Copyright (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.3.0
(function () {
* Config is a utility used within an Object to allow the implementer to
* maintain a list of local configuration properties and listen for changes
* to those properties dynamically using CustomEvent. The initial values are
* also maintained so that the configuration can be reset at any given point
* to its initial state.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @class Config
* @constructor
* @param {Object} owner The owner Object to which this Config Object belongs
YAHOO.util.Config = function (owner) {
if (owner) {
if (!owner) {
YAHOO.log("No owner specified for Config object", "error");
var Lang = YAHOO.lang,
CustomEvent = YAHOO.util.CustomEvent,
Config = YAHOO.util.Config;
* Constant representing the CustomEvent type for the config changed event.
* @property YAHOO.util.Config.CONFIG_CHANGED_EVENT
* @private
* @static
* @final
Config.CONFIG_CHANGED_EVENT = "configChanged";
* Constant representing the boolean type string
* @property YAHOO.util.Config.BOOLEAN_TYPE
* @private
* @static
* @final
Config.BOOLEAN_TYPE = "boolean";
Config.prototype = {
* Object reference to the owner of this Config Object
* @property owner
* @type Object
owner: null,
* Boolean flag that specifies whether a queue is currently
* being executed
* @property queueInProgress
* @type Boolean
queueInProgress: false,
* Maintains the local collection of configuration property objects and
* their specified values
* @property config
* @private
* @type Object
config: null,
* Maintains the local collection of configuration property objects as
* they were initially applied.
* This object is used when resetting a property.
* @property initialConfig
* @private
* @type Object
initialConfig: null,
* Maintains the local, normalized CustomEvent queue
* @property eventQueue
* @private
* @type Object
eventQueue: null,
* Custom Event, notifying subscribers when Config properties are set
* (setProperty is called without the silent flag
* @event configChangedEvent
configChangedEvent: null,
* Initializes the configuration Object and all of its local members.
* @method init
* @param {Object} owner The owner Object to which this Config
* Object belongs
init: function (owner) {
this.owner = owner;
this.configChangedEvent =
this.configChangedEvent.signature = CustomEvent.LIST;
this.queueInProgress = false;
this.config = {};
this.initialConfig = {};
this.eventQueue = [];
* Validates that the value passed in is a Boolean.
* @method checkBoolean
* @param {Object} val The value to validate
* @return {Boolean} true, if the value is valid
checkBoolean: function (val) {
return (typeof val == Config.BOOLEAN_TYPE);
* Validates that the value passed in is a number.
* @method checkNumber
* @param {Object} val The value to validate
* @return {Boolean} true, if the value is valid
checkNumber: function (val) {
return (!isNaN(val));
* Fires a configuration property event using the specified value.
* @method fireEvent
* @private
* @param {String} key The configuration property's name
* @param {value} Object The value of the correct type for the property
fireEvent: function ( key, value ) {
YAHOO.log("Firing Config event: " + key + "=" + value, "info");
var property = this.config[key];
if (property && property.event) {
* Adds a property to the Config Object's private config hash.
* @method addProperty
* @param {String} key The configuration property's name
* @param {Object} propertyObject The Object containing all of this
* property's arguments
addProperty: function ( key, propertyObject ) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
YAHOO.log("Added property: " + key, "info");
this.config[key] = propertyObject;
propertyObject.event = this.createEvent(key, { scope: this.owner });
propertyObject.event.signature = CustomEvent.LIST;
propertyObject.key = key;
if (propertyObject.handler) {
this.setProperty(key, propertyObject.value, true);
if (! propertyObject.suppressEvent) {
this.queueProperty(key, propertyObject.value);
* Returns a key-value configuration map of the values currently set in
* the Config Object.
* @method getConfig
* @return {Object} The current config, represented in a key-value map
getConfig: function () {
var cfg = {},
for (prop in this.config) {
property = this.config[prop];
if (property && property.event) {
cfg[prop] = property.value;
return cfg;
* Returns the value of specified property.
* @method getProperty
* @param {String} key The name of the property
* @return {Object} The value of the specified property
getProperty: function (key) {
var property = this.config[key.toLowerCase()];
if (property && property.event) {
return property.value;
} else {
return undefined;
* Resets the specified property's value to its initial value.
* @method resetProperty
* @param {String} key The name of the property
* @return {Boolean} True is the property was reset, false if not
resetProperty: function (key) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
var property = this.config[key];
if (property && property.event) {
if (this.initialConfig[key] &&
!Lang.isUndefined(this.initialConfig[key])) {
this.setProperty(key, this.initialConfig[key]);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Sets the value of a property. If the silent property is passed as
* true, the property's event will not be fired.
* @method setProperty
* @param {String} key The name of the property
* @param {String} value The value to set the property to
* @param {Boolean} silent Whether the value should be set silently,
* without firing the property event.
* @return {Boolean} True, if the set was successful, false if it failed.
setProperty: function (key, value, silent) {
var property;
key = key.toLowerCase();
YAHOO.log("setProperty: " + key + "=" + value, "info");
if (this.queueInProgress && ! silent) {
// Currently running through a queue...
return true;
} else {
property = this.config[key];
if (property && property.event) {
if (property.validator && !property.validator(value)) {
return false;
} else {
property.value = value;
if (! silent) {
this.fireEvent(key, value);
this.configChangedEvent.fire([key, value]);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Sets the value of a property and queues its event to execute. If the
* event is already scheduled to execute, it is
* moved from its current position to the end of the queue.
* @method queueProperty
* @param {String} key The name of the property
* @param {String} value The value to set the property to
* @return {Boolean} true, if the set was successful, false if
* it failed.
queueProperty: function (key, value) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
YAHOO.log("queueProperty: " + key + "=" + value, "info");
var property = this.config[key],
foundDuplicate = false,
if (property && property.event) {
if (!Lang.isUndefined(value) && property.validator &&
!property.validator(value)) { // validator
return false;
} else {
if (!Lang.isUndefined(value)) {
property.value = value;
} else {
value = property.value;
foundDuplicate = false;
iLen = this.eventQueue.length;
for (i = 0; i < iLen; i++) {
queueItem = this.eventQueue[i];
if (queueItem) {
queueItemKey = queueItem[0];
queueItemValue = queueItem[1];
if (queueItemKey == key) {
found a dupe... push to end of queue, null
current item, and break
this.eventQueue[i] = null;
[key, (!Lang.isUndefined(value) ?
value : queueItemValue)]);
foundDuplicate = true;
// this is a refire, or a new property in the queue
if (! foundDuplicate && !Lang.isUndefined(value)) {
this.eventQueue.push([key, value]);
if (property.supercedes) {
sLen = property.supercedes.length;
for (s = 0; s < sLen; s++) {
supercedesCheck = property.supercedes[s];
qLen = this.eventQueue.length;
for (q = 0; q < qLen; q++) {
queueItemCheck = this.eventQueue[q];
if (queueItemCheck) {
queueItemCheckKey = queueItemCheck[0];
queueItemCheckValue = queueItemCheck[1];
if (queueItemCheckKey ==
supercedesCheck.toLowerCase() ) {
this.eventQueue[q] = null;
YAHOO.log("Config event queue: " + this.outputEventQueue(), "info");
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Fires the event for a property using the property's current value.
* @method refireEvent
* @param {String} key The name of the property
refireEvent: function (key) {
key = key.toLowerCase();
var property = this.config[key];
if (property && property.event &&
!Lang.isUndefined(property.value)) {
if (this.queueInProgress) {
} else {
this.fireEvent(key, property.value);
* Applies a key-value Object literal to the configuration, replacing
* any existing values, and queueing the property events.
* Although the values will be set, fireQueue() must be called for their
* associated events to execute.
* @method applyConfig
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration Object literal
* @param {Boolean} init When set to true, the initialConfig will
* be set to the userConfig passed in, so that calling a reset will
* reset the properties to the passed values.
applyConfig: function (userConfig, init) {
var sKey,
if (init) {
oConfig = {};
for (sKey in userConfig) {
if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(userConfig, sKey)) {
oConfig[sKey.toLowerCase()] = userConfig[sKey];
this.initialConfig = oConfig;
for (sKey in userConfig) {
if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(userConfig, sKey)) {
this.queueProperty(sKey, userConfig[sKey]);
* Refires the events for all configuration properties using their
* current values.
* @method refresh
refresh: function () {
var prop;
for (prop in this.config) {
* Fires the normalized list of queued property change events
* @method fireQueue
fireQueue: function () {
var i,
this.queueInProgress = true;
for (i = 0;i < this.eventQueue.length; i++) {
queueItem = this.eventQueue[i];
if (queueItem) {
key = queueItem[0];
value = queueItem[1];
property = this.config[key];
property.value = value;
this.queueInProgress = false;
this.eventQueue = [];
* Subscribes an external handler to the change event for any
* given property.
* @method subscribeToConfigEvent
* @param {String} key The property name
* @param {Function} handler The handler function to use subscribe to
* the property's event
* @param {Object} obj The Object to use for scoping the event handler
* (see CustomEvent documentation)
* @param {Boolean} override Optional. If true, will override "this"
* within the handler to map to the scope Object passed into the method.
* @return {Boolean} True, if the subscription was successful,
* otherwise false.
subscribeToConfigEvent: function (key, handler, obj, override) {
var property = this.config[key.toLowerCase()];
if (property && property.event) {
if (!Config.alreadySubscribed(property.event, handler, obj)) {
property.event.subscribe(handler, obj, override);
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Unsubscribes an external handler from the change event for any
* given property.
* @method unsubscribeFromConfigEvent
* @param {String} key The property name
* @param {Function} handler The handler function to use subscribe to
* the property's event
* @param {Object} obj The Object to use for scoping the event
* handler (see CustomEvent documentation)
* @return {Boolean} True, if the unsubscription was successful,
* otherwise false.
unsubscribeFromConfigEvent: function (key, handler, obj) {
var property = this.config[key.toLowerCase()];
if (property && property.event) {
return property.event.unsubscribe(handler, obj);
} else {
return false;
* Returns a string representation of the Config object
* @method toString
* @return {String} The Config object in string format.
toString: function () {
var output = "Config";
if (this.owner) {
output += " [" + this.owner.toString() + "]";
return output;
* Returns a string representation of the Config object's current
* CustomEvent queue
* @method outputEventQueue
* @return {String} The string list of CustomEvents currently queued
* for execution
outputEventQueue: function () {
var output = "",
nQueue = this.eventQueue.length;
for (q = 0; q < nQueue; q++) {
queueItem = this.eventQueue[q];
if (queueItem) {
output += queueItem[0] + "=" + queueItem[1] + ", ";
return output;
* Sets all properties to null, unsubscribes all listeners from each
* property's change event and all listeners from the configChangedEvent.
* @method destroy
destroy: function () {
var oConfig = this.config,
for (sProperty in oConfig) {
if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(oConfig, sProperty)) {
oProperty = oConfig[sProperty];
oProperty.event = null;
this.configChangedEvent = null;
this.owner = null;
this.config = null;
this.initialConfig = null;
this.eventQueue = null;
* Checks to determine if a particular function/Object pair are already
* subscribed to the specified CustomEvent
* @method YAHOO.util.Config.alreadySubscribed
* @static
* @param {YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} evt The CustomEvent for which to check
* the subscriptions
* @param {Function} fn The function to look for in the subscribers list
* @param {Object} obj The execution scope Object for the subscription
* @return {Boolean} true, if the function/Object pair is already subscribed
* to the CustomEvent passed in
Config.alreadySubscribed = function (evt, fn, obj) {
var nSubscribers = evt.subscribers.length,
if (nSubscribers > 0) {
i = nSubscribers - 1;
do {
subsc = evt.subscribers[i];
if (subsc && subsc.obj == obj && subsc.fn == fn) {
return true;
while (i--);
return false;
YAHOO.lang.augmentProto(Config, YAHOO.util.EventProvider);
(function () {
* The Container family of components is designed to enable developers to
* create different kinds of content-containing modules on the web. Module
* and Overlay are the most basic containers, and they can be used directly
* or extended to build custom containers. Also part of the Container family
* are four UI controls that extend Module and Overlay: Tooltip, Panel,
* Dialog, and SimpleDialog.
* @module container
* @title Container
* @requires yahoo, dom, event
* @optional dragdrop, animation, button
* Module is a JavaScript representation of the Standard Module Format.
* Standard Module Format is a simple standard for markup containers where
* child nodes representing the header, body, and footer of the content are
* denoted using the CSS classes "hd", "bd", and "ft" respectively.
* Module is the base class for all other classes in the YUI
* Container package.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class Module
* @constructor
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the Module <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Module
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration Object literal containing
* the configuration that should be set for this module. See configuration
* documentation for more details.
YAHOO.widget.Module = function (el, userConfig) {
if (el) {
this.init(el, userConfig);
} else {
YAHOO.log("No element or element ID specified" +
" for Module instantiation", "error");
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Config = YAHOO.util.Config,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
CustomEvent = YAHOO.util.CustomEvent,
Module = YAHOO.widget.Module,
* Constant representing the name of the Module's events
* @property EVENT_TYPES
* @private
* @final
* @type Object
"BEFORE_INIT": "beforeInit",
"INIT": "init",
"APPEND": "append",
"BEFORE_RENDER": "beforeRender",
"RENDER": "render",
"CHANGE_HEADER": "changeHeader",
"CHANGE_BODY": "changeBody",
"CHANGE_FOOTER": "changeFooter",
"CHANGE_CONTENT": "changeContent",
"DESTORY": "destroy",
"BEFORE_SHOW": "beforeShow",
"SHOW": "show",
"BEFORE_HIDE": "beforeHide",
"HIDE": "hide"
* Constant representing the Module's configuration properties
* @property DEFAULT_CONFIG
* @private
* @final
* @type Object
key: "visible",
value: true,
validator: YAHOO.lang.isBoolean
key: "effect",
suppressEvent: true,
supercedes: ["visible"]
key: "monitorresize",
value: true
* Constant representing the prefix path to use for non-secure images
* @property YAHOO.widget.Module.IMG_ROOT
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Module.IMG_ROOT = null;
* Constant representing the prefix path to use for securely served images
* @property YAHOO.widget.Module.IMG_ROOT_SSL
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Module.IMG_ROOT_SSL = null;
* Constant for the default CSS class name that represents a Module
* @property YAHOO.widget.Module.CSS_MODULE
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Module.CSS_MODULE = "yui-module";
* Constant representing the module header
* @property YAHOO.widget.Module.CSS_HEADER
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Module.CSS_HEADER = "hd";
* Constant representing the module body
* @property YAHOO.widget.Module.CSS_BODY
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Module.CSS_BODY = "bd";
* Constant representing the module footer
* @property YAHOO.widget.Module.CSS_FOOTER
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Module.CSS_FOOTER = "ft";
* Constant representing the url for the "src" attribute of the iframe
* used to monitor changes to the browser's base font size
* @property YAHOO.widget.Module.RESIZE_MONITOR_SECURE_URL
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Module.RESIZE_MONITOR_SECURE_URL = "javascript:false;";
* Singleton CustomEvent fired when the font size is changed in the browser.
* Opera's "zoom" functionality currently does not support text
* size detection.
* @event YAHOO.widget.Module.textResizeEvent
Module.textResizeEvent = new CustomEvent("textResize");
function createModuleTemplate() {
if (!m_oModuleTemplate) {
m_oModuleTemplate = document.createElement("div");
m_oModuleTemplate.innerHTML = ("<div class=\"" +
Module.CSS_HEADER + "\"></div>" + "<div class=\"" +
Module.CSS_BODY + "\"></div><div class=\"" +
Module.CSS_FOOTER + "\"></div>");
m_oHeaderTemplate = m_oModuleTemplate.firstChild;
m_oBodyTemplate = m_oHeaderTemplate.nextSibling;
m_oFooterTemplate = m_oBodyTemplate.nextSibling;
return m_oModuleTemplate;
function createHeader() {
if (!m_oHeaderTemplate) {
return (m_oHeaderTemplate.cloneNode(false));
function createBody() {
if (!m_oBodyTemplate) {
return (m_oBodyTemplate.cloneNode(false));
function createFooter() {
if (!m_oFooterTemplate) {
return (m_oFooterTemplate.cloneNode(false));
Module.prototype = {
* The class's constructor function
* @property contructor
* @type Function
constructor: Module,
* The main module element that contains the header, body, and footer
* @property element
* @type HTMLElement
element: null,
* The header element, denoted with CSS class "hd"
* @property header
* @type HTMLElement
header: null,
* The body element, denoted with CSS class "bd"
* @property body
* @type HTMLElement
body: null,
* The footer element, denoted with CSS class "ft"
* @property footer
* @type HTMLElement
footer: null,
* The id of the element
* @property id
* @type String
id: null,
* A string representing the root path for all images created by
* a Module instance.
* @deprecated It is recommend that any images for a Module be applied
* via CSS using the "background-image" property.
* @property imageRoot
* @type String
imageRoot: Module.IMG_ROOT,
* Initializes the custom events for Module which are fired
* automatically at appropriate times by the Module class.
* @method initEvents
initEvents: function () {
var SIGNATURE = CustomEvent.LIST;
* CustomEvent fired prior to class initalization.
* @event beforeInitEvent
* @param {class} classRef class reference of the initializing
* class, such as this.beforeInitEvent.fire(Module)
this.beforeInitEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.BEFORE_INIT);
this.beforeInitEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired after class initalization.
* @event initEvent
* @param {class} classRef class reference of the initializing
* class, such as this.beforeInitEvent.fire(Module)
this.initEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.INIT);
this.initEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired when the Module is appended to the DOM
* @event appendEvent
this.appendEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.APPEND);
this.appendEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired before the Module is rendered
* @event beforeRenderEvent
this.beforeRenderEvent =
this.beforeRenderEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired after the Module is rendered
* @event renderEvent
this.renderEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.RENDER);
this.renderEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired when the header content of the Module
* is modified
* @event changeHeaderEvent
* @param {String/HTMLElement} content String/element representing
* the new header content
this.changeHeaderEvent =
this.changeHeaderEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired when the body content of the Module is modified
* @event changeBodyEvent
* @param {String/HTMLElement} content String/element representing
* the new body content
this.changeBodyEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.CHANGE_BODY);
this.changeBodyEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired when the footer content of the Module
* is modified
* @event changeFooterEvent
* @param {String/HTMLElement} content String/element representing
* the new footer content
this.changeFooterEvent =
this.changeFooterEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired when the content of the Module is modified
* @event changeContentEvent
this.changeContentEvent =
this.changeContentEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired when the Module is destroyed
* @event destroyEvent
this.destroyEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.DESTORY);
this.destroyEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired before the Module is shown
* @event beforeShowEvent
this.beforeShowEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.BEFORE_SHOW);
this.beforeShowEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired after the Module is shown
* @event showEvent
this.showEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.SHOW);
this.showEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired before the Module is hidden
* @event beforeHideEvent
this.beforeHideEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.BEFORE_HIDE);
this.beforeHideEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired after the Module is hidden
* @event hideEvent
this.hideEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.HIDE);
this.hideEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* String representing the current user-agent platform
* @property platform
* @type String
platform: function () {
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (ua.indexOf("windows") != -1 || ua.indexOf("win32") != -1) {
return "windows";
} else if (ua.indexOf("macintosh") != -1) {
return "mac";
} else {
return false;
* String representing the user-agent of the browser
* @deprecated Use YAHOO.env.ua
* @property browser
* @type String
browser: function () {
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
Check Opera first in case of spoof and check Safari before
Gecko since Safari's user agent string includes "like Gecko"
if (ua.indexOf('opera') != -1) {
return 'opera';
} else if (ua.indexOf('msie 7') != -1) {
return 'ie7';
} else if (ua.indexOf('msie') != -1) {
return 'ie';
} else if (ua.indexOf('safari') != -1) {
return 'safari';
} else if (ua.indexOf('gecko') != -1) {
return 'gecko';
} else {
return false;
* Boolean representing whether or not the current browsing context is
* secure (https)
* @property isSecure
* @type Boolean
isSecure: function () {
if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("https") === 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Initializes the custom events for Module which are fired
* automatically at appropriate times by the Module class.
initDefaultConfig: function () {
// Add properties //
* Specifies whether the Module is visible on the page.
* @config visible
* @type Boolean
* @default true
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.VISIBLE.key, {
handler: this.configVisible,
validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.VISIBLE.validator
* Object or array of objects representing the ContainerEffect
* classes that are active for animating the container.
* @config effect
* @type Object
* @default null
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.EFFECT.key, {
suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.EFFECT.suppressEvent,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.EFFECT.supercedes
* Specifies whether to create a special proxy iframe to monitor
* for user font resizing in the document
* @config monitorresize
* @type Boolean
* @default true
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.MONITOR_RESIZE.key, {
handler: this.configMonitorResize,
* The Module class's initialization method, which is executed for
* Module and all of its subclasses. This method is automatically
* called by the constructor, and sets up all DOM references for
* pre-existing markup, and creates required markup if it is not
* already present.
* @method init
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the Module <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Module
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration Object literal
* containing the configuration that should be set for this module.
* See configuration documentation for more details.
init: function (el, userConfig) {
var elId, i, child;
* The Module's Config object used for monitoring
* configuration properties.
* @property cfg
* @type YAHOO.util.Config
this.cfg = new Config(this);
if (this.isSecure) {
this.imageRoot = Module.IMG_ROOT_SSL;
if (typeof el == "string") {
elId = el;
el = document.getElementById(el);
if (! el) {
el = (createModuleTemplate()).cloneNode(false);
el.id = elId;
this.element = el;
if (el.id) {
this.id = el.id;
child = this.element.firstChild;
if (child) {
do {
switch (child.className) {
case Module.CSS_HEADER:
this.header = child;
case Module.CSS_BODY:
this.body = child;
case Module.CSS_FOOTER:
this.footer = child;
} while ((child = child.nextSibling));
Dom.addClass(this.element, Module.CSS_MODULE);
if (userConfig) {
this.cfg.applyConfig(userConfig, true);
Subscribe to the fireQueue() method of Config so that any
queued configuration changes are excecuted upon render of
the Module
if (!Config.alreadySubscribed(this.renderEvent,
this.cfg.fireQueue, this.cfg)) {
this.renderEvent.subscribe(this.cfg.fireQueue, this.cfg, true);
* Initialized an empty IFRAME that is placed out of the visible area
* that can be used to detect text resize.
* @method initResizeMonitor
initResizeMonitor: function () {
var oDoc,
function fireTextResize() {
if (!YAHOO.env.ua.opera) {
oIFrame = Dom.get("_yuiResizeMonitor");
if (!oIFrame) {
oIFrame = document.createElement("iframe");
if (this.isSecure && Module.RESIZE_MONITOR_SECURE_URL &&
YAHOO.env.ua.ie) {
Need to set "src" attribute of the iframe to
prevent the browser from reporting duplicate
cookies. (See SourceForge bug #1721755)
if (YAHOO.env.ua.gecko) {
sHTML = "<html><head><script " +
"type=\"text/javascript\">" +
"window.onresize=function(){window.parent." +
"YAHOO.widget.Module.textResizeEvent." +
"fire();};window.parent.YAHOO.widget.Module." +
"textResizeEvent.fire();</script></head>" +
oIFrame.src = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," +
oIFrame.id = "_yuiResizeMonitor";
Need to set "position" property before inserting the
iframe into the document or Safari's status bar will
forever indicate the iframe is loading
(See SourceForge bug #1723064)
oIFrame.style.position = "absolute";
oIFrame.style.visibility = "hidden";
oIFrame.style.width = "10em";
oIFrame.style.height = "10em";
oIFrame.style.top = (-1 * oIFrame.offsetHeight) + "px";
oIFrame.style.left = (-1 * oIFrame.offsetWidth) + "px";
oIFrame.style.borderWidth = "0";
oIFrame.style.visibility = "visible";
if (YAHOO.env.ua.webkit) {
oDoc = oIFrame.contentWindow.document;
if (oIFrame && oIFrame.contentWindow) {
this, true);
if (!Module.textResizeInitialized) {
if (!Event.on(oIFrame.contentWindow, "resize",
fireTextResize)) {
This will fail in IE if document.domain has
changed, so we must change the listener to
use the oIFrame element instead
Event.on(oIFrame, "resize", fireTextResize);
Module.textResizeInitialized = true;
this.resizeMonitor = oIFrame;
* Event handler fired when the resize monitor element is resized.
* @method onDomResize
* @param {DOMEvent} e The DOM resize event
* @param {Object} obj The scope object passed to the handler
onDomResize: function (e, obj) {
var nLeft = -1 * this.resizeMonitor.offsetWidth,
nTop = -1 * this.resizeMonitor.offsetHeight;
this.resizeMonitor.style.top = nTop + "px";
this.resizeMonitor.style.left = nLeft + "px";
* Sets the Module's header content to the HTML specified, or appends
* the passed element to the header. If no header is present, one will
* be automatically created.
* @method setHeader
* @param {String} headerContent The HTML used to set the header
* <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} headerContent The HTMLElement to append to
* the header
setHeader: function (headerContent) {
var oHeader = this.header || (this.header = createHeader());
if (typeof headerContent == "string") {
oHeader.innerHTML = headerContent;
} else {
oHeader.innerHTML = "";
* Appends the passed element to the header. If no header is present,
* one will be automatically created.
* @method appendToHeader
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element to append to the header
appendToHeader: function (element) {
var oHeader = this.header || (this.header = createHeader());
* Sets the Module's body content to the HTML specified, or appends the
* passed element to the body. If no body is present, one will be
* automatically created.
* @method setBody
* @param {String} bodyContent The HTML used to set the body <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} bodyContent The HTMLElement to append to the body
setBody: function (bodyContent) {
var oBody = this.body || (this.body = createBody());
if (typeof bodyContent == "string") {
oBody.innerHTML = bodyContent;
} else {
oBody.innerHTML = "";
* Appends the passed element to the body. If no body is present, one
* will be automatically created.
* @method appendToBody
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element to append to the body
appendToBody: function (element) {
var oBody = this.body || (this.body = createBody());
* Sets the Module's footer content to the HTML specified, or appends
* the passed element to the footer. If no footer is present, one will
* be automatically created.
* @method setFooter
* @param {String} footerContent The HTML used to set the footer
* <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} footerContent The HTMLElement to append to
* the footer
setFooter: function (footerContent) {
var oFooter = this.footer || (this.footer = createFooter());
if (typeof footerContent == "string") {
oFooter.innerHTML = footerContent;
} else {
oFooter.innerHTML = "";
* Appends the passed element to the footer. If no footer is present,
* one will be automatically created.
* @method appendToFooter
* @param {HTMLElement} element The element to append to the footer
appendToFooter: function (element) {
var oFooter = this.footer || (this.footer = createFooter());
* Renders the Module by inserting the elements that are not already
* in the main Module into their correct places. Optionally appends
* the Module to the specified node prior to the render's execution.
* NOTE: For Modules without existing markup, the appendToNode argument
* is REQUIRED. If this argument is ommitted and the current element is
* not present in the document, the function will return false,
* indicating that the render was a failure.
* @method render
* @param {String} appendToNode The element id to which the Module
* should be appended to prior to rendering <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} appendToNode The element to which the Module
* should be appended to prior to rendering
* @param {HTMLElement} moduleElement OPTIONAL. The element that
* represents the actual Standard Module container.
* @return {Boolean} Success or failure of the render
render: function (appendToNode, moduleElement) {
var me = this,
function appendTo(element) {
if (typeof element == "string") {
element = document.getElementById(element);
if (element) {
if (! moduleElement) {
moduleElement = this.element;
if (appendToNode) {
} else {
No node was passed in. If the element is not already in
the Dom, this fails
if (! Dom.inDocument(this.element)) {
YAHOO.log("Render failed. Must specify appendTo node if " +
" Module isn't already in the DOM.", "error");
return false;
// Need to get everything into the DOM if it isn't already
if (this.header && ! Dom.inDocument(this.header)) {
There is a header, but it's not in the DOM yet...
need to add it
firstChild = moduleElement.firstChild;
if (firstChild) { // Insert before first child if exists
moduleElement.insertBefore(this.header, firstChild);
} else { // Append to empty body because there are no children
if (this.body && ! Dom.inDocument(this.body)) {
There is a body, but it's not in the DOM yet...
need to add it
// Insert before footer if exists in DOM
if (this.footer && Dom.isAncestor(
this.moduleElement, this.footer)) {
moduleElement.insertBefore(this.body, this.footer);
} else { // Append to element because there is no footer
if (this.footer && ! Dom.inDocument(this.footer)) {
There is a footer, but it's not in the DOM yet...
need to add it
return true;
* Removes the Module element from the DOM and sets all child elements
* to null.
* @method destroy
destroy: function () {
var parent,
if (this.element) {
Event.purgeElement(this.element, true);
parent = this.element.parentNode;
if (parent) {
this.element = null;
this.header = null;
this.body = null;
this.footer = null;
Module.textResizeEvent.unsubscribe(this.onDomResize, this);
this.cfg = null;
for (e in this) {
if (e instanceof CustomEvent) {
* Shows the Module element by setting the visible configuration
* property to true. Also fires two events: beforeShowEvent prior to
* the visibility change, and showEvent after.
* @method show
show: function () {
this.cfg.setProperty("visible", true);
* Hides the Module element by setting the visible configuration
* property to false. Also fires two events: beforeHideEvent prior to
* the visibility change, and hideEvent after.
* @method hide
hide: function () {
this.cfg.setProperty("visible", false);
* Default event handler for changing the visibility property of a
* Module. By default, this is achieved by switching the "display" style
* between "block" and "none".
* This method is responsible for firing showEvent and hideEvent.
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
* @method configVisible
configVisible: function (type, args, obj) {
var visible = args[0];
if (visible) {
Dom.setStyle(this.element, "display", "block");
} else {
Dom.setStyle(this.element, "display", "none");
* Default event handler for the "monitorresize" configuration property
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
* @method configMonitorResize
configMonitorResize: function (type, args, obj) {
var monitor = args[0];
if (monitor) {
} else {
this.onDomResize, this, true);
this.resizeMonitor = null;
* Returns a String representation of the Object.
* @method toString
* @return {String} The string representation of the Module
toString: function () {
return "Module " + this.id;
YAHOO.lang.augmentProto(Module, YAHOO.util.EventProvider);
(function () {
* Overlay is a Module that is absolutely positioned above the page flow. It
* has convenience methods for positioning and sizing, as well as options for
* controlling zIndex and constraining the Overlay's position to the current
* visible viewport. Overlay also contains a dynamicly generated IFRAME which
* is placed beneath it for Internet Explorer 6 and 5.x so that it will be
* properly rendered above SELECT elements.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class Overlay
* @extends Module
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the Overlay <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Overlay
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal containing
* the configuration that should be set for this Overlay. See configuration
* documentation for more details.
* @constructor
YAHOO.widget.Overlay = function (el, userConfig) {
YAHOO.widget.Overlay.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, userConfig);
var Lang = YAHOO.lang,
CustomEvent = YAHOO.util.CustomEvent,
Module = YAHOO.widget.Module,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Config = YAHOO.util.Config,
Overlay = YAHOO.widget.Overlay,
* Constant representing the name of the Overlay's events
* @property EVENT_TYPES
* @private
* @final
* @type Object
"BEFORE_MOVE": "beforeMove",
"MOVE": "move"
* Constant representing the Overlay's configuration properties
* @property DEFAULT_CONFIG
* @private
* @final
* @type Object
"X": {
key: "x",
validator: Lang.isNumber,
suppressEvent: true,
supercedes: ["iframe"]
"Y": {
key: "y",
validator: Lang.isNumber,
suppressEvent: true,
supercedes: ["iframe"]
"XY": {
key: "xy",
suppressEvent: true,
supercedes: ["iframe"]
key: "context",
suppressEvent: true,
supercedes: ["iframe"]
key: "fixedcenter",
value: false,
validator: Lang.isBoolean,
supercedes: ["iframe", "visible"]
"WIDTH": {
key: "width",
suppressEvent: true,
supercedes: ["context", "fixedcenter", "iframe"]
key: "height",
suppressEvent: true,
supercedes: ["context", "fixedcenter", "iframe"]
key: "zindex",
value: null
key: "constraintoviewport",
value: false,
validator: Lang.isBoolean,
supercedes: ["iframe", "x", "y", "xy"]
key: "iframe",
value: (YAHOO.env.ua.ie == 6 ? true : false),
validator: Lang.isBoolean,
supercedes: ["zindex"]
* The URL that will be placed in the iframe
* @property YAHOO.widget.Overlay.IFRAME_SRC
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Overlay.IFRAME_SRC = "javascript:false;";
* Number representing how much the iframe shim should be offset from each
* side of an Overlay instance.
* @property YAHOO.widget.Overlay.IFRAME_SRC
* @default 3
* @static
* @final
* @type Number
Overlay.IFRAME_OFFSET = 3;
* Constant representing the top left corner of an element, used for
* configuring the context element alignment
* @property YAHOO.widget.Overlay.TOP_LEFT
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Overlay.TOP_LEFT = "tl";
* Constant representing the top right corner of an element, used for
* configuring the context element alignment
* @property YAHOO.widget.Overlay.TOP_RIGHT
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Overlay.TOP_RIGHT = "tr";
* Constant representing the top bottom left corner of an element, used for
* configuring the context element alignment
* @property YAHOO.widget.Overlay.BOTTOM_LEFT
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Overlay.BOTTOM_LEFT = "bl";
* Constant representing the bottom right corner of an element, used for
* configuring the context element alignment
* @property YAHOO.widget.Overlay.BOTTOM_RIGHT
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Overlay.BOTTOM_RIGHT = "br";
* Constant representing the default CSS class used for an Overlay
* @property YAHOO.widget.Overlay.CSS_OVERLAY
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Overlay.CSS_OVERLAY = "yui-overlay";
* A singleton CustomEvent used for reacting to the DOM event for
* window scroll
* @event YAHOO.widget.Overlay.windowScrollEvent
Overlay.windowScrollEvent = new CustomEvent("windowScroll");
* A singleton CustomEvent used for reacting to the DOM event for
* window resize
* @event YAHOO.widget.Overlay.windowResizeEvent
Overlay.windowResizeEvent = new CustomEvent("windowResize");
* The DOM event handler used to fire the CustomEvent for window scroll
* @method YAHOO.widget.Overlay.windowScrollHandler
* @static
* @param {DOMEvent} e The DOM scroll event
Overlay.windowScrollHandler = function (e) {
if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie) {
if (! window.scrollEnd) {
window.scrollEnd = -1;
window.scrollEnd = setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
} else {
* The DOM event handler used to fire the CustomEvent for window resize
* @method YAHOO.widget.Overlay.windowResizeHandler
* @static
* @param {DOMEvent} e The DOM resize event
Overlay.windowResizeHandler = function (e) {
if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie) {
if (! window.resizeEnd) {
window.resizeEnd = -1;
window.resizeEnd = setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
} else {
* A boolean that indicated whether the window resize and scroll events have
* already been subscribed to.
* @property YAHOO.widget.Overlay._initialized
* @private
* @type Boolean
Overlay._initialized = null;
if (Overlay._initialized === null) {
Event.on(window, "scroll", Overlay.windowScrollHandler);
Event.on(window, "resize", Overlay.windowResizeHandler);
Overlay._initialized = true;
YAHOO.extend(Overlay, Module, {
* The Overlay initialization method, which is executed for Overlay and
* all of its subclasses. This method is automatically called by the
* constructor, and sets up all DOM references for pre-existing markup,
* and creates required markup if it is not already present.
* @method init
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the Overlay <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Overlay
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal
* containing the configuration that should be set for this Overlay.
* See configuration documentation for more details.
init: function (el, userConfig) {
Note that we don't pass the user config in here yet because we
only want it executed once, at the lowest subclass level
Overlay.superclass.init.call(this, el/*, userConfig*/);
Dom.addClass(this.element, Overlay.CSS_OVERLAY);
if (userConfig) {
this.cfg.applyConfig(userConfig, true);
if (this.platform == "mac" && YAHOO.env.ua.gecko) {
if (! Config.alreadySubscribed(this.showEvent,
this.showMacGeckoScrollbars, this)) {
this, true);
if (! Config.alreadySubscribed(this.hideEvent,
this.hideMacGeckoScrollbars, this)) {
this, true);
* Initializes the custom events for Overlay which are fired
* automatically at appropriate times by the Overlay class.
* @method initEvents
initEvents: function () {
var SIGNATURE = CustomEvent.LIST;
* CustomEvent fired before the Overlay is moved.
* @event beforeMoveEvent
* @param {Number} x x coordinate
* @param {Number} y y coordinate
this.beforeMoveEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.BEFORE_MOVE);
this.beforeMoveEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired after the Overlay is moved.
* @event moveEvent
* @param {Number} x x coordinate
* @param {Number} y y coordinate
this.moveEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.MOVE);
this.moveEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be changed
* using the Overlay's Config object (cfg).
* @method initDefaultConfig
initDefaultConfig: function () {
// Add overlay config properties //
* The absolute x-coordinate position of the Overlay
* @config x
* @type Number
* @default null
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.X.key, {
handler: this.configX,
validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.X.validator,
suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.X.suppressEvent,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.X.supercedes
* The absolute y-coordinate position of the Overlay
* @config y
* @type Number
* @default null
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.Y.key, {
handler: this.configY,
validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.Y.validator,
suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.Y.suppressEvent,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.Y.supercedes
* An array with the absolute x and y positions of the Overlay
* @config xy
* @type Number[]
* @default null
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.XY.key, {
handler: this.configXY,
suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.XY.suppressEvent,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.XY.supercedes
* The array of context arguments for context-sensitive positioning.
* The format is: [id or element, element corner, context corner].
* For example, setting this property to ["img1", "tl", "bl"] would
* align the Overlay's top left corner to the context element's
* bottom left corner.
* @config context
* @type Array
* @default null
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.CONTEXT.key, {
handler: this.configContext,
suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.CONTEXT.suppressEvent,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.CONTEXT.supercedes
* True if the Overlay should be anchored to the center of
* the viewport.
* @config fixedcenter
* @type Boolean
* @default false
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.FIXED_CENTER.key, {
handler: this.configFixedCenter,
validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.FIXED_CENTER.validator,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.FIXED_CENTER.supercedes
* CSS width of the Overlay.
* @config width
* @type String
* @default null
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.WIDTH.key, {
handler: this.configWidth,
suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.WIDTH.suppressEvent,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.WIDTH.supercedes
* CSS height of the Overlay.
* @config height
* @type String
* @default null
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.HEIGHT.key, {
handler: this.configHeight,
suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.HEIGHT.suppressEvent,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.HEIGHT.supercedes
* CSS z-index of the Overlay.
* @config zIndex
* @type Number
* @default null
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.ZINDEX.key, {
handler: this.configzIndex,
* True if the Overlay should be prevented from being positioned
* out of the viewport.
* @config constraintoviewport
* @type Boolean
* @default false
handler: this.configConstrainToViewport,
* @config iframe
* @description Boolean indicating whether or not the Overlay should
* have an IFRAME shim; used to prevent <SELECT> elements from
* poking through an Overlay instance in IE6. When set to "true",
* the iframe shim is created when the Overlay instance is intially
* made visible.
* @type Boolean
* @default true for IE6 and below, false for all other browsers.
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.IFRAME.key, {
handler: this.configIframe,
validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.IFRAME.validator,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.IFRAME.supercedes
* Moves the Overlay to the specified position. This function is
* identical to calling this.cfg.setProperty("xy", [x,y]);
* @method moveTo
* @param {Number} x The Overlay's new x position
* @param {Number} y The Overlay's new y position
moveTo: function (x, y) {
this.cfg.setProperty("xy", [x, y]);
* Adds a CSS class ("hide-scrollbars") and removes a CSS class
* ("show-scrollbars") to the Overlay to fix a bug in Gecko on Mac OS X
* (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=187435)
* @method hideMacGeckoScrollbars
hideMacGeckoScrollbars: function () {
Dom.removeClass(this.element, "show-scrollbars");
Dom.addClass(this.element, "hide-scrollbars");
* Adds a CSS class ("show-scrollbars") and removes a CSS class
* ("hide-scrollbars") to the Overlay to fix a bug in Gecko on Mac OS X
* (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=187435)
* @method showMacGeckoScrollbars
showMacGeckoScrollbars: function () {
Dom.removeClass(this.element, "hide-scrollbars");
Dom.addClass(this.element, "show-scrollbars");
* The default event handler fired when the "visible" property is
* changed. This method is responsible for firing showEvent
* and hideEvent.
* @method configVisible
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configVisible: function (type, args, obj) {
var visible = args[0],
currentVis = Dom.getStyle(this.element, "visibility"),
effect = this.cfg.getProperty("effect"),
effectInstances = [],
isMacGecko = (this.platform == "mac" && YAHOO.env.ua.gecko),
alreadySubscribed = Config.alreadySubscribed,
eff, ei, e, i, j, k, h,
if (currentVis == "inherit") {
e = this.element.parentNode;
while (e.nodeType != 9 && e.nodeType != 11) {
currentVis = Dom.getStyle(e, "visibility");
if (currentVis != "inherit") {
e = e.parentNode;
if (currentVis == "inherit") {
currentVis = "visible";
if (effect) {
if (effect instanceof Array) {
nEffects = effect.length;
for (i = 0; i < nEffects; i++) {
eff = effect[i];
effectInstances[effectInstances.length] =
eff.effect(this, eff.duration);
} else {
effectInstances[effectInstances.length] =
effect.effect(this, effect.duration);
if (visible) { // Show
if (isMacGecko) {
if (effect) { // Animate in
if (visible) { // Animate in if not showing
if (currentVis != "visible" || currentVis === "") {
nEffectInstances = effectInstances.length;
for (j = 0; j < nEffectInstances; j++) {
ei = effectInstances[j];
if (j === 0 && !alreadySubscribed(
this.showEvent.fire, this.showEvent)) {
Delegate showEvent until end
of animateInComplete
this.showEvent.fire, this.showEvent, true);
} else { // Show
if (currentVis != "visible" || currentVis === "") {
Dom.setStyle(this.element, "visibility", "visible");
} else { // Hide
if (isMacGecko) {
if (effect) { // Animate out if showing
if (currentVis == "visible") {
nEffectInstances = effectInstances.length;
for (k = 0; k < nEffectInstances; k++) {
h = effectInstances[k];
if (k === 0 && !alreadySubscribed(
h.animateOutCompleteEvent, this.hideEvent.fire,
this.hideEvent)) {
Delegate hideEvent until end
of animateOutComplete
this.hideEvent.fire, this.hideEvent, true);
} else if (currentVis === "") {
Dom.setStyle(this.element, "visibility", "hidden");
} else { // Simple hide
if (currentVis == "visible" || currentVis === "") {
Dom.setStyle(this.element, "visibility", "hidden");
* Center event handler used for centering on scroll/resize, but only if
* the Overlay is visible
* @method doCenterOnDOMEvent
doCenterOnDOMEvent: function () {
if (this.cfg.getProperty("visible")) {
* The default event handler fired when the "fixedcenter" property
* is changed.
* @method configFixedCenter
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configFixedCenter: function (type, args, obj) {
var val = args[0],
alreadySubscribed = Config.alreadySubscribed,
windowResizeEvent = Overlay.windowResizeEvent,
windowScrollEvent = Overlay.windowScrollEvent;
if (val) {
if (!alreadySubscribed(this.beforeShowEvent,
this.center, this)) {
if (!alreadySubscribed(windowResizeEvent,
this.doCenterOnDOMEvent, this)) {
this, true);
if (!alreadySubscribed(windowScrollEvent,
this.doCenterOnDOMEvent, this)) {
this, true);
} else {
windowResizeEvent.unsubscribe(this.doCenterOnDOMEvent, this);
windowScrollEvent.unsubscribe(this.doCenterOnDOMEvent, this);
* The default event handler fired when the "height" property is changed.
* @method configHeight
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configHeight: function (type, args, obj) {
var height = args[0],
el = this.element;
Dom.setStyle(el, "height", height);
* The default event handler fired when the "width" property is changed.
* @method configWidth
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configWidth: function (type, args, obj) {
var width = args[0],
el = this.element;
Dom.setStyle(el, "width", width);
* The default event handler fired when the "zIndex" property is changed.
* @method configzIndex
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configzIndex: function (type, args, obj) {
var zIndex = args[0],
el = this.element;
if (! zIndex) {
zIndex = Dom.getStyle(el, "zIndex");
if (! zIndex || isNaN(zIndex)) {
zIndex = 0;
if (this.iframe) {
if (zIndex <= 0) {
zIndex = 1;
Dom.setStyle(this.iframe, "zIndex", (zIndex - 1));
Dom.setStyle(el, "zIndex", zIndex);
this.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", zIndex, true);
* The default event handler fired when the "xy" property is changed.
* @method configXY
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configXY: function (type, args, obj) {
var pos = args[0],
x = pos[0],
y = pos[1];
this.cfg.setProperty("x", x);
this.cfg.setProperty("y", y);
this.beforeMoveEvent.fire([x, y]);
x = this.cfg.getProperty("x");
y = this.cfg.getProperty("y");
YAHOO.log(("xy: " + [x, y]), "iframe");
this.moveEvent.fire([x, y]);
* The default event handler fired when the "x" property is changed.
* @method configX
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configX: function (type, args, obj) {
var x = args[0],
y = this.cfg.getProperty("y");
this.cfg.setProperty("x", x, true);
this.cfg.setProperty("y", y, true);
this.beforeMoveEvent.fire([x, y]);
x = this.cfg.getProperty("x");
y = this.cfg.getProperty("y");
Dom.setX(this.element, x, true);
this.cfg.setProperty("xy", [x, y], true);
this.moveEvent.fire([x, y]);
* The default event handler fired when the "y" property is changed.
* @method configY
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configY: function (type, args, obj) {
var x = this.cfg.getProperty("x"),
y = args[0];
this.cfg.setProperty("x", x, true);
this.cfg.setProperty("y", y, true);
this.beforeMoveEvent.fire([x, y]);
x = this.cfg.getProperty("x");
y = this.cfg.getProperty("y");
Dom.setY(this.element, y, true);
this.cfg.setProperty("xy", [x, y], true);
this.moveEvent.fire([x, y]);
* Shows the iframe shim, if it has been enabled.
* @method showIframe
showIframe: function () {
var oIFrame = this.iframe,
if (oIFrame) {
oParentNode = this.element.parentNode;
if (oParentNode != oIFrame.parentNode) {
oIFrame.style.display = "block";
* Hides the iframe shim, if it has been enabled.
* @method hideIframe
hideIframe: function () {
if (this.iframe) {
this.iframe.style.display = "none";
* Syncronizes the size and position of iframe shim to that of its
* corresponding Overlay instance.
* @method syncIframe
syncIframe: function () {
var oIFrame = this.iframe,
oElement = this.element,
nOffset = Overlay.IFRAME_OFFSET,
nDimensionOffset = (nOffset * 2),
if (oIFrame) {
// Size <iframe>
oIFrame.style.width =
(oElement.offsetWidth + nDimensionOffset + "px");
oIFrame.style.height =
(oElement.offsetHeight + nDimensionOffset + "px");
// Position <iframe>
aXY = this.cfg.getProperty("xy");
if (!Lang.isArray(aXY) || (isNaN(aXY[0]) || isNaN(aXY[1]))) {
aXY = this.cfg.getProperty("xy");
Dom.setXY(oIFrame, [(aXY[0] - nOffset), (aXY[1] - nOffset)]);
* The default event handler fired when the "iframe" property is changed.
* @method configIframe
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configIframe: function (type, args, obj) {
var bIFrame = args[0];
function createIFrame() {
var oIFrame = this.iframe,
oElement = this.element,
if (!oIFrame) {
if (!m_oIFrameTemplate) {
m_oIFrameTemplate = document.createElement("iframe");
if (this.isSecure) {
m_oIFrameTemplate.src = Overlay.IFRAME_SRC;
Set the opacity of the <iframe> to 0 so that it
doesn't modify the opacity of any transparent
elements that may be on top of it (like a shadow).
if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie) {
m_oIFrameTemplate.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)";
Need to set the "frameBorder" property to 0
supress the default <iframe> border in IE.
Setting the CSS "border" property alone
doesn't supress it.
m_oIFrameTemplate.frameBorder = 0;
else {
m_oIFrameTemplate.style.opacity = "0";
m_oIFrameTemplate.style.position = "absolute";
m_oIFrameTemplate.style.border = "none";
m_oIFrameTemplate.style.margin = "0";
m_oIFrameTemplate.style.padding = "0";
m_oIFrameTemplate.style.display = "none";
oIFrame = m_oIFrameTemplate.cloneNode(false);
oParent = oElement.parentNode;
if (oParent) {
} else {
this.iframe = oIFrame;
Show the <iframe> before positioning it since the "setXY"
method of DOM requires the element be in the document
and visible.
Syncronize the size and position of the <iframe> to that
of the Overlay.
// Add event listeners to update the <iframe> when necessary
if (!this._hasIframeEventListeners) {
this._hasIframeEventListeners = true;
function onBeforeShow() {
this._iframeDeferred = false;
if (bIFrame) { // <iframe> shim is enabled
if (this.cfg.getProperty("visible")) {
else {
if (!this._iframeDeferred) {
this._iframeDeferred = true;
} else { // <iframe> shim is disabled
if (this._hasIframeEventListeners) {
this._hasIframeEventListeners = false;
* The default event handler fired when the "constraintoviewport"
* property is changed.
* @method configConstrainToViewport
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for
* the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configConstrainToViewport: function (type, args, obj) {
var val = args[0];
if (val) {
if (! Config.alreadySubscribed(this.beforeMoveEvent,
this.enforceConstraints, this)) {
this, true);
} else {
this.beforeMoveEvent.unsubscribe(this.enforceConstraints, this);
* The default event handler fired when the "context" property
* is changed.
* @method configContext
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configContext: function (type, args, obj) {
var contextArgs = args[0],
if (contextArgs) {
contextEl = contextArgs[0];
elementMagnetCorner = contextArgs[1];
contextMagnetCorner = contextArgs[2];
if (contextEl) {
if (typeof contextEl == "string") {
elementMagnetCorner, contextMagnetCorner],
if (elementMagnetCorner && contextMagnetCorner) {
this.align(elementMagnetCorner, contextMagnetCorner);
* Aligns the Overlay to its context element using the specified corner
* points (represented by the constants TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT,
* @method align
* @param {String} elementAlign The String representing the corner of
* the Overlay that should be aligned to the context element
* @param {String} contextAlign The corner of the context element
* that the elementAlign corner should stick to.
align: function (elementAlign, contextAlign) {
var contextArgs = this.cfg.getProperty("context"),
me = this,
function doAlign(v, h) {
switch (elementAlign) {
case Overlay.TOP_LEFT:
me.moveTo(h, v);
case Overlay.TOP_RIGHT:
me.moveTo((h - element.offsetWidth), v);
case Overlay.BOTTOM_LEFT:
me.moveTo(h, (v - element.offsetHeight));
case Overlay.BOTTOM_RIGHT:
me.moveTo((h - element.offsetWidth),
(v - element.offsetHeight));
if (contextArgs) {
context = contextArgs[0];
element = this.element;
me = this;
if (! elementAlign) {
elementAlign = contextArgs[1];
if (! contextAlign) {
contextAlign = contextArgs[2];
if (element && context) {
contextRegion = Dom.getRegion(context);
switch (contextAlign) {
case Overlay.TOP_LEFT:
doAlign(contextRegion.top, contextRegion.left);
case Overlay.TOP_RIGHT:
doAlign(contextRegion.top, contextRegion.right);
case Overlay.BOTTOM_LEFT:
doAlign(contextRegion.bottom, contextRegion.left);
case Overlay.BOTTOM_RIGHT:
doAlign(contextRegion.bottom, contextRegion.right);
* The default event handler executed when the moveEvent is fired, if the
* "constraintoviewport" is set to true.
* @method enforceConstraints
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
enforceConstraints: function (type, args, obj) {
var pos = args[0],
x = pos[0],
y = pos[1],
offsetHeight = this.element.offsetHeight,
offsetWidth = this.element.offsetWidth,
viewPortWidth = Dom.getViewportWidth(),
viewPortHeight = Dom.getViewportHeight(),
scrollX = Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(),
scrollY = Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(),
topConstraint = scrollY + 10,
leftConstraint = scrollX + 10,
bottomConstraint = scrollY + viewPortHeight - offsetHeight - 10,
rightConstraint = scrollX + viewPortWidth - offsetWidth - 10;
if (x < leftConstraint) {
x = leftConstraint;
} else if (x > rightConstraint) {
x = rightConstraint;
if (y < topConstraint) {
y = topConstraint;
} else if (y > bottomConstraint) {
y = bottomConstraint;
this.cfg.setProperty("x", x, true);
this.cfg.setProperty("y", y, true);
this.cfg.setProperty("xy", [x, y], true);
* Centers the container in the viewport.
* @method center
center: function () {
var scrollX = Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(),
scrollY = Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(),
viewPortWidth = Dom.getClientWidth(),
viewPortHeight = Dom.getClientHeight(),
elementWidth = this.element.offsetWidth,
elementHeight = this.element.offsetHeight,
x = (viewPortWidth / 2) - (elementWidth / 2) + scrollX,
y = (viewPortHeight / 2) - (elementHeight / 2) + scrollY;
this.cfg.setProperty("xy", [parseInt(x, 10), parseInt(y, 10)]);
* Synchronizes the Panel's "xy", "x", and "y" properties with the
* Panel's position in the DOM. This is primarily used to update
* position information during drag & drop.
* @method syncPosition
syncPosition: function () {
var pos = Dom.getXY(this.element);
this.cfg.setProperty("x", pos[0], true);
this.cfg.setProperty("y", pos[1], true);
this.cfg.setProperty("xy", pos, true);
* Event handler fired when the resize monitor element is resized.
* @method onDomResize
* @param {DOMEvent} e The resize DOM event
* @param {Object} obj The scope object
onDomResize: function (e, obj) {
var me = this;
Overlay.superclass.onDomResize.call(this, e, obj);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
* Places the Overlay on top of all other instances of
* YAHOO.widget.Overlay.
* @method bringToTop
bringToTop: function() {
var aOverlays = [],
oElement = this.element;
function compareZIndexDesc(p_oOverlay1, p_oOverlay2) {
var sZIndex1 = Dom.getStyle(p_oOverlay1, "zIndex"),
sZIndex2 = Dom.getStyle(p_oOverlay2, "zIndex"),
nZIndex1 = (!sZIndex1 || isNaN(sZIndex1)) ?
0 : parseInt(sZIndex1, 10),
nZIndex2 = (!sZIndex2 || isNaN(sZIndex2)) ?
0 : parseInt(sZIndex2, 10);
if (nZIndex1 > nZIndex2) {
return -1;
} else if (nZIndex1 < nZIndex2) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function isOverlayElement(p_oElement) {
var oOverlay = Dom.hasClass(p_oElement, Overlay.CSS_OVERLAY),
Panel = YAHOO.widget.Panel;
if (oOverlay && !Dom.isAncestor(oElement, oOverlay)) {
if (Panel && Dom.hasClass(p_oElement, Panel.CSS_PANEL)) {
aOverlays[aOverlays.length] = p_oElement.parentNode;
else {
aOverlays[aOverlays.length] = p_oElement;
Dom.getElementsBy(isOverlayElement, "DIV", document.body);
var oTopOverlay = aOverlays[0],
if (oTopOverlay) {
nTopZIndex = Dom.getStyle(oTopOverlay, "zIndex");
if (!isNaN(nTopZIndex) && oTopOverlay != oElement) {
(parseInt(nTopZIndex, 10) + 2));
* Removes the Overlay element from the DOM and sets all child
* elements to null.
* @method destroy
destroy: function () {
if (this.iframe) {
this.iframe = null;
this.doCenterOnDOMEvent, this);
this.doCenterOnDOMEvent, this);
* Returns a String representation of the object.
* @method toString
* @return {String} The string representation of the Overlay.
toString: function () {
return "Overlay " + this.id;
(function () {
* OverlayManager is used for maintaining the focus status of
* multiple Overlays.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class OverlayManager
* @constructor
* @param {Array} overlays Optional. A collection of Overlays to register
* with the manager.
* @param {Object} userConfig The object literal representing the user
* configuration of the OverlayManager
YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager = function (userConfig) {
var Overlay = YAHOO.widget.Overlay,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Config = YAHOO.util.Config,
CustomEvent = YAHOO.util.CustomEvent,
OverlayManager = YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager;
* The CSS class representing a focused Overlay
* @property OverlayManager.CSS_FOCUSED
* @static
* @final
* @type String
OverlayManager.CSS_FOCUSED = "focused";
OverlayManager.prototype = {
* The class's constructor function
* @property contructor
* @type Function
constructor: OverlayManager,
* The array of Overlays that are currently registered
* @property overlays
* @type YAHOO.widget.Overlay[]
overlays: null,
* Initializes the default configuration of the OverlayManager
* @method initDefaultConfig
initDefaultConfig: function () {
* The collection of registered Overlays in use by
* the OverlayManager
* @config overlays
* @type YAHOO.widget.Overlay[]
* @default null
this.cfg.addProperty("overlays", { suppressEvent: true } );
* The default DOM event that should be used to focus an Overlay
* @config focusevent
* @type String
* @default "mousedown"
this.cfg.addProperty("focusevent", { value: "mousedown" } );
* Initializes the OverlayManager
* @method init
* @param {Overlay[]} overlays Optional. A collection of Overlays to
* register with the manager.
* @param {Object} userConfig The object literal representing the user
* configuration of the OverlayManager
init: function (userConfig) {
* The OverlayManager's Config object used for monitoring
* configuration properties.
* @property cfg
* @type Config
this.cfg = new Config(this);
if (userConfig) {
this.cfg.applyConfig(userConfig, true);
* The currently activated Overlay
* @property activeOverlay
* @private
* @type YAHOO.widget.Overlay
var activeOverlay = null;
* Returns the currently focused Overlay
* @method getActive
* @return {Overlay} The currently focused Overlay
this.getActive = function () {
return activeOverlay;
* Focuses the specified Overlay
* @method focus
* @param {Overlay} overlay The Overlay to focus
* @param {String} overlay The id of the Overlay to focus
this.focus = function (overlay) {
var o = this.find(overlay);
if (o) {
if (activeOverlay != o) {
if (activeOverlay) {
activeOverlay = o;
* Removes the specified Overlay from the manager
* @method remove
* @param {Overlay} overlay The Overlay to remove
* @param {String} overlay The id of the Overlay to remove
this.remove = function (overlay) {
var o = this.find(overlay),
if (o) {
if (activeOverlay == o) {
activeOverlay = null;
originalZ = Dom.getStyle(o.element, "zIndex");
o.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", -1000, true);
this.overlays =
this.overlays.slice(0, (this.overlays.length - 1));
o.destroyEvent.unsubscribe(this._onOverlayDestroy, o);
if (o.element) {
o.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", originalZ, true);
o.cfg.setProperty("manager", null);
o.focusEvent = null;
o.blurEvent = null;
o.focus = null;
o.blur = null;
* Removes focus from all registered Overlays in the manager
* @method blurAll
this.blurAll = function () {
var nOverlays = this.overlays.length,
if (nOverlays > 0) {
i = nOverlays - 1;
do {
this._onOverlayBlur = function (p_sType, p_aArgs) {
activeOverlay = null;
var overlays = this.cfg.getProperty("overlays");
if (! this.overlays) {
this.overlays = [];
if (overlays) {
* @method _onOverlayElementFocus
* @description Event handler for the DOM event that is used to focus
* the Overlay instance as specified by the "focusevent"
* configuration property.
* @private
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event
* object passed back by the event utility (Event).
_onOverlayElementFocus: function (p_oEvent) {
var oTarget = Event.getTarget(p_oEvent),
oClose = this.close;
if (oClose && (oTarget == oClose ||
Dom.isAncestor(oClose, oTarget))) {
else {
* @method _onOverlayDestroy
* @description "destroy" event handler for the Overlay.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event
* that was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event
* was fired.
* @param {Overlay} p_oOverlay Object representing the menu that
* fired the event.
_onOverlayDestroy: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oOverlay) {
* Registers an Overlay or an array of Overlays with the manager. Upon
* registration, the Overlay receives functions for focus and blur,
* along with CustomEvents for each.
* @method register
* @param {Overlay} overlay An Overlay to register with the manager.
* @param {Overlay[]} overlay An array of Overlays to register with
* the manager.
* @return {Boolean} True if any Overlays are registered.
register: function (overlay) {
var mgr = this,
if (overlay instanceof Overlay) {
overlay.cfg.addProperty("manager", { value: this } );
overlay.focusEvent = overlay.createEvent("focus");
overlay.focusEvent.signature = CustomEvent.LIST;
overlay.blurEvent = overlay.createEvent("blur");
overlay.blurEvent.signature = CustomEvent.LIST;
overlay.focus = function () {
overlay.blur = function () {
if (mgr.getActive() == this) {
overlay, this);
Event.on(overlay.element, this.cfg.getProperty("focusevent"),
this._onOverlayElementFocus, null, overlay);
zIndex = Dom.getStyle(overlay.element, "zIndex");
if (!isNaN(zIndex)) {
overlay.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", parseInt(zIndex, 10));
} else {
overlay.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", 0);
return true;
} else if (overlay instanceof Array) {
regcount = 0;
nOverlays = overlay.length;
for (i = 0; i < nOverlays; i++) {
if (this.register(overlay[i])) {
if (regcount > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Places the specified Overlay instance on top of all other
* Overlay instances.
* @method bringToTop
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Overlay} p_oOverlay Object representing an
* Overlay instance.
* @param {String} p_oOverlay String representing the id of an
* Overlay instance.
bringToTop: function (p_oOverlay) {
var oOverlay = this.find(p_oOverlay),
if (oOverlay) {
aOverlays = this.overlays;
oTopOverlay = aOverlays[0];
if (oTopOverlay) {
nTopZIndex = Dom.getStyle(oTopOverlay.element, "zIndex");
if (!isNaN(nTopZIndex) && oTopOverlay != oOverlay) {
(parseInt(nTopZIndex, 10) + 2));
* Attempts to locate an Overlay by instance or ID.
* @method find
* @param {Overlay} overlay An Overlay to locate within the manager
* @param {String} overlay An Overlay id to locate within the manager
* @return {Overlay} The requested Overlay, if found, or null if it
* cannot be located.
find: function (overlay) {
var aOverlays = this.overlays,
nOverlays = aOverlays.length,
if (nOverlays > 0) {
i = nOverlays - 1;
if (overlay instanceof Overlay) {
do {
if (aOverlays[i] == overlay) {
return aOverlays[i];
} else if (typeof overlay == "string") {
do {
if (aOverlays[i].id == overlay) {
return aOverlays[i];
return null;
* Used for sorting the manager's Overlays by z-index.
* @method compareZIndexDesc
* @private
* @return {Number} 0, 1, or -1, depending on where the Overlay should
* fall in the stacking order.
compareZIndexDesc: function (o1, o2) {
var zIndex1 = o1.cfg.getProperty("zIndex"),
zIndex2 = o2.cfg.getProperty("zIndex");
if (zIndex1 > zIndex2) {
return -1;
} else if (zIndex1 < zIndex2) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
* Shows all Overlays in the manager.
* @method showAll
showAll: function () {
var aOverlays = this.overlays,
nOverlays = aOverlays.length,
if (nOverlays > 0) {
i = nOverlays - 1;
do {
* Hides all Overlays in the manager.
* @method hideAll
hideAll: function () {
var aOverlays = this.overlays,
nOverlays = aOverlays.length,
if (nOverlays > 0) {
i = nOverlays - 1;
do {
* Returns a string representation of the object.
* @method toString
* @return {String} The string representation of the OverlayManager
toString: function () {
return "OverlayManager";
(function () {
* Tooltip is an implementation of Overlay that behaves like an OS tooltip,
* displaying when the user mouses over a particular element, and
* disappearing on mouse out.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class Tooltip
* @extends YAHOO.widget.Overlay
* @constructor
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the Tooltip <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Tooltip
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal containing
* the configuration that should be set for this Overlay. See configuration
* documentation for more details.
YAHOO.widget.Tooltip = function (el, userConfig) {
YAHOO.widget.Tooltip.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, userConfig);
var Lang = YAHOO.lang,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Tooltip = YAHOO.widget.Tooltip,
* Constant representing the Tooltip's configuration properties
* @property DEFAULT_CONFIG
* @private
* @final
* @type Object
key: "preventoverlap",
value: true,
validator: Lang.isBoolean,
supercedes: ["x", "y", "xy"]
key: "showdelay",
value: 200,
validator: Lang.isNumber
key: "autodismissdelay",
value: 5000,
validator: Lang.isNumber
key: "hidedelay",
value: 250,
validator: Lang.isNumber
"TEXT": {
key: "text",
suppressEvent: true
key: "container"
* Constant representing the Tooltip CSS class
* @property YAHOO.widget.Tooltip.CSS_TOOLTIP
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Tooltip.CSS_TOOLTIP = "yui-tt";
"hide" event handler that sets a Tooltip instance's "width"
configuration property back to its original value before
"setWidthToOffsetWidth" was called.
function restoreOriginalWidth(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oObject) {
var sOriginalWidth = p_oObject[0],
sNewWidth = p_oObject[1],
oConfig = this.cfg,
sCurrentWidth = oConfig.getProperty("width");
if (sCurrentWidth == sNewWidth) {
oConfig.setProperty("width", sOriginalWidth);
this.unsubscribe("hide", this._onHide, p_oObject);
"beforeShow" event handler that sets a Tooltip instance's "width"
configuration property to the value of its root HTML
elements's offsetWidth
function setWidthToOffsetWidth(p_sType, p_aArgs) {
var oBody = document.body,
oConfig = this.cfg,
sOriginalWidth = oConfig.getProperty("width"),
if ((!sOriginalWidth || sOriginalWidth == "auto") &&
(oConfig.getProperty("container") != oBody ||
oConfig.getProperty("x") >= Dom.getViewportWidth() ||
oConfig.getProperty("y") >= Dom.getViewportHeight())) {
oClone = this.element.cloneNode(true);
oClone.style.visibility = "hidden";
oClone.style.top = "0px";
oClone.style.left = "0px";
sNewWidth = (oClone.offsetWidth + "px");
oClone = null;
oConfig.setProperty("width", sNewWidth);
this.subscribe("hide", restoreOriginalWidth,
[(sOriginalWidth || ""), sNewWidth]);
// "onDOMReady" that renders the ToolTip
function onDOMReady(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oObject) {
// "init" event handler that automatically renders the Tooltip
function onInit() {
Event.onDOMReady(onDOMReady, this.cfg.getProperty("container"), this);
YAHOO.extend(Tooltip, YAHOO.widget.Overlay, {
* The Tooltip initialization method. This method is automatically
* called by the constructor. A Tooltip is automatically rendered by
* the init method, and it also is set to be invisible by default,
* and constrained to viewport by default as well.
* @method init
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the Tooltip <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Tooltip
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal
* containing the configuration that should be set for this Tooltip.
* See configuration documentation for more details.
init: function (el, userConfig) {
this.logger = new YAHOO.widget.LogWriter(this.toString());
Tooltip.superclass.init.call(this, el);
Dom.addClass(this.element, Tooltip.CSS_TOOLTIP);
if (userConfig) {
this.cfg.applyConfig(userConfig, true);
this.cfg.queueProperty("visible", false);
this.cfg.queueProperty("constraintoviewport", true);
this.subscribe("beforeShow", setWidthToOffsetWidth);
this.subscribe("init", onInit);
this.subscribe("render", this.onRender);
* Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be
* changed using the Overlay's Config object (cfg).
* @method initDefaultConfig
initDefaultConfig: function () {
* Specifies whether the Tooltip should be kept from overlapping
* its context element.
* @config preventoverlap
* @type Boolean
* @default true
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.PREVENT_OVERLAP.key, {
* The number of milliseconds to wait before showing a Tooltip
* on mouseover.
* @config showdelay
* @type Number
* @default 200
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.SHOW_DELAY.key, {
handler: this.configShowDelay,
value: 200,
validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.SHOW_DELAY.validator
* The number of milliseconds to wait before automatically
* dismissing a Tooltip after the mouse has been resting on the
* context element.
* @config autodismissdelay
* @type Number
* @default 5000
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.AUTO_DISMISS_DELAY.key, {
handler: this.configAutoDismissDelay,
* The number of milliseconds to wait before hiding a Tooltip
* on mouseover.
* @config hidedelay
* @type Number
* @default 250
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.HIDE_DELAY.key, {
handler: this.configHideDelay,
validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.HIDE_DELAY.validator
* Specifies the Tooltip's text.
* @config text
* @type String
* @default null
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.TEXT.key, {
handler: this.configText,
suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.TEXT.suppressEvent
* Specifies the container element that the Tooltip's markup
* should be rendered into.
* @config container
* @type HTMLElement/String
* @default document.body
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.CONTAINER.key, {
handler: this.configContainer,
value: document.body
* Specifies the element or elements that the Tooltip should be
* anchored to on mouseover.
* @config context
* @type HTMLElement[]/String[]
* @default null
* String representing the width of the Tooltip. <em>Please note:
* </em> As of version 2.3 if either no value or a value of "auto"
* is specified, and the Toolip's "container" configuration property
* is set to something other than <code>document.body</code> or
* its "context" element resides outside the immediately visible
* portion of the document, the width of the Tooltip will be
* calculated based on the offsetWidth of its root HTML and set just
* before it is made visible. The original value will be
* restored when the Tooltip is hidden. This ensures the Tooltip is
* rendered at a usable width. For more information see
* SourceForge bug #1685496 and SourceForge
* bug #1735423.
* @config width
* @type String
* @default null
* The default event handler fired when the "text" property is changed.
* @method configText
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configText: function (type, args, obj) {
var text = args[0];
if (text) {
* The default event handler fired when the "container" property
* is changed.
* @method configContainer
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For
* configuration handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value
* for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configContainer: function (type, args, obj) {
var container = args[0];
if (typeof container == 'string') {
document.getElementById(container), true);
* @method _removeEventListeners
* @description Removes all of the DOM event handlers from the HTML
* element(s) that trigger the display of the tooltip.
* @protected
_removeEventListeners: function () {
var aElements = this._context,
if (aElements) {
nElements = aElements.length;
if (nElements > 0) {
i = nElements - 1;
do {
oElement = aElements[i];
Event.removeListener(oElement, "mouseover",
Event.removeListener(oElement, "mousemove",
Event.removeListener(oElement, "mouseout",
while (i--);
* The default event handler fired when the "context" property
* is changed.
* @method configContext
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configContext: function (type, args, obj) {
var context = args[0],
if (context) {
// Normalize parameter into an array
if (! (context instanceof Array)) {
if (typeof context == "string") {
[document.getElementById(context)], true);
} else { // Assuming this is an element
this.cfg.setProperty("context", [context], true);
context = this.cfg.getProperty("context");
// Remove any existing mouseover/mouseout listeners
// Add mouseover/mouseout listeners to context elements
this._context = context;
aElements = this._context;
if (aElements) {
nElements = aElements.length;
if (nElements > 0) {
i = nElements - 1;
do {
oElement = aElements[i];
Event.on(oElement, "mouseover",
this.onContextMouseOver, this);
Event.on(oElement, "mousemove",
this.onContextMouseMove, this);
Event.on(oElement, "mouseout",
this.onContextMouseOut, this);
while (i--);
* The default event handler fired when the user moves the mouse while
* over the context element.
* @method onContextMouseMove
* @param {DOMEvent} e The current DOM event
* @param {Object} obj The object argument
onContextMouseMove: function (e, obj) {
obj.pageX = Event.getPageX(e);
obj.pageY = Event.getPageY(e);
* The default event handler fired when the user mouses over the
* context element.
* @method onContextMouseOver
* @param {DOMEvent} e The current DOM event
* @param {Object} obj The object argument
onContextMouseOver: function (e, obj) {
var context = this;
if (obj.hideProcId) {
obj.logger.log("Clearing hide timer: " +
obj.hideProcId, "time");
obj.hideProcId = null;
Event.on(context, "mousemove", obj.onContextMouseMove, obj);
if (context.title) {
obj._tempTitle = context.title;
context.title = "";
* The unique process ID associated with the thread responsible
* for showing the Tooltip.
* @type int
obj.showProcId = obj.doShow(e, context);
obj.logger.log("Setting show tooltip timeout: " +
obj.showProcId, "time");
* The default event handler fired when the user mouses out of
* the context element.
* @method onContextMouseOut
* @param {DOMEvent} e The current DOM event
* @param {Object} obj The object argument
onContextMouseOut: function (e, obj) {
var el = this;
if (obj._tempTitle) {
el.title = obj._tempTitle;
obj._tempTitle = null;
if (obj.showProcId) {
obj.logger.log("Clearing show timer: " +
obj.showProcId, "time");
obj.showProcId = null;
if (obj.hideProcId) {
obj.logger.log("Clearing hide timer: " +
obj.hideProcId, "time");
obj.hideProcId = null;
obj.hideProcId = setTimeout(function () {
}, obj.cfg.getProperty("hidedelay"));
* Processes the showing of the Tooltip by setting the timeout delay
* and offset of the Tooltip.
* @method doShow
* @param {DOMEvent} e The current DOM event
* @return {Number} The process ID of the timeout function associated
* with doShow
doShow: function (e, context) {
var yOffset = 25,
me = this;
if (YAHOO.env.ua.opera && context.tagName &&
context.tagName.toUpperCase() == "A") {
yOffset += 12;
return setTimeout(function () {
if (me._tempTitle) {
} else {
me.logger.log("Show tooltip", "time");
me.moveTo(me.pageX, me.pageY + yOffset);
if (me.cfg.getProperty("preventoverlap")) {
me.preventOverlap(me.pageX, me.pageY);
Event.removeListener(context, "mousemove",
me.hideProcId = me.doHide();
me.logger.log("Hide tooltip time active: " +
me.hideProcId, "time");
}, this.cfg.getProperty("showdelay"));
* Sets the timeout for the auto-dismiss delay, which by default is 5
* seconds, meaning that a tooltip will automatically dismiss itself
* after 5 seconds of being displayed.
* @method doHide
doHide: function () {
var me = this;
me.logger.log("Setting hide tooltip timeout", "time");
return setTimeout(function () {
me.logger.log("Hide tooltip", "time");
}, this.cfg.getProperty("autodismissdelay"));
* Fired when the Tooltip is moved, this event handler is used to
* prevent the Tooltip from overlapping with its context element.
* @method preventOverlay
* @param {Number} pageX The x coordinate position of the mouse pointer
* @param {Number} pageY The y coordinate position of the mouse pointer
preventOverlap: function (pageX, pageY) {
var height = this.element.offsetHeight,
mousePoint = new YAHOO.util.Point(pageX, pageY),
elementRegion = Dom.getRegion(this.element);
elementRegion.top -= 5;
elementRegion.left -= 5;
elementRegion.right += 5;
elementRegion.bottom += 5;
this.logger.log("context " + elementRegion, "ttip");
this.logger.log("mouse " + mousePoint, "ttip");
if (elementRegion.contains(mousePoint)) {
this.logger.log("OVERLAP", "warn");
this.cfg.setProperty("y", (pageY - height - 5));
* @method onRender
* @description "render" event handler for the Tooltip.
* @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event
* that was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event
* was fired.
onRender: function (p_sType, p_aArgs) {
function sizeShadow() {
var oElement = this.element,
oShadow = this._shadow;
if (oShadow) {
oShadow.style.width = (oElement.offsetWidth + 6) + "px";
oShadow.style.height = (oElement.offsetHeight + 1) + "px";
function addShadowVisibleClass() {
Dom.addClass(this._shadow, "yui-tt-shadow-visible");
function removeShadowVisibleClass() {
Dom.removeClass(this._shadow, "yui-tt-shadow-visible");
function createShadow() {
var oShadow = this._shadow,
if (!oShadow) {
oElement = this.element;
Module = YAHOO.widget.Module;
nIE = YAHOO.env.ua.ie;
me = this;
if (!m_oShadowTemplate) {
m_oShadowTemplate = document.createElement("div");
m_oShadowTemplate.className = "yui-tt-shadow";
oShadow = m_oShadowTemplate.cloneNode(false);
this._shadow = oShadow;
this.subscribe("beforeShow", addShadowVisibleClass);
this.subscribe("beforeHide", removeShadowVisibleClass);
if (nIE == 6 ||
(nIE == 7 && document.compatMode == "BackCompat")) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
this.cfg.subscribeToConfigEvent("width", sizeShadow);
this.cfg.subscribeToConfigEvent("height", sizeShadow);
this.subscribe("changeContent", sizeShadow);
this, true);
this.subscribe("destroy", function () {
function onBeforeShow() {
this.unsubscribe("beforeShow", onBeforeShow);
if (this.cfg.getProperty("visible")) {
else {
this.subscribe("beforeShow", onBeforeShow);
* Removes the Tooltip element from the DOM and sets all child
* elements to null.
* @method destroy
destroy: function () {
// Remove any existing mouseover/mouseout listeners
* Returns a string representation of the object.
* @method toString
* @return {String} The string representation of the Tooltip
toString: function () {
return "Tooltip " + this.id;
(function () {
* Panel is an implementation of Overlay that behaves like an OS window,
* with a draggable header and an optional close icon at the top right.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class Panel
* @extends Overlay
* @constructor
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the Panel <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Panel
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal containing
* the configuration that should be set for this Panel. See configuration
* documentation for more details.
YAHOO.widget.Panel = function (el, userConfig) {
YAHOO.widget.Panel.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, userConfig);
var Lang = YAHOO.lang,
DD = YAHOO.util.DD,
Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Overlay = YAHOO.widget.Overlay,
CustomEvent = YAHOO.util.CustomEvent,
Config = YAHOO.util.Config,
Panel = YAHOO.widget.Panel,
* Constant representing the name of the Panel's events
* @property EVENT_TYPES
* @private
* @final
* @type Object
"SHOW_MASK": "showMask",
"HIDE_MASK": "hideMask",
"DRAG": "drag"
* Constant representing the Panel's configuration properties
* @property DEFAULT_CONFIG
* @private
* @final
* @type Object
"CLOSE": {
key: "close",
value: true,
validator: Lang.isBoolean,
supercedes: ["visible"]
key: "draggable",
value: (DD ? true : false),
validator: Lang.isBoolean,
supercedes: ["visible"]
key: "underlay",
value: "shadow",
supercedes: ["visible"]
"MODAL": {
key: "modal",
value: false,
validator: Lang.isBoolean,
supercedes: ["visible"]
key: "keylisteners",
suppressEvent: true,
supercedes: ["visible"]
* Constant representing the default CSS class used for a Panel
* @property YAHOO.widget.Panel.CSS_PANEL
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Panel.CSS_PANEL = "yui-panel";
* Constant representing the default CSS class used for a Panel's
* wrapping container
* @property YAHOO.widget.Panel.CSS_PANEL_CONTAINER
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Panel.CSS_PANEL_CONTAINER = "yui-panel-container";
// Private CustomEvent listeners
"beforeRender" event handler that creates an empty header for a Panel
instance if its "draggable" configuration property is set to "true"
and no header has been created.
function createHeader(p_sType, p_aArgs) {
if (!this.header) {
"hide" event handler that sets a Panel instance's "width"
configuration property back to its original value before
"setWidthToOffsetWidth" was called.
function restoreOriginalWidth(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oObject) {
var sOriginalWidth = p_oObject[0],
sNewWidth = p_oObject[1],
oConfig = this.cfg,
sCurrentWidth = oConfig.getProperty("width");
if (sCurrentWidth == sNewWidth) {
oConfig.setProperty("width", sOriginalWidth);
this.unsubscribe("hide", restoreOriginalWidth, p_oObject);
"beforeShow" event handler that sets a Panel instance's "width"
configuration property to the value of its root HTML
elements's offsetWidth
function setWidthToOffsetWidth(p_sType, p_aArgs) {
var nIE = YAHOO.env.ua.ie,
if (nIE == 6 || (nIE == 7 && document.compatMode == "BackCompat")) {
oConfig = this.cfg;
sOriginalWidth = oConfig.getProperty("width");
if (!sOriginalWidth || sOriginalWidth == "auto") {
sNewWidth = (this.element.offsetWidth + "px");
oConfig.setProperty("width", sNewWidth);
this.subscribe("hide", restoreOriginalWidth,
[(sOriginalWidth || ""), sNewWidth]);
"focus" event handler for a focuable element. Used to automatically
blur the element when it receives focus to ensure that a Panel
instance's modality is not compromised.
function onElementFocus() {
"showMask" event handler that adds a "focus" event handler to all
focusable elements in the document to enforce a Panel instance's
modality from being compromised.
function addFocusEventHandlers(p_sType, p_aArgs) {
var me = this;
function isFocusable(el) {
var sTagName = el.tagName.toUpperCase(),
bFocusable = false;
switch (sTagName) {
case "A":
case "BUTTON":
case "SELECT":
case "TEXTAREA":
if (!Dom.isAncestor(me.element, el)) {
Event.on(el, "focus", onElementFocus, el, true);
bFocusable = true;
case "INPUT":
if (el.type != "hidden" &&
!Dom.isAncestor(me.element, el)) {
Event.on(el, "focus", onElementFocus, el, true);
bFocusable = true;
return bFocusable;
this.focusableElements = Dom.getElementsBy(isFocusable);
"hideMask" event handler that removes all "focus" event handlers added
by the "addFocusEventHandlers" method.
function removeFocusEventHandlers(p_sType, p_aArgs) {
var aElements = this.focusableElements,
nElements = aElements.length,
for (i = 0; i < nElements; i++) {
el2 = aElements[i];
Event.removeListener(el2, "focus", onElementFocus);
YAHOO.extend(Panel, Overlay, {
* The Overlay initialization method, which is executed for Overlay and
* all of its subclasses. This method is automatically called by the
* constructor, and sets up all DOM references for pre-existing markup,
* and creates required markup if it is not already present.
* @method init
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the Overlay <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Overlay
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal
* containing the configuration that should be set for this Overlay.
* See configuration documentation for more details.
init: function (el, userConfig) {
Note that we don't pass the user config in here yet because
we only want it executed once, at the lowest subclass level
Panel.superclass.init.call(this, el/*, userConfig*/);
Dom.addClass(this.element, Panel.CSS_PANEL);
if (userConfig) {
this.cfg.applyConfig(userConfig, true);
this.subscribe("showMask", addFocusEventHandlers);
this.subscribe("hideMask", removeFocusEventHandlers);
* Initializes the custom events for Module which are fired
* automatically at appropriate times by the Module class.
initEvents: function () {
var SIGNATURE = CustomEvent.LIST;
* CustomEvent fired after the modality mask is shown
* @event showMaskEvent
this.showMaskEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.SHOW_MASK);
this.showMaskEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired after the modality mask is hidden
* @event hideMaskEvent
this.hideMaskEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.HIDE_MASK);
this.hideMaskEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent when the Panel is dragged
* @event dragEvent
this.dragEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.DRAG);
this.dragEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be changed
* using the Panel's Config object (cfg).
* @method initDefaultConfig
initDefaultConfig: function () {
// Add panel config properties //
* True if the Panel should display a "close" button
* @config close
* @type Boolean
* @default true
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.CLOSE.key, {
handler: this.configClose,
validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.CLOSE.validator,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.CLOSE.supercedes
* Boolean specifying if the Panel should be draggable. The default
* value is "true" if the Drag and Drop utility is included,
* otherwise it is "false." <strong>PLEASE NOTE:</strong> There is a
* known issue in IE 6 (Strict Mode and Quirks Mode) and IE 7
* (Quirks Mode) where Panels that either don't have a value set for
* their "width" configuration property, or their "width"
* configuration property is set to "auto" will only be draggable by
* placing the mouse on the text of the Panel's header element.
* To fix this bug, draggable Panels missing a value for their
* "width" configuration property, or whose "width" configuration
* property is set to "auto" will have it set to the value of
* their root HTML element's offsetWidth before they are made
* visible. The calculated width is then removed when the Panel is
* hidden. <em>This fix is only applied to draggable Panels in IE 6
* (Strict Mode and Quirks Mode) and IE 7 (Quirks Mode)</em>. For
* more information on this issue see:
* SourceForge bugs #1726972 and #1589210.
* @config draggable
* @type Boolean
* @default true
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.DRAGGABLE.key, {
handler: this.configDraggable,
validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.DRAGGABLE.validator,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.DRAGGABLE.supercedes
* Sets the type of underlay to display for the Panel. Valid values
* are "shadow," "matte," and "none". <strong>PLEASE NOTE:</strong>
* The creation of the underlay element is deferred until the Panel
* is initially made visible. For Gecko-based browsers on Mac
* OS X the underlay elment is always created as it is used as a
* shim to prevent Aqua scrollbars below a Panel instance from poking
* through it (See SourceForge bug #836476).
* @config underlay
* @type String
* @default shadow
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.UNDERLAY.key, {
handler: this.configUnderlay,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.UNDERLAY.supercedes
* True if the Panel should be displayed in a modal fashion,
* automatically creating a transparent mask over the document that
* will not be removed until the Panel is dismissed.
* @config modal
* @type Boolean
* @default false
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.MODAL.key, {
handler: this.configModal,
validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.MODAL.validator,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.MODAL.supercedes
* A KeyListener (or array of KeyListeners) that will be enabled
* when the Panel is shown, and disabled when the Panel is hidden.
* @config keylisteners
* @type YAHOO.util.KeyListener[]
* @default null
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.KEY_LISTENERS.key, {
handler: this.configKeyListeners,
suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.KEY_LISTENERS.suppressEvent,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.KEY_LISTENERS.supercedes
* The default event handler fired when the "close" property is changed.
* The method controls the appending or hiding of the close icon at the
* top right of the Panel.
* @method configClose
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configClose: function (type, args, obj) {
var val = args[0],
oClose = this.close;
function doHide(e, obj) {
if (val) {
if (!oClose) {
if (!m_oCloseIconTemplate) {
m_oCloseIconTemplate = document.createElement("span");
m_oCloseIconTemplate.innerHTML = "&#160;";
m_oCloseIconTemplate.className = "container-close";
oClose = m_oCloseIconTemplate.cloneNode(true);
Event.on(oClose, "click", doHide, this);
this.close = oClose;
} else {
oClose.style.display = "block";
} else {
if (oClose) {
oClose.style.display = "none";
* The default event handler fired when the "draggable" property
* is changed.
* @method configDraggable
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configDraggable: function (type, args, obj) {
var val = args[0];
if (val) {
if (!DD) {
YAHOO.log("DD dependency not met.", "error");
this.cfg.setProperty("draggable", false);
if (this.header) {
Dom.setStyle(this.header, "cursor", "move");
this.subscribe("beforeRender", createHeader);
this.subscribe("beforeShow", setWidthToOffsetWidth);
} else {
if (this.dd) {
if (this.header) {
this.unsubscribe("beforeRender", createHeader);
this.unsubscribe("beforeShow", setWidthToOffsetWidth);
* The default event handler fired when the "underlay" property
* is changed.
* @method configUnderlay
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configUnderlay: function (type, args, obj) {
var UA = YAHOO.env.ua,
bMacGecko = (this.platform == "mac" && UA.gecko),
sUnderlay = args[0].toLowerCase(),
oUnderlay = this.underlay,
oElement = this.element;
function createUnderlay() {
var nIE;
if (!oUnderlay) { // create if not already in DOM
if (!m_oUnderlayTemplate) {
m_oUnderlayTemplate = document.createElement("div");
m_oUnderlayTemplate.className = "underlay";
oUnderlay = m_oUnderlayTemplate.cloneNode(false);
this.underlay = oUnderlay;
nIE = UA.ie;
if (nIE == 6 ||
(nIE == 7 && document.compatMode == "BackCompat")) {
this.sizeUnderlay, this, true);
function onBeforeShow() {
this._underlayDeferred = false;
function destroyUnderlay() {
if (this._underlayDeferred) {
this._underlayDeferred = false;
if (oUnderlay) {
this.sizeUnderlay, this, true);
this.underlay = null;
switch (sUnderlay) {
case "shadow":
Dom.removeClass(oElement, "matte");
Dom.addClass(oElement, "shadow");
case "matte":
if (!bMacGecko) {
Dom.removeClass(oElement, "shadow");
Dom.addClass(oElement, "matte");
if (!bMacGecko) {
Dom.removeClass(oElement, "shadow");
Dom.removeClass(oElement, "matte");
if ((sUnderlay == "shadow") || (bMacGecko && !oUnderlay)) {
if (this.cfg.getProperty("visible")) {
else {
if (!this._underlayDeferred) {
this._underlayDeferred = true;
* The default event handler fired when the "modal" property is
* changed. This handler subscribes or unsubscribes to the show and hide
* events to handle the display or hide of the modality mask.
* @method configModal
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configModal: function (type, args, obj) {
var modal = args[0];
if (modal) {
if (!this._hasModalityEventListeners) {
this.subscribe("beforeShow", this.buildMask);
this.subscribe("beforeShow", this.bringToTop);
this.subscribe("beforeShow", this.showMask);
this.subscribe("hide", this.hideMask);
this, true);
this._hasModalityEventListeners = true;
} else {
if (this._hasModalityEventListeners) {
if (this.cfg.getProperty("visible")) {
this.unsubscribe("beforeShow", this.buildMask);
this.unsubscribe("beforeShow", this.bringToTop);
this.unsubscribe("beforeShow", this.showMask);
this.unsubscribe("hide", this.hideMask);
Overlay.windowResizeEvent.unsubscribe(this.sizeMask, this);
this._hasModalityEventListeners = false;
* Removes the modality mask.
* @method removeMask
removeMask: function () {
var oMask = this.mask,
if (oMask) {
Hide the mask before destroying it to ensure that DOM
event handlers on focusable elements get removed.
oParentNode = oMask.parentNode;
if (oParentNode) {
this.mask = null;
* The default event handler fired when the "keylisteners" property
* is changed.
* @method configKeyListeners
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configKeyListeners: function (type, args, obj) {
var listeners = args[0],
if (listeners) {
if (listeners instanceof Array) {
nListeners = listeners.length;
for (i = 0; i < nListeners; i++) {
listener = listeners[i];
if (!Config.alreadySubscribed(this.showEvent,
listener.enable, listener)) {
listener, true);
if (!Config.alreadySubscribed(this.hideEvent,
listener.disable, listener)) {
listener, true);
listener, true);
} else {
if (!Config.alreadySubscribed(this.showEvent,
listeners.enable, listeners)) {
listeners, true);
if (!Config.alreadySubscribed(this.hideEvent,
listeners.disable, listeners)) {
listeners, true);
listeners, true);
* The default event handler fired when the "height" property is changed.
* @method configHeight
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configHeight: function (type, args, obj) {
var height = args[0],
el = this.innerElement;
Dom.setStyle(el, "height", height);
* The default event handler fired when the "width" property is changed.
* @method configWidth
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configWidth: function (type, args, obj) {
var width = args[0],
el = this.innerElement;
Dom.setStyle(el, "width", width);
* The default event handler fired when the "zIndex" property is changed.
* @method configzIndex
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configzIndex: function (type, args, obj) {
Panel.superclass.configzIndex.call(this, type, args, obj);
var maskZ = 0,
currentZ = Dom.getStyle(this.element, "zIndex");
if (this.mask) {
if (!currentZ || isNaN(currentZ)) {
currentZ = 0;
if (currentZ === 0) {
this.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", 1);
} else {
maskZ = currentZ - 1;
Dom.setStyle(this.mask, "zIndex", maskZ);
* Builds the wrapping container around the Panel that is used for
* positioning the shadow and matte underlays. The container element is
* assigned to a local instance variable called container, and the
* element is reinserted inside of it.
* @method buildWrapper
buildWrapper: function () {
var elementParent = this.element.parentNode,
originalElement = this.element,
wrapper = document.createElement("div");
wrapper.className = Panel.CSS_PANEL_CONTAINER;
wrapper.id = originalElement.id + "_c";
if (elementParent) {
elementParent.insertBefore(wrapper, originalElement);
this.element = wrapper;
this.innerElement = originalElement;
Dom.setStyle(this.innerElement, "visibility", "inherit");
* Adjusts the size of the shadow based on the size of the element.
* @method sizeUnderlay
sizeUnderlay: function () {
var oUnderlay = this.underlay,
if (oUnderlay) {
oElement = this.element;
oUnderlay.style.width = oElement.offsetWidth + "px";
oUnderlay.style.height = oElement.offsetHeight + "px";
* Registers the Panel's header for drag & drop capability.
* @method registerDragDrop
registerDragDrop: function () {
var me = this;
if (this.header) {
if (!DD) {
YAHOO.log("DD dependency not met.", "error");
this.dd = new DD(this.element.id, this.id);
if (!this.header.id) {
this.header.id = this.id + "_h";
this.dd.startDrag = function () {
var offsetHeight,
if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie == 6) {
if (me.cfg.getProperty("constraintoviewport")) {
offsetHeight = me.element.offsetHeight;
offsetWidth = me.element.offsetWidth;
viewPortWidth = Dom.getViewportWidth();
viewPortHeight = Dom.getViewportHeight();
scrollX = Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft();
scrollY = Dom.getDocumentScrollTop();
topConstraint = scrollY + 10;
leftConstraint = scrollX + 10;
bottomConstraint =
scrollY + viewPortHeight - offsetHeight - 10;
rightConstraint =
scrollX + viewPortWidth - offsetWidth - 10;
this.minX = leftConstraint;
this.maxX = rightConstraint;
this.constrainX = true;
this.minY = topConstraint;
this.maxY = bottomConstraint;
this.constrainY = true;
} else {
this.constrainX = false;
this.constrainY = false;
me.dragEvent.fire("startDrag", arguments);
this.dd.onDrag = function () {
if (this.platform == "mac" && YAHOO.env.ua.gecko) {
me.dragEvent.fire("onDrag", arguments);
this.dd.endDrag = function () {
if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie == 6) {
me.dragEvent.fire("endDrag", arguments);
* Builds the mask that is laid over the document when the Panel is
* configured to be modal.
* @method buildMask
buildMask: function () {
var oMask = this.mask;
if (!oMask) {
if (!m_oMaskTemplate) {
m_oMaskTemplate = document.createElement("div");
m_oMaskTemplate.className = "mask";
m_oMaskTemplate.innerHTML = "&#160;";
oMask = m_oMaskTemplate.cloneNode(true);
oMask.id = this.id + "_mask";
document.body.insertBefore(oMask, document.body.firstChild);
this.mask = oMask;
* Hides the modality mask.
* @method hideMask
hideMask: function () {
if (this.cfg.getProperty("modal") && this.mask) {
this.mask.style.display = "none";
Dom.removeClass(document.body, "masked");
* Shows the modality mask.
* @method showMask
showMask: function () {
if (this.cfg.getProperty("modal") && this.mask) {
Dom.addClass(document.body, "masked");
this.mask.style.display = "block";
* Sets the size of the modality mask to cover the entire scrollable
* area of the document
* @method sizeMask
sizeMask: function () {
if (this.mask) {
this.mask.style.height = Dom.getDocumentHeight() + "px";
this.mask.style.width = Dom.getDocumentWidth() + "px";
* Renders the Panel by inserting the elements that are not already in
* the main Panel into their correct places. Optionally appends the
* Panel to the specified node prior to the render's execution. NOTE:
* For Panels without existing markup, the appendToNode argument is
* REQUIRED. If this argument is ommitted and the current element is
* not present in the document, the function will return false,
* indicating that the render was a failure.
* @method render
* @param {String} appendToNode The element id to which the Module
* should be appended to prior to rendering <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} appendToNode The element to which the Module
* should be appended to prior to rendering
* @return {boolean} Success or failure of the render
render: function (appendToNode) {
return Panel.superclass.render.call(this,
appendToNode, this.innerElement);
* Removes the Panel element from the DOM and sets all child elements
* to null.
* @method destroy
destroy: function () {
Overlay.windowResizeEvent.unsubscribe(this.sizeMask, this);
if (this.close) {
* Returns a String representation of the object.
* @method toString
* @return {String} The string representation of the Panel.
toString: function () {
return "Panel " + this.id;
(function () {
* Dialog is an implementation of Panel that can be used to submit form
* data. Built-in functionality for buttons with event handlers is included,
* and button sets can be build dynamically, or the preincluded ones for
* Submit/Cancel and OK/Cancel can be utilized. Forms can be processed in 3
* ways -- via an asynchronous Connection utility call, a simple form
* POST or GET, or manually.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class Dialog
* @extends YAHOO.widget.Panel
* @constructor
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the Dialog <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Dialog
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal containing
* the configuration that should be set for this Dialog. See configuration
* documentation for more details.
YAHOO.widget.Dialog = function (el, userConfig) {
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, userConfig);
var Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
CustomEvent = YAHOO.util.CustomEvent,
Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
KeyListener = YAHOO.util.KeyListener,
Connect = YAHOO.util.Connect,
Dialog = YAHOO.widget.Dialog,
Lang = YAHOO.lang,
* Constant representing the name of the Dialog's events
* @property EVENT_TYPES
* @private
* @final
* @type Object
"BEFORE_SUBMIT": "beforeSubmit",
"SUBMIT": "submit",
"MANUAL_SUBMIT": "manualSubmit",
"ASYNC_SUBMIT": "asyncSubmit",
"FORM_SUBMIT": "formSubmit",
"CANCEL": "cancel"
* Constant representing the Dialog's configuration properties
* @property DEFAULT_CONFIG
* @private
* @final
* @type Object
key: "postmethod",
value: "async"
key: "buttons",
value: "none"
* Constant representing the default CSS class used for a Dialog
* @property YAHOO.widget.Dialog.CSS_DIALOG
* @static
* @final
* @type String
Dialog.CSS_DIALOG = "yui-dialog";
function removeButtonEventHandlers() {
var aButtons = this._aButtons,
if (Lang.isArray(aButtons)) {
nButtons = aButtons.length;
if (nButtons > 0) {
i = nButtons - 1;
do {
oButton = aButtons[i];
if (oButton instanceof YAHOO.widget.Button) {
else if (oButton.tagName.toUpperCase() == "BUTTON") {
Event.purgeElement(oButton, false);
while (i--);
YAHOO.extend(Dialog, YAHOO.widget.Panel, {
* @property form
* @description Object reference to the Dialog's
* <code>&#60;form&#62;</code> element.
* @default null
* @type <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/
* level-one-html.html#ID-40002357">HTMLFormElement</a>
form: null,
* Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be changed
* using the Dialog's Config object (cfg).
* @method initDefaultConfig
initDefaultConfig: function () {
* The internally maintained callback object for use with the
* Connection utility
* @property callback
* @type Object
this.callback = {
* The function to execute upon success of the
* Connection submission
* @property callback.success
* @type Function
success: null,
* The function to execute upon failure of the
* Connection submission
* @property callback.failure
* @type Function
failure: null,
* The arbitraty argument or arguments to pass to the Connection
* callback functions
* @property callback.argument
* @type Object
argument: null
// Add form dialog config properties //
* The method to use for posting the Dialog's form. Possible values
* are "async", "form", and "manual".
* @config postmethod
* @type String
* @default async
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.POST_METHOD.key, {
handler: this.configPostMethod,
validator: function (val) {
if (val != "form" && val != "async" && val != "none" &&
val != "manual") {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Array of object literals, each containing a set of properties
* defining a button to be appended into the Dialog's footer.
* Each button object in the buttons array can have three properties:
* <dt>text:</dt>
* <dd>The text that will display on the face of the button. <em>
* Please note:</em> As of version 2.3, the text can include
* HTML.</dd>
* <dt>handler:</dt>
* <dd>Can be either:
* <ol>
* <li>A reference to a function that should fire when the
* button is clicked. (In this case scope of this function is
* always its Dialog instance.)</li>
* <li>An object literal representing the code to be
* executed when the button is clicked. Format:<br> <code> {<br>
* <strong>fn:</strong> Function, &#47;&#47; The handler to call
* when the event fires.<br> <strong>obj:</strong> Object,
* &#47;&#47; An object to pass back to the handler.<br> <strong>
* scope:</strong> Object &#47;&#47; The object to use for the
* scope of the handler. <br> } </code> <br><em>Please note: this
* functionality was added in version 2.3.</em></li>
* </ol>
* </dd>
* <dt>isDefault:</dt>
* <dd>An optional boolean value that specifies that a button
* should be highlighted and focused by default.</dd>
* @config buttons
* @type {Array|String}
* @default "none"
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.BUTTONS.key, {
handler: this.configButtons,
* Initializes the custom events for Dialog which are fired
* automatically at appropriate times by the Dialog class.
* @method initEvents
initEvents: function () {
var SIGNATURE = CustomEvent.LIST;
* CustomEvent fired prior to submission
* @event beforeSubmitEvent
this.beforeSubmitEvent =
this.beforeSubmitEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired after submission
* @event submitEvent
this.submitEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.SUBMIT);
this.submitEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired prior to manual submission
* @event manualSubmitEvent
this.manualSubmitEvent =
this.manualSubmitEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired prior to asynchronous submission
* @event asyncSubmitEvent
this.asyncSubmitEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.ASYNC_SUBMIT);
this.asyncSubmitEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired prior to form-based submission
* @event formSubmitEvent
this.formSubmitEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.FORM_SUBMIT);
this.formSubmitEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* CustomEvent fired after cancel
* @event cancelEvent
this.cancelEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.CANCEL);
this.cancelEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
* The Dialog initialization method, which is executed for Dialog and
* all of its subclasses. This method is automatically called by the
* constructor, and sets up all DOM references for pre-existing markup,
* and creates required markup if it is not already present.
* @method init
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the Dialog <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Dialog
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal
* containing the configuration that should be set for this Dialog.
* See configuration documentation for more details.
init: function (el, userConfig) {
Note that we don't pass the user config in here yet because
we only want it executed once, at the lowest subclass level
Dialog.superclass.init.call(this, el/*, userConfig*/);
Dom.addClass(this.element, Dialog.CSS_DIALOG);
this.cfg.setProperty("visible", false);
if (userConfig) {
this.cfg.applyConfig(userConfig, true);
this.showEvent.subscribe(this.focusFirst, this, true);
this.beforeHideEvent.subscribe(this.blurButtons, this, true);
this.subscribe("changeBody", this.registerForm);
* Submits the Dialog's form depending on the value of the
* "postmethod" configuration property. <strong>Please note:
* </strong> As of version 2.3 this method will automatically handle
* asyncronous file uploads should the Dialog instance's form contain
* <code>&#60;input type="file"&#62;</code> elements. If a Dialog
* instance will be handling asyncronous file uploads, its
* <code>callback</code> property will need to be setup with a
* <code>upload</code> handler rather than the standard
* <code>success</code> and, or <code>failure</code> handlers. For more
* information, see the <a href="http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/
* connection/#file">Connection Manager documenation on file uploads</a>.
* @method doSubmit
doSubmit: function () {
var oForm = this.form,
bUseFileUpload = false,
bUseSecureFileUpload = false,
switch (this.cfg.getProperty("postmethod")) {
case "async":
aElements = oForm.elements;
nElements = aElements.length;
if (nElements > 0) {
i = nElements - 1;
do {
if (aElements[i].type == "file") {
bUseFileUpload = true;
if (bUseFileUpload && YAHOO.env.ua.ie && this.isSecure) {
bUseSecureFileUpload = true;
sMethod =
(oForm.getAttribute("method") || "POST").toUpperCase();
Connect.setForm(oForm, bUseFileUpload, bUseSecureFileUpload);
Connect.asyncRequest(sMethod, oForm.getAttribute("action"),
case "form":
case "none":
case "manual":
* Prepares the Dialog's internal FORM object, creating one if one is
* not currently present.
* @method registerForm
registerForm: function () {
var form = this.element.getElementsByTagName("form")[0],
me = this,
if (this.form) {
if (this.form == form &&
Dom.isAncestor(this.element, this.form)) {
else {
this.form = null;
if (!form) {
form = document.createElement("form");
form.name = "frm_" + this.id;
if (form) {
this.form = form;
Event.on(form, "submit", function (e) {
this.firstFormElement = function () {
var f, el, nElements = form.elements.length;
for (f = 0; f < nElements; f++) {
el = form.elements[f];
if (el.focus && !el.disabled && el.type != "hidden") {
return el;
return null;
this.lastFormElement = function () {
var f, el, nElements = form.elements.length;
for (f = nElements - 1; f >= 0; f--) {
el = form.elements[f];
if (el.focus && !el.disabled && el.type != "hidden") {
return el;
return null;
if (this.cfg.getProperty("modal")) {
firstElement = this.firstFormElement || this.firstButton;
if (firstElement) {
this.preventBackTab = new KeyListener(firstElement,
{ shift: true, keys: 9 },
{ fn: me.focusLast, scope: me,
correctScope: true });
this.preventBackTab, true);
this.preventBackTab, true);
lastElement = this.lastButton || this.lastFormElement;
if (lastElement) {
this.preventTabOut = new KeyListener(lastElement,
{ shift: false, keys: 9 },
{ fn: me.focusFirst, scope: me,
correctScope: true });
this.preventTabOut, true);
this.preventTabOut, true);
* The default event handler fired when the "close" property is
* changed. The method controls the appending or hiding of the close
* icon at the top right of the Dialog.
* @method configClose
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For
* configuration handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value
* for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configClose: function (type, args, obj) {
var val = args[0];
function doCancel(e, obj) {
if (val) {
if (! this.close) {
this.close = document.createElement("div");
Dom.addClass(this.close, "container-close");
this.close.innerHTML = "&#160;";
Event.on(this.close, "click", doCancel, this);
} else {
this.close.style.display = "block";
} else {
if (this.close) {
this.close.style.display = "none";
* The default event handler for the "buttons" configuration property
* @method configButtons
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configButtons: function (type, args, obj) {
var Button = YAHOO.widget.Button,
aButtons = args[0],
oInnerElement = this.innerElement,
this._aButtons = null;
if (Lang.isArray(aButtons)) {
oSpan = document.createElement("span");
oSpan.className = "button-group";
nButtons = aButtons.length;
this._aButtons = [];
for (i = 0; i < nButtons; i++) {
oButton = aButtons[i];
if (Button) {
oYUIButton = new Button({ label: oButton.text,
container: oSpan });
oButtonEl = oYUIButton.get("element");
if (oButton.isDefault) {
this.defaultHtmlButton = oButtonEl;
if (Lang.isFunction(oButton.handler)) {
oYUIButton.set("onclick", { fn: oButton.handler,
obj: this, scope: this });
else if (Lang.isObject(oButton.handler) &&
Lang.isFunction(oButton.handler.fn)) {
oYUIButton.set("onclick", { fn: oButton.handler.fn,
obj: ((!Lang.isUndefined(oButton.handler.obj)) ?
oButton.handler.obj : this),
scope: (oButton.handler.scope || this) });
this._aButtons[this._aButtons.length] = oYUIButton;
else {
oButtonEl = document.createElement("button");
oButtonEl.setAttribute("type", "button");
if (oButton.isDefault) {
oButtonEl.className = "default";
this.defaultHtmlButton = oButtonEl;
oButtonEl.innerHTML = oButton.text;
if (Lang.isFunction(oButton.handler)) {
Event.on(oButtonEl, "click", oButton.handler,
this, true);
else if (Lang.isObject(oButton.handler) &&
Lang.isFunction(oButton.handler.fn)) {
Event.on(oButtonEl, "click", oButton.handler.fn,
((!Lang.isUndefined(oButton.handler.obj)) ?
oButton.handler.obj : this),
(oButton.handler.scope || this));
this._aButtons[this._aButtons.length] = oButtonEl;
oButton.htmlButton = oButtonEl;
if (i === 0) {
this.firstButton = oButtonEl;
if (i == (nButtons - 1)) {
this.lastButton = oButtonEl;
oFooter = this.footer;
if (Dom.inDocument(this.element) &&
!Dom.isAncestor(oInnerElement, oFooter)) {
this.buttonSpan = oSpan;
} else { // Do cleanup
oSpan = this.buttonSpan;
oFooter = this.footer;
if (oSpan && oFooter) {
this.buttonSpan = null;
this.firstButton = null;
this.lastButton = null;
this.defaultHtmlButton = null;
* @method getButtons
* @description Returns an array containing each of the Dialog's
* buttons, by default an array of HTML <code>&#60;BUTTON&#60;</code>
* elements. If the Dialog's buttons were created using the
* YAHOO.widget.Button class (via the inclusion of the optional Button
* dependancy on the page), an array of YAHOO.widget.Button instances
* is returned.
* @return {Array}
getButtons: function () {
var aButtons = this._aButtons;
if (aButtons) {
return aButtons;
* Sets focus to the first element in the Dialog's form or the first
* button defined via the "buttons" configuration property. Called
* when the Dialog is made visible.
* @method focusFirst
focusFirst: function (type, args, obj) {
var oElement = this.firstFormElement,
if (args) {
oEvent = args[1];
if (oEvent) {
if (oElement) {
Place the call to the "focus" method inside a try/catch
block to prevent IE from throwing JavaScript errors if
the element is disabled or hidden.
try {
catch(oException) {
} else {
* Sets focus to the last element in the Dialog's form or the last
* button defined via the "buttons" configuration property.
* @method focusLast
focusLast: function (type, args, obj) {
var aButtons = this.cfg.getProperty("buttons"),
oElement = this.lastFormElement,
if (args) {
oEvent = args[1];
if (oEvent) {
if (aButtons && Lang.isArray(aButtons)) {
} else {
if (oElement) {
Place the call to the "focus" method inside a try/catch
block to prevent IE from throwing JavaScript errors if
the element is disabled or hidden.
try {
catch(oException) {
* Sets the focus to the button that is designated as the default via
* the "buttons" configuration property. By default, this method is
* called when the Dialog is made visible.
* @method focusDefaultButton
focusDefaultButton: function () {
var oElement = this.defaultHtmlButton;
if (oElement) {
Place the call to the "focus" method inside a try/catch
block to prevent IE from throwing JavaScript errors if
the element is disabled or hidden.
try {
catch(oException) {
* Blurs all the buttons defined via the "buttons"
* configuration property.
* @method blurButtons
blurButtons: function () {
var aButtons = this.cfg.getProperty("buttons"),
if (aButtons && Lang.isArray(aButtons)) {
nButtons = aButtons.length;
if (nButtons > 0) {
i = (nButtons - 1);
do {
oButton = aButtons[i];
if (oButton) {
oElement = oButton.htmlButton;
if (oElement) {
Place the call to the "blur" method inside
a try/catch block to prevent IE from
throwing JavaScript errors if the element
is disabled or hidden.
try {
catch(oException) {
* Sets the focus to the first button created via the "buttons"
* configuration property.
* @method focusFirstButton
focusFirstButton: function () {
var aButtons = this.cfg.getProperty("buttons"),
if (aButtons && Lang.isArray(aButtons)) {
oButton = aButtons[0];
if (oButton) {
oElement = oButton.htmlButton;
if (oElement) {
Place the call to the "focus" method inside a
try/catch block to prevent IE from throwing
JavaScript errors if the element is disabled
or hidden.
try {
catch(oException) {
* Sets the focus to the last button created via the "buttons"
* configuration property.
* @method focusLastButton
focusLastButton: function () {
var aButtons = this.cfg.getProperty("buttons"),
if (aButtons && Lang.isArray(aButtons)) {
nButtons = aButtons.length;
if (nButtons > 0) {
oButton = aButtons[(nButtons - 1)];
if (oButton) {
oElement = oButton.htmlButton;
if (oElement) {
Place the call to the "focus" method inside a
try/catch block to prevent IE from throwing
JavaScript errors if the element is disabled
or hidden.
try {
catch(oException) {
* The default event handler for the "postmethod" configuration property
* @method configPostMethod
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For
* configuration handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value
* for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configPostMethod: function (type, args, obj) {
var postmethod = args[0];
* Built-in function hook for writing a validation function that will
* be checked for a "true" value prior to a submit. This function, as
* implemented by default, always returns true, so it should be
* overridden if validation is necessary.
* @method validate
validate: function () {
return true;
* Executes a submit of the Dialog followed by a hide, if validation
* is successful.
* @method submit
submit: function () {
if (this.validate()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Executes the cancel of the Dialog followed by a hide.
* @method cancel
cancel: function () {
* Returns a JSON-compatible data structure representing the data
* currently contained in the form.
* @method getData
* @return {Object} A JSON object reprsenting the data of the
* current form.
getData: function () {
var oForm = this.form,
function isFormElement(p_oElement) {
var sTag = p_oElement.tagName.toUpperCase();
return ((sTag == "INPUT" || sTag == "TEXTAREA" ||
sTag == "SELECT") && p_oElement.name == sName);
if (oForm) {
aElements = oForm.elements;
nTotalElements = aElements.length;
oData = {};
for (i = 0; i < nTotalElements; i++) {
sName = aElements[i].name;
Using "Dom.getElementsBy" to safeguard user from JS
errors that result from giving a form field (or set of
fields) the same name as a native method of a form
(like "submit") or a DOM collection (such as the "item"
method). Originally tried accessing fields via the
"namedItem" method of the "element" collection, but
discovered that it won't return a collection of fields
in Gecko.
oElement = Dom.getElementsBy(isFormElement, "*", oForm);
nElements = oElement.length;
if (nElements > 0) {
if (nElements == 1) {
oElement = oElement[0];
sType = oElement.type;
sTagName = oElement.tagName.toUpperCase();
switch (sTagName) {
case "INPUT":
if (sType == "checkbox") {
oData[sName] = oElement.checked;
else if (sType != "radio") {
oData[sName] = oElement.value;
case "TEXTAREA":
oData[sName] = oElement.value;
case "SELECT":
aOptions = oElement.options;
nOptions = aOptions.length;
aValues = [];
for (n = 0; n < nOptions; n++) {
oOption = aOptions[n];
if (oOption.selected) {
sValue = oOption.value;
if (!sValue || sValue === "") {
sValue = oOption.text;
aValues[aValues.length] = sValue;
oData[sName] = aValues;
else {
sType = oElement[0].type;
switch (sType) {
case "radio":
for (n = 0; n < nElements; n++) {
oRadio = oElement[n];
if (oRadio.checked) {
oData[sName] = oRadio.value;
case "checkbox":
aValues = [];
for (n = 0; n < nElements; n++) {
oCheckbox = oElement[n];
if (oCheckbox.checked) {
aValues[aValues.length] =
oData[sName] = aValues;
return oData;
* Removes the Panel element from the DOM and sets all child elements
* to null.
* @method destroy
destroy: function () {
this._aButtons = null;
var aForms = this.element.getElementsByTagName("form"),
if (aForms.length > 0) {
oForm = aForms[0];
if (oForm) {
this.form = null;
* Returns a string representation of the object.
* @method toString
* @return {String} The string representation of the Dialog
toString: function () {
return "Dialog " + this.id;
(function () {
* SimpleDialog is a simple implementation of Dialog that can be used to
* submit a single value. Forms can be processed in 3 ways -- via an
* asynchronous Connection utility call, a simple form POST or GET,
* or manually.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class SimpleDialog
* @extends YAHOO.widget.Dialog
* @constructor
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the SimpleDialog
* <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the SimpleDialog
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal containing
* the configuration that should be set for this SimpleDialog. See
* configuration documentation for more details.
YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog = function (el, userConfig) {
el, userConfig);
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
SimpleDialog = YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog,
* Constant representing the SimpleDialog's configuration properties
* @property DEFAULT_CONFIG
* @private
* @final
* @type Object
"ICON": {
key: "icon",
value: "none",
suppressEvent: true
"TEXT": {
key: "text",
value: "",
suppressEvent: true,
supercedes: ["icon"]
* Constant for the standard network icon for a blocking action
* @property YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_BLOCK
* @static
* @final
* @type String
SimpleDialog.ICON_BLOCK = "blckicon";
* Constant for the standard network icon for alarm
* @property YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_ALARM
* @static
* @final
* @type String
SimpleDialog.ICON_ALARM = "alrticon";
* Constant for the standard network icon for help
* @property YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_HELP
* @static
* @final
* @type String
SimpleDialog.ICON_HELP = "hlpicon";
* Constant for the standard network icon for info
* @property YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_INFO
* @static
* @final
* @type String
SimpleDialog.ICON_INFO = "infoicon";
* Constant for the standard network icon for warn
* @property YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_WARN
* @static
* @final
* @type String
SimpleDialog.ICON_WARN = "warnicon";
* Constant for the standard network icon for a tip
* @property YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_TIP
* @static
* @final
* @type String
SimpleDialog.ICON_TIP = "tipicon";
* Constant representing the name of the CSS class applied to the element
* created by the "icon" configuration property.
* @property YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_CSS_CLASSNAME
* @static
* @final
* @type String
SimpleDialog.ICON_CSS_CLASSNAME = "yui-icon";
* Constant representing the default CSS class used for a SimpleDialog
* @property YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog.CSS_SIMPLEDIALOG
* @static
* @final
* @type String
SimpleDialog.CSS_SIMPLEDIALOG = "yui-simple-dialog";
YAHOO.extend(SimpleDialog, YAHOO.widget.Dialog, {
* Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be changed
* using the SimpleDialog's Config object (cfg).
* @method initDefaultConfig
initDefaultConfig: function () {
// Add dialog config properties //
* Sets the informational icon for the SimpleDialog
* @config icon
* @type String
* @default "none"
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.ICON.key, {
handler: this.configIcon,
suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.ICON.suppressEvent
* Sets the text for the SimpleDialog
* @config text
* @type String
* @default ""
this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.TEXT.key, {
handler: this.configText,
suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.TEXT.suppressEvent,
supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.TEXT.supercedes
* The SimpleDialog initialization method, which is executed for
* SimpleDialog and all of its subclasses. This method is automatically
* called by the constructor, and sets up all DOM references for
* pre-existing markup, and creates required markup if it is not
* already present.
* @method init
* @param {String} el The element ID representing the SimpleDialog
* <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the SimpleDialog
* @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal
* containing the configuration that should be set for this
* SimpleDialog. See configuration documentation for more details.
init: function (el, userConfig) {
Note that we don't pass the user config in here yet because we
only want it executed once, at the lowest subclass level
SimpleDialog.superclass.init.call(this, el/*, userConfig*/);
Dom.addClass(this.element, SimpleDialog.CSS_SIMPLEDIALOG);
this.cfg.queueProperty("postmethod", "manual");
if (userConfig) {
this.cfg.applyConfig(userConfig, true);
this.beforeRenderEvent.subscribe(function () {
if (! this.body) {
}, this, true);
* Prepares the SimpleDialog's internal FORM object, creating one if one
* is not currently present, and adding the value hidden field.
* @method registerForm
registerForm: function () {
this.form.innerHTML += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" +
this.id + "\" value=\"\"/>";
* Fired when the "icon" property is set.
* @method configIcon
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configIcon: function (type,args,obj) {
var sIcon = args[0],
oBody = this.body,
sCSSClass = SimpleDialog.ICON_CSS_CLASSNAME,
if (sIcon && sIcon != "none") {
oIcon = Dom.getElementsByClassName(sCSSClass, "*" , oBody);
if (oIcon) {
oIconParent = oIcon.parentNode;
if (oIconParent) {
oIcon = null;
if (sIcon.indexOf(".") == -1) {
oIcon = document.createElement("span");
oIcon.className = (sCSSClass + " " + sIcon);
oIcon.innerHTML = "&#160;";
} else {
oIcon = document.createElement("img");
oIcon.src = (this.imageRoot + sIcon);
oIcon.className = sCSSClass;
if (oIcon) {
oBody.insertBefore(oIcon, oBody.firstChild);
* Fired when the "text" property is set.
* @method configText
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
* handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers,
* this will usually equal the owner.
configText: function (type,args,obj) {
var text = args[0];
if (text) {
* Returns a string representation of the object.
* @method toString
* @return {String} The string representation of the SimpleDialog
toString: function () {
return "SimpleDialog " + this.id;
(function () {
* ContainerEffect encapsulates animation transitions that are executed when
* an Overlay is shown or hidden.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class ContainerEffect
* @constructor
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Overlay} overlay The Overlay that the animation
* should be associated with
* @param {Object} attrIn The object literal representing the animation
* arguments to be used for the animate-in transition. The arguments for
* this literal are: attributes(object, see YAHOO.util.Anim for description),
* duration(Number), and method(i.e. Easing.easeIn).
* @param {Object} attrOut The object literal representing the animation
* arguments to be used for the animate-out transition. The arguments for
* this literal are: attributes(object, see YAHOO.util.Anim for description),
* duration(Number), and method(i.e. Easing.easeIn).
* @param {HTMLElement} targetElement Optional. The target element that
* should be animated during the transition. Defaults to overlay.element.
* @param {class} Optional. The animation class to instantiate. Defaults to
* YAHOO.util.Anim. Other options include YAHOO.util.Motion.
YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect =
function (overlay, attrIn, attrOut, targetElement, animClass) {
if (!animClass) {
animClass = YAHOO.util.Anim;
* The overlay to animate
* @property overlay
* @type YAHOO.widget.Overlay
this.overlay = overlay;
* The animation attributes to use when transitioning into view
* @property attrIn
* @type Object
this.attrIn = attrIn;
* The animation attributes to use when transitioning out of view
* @property attrOut
* @type Object
this.attrOut = attrOut;
* The target element to be animated
* @property targetElement
* @type HTMLElement
this.targetElement = targetElement || overlay.element;
* The animation class to use for animating the overlay
* @property animClass
* @type class
this.animClass = animClass;
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
CustomEvent = YAHOO.util.CustomEvent,
Easing = YAHOO.util.Easing,
ContainerEffect = YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect;
* A pre-configured ContainerEffect instance that can be used for fading
* an overlay in and out.
* @method FADE
* @static
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Overlay} overlay The Overlay object to animate
* @param {Number} dur The duration of the animation
* @return {YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect} The configured ContainerEffect object
ContainerEffect.FADE = function (overlay, dur) {
var fade = new ContainerEffect(overlay,
{ attributes: { opacity: { from: 0, to: 1 } },
duration: dur,
method: Easing.easeIn },
{ attributes: { opacity: { to: 0 } },
duration: dur,
method: Easing.easeOut },
fade.handleStartAnimateIn = function (type,args,obj) {
Dom.addClass(obj.overlay.element, "hide-select");
if (! obj.overlay.underlay) {
if (obj.overlay.underlay) {
obj.initialUnderlayOpacity =
Dom.getStyle(obj.overlay.underlay, "opacity");
obj.overlay.underlay.style.filter = null;
Dom.setStyle(obj.overlay.element, "visibility", "visible");
Dom.setStyle(obj.overlay.element, "opacity", 0);
fade.handleCompleteAnimateIn = function (type,args,obj) {
Dom.removeClass(obj.overlay.element, "hide-select");
if (obj.overlay.element.style.filter) {
obj.overlay.element.style.filter = null;
if (obj.overlay.underlay) {
Dom.setStyle(obj.overlay.underlay, "opacity",
fade.handleStartAnimateOut = function (type, args, obj) {
Dom.addClass(obj.overlay.element, "hide-select");
if (obj.overlay.underlay) {
obj.overlay.underlay.style.filter = null;
fade.handleCompleteAnimateOut = function (type, args, obj) {
Dom.removeClass(obj.overlay.element, "hide-select");
if (obj.overlay.element.style.filter) {
obj.overlay.element.style.filter = null;
Dom.setStyle(obj.overlay.element, "visibility", "hidden");
Dom.setStyle(obj.overlay.element, "opacity", 1);
return fade;
* A pre-configured ContainerEffect instance that can be used for sliding an
* overlay in and out.
* @method SLIDE
* @static
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Overlay} overlay The Overlay object to animate
* @param {Number} dur The duration of the animation
* @return {YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect} The configured ContainerEffect object
ContainerEffect.SLIDE = function (overlay, dur) {
var x = overlay.cfg.getProperty("x") || Dom.getX(overlay.element),
y = overlay.cfg.getProperty("y") || Dom.getY(overlay.element),
clientWidth = Dom.getClientWidth(),
offsetWidth = overlay.element.offsetWidth,
slide = new ContainerEffect(overlay,
{ attributes: { points: { to: [x, y] } },
duration: dur,
method: Easing.easeIn },
{ attributes: { points: { to: [(clientWidth + 25), y] } },
duration: dur,
method: Easing.easeOut },
overlay.element, YAHOO.util.Motion);
slide.handleStartAnimateIn = function (type,args,obj) {
obj.overlay.element.style.left = ((-25) - offsetWidth) + "px";
obj.overlay.element.style.top = y + "px";
slide.handleTweenAnimateIn = function (type, args, obj) {
var pos = Dom.getXY(obj.overlay.element),
currentX = pos[0],
currentY = pos[1];
if (Dom.getStyle(obj.overlay.element, "visibility") ==
"hidden" && currentX < x) {
Dom.setStyle(obj.overlay.element, "visibility", "visible");
obj.overlay.cfg.setProperty("xy", [currentX, currentY], true);
slide.handleCompleteAnimateIn = function (type, args, obj) {
obj.overlay.cfg.setProperty("xy", [x, y], true);
obj.startX = x;
obj.startY = y;
slide.handleStartAnimateOut = function (type, args, obj) {
var vw = Dom.getViewportWidth(),
pos = Dom.getXY(obj.overlay.element),
yso = pos[1],
currentTo = obj.animOut.attributes.points.to;
obj.animOut.attributes.points.to = [(vw + 25), yso];
slide.handleTweenAnimateOut = function (type, args, obj) {
var pos = Dom.getXY(obj.overlay.element),
xto = pos[0],
yto = pos[1];
obj.overlay.cfg.setProperty("xy", [xto, yto], true);
slide.handleCompleteAnimateOut = function (type, args, obj) {
Dom.setStyle(obj.overlay.element, "visibility", "hidden");
obj.overlay.cfg.setProperty("xy", [x, y]);
return slide;
ContainerEffect.prototype = {
* Initializes the animation classes and events.
* @method init
init: function () {
this.beforeAnimateInEvent = this.createEvent("beforeAnimateIn");
this.beforeAnimateInEvent.signature = CustomEvent.LIST;
this.beforeAnimateOutEvent = this.createEvent("beforeAnimateOut");
this.beforeAnimateOutEvent.signature = CustomEvent.LIST;
this.animateInCompleteEvent = this.createEvent("animateInComplete");
this.animateInCompleteEvent.signature = CustomEvent.LIST;
this.animateOutCompleteEvent =
this.animateOutCompleteEvent.signature = CustomEvent.LIST;
this.animIn = new this.animClass(this.targetElement,
this.attrIn.attributes, this.attrIn.duration,
this.animIn.onStart.subscribe(this.handleStartAnimateIn, this);
this.animIn.onTween.subscribe(this.handleTweenAnimateIn, this);
this.animOut = new this.animClass(this.targetElement,
this.attrOut.attributes, this.attrOut.duration,
this.animOut.onStart.subscribe(this.handleStartAnimateOut, this);
this.animOut.onTween.subscribe(this.handleTweenAnimateOut, this);
* Triggers the in-animation.
* @method animateIn
animateIn: function () {
* Triggers the out-animation.
* @method animateOut
animateOut: function () {
* The default onStart handler for the in-animation.
* @method handleStartAnimateIn
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments
* @param {Object} obj The scope object
handleStartAnimateIn: function (type, args, obj) { },
* The default onTween handler for the in-animation.
* @method handleTweenAnimateIn
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments
* @param {Object} obj The scope object
handleTweenAnimateIn: function (type, args, obj) { },
* The default onComplete handler for the in-animation.
* @method handleCompleteAnimateIn
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments
* @param {Object} obj The scope object
handleCompleteAnimateIn: function (type, args, obj) { },
* The default onStart handler for the out-animation.
* @method handleStartAnimateOut
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments
* @param {Object} obj The scope object
handleStartAnimateOut: function (type, args, obj) { },
* The default onTween handler for the out-animation.
* @method handleTweenAnimateOut
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments
* @param {Object} obj The scope object
handleTweenAnimateOut: function (type, args, obj) { },
* The default onComplete handler for the out-animation.
* @method handleCompleteAnimateOut
* @param {String} type The CustomEvent type
* @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments
* @param {Object} obj The scope object
handleCompleteAnimateOut: function (type, args, obj) { },
* Returns a string representation of the object.
* @method toString
* @return {String} The string representation of the ContainerEffect
toString: function () {
var output = "ContainerEffect";
if (this.overlay) {
output += " [" + this.overlay.toString() + "]";
return output;
YAHOO.lang.augmentProto(ContainerEffect, YAHOO.util.EventProvider);
YAHOO.register("container", YAHOO.widget.Module, {version: "2.3.0", build: "442"});