revision c0f53aa89d68ce3e4df7e9af73c00b292c8cbfef
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and
* Distribution License (the License). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* Copyright 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS.
package org.forgerock.openam.forgerockrest.entitlements.wrappers;
import com.sun.identity.entitlement.Application;
import com.sun.identity.entitlement.ApplicationManager;
import com.sun.identity.entitlement.EntitlementException;
import com.sun.identity.entitlement.util.SearchFilter;
import java.util.Set;
* Simple wrapper for the ApplicationManager class.
public class ApplicationManagerWrapper {
* Wrapper for the static method
* {@link ApplicationManager#saveApplication(Subject, String, Application)}.
* @param adminSubject An admin-level {@link Subject}.
* @param application The {@link Application} to save
* @throws EntitlementException If there was an issue saving the application
public void saveApplication(Subject adminSubject, Application application)
throws EntitlementException {
ApplicationManager.saveApplication(adminSubject, application.getRealm(), application);
* Wrapper for the static method
* {@link ApplicationManager#deleteApplication(, String, String)}.
* @param adminSubject An admin-level {@link Subject}.
* @param realm The realm in which to save the {@link Application}
* @param name The name of the {@link Application}
* @throws EntitlementException If there was an issue deleting the application
public void deleteApplication(Subject adminSubject, String realm, String name)
throws EntitlementException {
ApplicationManager.deleteApplication(adminSubject, realm, name);
* Wrapper for the static method
* {@link ApplicationManager#getApplication(, String, String)}.
* @param adminSubject An admin-level {@link Subject}.
* @param realm The realm in which the {@link Application} exists.
* @param name The name of the {@link Application}
* @return the Application if found without issue, null otherwise
* @throws EntitlementException if there were problems retrieving the application
public Application getApplication(Subject adminSubject, String realm, String name)
throws EntitlementException {
return ApplicationManager.getApplication(adminSubject, realm, name);
* Wrapper for the static method
* {@link ApplicationManager#getApplicationNames(, String)}.
* @param adminSubject An admin-level {@link Subject}.
* @param realm The realm from which to gather the {@link Application} names.
* @return a set of names of applications within the given realm
* @throws EntitlementException if there were problems retrieving the names
public Set<String> getApplicationNames(Subject adminSubject, String realm)
throws EntitlementException {
return ApplicationManager.getApplicationNames(adminSubject, realm);
* Wrapper for the static method
* {@link ApplicationManager#updateApplication(Application, Application, Subject, String)}.
* @param oldApplication The (existing) application, to update
* @param newApplication The new version of the existing application. The name of the new and old much match.
* @param subject The subject authorizing the update - will be validated for permission.
* @throws EntitlementException if there was a problem deleting the old resource
public void updateApplication(Application oldApplication, Application newApplication, Subject subject)
throws EntitlementException {
ApplicationManager.updateApplication(oldApplication, newApplication, subject, newApplication.getRealm());
* Wrapper for the static method
* {@link ApplicationManager#search(Subject, String, Set)}.
* @param subject The subject authorizing the update - will be validated for permission.
* @param realm The realm from which to gather the {@link Application} names.
* @param searchFilters The constraints that must match Application attribute values.
* @return the names of those Applications that match the filter.
* @throws EntitlementException if there were problems retrieving the names
* @since 12.0.0
public Set<String> search(Subject subject, String realm, Set<SearchFilter> searchFilters)
throws EntitlementException {
return, realm, searchFilters);