OATHService.properties revision 7ea769c9edcf1a585b7e3b0b532f790efed64b21
# Copyright 2013-2015 ForgeRock AS.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms
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forgerock-oath-service-description=Two Step Verification Service
a100=Profile Storage Attribute
a100.help=The user's attribute in which to store Two Step Verification profiles.
a100.help.txt=A specific field has been generated by OpenAM to handle these profiles, and in most cases the default \
value will work without further configuration. However, administrators are free to alter this. The new attribute \
must be able to handle Strings and be stored directly on the user's profile. LDAP User Attributes (accessible in the \
Realm -> Data Stores tab of the Administrator console) must also be configured to allow for any new attribute used.