {Object} options Additional event options (use DOM standard names).
* @method dblclick
* @static
dblclick : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, options /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
this.fireMouseEvent( target, "dblclick", options);
* Simulates a mousedown on a particular element.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The element to act on.
* @param {Object} options Additional event options (use DOM standard names).
* @method mousedown
* @static
mousedown : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, options /*Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
this.fireMouseEvent(target, "mousedown", options);
* Simulates a mousemove on a particular element.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The element to act on.
* @param {Object} options Additional event options (use DOM standard names).
* @method mousemove
* @static
mousemove : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, options /*Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
this.fireMouseEvent(target, "mousemove", options);
* Simulates a mouseout event on a particular element. Use "relatedTarget"
* on the options object to specify where the mouse moved to.
* Quirks: Firefox less than 2.0 doesn't set relatedTarget properly, so
* toElement is assigned in its place. IE doesn't allow toElement to be
* be assigned, so relatedTarget is assigned in its place. Both of these
* concessions allow YAHOO.util.Event.getRelatedTarget() to work correctly
* in both browsers.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The element to act on.
* @param {Object} options Additional event options (use DOM standard names).
* @method mouseout
* @static
mouseout : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, options /*Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
this.fireMouseEvent(target, "mouseout", options);
* Simulates a mouseover event on a particular element. Use "relatedTarget"
* on the options object to specify where the mouse moved from.
* Quirks: Firefox less than 2.0 doesn't set relatedTarget properly, so
* fromElement is assigned in its place. IE doesn't allow fromElement to be
* be assigned, so relatedTarget is assigned in its place. Both of these
* concessions allow YAHOO.util.Event.getRelatedTarget() to work correctly
* in both browsers.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The element to act on.
* @param {Object} options Additional event options (use DOM standard names).
* @method mouseover
* @static
mouseover : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, options /*Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
this.fireMouseEvent(target, "mouseover", options);
* Simulates a mouseup on a particular element.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The element to act on.
* @param {Object} options Additional event options (use DOM standard names).
* @method mouseup
* @static
mouseup : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, options /*Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
this.fireMouseEvent(target, "mouseup", options);
// Key events
* Fires an event that normally would be fired by the keyboard (keyup,
* keydown, keypress). Make sure to specify either keyCode or charCode as
* an option.
* @private
* @param {String} type The type of event ("keyup", "keydown" or "keypress").
* @param {HTMLElement} target The target of the event.
* @param {Object} options Options for the event. Either keyCode or charCode
* are required.
* @method fireKeyEvent
* @static
fireKeyEvent : function (type /*:String*/, target /*:HTMLElement*/,
options /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/
options = options || {};
this.simulateKeyEvent(target, type, options.bubbles,
options.cancelable, options.view, options.ctrlKey,
options.altKey, options.shiftKey, options.metaKey,
options.keyCode, options.charCode);
* Simulates a keydown event on a particular element.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The element to act on.
* @param {Object} options Additional event options (use DOM standard names).
* @method keydown
* @static
keydown : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, options /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
this.fireKeyEvent("keydown", target, options);
* Simulates a keypress on a particular element.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The element to act on.
* @param {Object} options Additional event options (use DOM standard names).
* @method keypress
* @static
keypress : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, options /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
this.fireKeyEvent("keypress", target, options);
* Simulates a keyup event on a particular element.
* @param {HTMLElement} target The element to act on.
* @param {Object} options Additional event options (use DOM standard names).
* @method keyup
* @static
keyup : function (target /*:HTMLElement*/, options /*Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
this.fireKeyEvent("keyup", target, options);
// TestManager object
* Runs pages containing test suite definitions.
* @namespace YAHOO.tool
* @class TestManager
* @static
YAHOO.tool.TestManager = {
* Constant for the testpagebegin custom event
* @static
* @type string
* @final
TEST_PAGE_BEGIN_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testpagebegin",
* Constant for the testpagecomplete custom event
* @static
* @type string
* @final
TEST_PAGE_COMPLETE_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testpagecomplete",
* Constant for the testmanagerbegin custom event
* @static
* @type string
* @final
TEST_MANAGER_BEGIN_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testmanagerbegin",
* Constant for the testmanagercomplete custom event
* @static
* @type string
* @final
TEST_MANAGER_COMPLETE_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testmanagercomplete",
// Private Properties
* The URL of the page currently being executed.
* @type String
* @private
* @property _curPage
* @static
_curPage /*:String*/ : null,
* The frame used to load and run tests.
* @type Window
* @private
* @property _frame
* @static
_frame /*:Window*/ : null,
* The logger used to output results from the various tests.
* @type YAHOO.tool.TestLogger
* @private
* @property _logger
* @static
_logger : null,
* The timeout ID for the next iteration through the tests.
* @type int
* @private
* @property _timeoutId
* @static
_timeoutId /*:int*/ : 0,
* Array of pages to load.
* @type String[]
* @private
* @property _pages
* @static
_pages /*:String[]*/ : [],
* Aggregated results
* @type Object
* @private
* @property _results
* @static
_results: null,
// Private Methods
* Handles TestRunner.COMPLETE_EVENT, storing the results and beginning
* the loop again.
* @param {Object} data Data about the event.
* @return {Void}
* @private
* @static
_handleTestRunnerComplete : function (data /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_PAGE_COMPLETE_EVENT, {
page: this._curPage,
results: data.results
//save results
//this._results[this.curPage] = data.results;
//process 'em
this._processResults(this._curPage, data.results);
//if there's more to do, set a timeout to begin again
if (this._pages.length){
this._timeoutId = setTimeout(function(){
}, 1000);
* Processes the results of a test page run, outputting log messages
* for failed tests.
* @return {Void}
* @private
* @static
_processResults : function (page /*:String*/, results /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
var r = this._results;
r.page_results[page] = results;
if (results.passed) {
r.tests_passed += results.passed;
if (results.failed) {
r.tests_failed += results.failed;
} else {
if (!this._pages.length) {
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_MANAGER_COMPLETE_EVENT, this._results);
* Loads the next test page into the iframe.
* @return {Void}
* @static
* @private
_run : function () /*:Void*/ {
//set the current page
this._curPage = this._pages.shift();
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_PAGE_BEGIN_EVENT, this._curPage);
//load the frame - destroy history in case there are other iframes that
//need testing
// Public Methods
* Signals that a test page has been loaded. This should be called from
* within the test page itself to notify the TestManager that it is ready.
* @return {Void}
* @static
load : function () /*:Void*/ {
if (parent.YAHOO.tool.TestManager !== this){
} else {
if (this._frame) {
//assign event handling
var TestRunner = this._frame.YAHOO.tool.TestRunner;
TestRunner.subscribe(TestRunner.COMPLETE_EVENT, this._handleTestRunnerComplete, this, true);
//run it
* Sets the pages to be loaded.
* @param {String[]} pages An array of URLs to load.
* @return {Void}
* @static
setPages : function (pages /*:String[]*/) /*:Void*/ {
this._pages = pages;
* Begins the process of running the tests.
* @return {Void}
* @static
start : function () /*:Void*/ {
if (!this._initialized) {
* Fires when loading a test page
* @event testpagebegin
* @param curPage {string} the page being loaded
* @static
* Fires when a test page is complete
* @event testpagecomplete
* @param obj {page: string, results: object} the name of the
* page that was loaded, and the test suite results
* @static
* Fires when the test manager starts running all test pages
* @event testmanagerbegin
* @static
* Fires when the test manager finishes running all test pages. External
* test runners should subscribe to this event in order to get the
* aggregated test results.
* @event testmanagercomplete
* @param obj { pages_passed: int, pages_failed: int, tests_passed: int
* tests_failed: int, passed: string[], failed: string[],
* page_results: {} }
* @static
//create iframe if not already available
if (!this._frame){
var frame /*:HTMLElement*/ = document.createElement("iframe");
frame.style.visibility = "hidden";
frame.style.position = "absolute";
this._frame = frame.contentWindow || frame.contentDocument.ownerWindow;
//create test logger if not already available
if (!this._logger){
this._logger = new YAHOO.tool.TestLogger();
this._initialized = true;
// reset the results cache
this._results = {
// number of pages that pass
pages_passed: 0,
// number of pages that fail
pages_failed: 0,
// total number of tests passed
tests_passed: 0,
// total number of tests failed
tests_failed: 0,
// array of pages that passed
passed: [],
// array of pages that failed
failed: [],
// map of full results for each page
page_results: {}
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_MANAGER_BEGIN_EVENT, null);
* Stops the execution of tests.
* @return {Void}
* @static
stop : function () /*:Void*/ {
YAHOO.lang.augmentObject(YAHOO.tool.TestManager, YAHOO.util.EventProvider.prototype);
YAHOO.register("yuitest", YAHOO.tool.TestRunner, {version: "2.3.0", build: "442"});