LogoutViewBean.java revision 25e37495f2591ee8f2c057f2644ed5570b4c078d
* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
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* $Id: LogoutViewBean.java,v 1.15 2009/11/25 11:59:42 manish_rustagi Exp $
* Portions Copyrighted 2011-2012 ForgeRock Inc
package com.sun.identity.authentication.UI;
import com.iplanet.am.util.SystemProperties;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.SessionID;
import com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.InternalSession;
import com.iplanet.jato.RequestContext;
import com.iplanet.jato.model.ModelControlException;
import com.iplanet.jato.view.View;
import com.iplanet.jato.view.event.ChildDisplayEvent;
import com.iplanet.jato.view.event.DisplayEvent;
import com.iplanet.jato.view.event.RequestInvocationEvent;
import com.iplanet.jato.view.html.StaticTextField;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOTokenManager;
import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken;
import com.sun.identity.common.ISLocaleContext;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.AuthContext;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.service.AuthD;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.service.AuthUtils;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AMPostAuthProcessInterface;
import com.sun.identity.authentication.util.ISAuthConstants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.Constants;
import com.sun.identity.shared.locale.L10NMessage;
import com.sun.identity.sm.DNMapper;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
* This class is a default implementation of <code>LogoutViewBean</code> auth
* Logout UI.
public class LogoutViewBean extends AuthViewBeanBase {
* Creates <code>LoginViewBean</code> object.
public LogoutViewBean() {
logoutDebug.message("LogoutViewBean() constructor called");
/** registers child views */
protected void registerChildren() {
registerChild(URL_LOGIN, StaticTextField.class);
registerChild(TXT_LOGOUT, StaticTextField.class);
registerChild(TXT_GOTO_LOGIN_AFTER_LOGOUT, StaticTextField.class);
* Forwards the request to this view bean, displaying the page. This
* method is the equivalent of <code>RequestDispatcher.forward()</code>,
* meaning that the same semantics apply to the use of this method.
* This method makes implicit use of the display URL returned
* by the <code>getDisplayURL()</code> method.
* @param requestContext servlet context for auth request
public void forwardTo(RequestContext requestContext) {
SessionID sessionID = null;
SSOToken token = null;
InternalSession intSess = null;
java.util.Locale locale = null;
logoutDebug.message("In forwardTo()");
if (requestContext!=null) {
request = requestContext.getRequest();
response = requestContext.getResponse();
response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
response.setHeader("Expires", "0");
gotoUrl = request.getParameter("goto");
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("Goto query param : " + gotoUrl);
try {
sessionID = new SessionID(request);
intSess = AuthD.getSession(sessionID);
if (intSess != null) {
String localeStr = intSess.getProperty(ISAuthConstants.LOCALE);
// I18N get resource bundle
locale = com.sun.identity.shared.locale.Locale.getLocale(localeStr);
fallbackLocale = locale;
} else {
ISLocaleContext localeContext = new ISLocaleContext();
locale = localeContext.getLocale();
if (locale == null) {
String localeStr = AuthD.getAuth().getPlatformLocale();
locale = com.sun.identity.shared.locale.Locale.getLocale(localeStr);
rb = (ResourceBundle) rbCache.getResBundle("amAuthUI", locale);
clientType = AuthUtils.getClientType(request);
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("clienttype is : " + clientType);
token = SSOTokenManager.getInstance().
} catch (Exception e) {
ResultVal = getL10NMessage(e, locale);
// Get the Login URL and query map
if (token != null) {
try {
loginURL = token.getProperty(ISAuthConstants.FULL_LOGIN_URL);
} catch (com.iplanet.sso.SSOException ssoExp) {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("LogoutViewBean.forwardTo: "
+ " Cannot get Login URL");
// If there is a gotoUrl value and the orgDN is null do some additional processing
if (orgDN == null && isGotoSet()) {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("OrgDN was null, getting from request for goto validation");
// First check if there is a org parameter in request, for example realm=/sub-realm
String orgParm = AuthUtils.getOrgParam(AuthUtils.parseRequestParameters(request));
if (orgParm == null) {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("Attempting to get orgDN from AuthUtils for serverName " + request.getServerName());
orgDN = AuthUtils.getOrganizationDN(request.getServerName(), true, request);
} else {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("Attempting to get orgDN from AuthUtils for orgParm " + orgParm);
orgDN = AuthUtils.getOrganizationDN(orgParm, true, request);
if (orgDN == null) {
// Last resort, get it from the root domain
orgDN = DNMapper.orgNameToDN("/");
if (isGotoSet()) {
gotoUrl = AuthUtils.getValidGotoURL(request, orgDN);
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("Goto after validation for orgDN: " + orgDN + " gotoUrl: " + gotoUrl);
// set the cookie Value or set the logoutcookie string in
// the case of URL rewriting otherwise set in the responsed
// header
Cookie[] cookieArr = request.getCookies();
if ((cookieArr != null) && (cookieArr.length != 0)) {
cookieSupported = true;
} else {
cookieSupported = false;
if (cookieSupported) {
logoutDebug.message("Cookie is supported");
AuthUtils.clearAllCookies(request, response);
} else {
logoutDebug.message("Cookie is not supported");
if ( (sessionID != null) && (sessionID.toString().length() != 0)) {
logoutCookie = AuthUtils.getLogoutCookieString(sessionID);
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("Logout Cookie is " + logoutCookie);
// get the Logout JSP page path
jsp_page = appendLogoutCookie(getFileName(LOGOUT_JSP));
if ((intSess != null) && intSess.isTimedOut()) {
try {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("Goto Login URL : " + loginURL);
if (doSendRedirect(loginURL)) {
} else {
int queryIndex = loginURL.indexOf("?");
String qString = null;
if (queryIndex != -1) {
qString = loginURL.substring(queryIndex);
if (qString != null) {
jsp_page = appendLogoutCookie(
} else {
jsp_page = appendLogoutCookie(getFileName(LOGIN_JSP));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("Redirect failed : " + loginURL, e);
ResultVal = getL10NMessage(e, locale);
boolean wasTokenValid = false;
try {
wasTokenValid = AuthUtils.logout(intSess, token, request, response);
ResultVal = rb.getString("logout.successful");
String postProcessURL =
AuthUtils.getPostProcessURL(request, AMPostAuthProcessInterface.POST_PROCESS_LOGOUT_URL);
if (postProcessURL != null) {
gotoUrl = postProcessURL;
} catch (SSOException ssoe) {
try {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("Exception during logout", ssoe);
logoutDebug.message("Goto Login URL : " + LOGINURL);
if (doSendRedirect(LOGINURL)) {
} else {
jsp_page = appendLogoutCookie(getFileName(LOGIN_JSP));
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("Redirect failed:" + LOGINURL, ex);
ResultVal = ex.getMessage();
if (!wasTokenValid) {
if (!isGotoSet()) {
String originalRedirectURL = AuthUtils.getOrigRedirectURL(
if (originalRedirectURL != null) {
try {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("Original Redirect URL: " +
int index = originalRedirectURL.indexOf("/Login");
if (index != -1) {
originalRedirectURL =
+ "/Logout";
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
"Redirect to Original Redirect URL :"
+ originalRedirectURL);
if (doSendRedirect(originalRedirectURL)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
ResultVal = getL10NMessage(e, locale);
} else {
try {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
if (doSendRedirect(LOGINURL)) {
} else {
jsp_page = appendLogoutCookie(
} catch (Exception e) {
ResultVal = getL10NMessage(e, locale);
if (!redirectToGoto(locale)) {
private void populateL10NFileAttrs(InternalSession intSess) {
if (intSess != null){
localeName = intSess.getProperty(ISAuthConstants.LOCALE);
orgDN = intSess.getClientDomain();
String serviceName = intSess.getProperty(ISAuthConstants.SERVICE);
if ((serviceName != null) && (serviceName.length() != 0)) {
indexType = AuthContext.IndexType.SERVICE;
indexName = serviceName;
private String getFileName(String fileName) {
String relativeFileName = null;
if (orgDN != null) {
relativeFileName = AuthUtils.getFileName(fileName, localeName,
orgDN, request, AuthD.getAuth().getServletContext(),
indexType, indexName);
} else {
relativeFileName = AuthUtils.getDefaultFileName(request,fileName);
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("fileName is : " + fileName);
logoutDebug.message("relativeFileName is : " + relativeFileName);
return relativeFileName;
* Returns display url for auth auth Logout UI
* @return display url for auth auth Logout UI
public String getDisplayURL() {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("In getDisplayURL() jsp_page " + jsp_page);
return jsp_page;
protected View createChild(String name) {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("In createChild() : child name = " + name);
if (name.equals(TXT_LOGOUT)) {
return new StaticTextField(this, name, ResultVal);
} else if (name.equals(TXT_GOTO_LOGIN_AFTER_LOGOUT)) {
return new StaticTextField(this, name, "");
} else if (name.equals(URL_LOGIN)) {
if ((loginURL==null)||(loginURL.length() == 0)) {
loginURL = appendLogoutCookie(loginURL);
return new StaticTextField(this, name, loginURL);
} else if (name.equals(HTML_TITLE_LOGOUT)) {
String logoutTitle = rb.getString("htmlTitle_Logout");
return new StaticTextField(this, name, logoutTitle);
} else {
return super.createChild(name);
* Called as notification that the JSP has begun its display
* processing. In addition to performing the default behavior in the
* superclass's version, this method executes any auto-retrieving or auto-
* executing models associated with this view unless auto-retrieval is
* disabled.
* @param event Display Event.
* @throws ModelControlException if manipulation of a model fails during
* display preparation or execution of auto-retrieving models.
public void beginDisplay(DisplayEvent event)
throws ModelControlException {
logoutDebug.message("In beginDisplay()");
/* returns the url encoded with the logout cookie string */
private String appendLogoutCookie(String url) {
return AuthUtils.addLogoutCookieToURL(url,
/* Checks if request should use sendRedirect */
private boolean doSendRedirect(String redirectURL) {
return ((redirectURL != null) && (redirectURL.length() != 0)
&& (AuthUtils.isGenericHTMLClient(clientType))) ;
// Check whether the 'goto' query parameter value exists or not
private boolean isGotoSet() {
if ((gotoUrl != null) && (gotoUrl.length() != 0)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Redirect to the 'goto' query parameter value
private boolean redirectToGoto(java.util.Locale locale) {
if (isGotoSet()) {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
logoutDebug.message("Redirect to 'goto' URL : " + gotoUrl);
try {
if (!SystemProperties.getAsBoolean(Constants.IGNORE_GOTO_DURING_LOGOUT)) {
if (doSendRedirect(gotoUrl)) {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (logoutDebug.messageEnabled()) {
"'goto' Redirect failed : " + gotoUrl, e);
ResultVal = getL10NMessage(e, locale);
return false;
* Handles href logout request
* @param event request invocation event
* @throws ServletException if it fails to forward logout request
* @throws IOException if it fails to forward logout request
public void handleHrefLogoutRequest(RequestInvocationEvent event)
throws ServletException, IOException {
//ViewBean targetView = getViewBean(LoginViewBean.class);
// Display cycle events:
// If the fireDisplayEvents attribute in a display field tag is set to true,
// then the begin/endDisplay events will fire for that display field.
* Using the display cycle event to adjust the value of a given field
* Returns if it begins href logout display
* @param event child display event
* @return <code>true</code> by default.
public boolean beginHrefLogoutDisplay(ChildDisplayEvent event) {
return true;
* Returns if it begins content href logout display
* @param event child display event
* @return <code>true</code> by default.
public boolean beginContentHrefLogoutDisplay(ChildDisplayEvent event) {
return true;
* Returns if it begins static text logout display
* @param event child display event
* @return <code>true</code> by default.
public boolean beginStaticTextLogoutDisplay(ChildDisplayEvent event) {
return true;
* Returns tile Index.
* @return Tile index.
public String getTileIndex() {
return "";
* Returns <code>true</code> to display static text content.
* @param event Child display event.
* @return <code>true</code> to display static text content.
public boolean beginContentStaticTextLogoutDisplay(ChildDisplayEvent event){
return true;
private String getL10NMessage(Exception e, java.util.Locale locale) {
if (e instanceof L10NMessage) {
return ((L10NMessage)e).getL10NMessage(locale);
} else {
return e.getMessage();
// Class variables
/** Default page name */
public static final String PAGE_NAME="Logout";
static Debug logoutDebug = Debug.getInstance("amLogoutViewBean");
// Instance variables
String localeName = null;
String orgDN = null;
AuthContext.IndexType indexType = null;
String indexName = null;
HttpServletRequest request;
HttpServletResponse response;
/** Logout result value */
public String ResultVal = "";
/** Goto url */
public String gotoUrl = "";
/** JSP page */
public String jsp_page = "";
private static String LOGINURL = "";
private String loginURL = "";
/** Resource bundle for <code>Locale</code> */
public ResourceBundle rb = null;
private static final String LOGOUTCOOKIEVAULE = "LOGOUT";
private String logoutCookie = null;
private boolean cookieSupported;
/** Default parameter name for login url */
public static final String URL_LOGIN = "urlLogin";
/** Default parameter name for logout text */
public static final String TXT_LOGOUT = "txtLogout";
/** Default parameter name for goto login text after logout */
public static final String TXT_GOTO_LOGIN_AFTER_LOGOUT =
/** Default parameter name for logout html title */
public static final String HTML_TITLE_LOGOUT = "htmlTitle_Logout";
private String clientType=null;
private static final String LOGOUT_JSP = "Logout.jsp";
private static final String LOGIN_JSP = "Login.jsp";
static {
LOGINURL = serviceUri + "/UI/Login";